One Twisted Valentine

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One Twisted Valentine Page 2

by T. Lee Alexis

  At the same time, she tried to think of ways to ingratiate herself and make them like her. Somehow part of her mind believed she was going on her first date with a married couple. Before another upwelling of panic could seize her, Eva knocked.

  There was a long silence, then a few low sounds. Finally, she heard footsteps.

  “I think she’s here,” Brooke said inside. Then just like that, the door swung open and Brooke was there in a tight black dress, her red hair beautiful but somehow unkempt.

  “Hi,” Brooke said, throwing herself into her ‘role’ while still giving Eva a friendly wink. “You must be Eva.”

  “That’s me,” Eva said.

  Brooke took her hand and pulled her into her warm home. Out of the hallway, she wrapped Eva in a close hug, her breasts pressing to Eva’s, her hands massaging the small of Eva’s back. Being shorter than Eva, Brooke’s face folded in beside Eva’s neck and she breathed in.

  “You smell nice,” Brooke said. As she drew back, Eva realized her lipstick was smudged. Brooke caught the look and brought a finger to her lips to correct it.

  “Oops,” Brooke said. “Sometimes I just can’t keep his hands off me. Why don’t you come in and meet my husband.”

  Brooke took Eva’s coat and hung it up, but could never fully pull her eyes away.

  “You are gorgeous,” Brooke said with real warmth. “I love your hair.”

  Brooke drew her hand up to gently stroke the curve of Eva’s bob cut. Her nerves heightened from anticipation, from denying herself Peter’s body for days, from the mirror-world of this fantasy, Brooke’s touch sent a sharp thrill through her skin. She wondered if this was how Brooke seduced others.

  A silent moment passed and Eva found herself bringing her hand up to hold Brooke’s. Brooke pressed her palm and fingers to the side of Eva’s head and Eva’s hand held it there. They looked at each other for a long, silent moment and shared an exchange of true tenderness. For a brief moment the scenario and the playtime faded and Eva found herself wondering just how deep her and Peter’s relationship with Brooke would go.

  “Are you hungry?” Brooke asked, quietly.

  Eva nodded.

  “Then come on,” Brooke said, taking Eva’s hand and walking her down a short hall to the living room.

  “Honey, this is Eva,” Brooke said, tossing off the line with such natural ease, Eva wondered if she had ever done any acting. “She’s the one who answered our ad.”

  Peter was standing in Brooke’s fashionable living room. He was wearing a shirt she did not recognize and Eva had another funhouse mirror moment. Seeing Brooke’s home for the first time, with Peter standing there in a stranger’s shirt like he owned the apartment with Brooke, Eva had a strong sense she was meeting him for the first time.

  “Oh my,” Peter said, walking over to her. “You are beautiful.”

  His familiar arms wrapped around her and Eva felt her own arms rise up in reflex and hold him close. Feeling his cheek against hers calmed something in her. She smoothed the shirt fabric against his back and breathed in a lung full of his smell.

  When he pulled away, he brought a hand to her cheek and gave her a comforting stroke. It filled Eva with warmth. She drank in his smile, her eyes moving over his familiar features. At the bottom of his throat, she noticed a red smudge of lipstick on his skin and collar. Eva’s eyebrow rose and he could see her wheels turning.

  “You have something on your collar,” Eva said, swiping up a smear of the red lipstick. She held it up for him to see.

  There was the shimmer of a nerves across his face. His eyes traced up and down her dress, soaking in every curve the fabric hugged.

  “Now, now Peter,” Brooke said, pulling at his arm. “Don’t come on too strong. We don’t even know if she likes us yet.”

  Peter stepped back and saw Brooke looking at her lipstick smear on Eva’s fingers. As they watched, Eva brought her finger to her mouth and sucked them clean.

  “I like everything I’ve seen so far,” Eva said, directing her eyes for Brooke’s approval.

  “That’s sweet,” Brooke said, with a shy smile. She slid to Peter’s side and his arm unconsciously went around her as it so often did with Eva. “I think we like you, too.”

  Brooke then looked up to Peter and he leaned down and gave her a sweet, quick kiss. It was as natural as can be.

