Shafted (Devil's Blaze MC Book 4)

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Shafted (Devil's Blaze MC Book 4) Page 4

by Jordan Marie


  “Damn it woman. I know you’re in there. I can hear you moving around. Get your ass out here right now, or so help me I’ll come in there and paddle it until it’s blood red. That’s what you need anyways. The men in your life have let you run too free. It’s time you find out what happens when you piss off a real man.”

  “Sir, really, you’re disrupting the diner. If you could just go back...” a waitress says appearing in front of me. Ignoring her, I pound on the door again. “Sir I mean it. Don’t make me call the police!” the waitress warns.

  “Fuck off, this isn’t your concern,” I growl, being an epic jackass, and not even giving a damn. This is all Bree’s fault. The waitress gasps and she might have said something more, but the door opens up, interrupting our exchange. Thank God.

  I’m about to shove Bree right back in and take out my frustrations when this little old lady, probably in her eighties, looks up at me and slaps my face. My hand goes to my jaw, rubbing it. She might be old, but damn she can hit. She doesn’t say anything, but she leans on her cane and her eyes shoot knives at me. Shit.

  “Fuck lady, I...I mean I’m sorry, Ma’am. I didn’t know…I thought you were the girl I was with. I mean I thought she was in the restroom and not you—”

  “I hope she got smart and left you then, asshole,” the old lady says. The waitress looks at me with pity as she helps the woman leave.

  “I think you should leave now and don’t come back,” the waitress snaps at me, and I just stand there with my head down and my hands shoved in my pockets.

  I don’t know what’s worse. That I made an old woman cuss, or that I’ve been thrown out of a diner.

  Chapter Ten


  I’m making pretty good time. I really am. I figure another twenty minutes walking along the road, and I’ll be home free. There isn’t much traffic and it’s the edge of twilight. The temperature has only dropped a few degrees, but a chill in the air, has me rubbing my arms. I sing and hum along to myself to pass the time. I’m trying not to think about anything creepy that could be lurking in the woods, or some random weirdo stopping to offer me a ride. So far, I haven’t run into either. However, when I hear the sound of a vehicle coming up behind me and look over my shoulder, I know my run of good luck is over. Shaft. Not Jax. Shaft. That’s all he is now.

  Shit. Shit. Shit.

  I hear him pull up to a stop behind me, and I walk faster, only wanting to get away from him. When I hear the slamming of the door, I almost run. Before I can contemplate my next move, he wraps his thick, strong arm around my stomach, picking me up. I let out a scream and beat on his arm, but it doesn’t help. Shaft isn’t letting go, and there isn’t anyone around to make him. He hauls me back against his hard chest. The heat of his body instantly surrounds me, and I’d enjoy it, if I didn’t hate him so much right now.

  I try to kick back at him, wishing I had on heels instead of damn tennis shoes. He pulls me further back and then spins me so I’m pressed against the side of his truck, sandwiched tight between the metal bedside and his hard body. I try to kick again, aiming for his shin, and that’s when I feel the stubble from his beard tickle against my neck.

  Despite how pissed I am, I’d be dead not to admit the friction that results from his facial scruff scraping along my sensitive skin sends shivers down my spine.

  “Keep it up, and I’ll make your ass so sore you won’t be able to sit for days, Bree,” he threatens.

  “You wouldn’t dare! My grandfather would have your head!”

  “You don’t know me well enough, but I’ve never been afraid of any man. I’m not about to start now,” his voice is calm and smooth, he means every word.

  “Skull will kill you,” I growl trying to kick him again, but he maneuvers his leg so it pens mine and I can’t move.

  “You’re probably right. But, you know what, sweet Bree? I think it’d be worth it. Now, hold still,” he snarls.

  I try with everything I am to fight, but in the end I give in, because I can’t move anyway. He has me pinned against the truck. The weight of his body and his hold on me keeps me gathered in so tight that there’s no hope for freedom. I give in with a heavy, exerted breath.

  “Fine,” I grate.

