Sanctuary: Book One of Bloodlines

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Sanctuary: Book One of Bloodlines Page 30

by C. L. Stevens

  “No, but…”

  “Have I not treated you as a sister since the day you stood with me against terrible odds when you could have just run and washed your hands of me and all this danger?” She asked, emotion at last beginning to creep into her voice.

  “Yes, I know but…” Desiree stammered.

  “How about those you have met since?” She continued right over her, her voice becoming heated. “Those you have met since the power in you emerged. The vampires, your friends, the nurses and staff at the hospital, how have they treated you? How do you think they all viewed you at first sight?”

  Desiree was silent now, thinking of all the people she had met and how they had behaved in her presence. Of the guys, Eric and Kennedy, how they both flirted with her. How Stasha behaved, looking at her with near awe because Meilin had taken her as a ward. The propositions of the vampires, all those who tried to draw her attention and she ignored. The courtesy and respect Meilin’s parents had shown her. Thinking back, she even recalled the attendees at the first hotel they had stayed in. How they all stared at her with bright smiles, thinking she must be someone rich and famous.

  “You are special Desiree.” Meilin stated into the long silence.

  Her voice was calm now, soft even, as if she were talking to a skittish animal.

  “Anyone in your presence for more than a minute can see that. Not to mention you are probably the last living Ablanq and powerful in your own right. Powerful and ravishing, charming and intelligent and so very brave sister.”

  “You forgot sophisticated.” Desiree offered, wiping away tears from her eyes.

  “Eh.” Meilin said, looking away from her to stare out the window, her shoulders raising in an elaborate shrug. She looked back a second later, laughter dancing in her large, dark eyes. “Funny at least.” She supplied, seeming to offer it as some sort of runner-up gift.

  Desiree rolled her eyes, but they danced with the humor as well.

  “I don't want to ever hear that kind of talk from you again Desiree.” Meilin demanded suddenly, her voice becoming serious once more. “What you bring to our bond, no one else on earth could have. You most likely saved my life, twice.”

  Meilin shook her head as she looked her way. She seemed more than a little disappointed in her and Desiree couldn't help but feel a little ashamed, but at the same time, she knew that she could not help the way she felt. Despite it all she still felt deep down that she was a dog among horses, now only a pure breed instead of a mutt.

  They did not speak again until they were inside the Sanctuary.

  “You really think I am special, don't you?” Desiree asked her as the car came to a stop.

  “If you only knew how good you taste, you would not have to ask,” Meilin replied with a wink.

  “What does blood taste like? Not my blood I mean, just blood in general?” She asked curiously. “What is it like being a vampire?”

  Meilin seemed to give the questions more thought than she would have thought they warranted. Desiree waited patiently until she responded.

  “How does blood taste?” She mused, a thoughtful expression on her face. “Remind me.” She said with 2 raised eyebrows.

  For a moment, Desiree didn't know what she meant but then nodded, giving her a wrist.

  “No, I really want to taste you.” Meilin said and moved in for her neck.

  Seeing her intense, darkly predatory eyes and large fangs coming suddenly straight at her, beautiful and familiar face or not, she had to fight off the urge to run or strike out in defense. When the lips made contact with her neck she couldn't help but flinch. Meilin only kissed her neck though not bite. Her skin tingled where the vampire made contact. Desiree laughed nervously, both at the feeling and out of embarrassment for her initial reaction. Really! Flinching as if she has not fed on you before.

  As Meilin came it at her neck a second time, again she flinched back, unable to control the reflex, defensive action when she saw those pitiless and otherworldly, obsidian orbs and the sharp fangs bearing down on her.

  Meilin only fed for a second or two before pulling away, looking around the room as if searching for someone. Desiree's eyes combed the room as well, looking for whatever or whomever the vampire was trying to locate.

  “What's wrong?” Desiree asked, her anxiety building further from the look on the vampire's face.

  “Hush,” Meilin commanded, as she scanned the garage, blood, Desiree's blood now running down her chin. “Something is not right here. Give me a moment, I can locate the danger.” She closed her eyes and sat perfectly still for several moments.

  Desiree watched in silence, her eyes as wide as they could go. Could they be back? Could those vampires be back? Well if they are, they are going to get a big surprise this time. No, wait. What if they brought more!

  “Let's go, Meilin!” Desiree whispered fiercely.

  Meilin nodded, her features seeming more frustrated than alarmed. As Desiree moved to exit the vehicle, the vampire reached out and grabbed her arm.

  “Hold, someone approaches.”

  As Meilin's hand made contact with her arm, Desiree froze. She did not even hear what the vampire said. The tingling sensations she had previously felt at the vampire's contact was now exponential. Suddenly the vampire was feeding on her and things only got worse. Desiree's eyes rolled back into her head and her mouth opened in a silent gasp. Her fingers were vibrating like violin strings, the music they made cascading through her entire body. She did not know how long it lasted, but when she regained enough of her faculties to open her eyes again, she saw Meilin holding the hand she had used to touch her close to her body almost protectively. Her face was as intense as she had ever seen it and her eyes were clouded over as if in pain or...

  “What… what was that?” Desiree asked hoarsely. “Why did you do that?”