  “Let’s eat,” Brooke said.

  Chapter 3

  The sense of denial, of something sweet being held from her, lingered with Eva through dinner, like a scent of a strange new flower. Before tonight, she half feared the silliness of this scenario would win out and they would drop it in a cloud of embarrassed giggles.

  But something about Brooke’s ease with Peter, her little flattering touches on his arm and the way she looked to him as he talked, revealed Peter to Eva in a new way. It was almost like stepping down a path to the past, where she was meeting him, listening to him, being charmed by him for the very first time.

  It let Eva see Brooke in a new light, too. Even while they had played with each other several times over the last several weeks, and the sex had been the hottest of her life, Brooke somehow seemed so much closer to Eva and Peter as she sat across the table and pretended to be his wife. What started out as a kinky lark for Valentine’s Day was somehow becoming something more.

  Feeling Peter held from her, waiting for Brooke to give her ‘permission’ to have him tied a velvet knot deep inside Eva’s body. The connections between them all, already taboo as a regular and scorching threesome behind closed doors, twisted and tangled again as this new game reversed their usual interactions. For a moment as they ate and she listened to Brooke and Peter tell a fake story of how they met and married, Eva felt a powerful confusion shake through her.

  I don’t know if I like this, Eva thought to herself. What is this I’m feeling?

  She looked to Brooke and noticed she was holding hands with Peter on the table. Eva remembered holding Peter’s hands at the first dinner they shared with Brooke the night they met and bedded her.

  This feeling was intense and shaking, but Eva could not place it. A panic began a sick ascent inside her. Looking at Brooke and Peter, Eva realized the powerful trust she was putting in Brooke to play this fantasy. Why would she put so much trust, even as much as she trusted Peter to be ultimately faithful, in a near stranger like Brooke?

  Then like a thunderclap, her fear broke and she understood. Could her sub-conscious have made this connection on its own? She trusted Brooke because she could feel it. She trusted Brooke because she was sweet and giving and respectful. She realized over the two months they had known her, she had never done anything to disrespect the relationship she had with Peter. No secret texts of offers to play one on one. Brooke had been scrupulous in her respect and affection for her and her husband.

  Eva realized she could feel the border between friendship and something more with Brook, was fading. They were all becoming something special and intimate and sweet. Eva could not say she loved Brooke, but she was sure she felt more for her than just friendship. Then, as if looking from one corridor in her mind to another, Eva realized she loved Peter just as much, if not more, than when they had begun this journey together. There was a pungent relief to feel the building possibilities with her and Brooke and Peter, all together, would not threaten the love and contentment she had built with Peter for almost ten years.

  As Peter was laying out the story of the ‘honeymoon’ he took with ‘his wife’ to Rome, Eva found Brooke’s hand on the table and closed her fingers over it. Brooke looked at her with a surprised smile. Peter quieted.

  “What is it?” Brooke asked.

  In the moment, it was too much for Eva to say. She just squeezed Brooke’s hand, rubbing the pad of her thumb across Brooke’s soft skin.

  “I really like you,” Eva said. She looked to Peter. “Both of you.”

  Brooke got quiet for a moment too, shy almost. Between them, there was that tender feeling of rising possib
ility they had felt their first night together.

  “We like you, too,” Brooke said. She looked over their meal. “Well, I don’t know about you, but I’m full. Peter, why don’t you make a fire while our new friend and I clean up in the kitchen?”

  Peter had a smirk on his face, but underneath Eva could see a genuine happiness.

  “Great,” he said.

  Eva grabbed her plate and the salad bowl and moved off to the kitchen. Brooke followed. The kitchen was corralled off from the living room by a set of hanging cabinets, giving the space a close, intimate feel. As they moved around, scraping dishes and running water to fill the sink, Eva found Brooke very close, putting a hand to Eva’s back as she scooted by, or pressing arm to arm as they stood side by side.

  It was silly. It was fake. But the feeling of impending seduction gave it a powerful charge and Eva was loving every minute of it. As they stood in front of the sink, waiting for the bubbles to rise, Eva brushed her pinky finger along Brooke’s forearm in a testing, inviting stroke.

