Claimed By The Dragon Shifter (BBW Paranormal Romance)

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Claimed By The Dragon Shifter (BBW Paranormal Romance) Page 18

by T. S. Ryder

Braden laughed. He smoothed her hair from her face and kissed her lips again. "The equinox doesn't work that way. Yes, it makes unmated dragons ache for virgins, but it's more like an irritating itch than a burning desire. Easy to avoid." He pulled back and his expression sobered. "Do you want this, though? Is this how you want to have your first time, in a cave with—"

  "With you." Jessica pressed herself tighter to him. "I want you. I've wanted this for such a long time…"

  She couldn't find the words to tell him how much she ached for him, so she pushed herself to her toes, wrapping her arms around his neck. He easily picked her up, guided her legs around his waist and carried her to the mattress. Jessica's body was on fire, her magic shooting to the ends of her fingers as she grew more and more excited. This was real. It was really happening. Braden wanted her.

  When he lowered her to the mattress, he unbuckled her belt and tugged her jeans off. The cold air brushing against her skin made her shiver. The dragon added more wood to the fire and breathed onto it, making it flare, and she grew warm again.

  He returned to her, and Jessica's hands trembled with impatience as she reached for him, but he took her wrists very gently in his and pressed them back against the mattress.

  "I'm not going to undress yet. I'm going to make you orgasm first, and I'm not going to enter until I can put three fingers inside of you comfortably. I want to make sure you're ready."

  Jessica's blood pulsed hot just from his words. Her pupils dilated as his hands slid up her thighs. She parted her legs, moaning with eagerness. She stared at Braden's profile, at his strong jaw and big eyes, the smile on his lips as he bent over her, pressing a kiss to her navel, his long black hair falling over perfectly formed ears. Her body ached with desire, her heart ached with love.

  "Are you sure?" he whispered, kissing his way up her body, pushing her shirt up so he could find her breasts. As he took one into his mouth, something tightened and snapped deep inside her and she rolled her hips to his hand, groaning.

  "Yes!" she cried. "Yes, I want this. Please. Please, I want it so bad!"

  With a moan, Braden's mouth moved to her lips again. His fingers found their mark and pleasure shot up Jessica's legs, making her moan and tremble. Time lost meaning, and she wanted more, wanted this to never end. Her eyes were open, staring into Braden's as electricity passed between them, bringing them closer and closer together.

  Was it hours or minutes later that he finally removed his clothing and let her prepare him? Feeling him beneath her hand was almost as pleasurable as when he touched her. The way he moaned and bucked his hips towards her, his eyes half-closed while he whispered her name, was pure heaven.

  Jessica's heart pounded with delight as he laid her on her back and slowly, oh so slowly, entered her. Nerves fluttered in her stomach, some part of her mind wondering if she could give him the pleasure he deserved, but then they were together, moving as one, arms wrapped around one another, tongues mimicking the thrusts of their bodies.

  When both were spent, Braden pulled a blanket over their naked bodies, kissed her shoulders and turned her towards the back of the cave, shielding her body from the chill breeze coming in from the outside world.

  Jessica's whole body throbbed with pleasure and she pressed herself tightly against her dragon, smiling as her eyes drifted shut.

  This was it. This was her happily ever after. She had everything she wanted, and if her life was one of her romance novels then this would be the moment it would end, letting her and her dragon sleep forever in one another's arms.


  Braden woke her up just before dawn, kissing her neck as he slipped from the bed. Jessica turned to him, holding out her arms to bring him back to her, but he shook his head.

  "I need to get you back to your school. We'll have hell to pay if Pearl finds out about this before we're ready for her to."

  Jessica made a face at the mention of the headmistress. "She doesn't need to find out. At least not until after I graduate."

  Braden chuckled. "She'll find out sooner than that, Jess. It'll be impossible to hide it from her. Get dressed. We don't have much time before dawn."

  When Braden let her off just beyond the protective wards he promised he'd call her, then he shifted into a dragon and left the university grounds. Jessica smiled and watched his form disappear into the sky before she got too cold and was forced to retreat into the dorms.

