Sanctuary: Book One of Bloodlines

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Sanctuary: Book One of Bloodlines Page 14

by C. L. Stevens

  Elizabeta’s mouth turned down into a frown. She didn't look at her or speak again until they reached their destination.

  She stopped in front of an open doorway and Desiree looked up to see Meilin sitting on the edge of a huge canopy bed removing her shoes.

  “Here is your pet Meilin. Your annoyingly loyal pet.” She added low enough for only her ears.

  She frowned at the red-headed vampire but didn't otherwise respond. Meilin looked up and smiled when their eyes met, looking a little tired but just as beautiful as ever.

  “Don't get used to me running your errands for you Meilin.” She warned.

  “It was not I who gave you the order,” Meilin replied calmly.

  She removed her last shoe and walked over and took Desiree by the hand. As she ushered her in, she looked back at Elizabeta over her shoulder who still stood in the doorway. “But feel free to tell my mother exactly what you told me.” She added and flashed a mocking smile.

  Elizabeta returned the mocking smile and turned on her heels. Desiree gawked at the 2 vampires in disbelief. The entire exchange looked surprisingly like sibling rivalry to her. Two immature siblings at that.

  “Did you get something to eat?” Meilin asked her and she put the other vampire out of her mind.

  “Yes, thank you,” She replied. “More than I would have liked.”

  Meilin smiled knowingly.

  “I assume you ate enough for three?” She stated as much as asked.

  Desiree just looked at her but she went on as if she had nodded.

  “I am pretty sure you realize by now that your body requires more fuel than it previously had since your awakening.”

  She had noticed that but hadn't really thought seriously on the subject until now. More to the point, she hadn't managed to put the obvious puzzle together that the hunger coincided with her new gifts. Her mind was funny like that at times. She would often find, and usually to her complete frustration and embarrassment, that she could easily wallow in total ignorance about incredibly simple things any fool could see yet at other times manage to puzzle out complex conundrum in moments that others around her had little to no chance of ever solving. Maybe it's a focusing issue. I need to concentrate more I guess.

  She sat on the end of the bed and watched as the vampire walked to a large dresser and pulled something out of the top drawer.

  “It won't be so bad if you go for a while without being injured, Suvy.” She promised.

  She was looking at her through the mirror on the dresser with sympathy. Desiree realized she was pouting and smoothed her face.

  Meilin stepped out of her skirt and removed her blouse. Desiree quickly averted her eyes. The woman has no modesty at all!

  “The door is wide open…” She began in shock but trailed off, there was no door at all. “You don't have a door.” She muttered stupidly.

  “Nope.” Was all Meilin said in reply.

  Desiree just stared at her in amazement. To her, having a door was the most basic and fundamental aspects of privacy. Who in their right mind would live without a door to their room?

  “I forgot how prudish you Americans are.” She said with a sigh. “Afraid of the human body. Terrified of nakedness.”

  And as if to prove her point, she removed her underwear and stood there naked as the day she was born. Desiree averted her eyes again and she laughed.

  “See! You are as nervous and uncomfortable as a virgin on prom night.” She shook her head. “You do realize that you have everything I have, right?”

  “The door!” Desiree said pointing. “Anyone could just walk in and see you like that.”

  “No one is allowed down here without my express permission.” Meilin retorted. “Not even my mother would come into my quarters unannounced. And so what if someone did see me naked. I am quite sure that it would not be the first woman's body they have seen.”

  Desiree just shook her head. She Yawned again, long and hard and eyed the huge bed longingly. She pointedly did not look Meilin’s way as she stood there in her birthday suit.

  “Oh, for blood's sake,” Meilin murmured with an exaggerated eye roll and slipped on the black silk nightgown she had taken from the drawer.

  Despite the color, it was barely opaque and only came down to her mid-thigh. It did look incredibly comfortable though.