  She glanced up to see Brooke giving her a tender gaze. She shut off the water and turned to Eva.

  “Let’s do these later,” Brooke whispered.

  “Okay,” Eva said, in a shy, quiet whisper.

  They rested for a shared silence, content in their attraction. There was no need to hurry because they knew it would be wonderful. Somehow, it felt almost as if they had never kissed at all.

  That’s why as Brooke leaned in and brought her hand to cradle Eva’s cheek, Eva exhaled a long, surrendering sigh.

  “Can I kiss you?” Brooke asked.

  Eva nodded.

  The next moment was filled with a softness Eva could get nowhere else. Brooke’s lips, full and plump, felt exquisite moving across her own skin. After a moment lost in delight Eva’s mouth bloomed. Brooke’s tongue slid into her with a pleasing stroke.

  The thrill, the pleasure, the feeling of gratification rose in her stomach and limbs. In a moment, it was hurtling along on its own consuming momentum. Eva curled her grasping hands, then her hugging arms, around Brooke to bind her close. Brooke wrapped her own arms around Eva’s upper body, one of her hands nestling softly in Eva’s hair, the other stroking the skin at the back of Eva’s neck.

  “Nnngghh,” Eva moaned into Brooke’s luscious kiss.

  A filling heat was seeping through Eva’s body, across the flesh of her breasts, leaking down her stomach to pool as a growing desire in her mound. The momentum was rushing on, transforming the sweet kiss into something more greedy and expansive. Eva felt a wonderful feeling of abandon.

  Pulling her lips from Brooke’s, she slid her open mouth down Brooke’s throat, tasting the soft track of smooth skin, sucking the buried tendon where Brooke’s neck met her shoulder. Just like that, Eva wanted more.

  Pressing her forehead, her nose, her cheeks to Brooke’s flesh as she nestled her face at Brooke’s throat, Eva’s chin slid across the swell of Brooks’ cleavage. Now she was running. She lifted her hand and drew her lacquered fingernails across the exposed skin at the curve of Brooke’s breast.

  “Do it,” Brooke said through a surprised gasp. Eva slid up to look at her.

  “Do it,” Brooke insisted. “Suck me.”

  Eva clenched the neckline of Brooke’s dress and pulled it down. It was made from a stretching fabric and pulled out without ripping. Brooke’s naked breast slid out with a pendulous weight and then there it was for Eva to taste.

  Closing her mouth over Brooke’s nipple, Eva could feel the crinkles of Brooke’s hard areola against the skin between her mouth and nose. The wet sensation pulled another lusting sound from deep in Brooke’s throat. As her body quaked under Eva’s sucking kiss, she let out a capitulating sigh.

  Eva’s lips worked on. She could feel her effect in every tremble of Brooke’s body. She slid her hands down Brooke’s body until her fingers curled under Brooke’s ass and she could feel the heavenly weight of Brooke’s cheeks in her palms. She closed her hands in a playful squeeze while pulling hard with her sucking mouth on Brooke’s chest. The combination shot a whining gasp from Brooke’s lungs.

  Somewhere in the sensual fog of their caresses Eva realized they were no longer alone. Peter was behind Brooke, his mouth pressing to the back of her neck. Brooke’s breathing turned into sharp heaves as Eva began to suckle her other nipple and Peter pinched the skin of her neck with his teeth.

  As Peter crushed closer behind Brooke, Eva felt his pelvis press the skin of her hands. His cock was beautifully solid against her skin. As she felt Peter’s stiff shaft, Eva hummed out a craving sound through Brooke’s skin against her mouth. It felt familiar and new at the same moment.

  Between the delightful hardness of Peter and the supple pressure of Brooke’s breast against her face, Eva was struck by a kind of yearning blindness. Her eyes opened to see the curving rise of Brooke’s chest, the thin, cute blue veins just under her pale skin, but everything in her world was focused on the sensations of her flesh. The delicious hardness of Brooke’s taut nipple brushing her upper lip, the soft flesh of Brooke’s ass in her hands, the perfect stiffness of Peter acting as a kind of counter-weight perfectly balancing her growing lust.