  She tried to be quiet as she made her way up the stairs to her room, but on the second floor, she stumbled on the carpet and pitched forward; as she threw her hands out to catch herself, she knocked over a suit of armor. And it' halberd skittered across the floor, knocking the leg out of the next suit of armor. Which fell onto a table, collapsing one end, while a bowl of fruit that had been on it fell off the other side and shattered.


  Her heart caught in her chest and Jessica scrambled to her feet, running as hard as she could to get to her room and shower before she was called to Pearl's office about sneaking around in the middle of the night.

  I'll tell her I was getting a snack, she thought, and suddenly she realized she needed one–her stomach was twisting in on itself in that aching way it got when she went too long without eating. As soon as the cramps hit her, a swirl of dizziness made her stumble. The twisting in her stomach turned to retching and vomit spewed from her mouth. She gasped, fell to her knees and vomited again.


  An hour later, she was lying in the university hospital wing while Pearl sat beside her, telling her she was pregnant.

  "Who was the dragon?" the headmistress demanded, while Jessica's mind reeled with this news.

  "Pregnant," she repeated, tentatively pressing a hand to her stomach. "But how could you know that?"

  Pearl sighed. "Jessica, you really need to pay more attention to your studies. When dragons have sex during the spring equinox, the women they mate always gets pregnant. And as the gestation period of a baby conceived during the equinox is only four months, it’s hard on the body."

  Jessica's mind whirled. Holy shit! She had to tell Braden. What were they going to do?

  Pearl stroked her hair tenderly, as if she was Jessica's mother, then withdrew at the younger witch's uncomfortable look. "I'll inform your brother. You rest and decide what you want to do now."

  Jessica was grateful for the headmistress' departure. This was unexpected. Very unexpected.

  But he clearly knew everything about the spring equinox. Which meant that he knew that they'd have a baby together, and he still wanted her. A smile blossomed on her face and she pressed her hands into her stomach, wondering how quickly she would be able to feel the baby move. And then she grabbed her cell phone, dialing Braden's number to tell him the good news.

  There was no answer.

  Chapter Four

  He was probably sleeping.

  That's what Jessica ought to be doing, too, after the long night they had. The problem was she was feeling a little sore between her legs, even though the previous night she had felt nothing but pleasure. No matter how she shifted, that whole region had a dull ache to it. The waves of nausea that kept washing over her didn't help, either.

  Nerves churned in her gut. If women who mated with dragons during the spring equinox always got pregnant, then Braden knew she would get pregnant.

  Why wasn't he answering?

  Jessica slipped out of bed, eyeing the sleeping potion that Pearl had brought her. The headmistress was acting as though something terrible had happened. Like Jessica was going to die. But that was ridiculous. Nothing was going to happen to her, and as soon as Braden woke up and called her back, everything was going to be just fine.

  Her stomach clenched, churned, and Jessica ran for the bathroom. The stone tile floor bit into her knees as she dropped next to the toilet. Her body heaved so violently that she thought she might throw up her stomach.

  When the retching stopped, sweat beaded her brow. She lay down beside the toilet, too exhausted to try to make
it back to her bed. Jessica glanced down at her pajama pockets. Her cell phone was still there. Not bothering to try to sit up, she yanked it out and dialed Braden again.

  No answer.


  By the time dusk was falling, Jessica still hadn't heard from Braden. Her nausea hadn't improved much, but a ginger-based potion Pearl brought her had at least helped her keep down some chicken soup, and she no longer felt like she was going to die every time she moved.

  She had tried to phone Stafford, but she hadn't gotten an answer from him, so there must be something wrong with her phone. That was why Braden hadn't phoned her back. It had to be.

  But wouldn't he have come to see her, then?

  "I'm not sitting around waiting and letting my childish fears get the best of me," Jessica muttered, as she yanked on her riding boots. "He doesn't know my phone is being ridiculous. He doesn't know that I'm worried sick for him. There is only one thing left to do. I have to go and find him."