  “Are you done now?” he asks. I don’t answer, but he must take my lack of movement as agreement. “Why did you run out on me?”

  “Because you’re an asshole,” I growl.

  “I told you to behave,” he whispers in my ear, the tone of his voice much softer than it was moments ago, and I can’t deny the chills that run through my body, nor the fact that they have everything to do with excitement and not fear. I’m so lost in the sensation; I don’t expect what happens next.

  His hand moves down my back, slowly. So slowly I can’t concentrate. So slowly it’s getting scrambled in my mind as to whether this is torture or pleasure. I think both. My breath stills in my throat as I feel his large hand spread and cup my ass.

  “Jesus,” he mutters and my heartbeat goes crazy. I can feel a hunger inside me. I’ve never felt it before, but I know that’s what it is. My body feels heated, my breasts feel like there’s a current of power running through them. My nipples tighten aching to be touched, but I’m pretty sure only one touch will do. The magnetic pull I’ve felt toward Jax from the first minute I saw him has suddenly exploded. Wiggling my ass against him, wanting more of his touch, I can feel the hard ridge of his cock.

  It should scare me. For all my talk about being an adult at eighteen, I’ve never had sex. I’ve never wanted to. I thought there was something wrong with me honestly. Until I laid eyes on Jax, I had never felt a pull towards a man. I’ve never felt such desire. So, these new feelings? I’m not scared. Not at all. Mostly, I just want more. More of whatever he will give me.

  “You feel me don’t you, sweet Bree. Feel how hard I am? I told you it was dangerous to tease a grown man.”

  “Fuck you,” I taunt, pissed that he chooses this moment, this moment when I finally feel like a woman to make me feel like a little girl again. He’s taking something beautiful and earth shattering and ruining it for me.

  His hand leaves, and I wait for him to let me turn around so we can fight and get it out there—so I can finally get away from him. That doesn’t happen. Instead his hand connects hard with my ass.

  I am barely able to register what just happened before he’s speaking again. “Little girls shouldn’t use such language,” his dark, sexy voice rumbles low in my ear just as he’s spanking me hard again, just below where his first one hit. With the initial shock gone, the sting and the pain are almost instant. I try to twist away, but he doesn’t let me, he just lands another slap against my ass.

  “Fuck you,” I hiss, using language no other person, not even my father has driven me to. Jax’s response is another well placed slap against my ass. The sting vibrates through my body, burning me like fire, but something strange happens. The heat seems to settle between my legs. I can feel myself growing wet and shock now wars with need. I grow perfectly still, confused and unsure of what is happening. When he spanks me again my pussy actually contracts. What’s wrong with me?

  “Watch the language, Bree. You might not like what I wash your mouth out with,” he warns and maybe it’s because I’m already aroused. Maybe it’s because Jax’s voice is hoarse and he’s in control of my body. It could be because I can still feel the hard line of his cock pushing against my ass. Whatever it is, at his words the vision of me on my knees in front of him, taking his cock into my mouth zips through my mind. My entire body does a full shudder. I know he can feel it. There’s no way I can hide it. Just like there’s no way I can stop the soft moan that’s full of need escaping from my lips.

  I want him.

  I need him.

  Chapter Eleven



  I feel her body shake and there’s no way to deny that she’s excited. The knowledge cements in my brain so much that w
hen my hand lands on her ass, it clenches against the soft juicy bottom in reflex. Her moan is the last straw.

  “Jesus Christ, are you wet right now, Bree?” I have to know.

  “Jax…” my name on her tongue is the sweetest, hottest motherfucking sound.

  “Answer me. Are you wet?” I demand once more. The anticipation of her answer is driving me mad.

  “Yes,” she whispers like it’s a dirty little secret and it is. Jesus, it is, but it’s ours.

  “I could make you cum like this couldn’t I Bree? Spank you until that sweet pussy explodes from my touch.”

  “Jax…” Fuck me, there’s my name again.

  “Answer me, Bree.” I’m about to lose it, we’re playing a dangerous game.