  Just as Eva was getting lost in the urge to go farther, Brooke tugged her hair lightly, drawing Eva’s face up to her eyes.

  “Do you want to be shared?” Brooke said.

  “Yes,” Eva breathed.

  “Do you want to be with me and my husband?” Brooke asked with a devilish smile.

  “Please,” Eva said.

  Brooke tightened her hand in Eva’s hair, bringing a lick of pain to Eva’s scalp. The contrast of her pleasure with the pain Brooke introduced made every nerve ending crackle.

  “Are you going to be a good girl?”


  “Are you going to listen to me and do what I say?”

  “Oh, yes. Please…”

  “Please what?” Brooke said with a taunting, naughty look in her eyes.

  “Please let me be with you. I’ll do anything.”

  Brooke didn’t say any more. Slowly, she lowered her lips onto Eva’s upturned face and kissed her forehead, then one cheek, then the other, then finally her parted lips.

  The kiss was that of someone who loved her, Eva thought. Then Brooke drew back.

  “Go into the living room and sit at the near end of the sofa,” Brooke said.

  Her head swirling, her emotions splashing against one another, Eva walked to the sofa and sat. She couldn’t ever remember feeling more alive, more in tune with her current moment. There was no tomorrow or yesterday. Something she could not name felt so right in this single present.

  There was only Brooke walking Peter into the living room. She was walking in front of him, her hand trailing back to hold his. Directing him to sit at the far end of the couch Brooke smiled at Eva, sitting as she was, watching her husband like he was a virtual stranger. Somehow Brooke was casting an aura of control over everything, asserting herself in a way Eva had never expected but now could not deny.

  “I want you to watch. You need to stay there until I say,” Brooke said. Eva looked on in amazement, the submissive and differing Brooke she had known until now had so thoroughly vanished Eva wondered if she was only now seeing Brooke’s true character. Brooke pressed her legs between Peter’s, opening him for her as she slowly dropped to her knees. Nestled between his powerful thighs Brooke held his calves at her sides, then slid her hands up his legs, scratching her nails through his pants to tantalize his skin and muscles underneath the fabric.

  Bending her fingers, Brooke’s hands looked like exquisite claws, Eva thought. Peter breathed in, his strong chest growing and rising with his arousal. Brooke looked to him, pinning him where he sat with an assertive spark in her eye. Then her hand moved over the thick bump in his pants Eva knew was his fabulous cock. Brooke held it and teased it, moving it back and forth with her hand. Her fingers danced up and down its length with ease, like she owned it. Eva recogn
ized the movements as those of a happy wife enjoying her treasure. She had made the same entitled motions hundreds of times herself.

  Her hands clawed back down his legs, slipping off his shoes, then his socks.

  Then her hands were on his belt. At the metal click of his buckle opening, Eva felt the warmth of her pussy ripple in greed. The moist release inside, beginning to drip from her swollen lips, seemed to trickle away her last bits of control. Now all she wanted was to submit.

  She did, by staying put. Eva could only watch Brooke and Peter with an intensity she could not fathom, like her skin and ears and hair and blood all observed this ‘husband and wife’ along with her eyes. Her mouth opened unconsciously as she saw Peter’s cock sprang free, tall and full, with a delightful waiver at its own weight and firm length.

  Eva let out an involuntary whine of need. Brooke closed her fingers around the base with a light touch, sliding her hand up his shaft. Near the base, Eva noticed a smeared ring of red and recognized it as the same shade as Brooke’s lipstick. When she lifted her eyes to Brooke’s, Eva discovered Brooke was already watching her. There was a look on Brooke’s face like a silent invitation to speak. But Eva said nothing.

  “Is this what you want?” Brooke prompted. The soft words hit Eva’s ears like a demand.

  “Yes,” Eva said. She had been denying herself Peter’s body for the last four days as a way to build up the anticipation for this moment. Now it was overpowering. Or would be if Brooke wasn’t asserting so such unexpected, wonderful authority. The feeling of denial, of Brooke enforcing her denial, felt like an entire new and unknown avenue in Eva’s sexual cravings.

  Brooke raised her eyebrow and Eva knew she had misstepped.


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