  She hoped he was in the same apartment he had been in last year when Stafford took her there for a party. If he wasn't… well, she'd run into one of his flock members, and they'd be able to get word to him that she wanted to see him. Simple.

  Jessica nearly tripped as she headed for her broom closet, but caught herself just in time. A scowl crossed her face. Feet that were too small for her body had made her a klutz, and people thought it was because she wasn't paying attention to her surroundings. But who wanted to look at the ground when the sky was so interesting?

  Just as she retrieved her broom, an old willow-branch one with a bicycle seat, the door to her room opened. Jessica repressed a grimace and turned to face Pearl. The headmistress' gaze swept down her riding outfit, and a pinched, concerned look came to her face.

  "Flying while pregnant is not a good idea."

  "It's safer than driving," Jessica argued. "Besides, I don't have a car."

  "That's not what I meant. It will be very uncomfortable."

  Jessica's shoulders hunched. She put the broom back. "Then I'll get Stafford to give me a ride to town on his bike or something. My phone's not working, and I need to talk with Br—my dragon."

  Pearl sighed heavily. "Jessica, I know that the dragon you… slept with was Braden. Even if he wasn't the most obvious suspect, there were witnesses who saw you two together last night."

  Jessica bristled both at Pearl's tone and her wording. She was acting like Braden had committed a crime! Since when were two consenting adults having sex illegal? Well, at least in heterosexual couples. There were plenty of times in the past where homosexual couplings were illegal… Jessica shook her head and focused on the situation at hand.

  "Braden didn't do anything wrong. He kept asking me if I was really certain that I wanted it, so you can stop acting like I was some sort of virgin sacrifice. But my phone's not working and I have to talk with him."

  "That's why I came here." Pearl ran a hand through her graying, white-blonde hair. "Jessica, I think you ought to sit down."

  Jessica remained standing. Her heart beat hard against her ribs. What had happened? Had Braden got into an accident? Was he in the hospital? Was he dead? Bile scorched the back of her throat but she swallowed it back down. No, nothing had happened to Braden. Pearl was just going to give her a lecture.


  "I don't want to hear whatever you have to say. I know you don't like dragons and I don't care why. I love Braden! We’re having a baby together. And I'm not staying in your stupid university, either. I'll leave the coven if I have to!"

  Pearl's gaze was full of pity. She didn't even flinch at Jessica's outburst. Instead, she shook her head and sighed. "Oh, Jessica… I wish that I didn't have to tell you this. The dragon's gone."

  Jessica felt like she had been punched in the stomach. "Wh-what?"

  "This morning he attacked a witch. He put her in the hospital and then fled when the authorities tried to question him. If he returns, he'll be jailed. If the witch dies, which she might, then he could be imprisoned for life for murder."

  Jessica felt like the world was spinning around her. She wrapped her arms around her stomach, muscles so tense they hurt. "Braden's not like that. He would never attack anybody. He wouldn't leave without me."

  "Honey." Pearl's voice broke as she stepped forward, holding out her arms as though she was Jessica's mother trying to comfort her. "Honey, he was at a bar all morning. One of those dragon-only places. And all the dragons he talked to are all saying the same thing. It's all over town. He was laughing about how you… He used you."

  No. It couldn't be. Braden wouldn't do that. He couldn't do that. She had used a spell on the magic eight ball. He was so gentle with her. He couldn't have been using her. He just couldn't. Jessica swayed on the spot, feeling light-headed, as if she was about to collapse. Pearl hurried forward, embracing her as she led the young witch back to her bed.

  "I want to see Stafford."

  Pearl sighed. "I tried to get him to come to see you. He wouldn't. He said something about you breaking your promise."

  Her promise not to pursue Braden? "Why would he think that was more important than this?"

  "You have to know that he's in love with Braden."

  Jessica flinched. No, he wasn't! If Stafford was in love with the dragon, he would have told her. They shared everything with each other. He'd never not told her about his crushes before. Why would it stop with Braden?