  Desiree suddenly realized she had nothing to sleep in and wondered if Meilin would mind if she just slept in her underwear. She figured if she was comfortable enough to stand there nude, and with an open door to boot, she shouldn't mind her wearing so little.

  “I'm afraid I don't have any night clothes.” She informed her sheepishly.

  “Do not worry my Suvy, you can just wear something of mine until we can go shopping and get you a proper wardrobe.” Meilin replied amiably.

  The Vampire reached into the drawer and pulled out another nightgown identical to that which she wore only a metallic silver instead of black.

  “It will be large on you of course but it will have to do. Besides,” She added, the sparkle of mischief suddenly filling her eyes, “You would probably cry yourself to sleep tonight if it didn't come all the way to your ankles.”

  Desiree rolled her eyes and took the offered article of clothing. It shimmered in the light of the room, reminding her of Vegas showgirls for some reason. The garment felt every bit as soft as it looked. With one eye on the door, she hurriedly stripped down to her underwear and donned the nightgown. She noted that it came just passed her knees.

  “Wow, Meilin. Thank you so much.” She said, running a hand down the fabric. “This feels absolutely amazing.”

  “I have never had a roommate before.” She said, her eyes sparkling. “This is going to be so exciting.”

  Desiree couldn't help but feel excited at her excitement. And the vampire did indeed look very excited.

  “I have never shared a bed before either,” Meilin admitted and looked back over her shoulder. “There were not many guests my age at the manor. I hope there is enough room for the both of us.”

  Desiree looked at the bed and then back at her Blood Friend.

  “That bed is big enough for four people,” She stated in disbelief. “You really never had a roommate or shared a bed before?” She asked, not sure she believed any of it. “Not even when you were a child? No sleepovers, nothing?”

  “No, never,” The vampire replied, sounding uncomfortable.

  She got up then and gestured to the bed.

  “What side do you want, or does it matter to you?”

  “I will take the right side, if that's OK with you, Meilin,” Desiree replied immediately. “The side furthest from that open doorway.”

  Meilin nodded and pulled back the lush black coverlet to reveal deep red sheets underneath. The act also revealed the smell of flowers, roses she would have guessed. It was not strong but it was certainly there.

  “Get in.” The vampire instructed, the hint of excitement returning to her voice. “I wish to show you something. I am sure you will be properly impressed.” She added with a wink.

  Desiree climbed in and slid between those red sheets on the right side but still towards the middle of the bed. They felt almost as soft and lush as the nightgown. It was also surprisingly cold, especially considering that the temperature of the house seemed perfect.

  Meilin got in beside her and pulled the coverlet up and suddenly she was embraced by cloudy warmth. She giggled and wiggled her feet, letting the soft fabric slide over her skin. She would have done a snow angel had she been alone.

  “Wow, this bed is so comfortable. I feel like it's pulling the sleep right out of me.” Desiree whispered in hushed delight.

  “Well, then we will have to get you a bed exactly like this one when your quarters are ready,” Meilin responded benevolently.

  “Where is my room?” Desiree asked sitting up to look around. “I thought it was supposed to be connected with yours.”

  “Never mind that now.” She said, waving the question
away. “Lie back Desiree. Lie back. There you go” Meilin requested animatedly as Desiree wiggled back under the thick sheets and coverlets.

  Once they were both settled in and comfortable the host spoke again.

  “Now look up at the ceiling.” Meilin began but then frowned. “No, do not look at me, Child, concentrate on the ceiling.”

  Desiree did as she was bidden and turned from looking at the woman and stared at the ceiling.

  “Now do not take your eyes from the ceiling or this will not work,” Meilin warned.

  She was faintly aware of the other woman making a gesture with a hand and suddenly the room began to dim. Desiree resisted the urge to peer around at the quickly darkening surroundings and continued looking up. Soon she had no urge to look anywhere else. It was hard to discern at first but what appeared to be glow-in-the-dark moons and stars, only immensely more detailed, began to become visible on the ceiling, the darker the room became. She opened her mouth in awe as they began to multiply and expand, filling her entire vision. Reflexively she reached over to where the vampire lay and was relieved to feel the woman’s arm. She grasped her hand and felt a queer buzzing, almost like static electricity between them. She had no time to think about it however with the current sights all around her.