  “I don’t know,” she stalls.

  “Not the answer I wanted,” I admit, and I could say the Devil made me do it, but the truth is I’m doing it because I fucking can’t stop. I spank her ass again, and again…and finally, again.

  “Oh God, Jax,” she cries, and her cry is my reward. A cry full of hunger and need, and it’s my name she calls out. What man could resist? Any? Certainly a better man than I am.

  I back up a step, giving her a little freedom—very little. Then I spin her around to face me. I need to see her eyes. I want to know if they are as hungry as my own.

  “Do you see what happens when you tempt a man, Bree? Do you see what you invite? Is this what you wanted?” I demand, angry at her, at myself, at the situation, and so fucking hard it hurts.

  “No…yes…Oh God Jax, I don’t know,” she cries. Her beautiful eyes wound me. They’re begging me, wanting to make her come, but at the same time I see the confusion—the innocence there. Christ. Is this completely new to her? That thought alone should be enough to make me stop, but it doesn’t. I’m a bastard. I shove my leg between hers and pull her up to me. Her thighs are strong and they immediately hold onto me, clamping down hard and pressing my thigh right where she wants me the most.

  “That feel good, sweet Bree?”

  “Jax?” she whispers.

  I shouldn’t touch her. I know I shouldn’t, but nothing could stop me now. I push her body closer. One hand sliding under her shirt and shoving her bra up out of the way, so I can palm her tit. Heat, electricity, need, all zap me at once. Her large nipple presses into my palm. I move my hand down so I can capture her tender bud in my fingers. I tease the plump little morsel while wishing we weren’t beside the road so I could suck it...The minute I start teasing her, her hips move erratically, rocking on my leg, searching.

  “That’s it, ride my leg. Find what you need,” I whisper in her ear, still stroking her nipple.

  “I need more, Jax,” she says breathless, her nails biting into my sides so deep, she’s scoring the skin.

  “Then take it, take what you need,” I urge her, barely holding onto control. Sanity is gone. It left the minute I allowed myself to touch her, but the last thing I need to do is bend her over the truck and fuck her. If her grandfather found us like that, he’d have my head, and if he didn’t Skull would.

  “I’m not sure,” she whispers breathlessly, ending with a moan as I twist her nipple and pinch it. Her body lurches forward hard, her head going back in passion. “I don’t know how,” she gasps, frustration thick in her voice. I’m not sure what she means it can’t be what I’m thinking. She’s young, but she is eighteen.

  “Bree have you ever had an orgasm before?”

  “Jax, please.”

  “Answer me.”

  “No,” she whispers and it’s right then my fate is sealed. To be fair it probably was before, but now there’s no going back. If I’m going to be the first to make this sweet body come, I’m going to teach her everything. It will be my mission in life.

  My hands go to her hips and I help navigate her body, showing her a steady rhythm. It just takes a moment of her following my lead before she takes control, riding my leg like a rodeo queen. Not being able to stand it any longer, I tilt her so her back is leaning on the truck. I begin unbuttoning her shirt, ignoring the way my hands are shaking. By the time I get the third button down, I’m tired of messing with it and just pull the shirt until the buttons give and the shirt pops open.

  “Jax,” she whispers, looking around, as if just now realizing we’re outside.

  “No one will see, Bree, I got you,” I lie. Anyone could see, and right now I don’t care. I’m not stopping.

  Her nipples were already hard with excitement. The cool air seems to make them harder. I suspected she was gorgeous, seeing her now with the glow of the moon against her pale skin…Fuck, she robs me of words. I lean down to run my tongue along the outline of her nipple, before moving to the swollen bud and taking it in my mouth. I use my tongue to push it against the roof of my mouth, sucking it deep and then slowly releasing.

  “Oh…Oh…Wow…” Bree gasps, bearing down on my leg and taking what she needs. I let my fingers tease her nipple, with what my tongue is doing to her other one. I can tell the way her breathing picks up that she’s close to coming. She’s riding my leg harder and harder. Any second she’s going to come…for me…for the first time…

  I’ll own this. I’ll be the first one to give her body pleasure. It’s mine. No one else will ever have this from her.