  Unless it was because she was also in love with him. Would Stafford tell her if he was in love with the same man she was in love with? Their tastes were usually so different that they'd only experienced mild crushes on the same man in the past. But if Stafford felt as strongly as she did for Braden… would he be hurt enough to abandon her now?

  Jessica hid her face and the tears that rolled down it from the other witch.

  "It's okay," Pearl crooned, as she stroked Jessica's hair. "It's okay, you didn't know. I should have known that you were going to sneak out. You've always had a naive, romantic mind. It's my job to protect my girls. I've never had children of my own, you girls are all that I have. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry that I failed you."

  Jessica melted into Pearl's arms, burying her face, trying not to think.


  Braden never called.

  By the end of the first week, none of Jessica's clothes fit her anymore. Pearl brought her new clothes, but they were always a few sizes too small. The young mother-to-be didn't want to leave her dorm room. She refused to even go to classes, instead preferring to thumb through her favorite romance novels. They had always been a safe haven for her, but now everything in them sounded like a lie.

  Braden had left her. She refused to believe it for the first few days but, as nights passed hunched over the toilet bowl, the only person to sit with her was Pearl.

  Even Stafford had abandoned her. He had basically raised her since they came to the coven, and just like that he was gone. He never returned her calls, never came to her. It broke her heart as much as Braden leaving.

  No matter how much she tried to find an alternative explanation, horrible thoughts kept pouring into her mind. Maybe Stafford would leave the coven and go off in search of Braden, and they'd have a happily ever after without her.

  Why would they want her with them?

  During the second week, Jessica didn't have the energy to do anything but to lie in bed and try to nibble at a few crackers that Pearl gave her. Nothing settled in her stomach and she was constantly slipping in and out of dreams of Braden sneaking through the window, either to rescue her or eat her.

  The third week was a little better. Jessica had to force herself not to think of Braden or Stafford, had to force herself not to call either of them anymore. But the worst of the sickness had passed, and she was able to start eating again. The world outside her bedroom still felt strange and dangerous, though, so she stayed inside, studying from her spell books and not even glancing at her romance novels. It was time to grow up.

first day of the fourth week, Jessica was up and showered, her hair and teeth brushed, before Pearl brought her breakfast. The headmistress' brow arched when she saw Jessica dressed and set her breakfast, oatmeal, on the nightstand.

  "You're feeling better, are you?"

  Jessica tugged the uncomfortably tight band of her skirt, but nodded. "I realized that I need to be seeing an obstetrician or a midwife. I want to make sure my baby is healthy and that the pregnancy is normal for a dragon birth."

  Pearl looked startled, but Jessica didn't spare the energy to figure out why. She felt better than she had during the first week, but she was still bone-dead tired, and even now all she really wanted to do was crawl back into bed and sleep.

  "I can get a midwife to come here," Pearl said. "It’s better for you to stay inside for the duration of your pregnancy."

  "I'd appreciate a midwife coming here," the young witch replied. "But can you arrange for it today? Braden may have abandoned me, but I'm not going to lose my baby."

  Pearl stared at her for a long moment before she smiled and nodded. "Of course, Jessica. Remember, I'm here for you, no matter what."

  "I know. Thank you."

  Pearl smiled and nodded. "Eat your breakfast. I'll be back soon."

  Chapter Five

  "I feel like my skin is going to split open and the baby will just spill out," Jessica sighed, leaning against the bounteous pillows that surrounded her.

  The midwife nodded. "Human bodies aren't designed to get so heavily pregnant so quickly. But they are designed to get pregnant, so don't you worry. You'll be just fine."

  Nine weeks into the pregnancy, the midwife said it was time to have the first ultrasound. Jessica still hadn't left her room, although now it was more due to her increasing size than anything else. Her stomach was heavily distended, so much so that she had abandoned all attempts to dress and just wore a robe all day long. And it hurt. Her skin was expanding, but it felt like a rubber band about to snap, and no matter which way she laid when she went to sleep her spine always ached when she woke up.


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