  The round shapes of moons became innumerable asteroids and dust particles and planets. The multiple pointed stars became distant pinpoints of light of varying sizes in whites and blues, yellows and oranges, yet if she concentrated on one, it expanded and she could see a raging sun, it's almost infinite mass churning and bubbling with power. There was a haze of smoke or dust in endless colors surrounding large groups of stars. Rings of asteroids surrounded huge planets that added more color to the ever moving, ever changing mosaic.

  There was an intense flash of light to her left. She turned to inspect it and saw what she believed to be a sun going supernova. Above her, she saw a streaking comet with a long blue tail and instinctively reached out for it with her free hand. Her hand closed around it and blue light began to emanate from the gaps between her fingers, illuminating her skin so intensely that she could see the blood and bones like an x-ray. She could actually feel the thing tugging inside her palm. She opened her hand and the comet sped off into the distance.

  “This, this is amazing. Absolutely amazing,” She announced breathlessly.

  “I know,” She heard Meilin reply. “Even after all these years it still fascinates me.”

  “How is this possible? How did you do this?” She asked still gazing around in wonder. “And how could you possibly sleep?”

  “It was a gift from a friend a very long time ago,” Came the reply in the now familiar melodic voice. “She was a very powerful witch. She was a gifted artist as well and combined the two talents to create some truly startling creations, this being her greatest in my opinion. Her heart went into the creation of this wonder.”

  There was a long pause before she continued.

  “I saved her daughter’s life and she wanted to repay me, though I only did what anyone would have done if they were in my shoes.”

  There was another even longer pause as Desiree explored the galaxy before she spoke again.

  “As a child, I was infatuated with the stars. I would often sleep outside, to the endless frustration of my parents, so I could stare into the night sky and marvel. It seemed so vast. So much greater than myself. It was hard for me to worry about my own small problems in the face of something so… encompassing, so humbling. When she found out about my childhood passion, she made this for me. It took her a very long time, all just for me.”

  Her voice sounded odd but Desiree didn't know how or what it meant. She didn't know what to say and fearing she might say the wrong thing, she decided not to say anything and just gave her hand a good squeeze. The almost imperceptible current between them intensified for a moment and she was about to comment on it when Meilin spoke again.

  “You are right though. It is nearly impossible to sleep while gazing at something so profound. I nicknamed it stargazing.” She said with a chime. Yet Desiree noted that her voice still sounded funny despite the laughter. “I have spent so many hours here. More than you could possibly believe.”

  Desiree felt, more than heard her rustle around next to her as if trying to get more comfortable.

  “I can imagine,” She said in wholehearted agreement.

  “If you close your eyes for several seconds the spell will end,” Meilin instructed after a few more moments.

  Desires nodded.

  It was over an hour before sleep finally claimed her, despite being so exhausted. As sleep rolled her under, she was dimly aware that Meilin had remained awake with her, silent but still holding her hand the entire time.

  Chapter 12

  The sharp sound of her hand on flesh echoed throughout the small apartment. Hanna raised her hand and brought it around again to come together with Otarin’s face with enough force to turn it the other way and leave an angry red mark. At last, his eyes fluttered a few times before going still once more. It was the first movement he had made for some time despite her considerable prodding. She tried snapping her fingers close to his face while calling his name.

  “Otarin, can you hear me?” She asked repeatedly just short of shouting. After a few more moments he responded.

  “Yes. Yes! I hear you woman. No need to shout.” He murmured groggily. He managed to sit up after two tries and peered around the room in confusion. “What happened?” Came the expected question.

  “That is a question only you can answer.” She assured him.