  “Come for me Bree. Don’t be afraid baby. Give in to what your body wants. If you’re a good girl, I’ll give you even more later,” I whisper in her ear. Even as I say it, I know it’s wrong. I also know that I’m going to turn this good girl into a very bad girl, one who knows exactly how to give me what I want. One who will crave exactly what I can give her.

  “I’m trying, Jax,” she gasps my name when I bite into her nipple. Her body jerks and trembles, I could almost smile at how responsive she is. I kiss up the valley of her neck, finding her ear again, letting my teeth tease along the lobe.

  “If you come for me, sweetheart, I’ll let you watch me come later,” I promise.

  “Yes,” she whispers, her whole body trembling.

  “Would you like that, sweet Bree? Watching me stroke my cock for you and only you, until I can’t hold back any longer, and I shoot cum all over you?”

  Her chest heaves as she pants, “Oh God.”

  “You want it don’t you Bree? You want covered in my cum. It’s all yours, sweetness. All you have to do is come for me. Come for me, and I’ll show you all the naughty things I want to do to that sweet young body of yours.” I move my hand between her uncharted pussy and my thigh, cupping her crotch, teasing my thumb along the seam of her pants.

  “Oh, God. Jax, I’m coming! I’m coming!” she cries out and the joy and sense of victory I have is something I have never felt before. This was her first orgasm, and it’s mine, but I’m a big enough bastard to admit I want all of her fucking orgasms. Every last fucking one.

  Chapter Twelve


  I feel amazing—exhausted and yet strangely unsatisfied all at the same time. I think I might slide to the ground because my feet feel like rubber, but Jax takes me in his arms holding me close. His hands rake softly through my hair. His lips are pressed against my temple, giving me small kisses. It feels like praise. It feels like he cares. Maybe I’m fooling myself, but I don’t care.

  “Let’s get you fixed up, sweetness,” he whispers, pressing me close to his side, and I have to force my legs to walk so I can follow his lead to the truck door. Helping me inside, he’s taking such care with me that I feel like I’m fragile and precious to him.

  “Shit,” he growls quietly, and I look up at him confused. He’s buttoning my shirt, at least the buttons that are left.


  “I made a mess of your top, Bree. There’s no way you can wear this back without everyone knowing that you just...”

  “Got off?” I ask boldly. My blush is intense, but inside I am so happy I could scream it to the world.

  “Yeah,” he says. He looks at me and though there is still kindness and caring, I see somet
hing else. Something I don’t like. Regret.

  “Don’t do that, Jax,” I say, stroking my finger down his arm.

  He pulls away slowly. “Do what?”

  “Regret what we just did. Please?” There’s so much more I want to say. Don’t push me away. Like me. Let me know this will happen again. That more will happen between us. Give me more. Give me more of you...

  I don’t say any of that. I’m afraid. All I can ask is that he doesn’t take what we shared away from me. That he doesn’t ruin it.

  “Bree, we’re beside the road, almost to Skull’s house. What if one of the brothers had seen us? What if your grandfather had?”

  “They didn’t,” I remind him.

  “Only because we were damn lucky. This can’t happen again.”

  I should’ve known the moment wouldn’t last.

  “Why not?”

  “I’m too fucking old for you, for one thing. I’m forty years old. You’re eighteen. Hell, I could have kids out there older than you.”

  “Do you?”

  “Not that I know of,” he barks, raking his hand down the side of his face.

  “Then what’s the problem? I don’t understand. I like you. I like what we just did together. I want more,” I tell him, hoping he will think I’m just talking about the sex.

  “Sweetness, you deserve more than an old, worn-out, broken biker. Someone like that kid who was hanging around you this morning.”

  “Jeff? Please don’t tell me that you think he’d be the better choice for what we just did here. And you are not old! When you’re a hundred, I’ll be knocking on eighty. I don’t see a big problem at all.” I shrug.


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