  His eyes appeared cloudy to her and his pallor made him appear as if he hadn't fed for some time. The right side of his face was flaring noticeably and she knew there would be a bruise until he could feed. He groaned but his hand surprisingly went to his forehead instead of where she had struck him repeatedly.

  “My head feels like it is splitting in half.” He complained.

  Hanna glanced at the prone form of Constance lying on the other side of the table from Otarin. Lines of thick and chunky blood dribbled from the Gifted’s ears and nose where it pooled into a wide circle around her head, despoiling the carpet. The woman was most certainly dead and she figured that the pain in his head no matter how severe was a bucket to the entire well compared to what could have happened to him.

  “What do you remember Otarin? Think!” She urged him. “What happened with the Ablanq?”

  “Ablanq?” He asked stupidly and she resisted the urge to slap him again.

  The smell of the Gifted’s blood was working on her nerves, never giving her a moment's peace. She knew that it was fatal to feed on the descendants of the witches, yet still, the pestering urge was there like a fly buzzing around her dinner plate and no matter how often she swatted at it, she always hit nothing but air and the damned thing refused to go away.

  “Yes!” She said, barely keeping a rein on her tone. “The human inside the Uvarii sanctuary. You said you had her. You said you had full domination.”

  Hanna thought back to the minutes before When both had claimed that they had the child. That they had her completely. A full domination. The overwhelming surprise on the Gifted’s face combined with the look of sheer exhilaration on Otarin’s had made her believe it true despite how crazy it sounded. After all, there hadn't been anyone strong enough to push a full domination in three generations. But only a few moments later the girl had suddenly begun shrieking at the top of her lungs, sounding like a chorus of singers all gone mad simultaneously. The sound had sent shivers down her spine and then the girl collapsed, twitching violently. Otarin had simply fallen to the carpet wordlessly and lay there as if he had suddenly decided to go dormant.

  “What happened with the push Otarin. Where is the Ablanq.” She pressed.

  She watched as he slowly made it to his feet, glancing around as if he had no idea where he was. When his gaze fell on the Gifted’s body a semblance of focus appeared to return to his eyes and he cu
rsed harshly. He moved to her side to check her but she spoke up quickly.

  “She’s dead,” Hanna told him in steady tones that belied the roiling emotions she felt. “Dead before she finished falling by my guess.”

  She pursed her lips when he checked on her anyway but managed to withhold the scathing remark that came to her.

  “She was mine, Hanna,” He murmured softly. He stood up, shaking his head and then looked her in the eyes. His eyes were as steady as she had ever seen them.

  “It was a facile victory. We entered her mind as easily as walking to a door and turning the knob.” He continued, sounding confused yet sure of that fact at the same time. “It was like the girl had fewer mental defenses than a dog or a rodent. I honestly don't think there were any defenses at all. We marched right in as if invited.” He shook his head again and broke eye contact with her to stare at the corpse again.

  “Constance thought it to be an elaborate trap, so we were cautious at first,” He shrugged. “I had never heard of such a thing but I agreed with her. Obviously, something was amiss. An Ablanq, powerful from what we heard from witnesses, there was no way she could be so weak, even with such a strong link. But it was true!” He promised her as he turned to her with a look the brooked no argument. “I had free rein in moments, Hanna. She was my sock puppet!” He bragged.

  “Then what went wrong?” she asked him, pointing at the dead Gifted that would mean a world of problems for them. “If she was so weak and the push was so successful, why is Constance lying dead before us with what looks like her brains coming out of her damned nose? You were supposed to have the child leave the sanctuary and our people waiting for her would snap her up before the Uvarii even knew she was gone.”

  She suddenly had an idea of what happened and hissed softly, her eyes turning nearly colorless so brightly blue they became and her fangs extended. Her vision shifted into the infrared spectrum as her hunter instincts emerged from her uncustomary lack of control, revealing the dull gray form of Otarin, and the rapidly cooling corpse at his feet. It was an effort to regain control of herself. Otarin spoke as if he had not noticed and she thought that maybe he hadn't.


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