  The vampire seemed to not even hear her. She continued looking straight ahead with a blank expression, a shocked expression. Soon her face changed and it was as if an enemy stood before her. She still would not respond to her calls. Desiree reached to grab her chin to turn Meilin to face her but had to pull her hand away abruptly with a gasp. As fast as she had been, it was not fast enough. She threw her head back and moaned softly as the tingling she experienced before returned with the intensity she felt when it had been at its peak. When she recovered enough that she could open her eyes again, Meilin seemed to be recovering as well, if a bit more slowly. Desiree waited patiently until the vampire turned to her with mostly clear eyes.

  “What happened?” She asked the vampire again, shakily. “Did you do that on purpose?”

  “No,” Meilin admitted, shaking her head slowly. Desiree thought with surprise that vampire did not even look like she was as fully recovered as she thought. She watched as Meilin made an effort to sit up straighter in her seat.

  “I do not know what happened,” Meilin continued when she managed to collect herself a little more. “I had only meant to get your attention. I lost control of myself. I never lose control.” She added in a lower tone. She looked over at her warily.

  “Then what happened?” Desiree asked again.

  “Something is happening between us,” Meilin continued as if she had not heard. There was a wariness, and a real sense of apprehension about her that Desiree did not like. She reached over slowly as if to touch her and Desiree pulled back, even going so far as to open the car door and lean out of the vehicle, so strong was her desire not to be touched and have it all happen again. Meilin let her hand drop in disappointment.

  She could not handle going through that again. Not so soon. Even now there were subtle but very noticeable aftershocks of the tingling running through her from time to time. Some were strong enough that she had to sit still and close her eyes in concentration so she did not cry out. Please, no more. I can't take any more.

  She felt weak and rung out like a wet rag. But she also felt as if she could lift a car with her bare hands. There was so much energy coursing through
her that she wanted to run and jump and play as if she were five years old. When Meilin put her hands back at her sides, Desiree sat back down.

  “Sorry.” She said sheepishly. But again, it was as if her sister did not hear.

  “I need to do some research on the bond,” Meilin said, right on top of her words. “The bond sometimes has different aspects, depending on those involved. I have never heard of a bond that causes such intense reactions at a simple touch however. I… I have never felt anything quite like that.”

  “Me neither,” Desiree agreed. “It was like my whole body was vibrating. Combined with what I normally feel when you feed, I thought I might…” She shook her head. It was too much. “They were like… feeding on one another, growing stronger.”

  “I will find out what is going on,” Meilin assured her and reached out to squeeze her hand reassuringly. They both flinched but if there was something passing between them now it was only faint. A leaky faucet to a raging waterfall in comparison with only moments before. They both shared a perplexed look. Then they both nearly jumped out of their skin as someone slapped the hood of the car.

  “There you are!” Elizabeta practically shouted. “Your father has been looking for you and he is more angry than usual I assure you. Whatever you did, you have done it this time.”

  Meilin exited the car, all signs of anxiety or vulnerability gone in an instant. She eyed the other vampire coldly before gathering some of her bags with a slow casualness that Elizabeta seemed to take like a slap in the face. Desiree moved to do the same, if a lot less smoothly.

  “You know nothing of what you speak cousin.” Meilin stated with such an air of knowing that it even gave Desiree confidence. Elizabeta was not deterred though. She laughed off the words, though her face held a sneer not mirth.

  “Oh, I think I know a fair bit more than you think.” She retorted scathingly. “That has always been your weakness Meilin, too sure of yourself. You always believe you know more than the rest of us. That we are all fools, your parents included, but this…”

  “You are a fool Elizabeta.” Meilin cut in. “You show it nearly every day.”

  “Do you think so?” She said casually. A bit too casually and a bit too knowing for Desiree’s liking. “Your lord father was rather upset when I spoke to him not two hours past.” She commented as if chatting over morning coffee. “Rather upset indeed. But it was not his usual flare up. The kind that burns hot for a few moments and dies out just as quickly. No.” She continued, tapping a manicured fingernail on her teeth with a click, click, click. “In fact, you could say that he seemed more disappointed than upset. Almost as if someone had given their word and broke it. You know how he hates that cousin.”

  Meilin’s face lost much of its nonchalance and barely veiled disdain. She even went so far as to swallow exaggeratedly.

  “Shit.” Meilin cursed sourly. “What did he say?”

  Elizabeta only smiled.

  “What did my father say Liz, this is no game.”

  The other vampire appeared confused. “If it is not a game, why am I enjoying it so dear cousin?” She said and laughed mockingly.

  Meilin brushed roughly past her waving for Desiree to follow. Elizabeta watched them both, still smiling broadly.

  “I suggest you clean up first before entering the house proper dear cousin.” Elizabeta stated to their backs in an overly friendly voice. “I would not see the family name further soiled by you.” She tsked, sounding so much like Meilin that Desiree wondered if she was mocking her with it. “I would have thought that even you, as wild and undisciplined as you can be sometimes, would have mastered feeding by now. Bloody hell woman, can you not control yourself any better than a new made?”

  Meilin stiffened, her face going red from her forehead down to the high collared neck of her elegant gown. She had to put her bags down before digging in her tiny purse and pulling out a wad of cloth. She wiped her mouth and chin hastily. When she finished, they entered the house to the sound of the other vampire's course laughter. At the last minute before the door closed Desiree looked back in time to see Elizabeta, her elaborate white gown almost seeming to shimmer in the slanted rays of sunlight that came through the thick foliage of the trees. The beautiful vampire waved and then winked at her as if to say, “I got the best of your patron this time little human.”

  “Is it as bad as she says?” Desiree asked as they made their way through a nearly empty house. At this time of day most of the vampires would be at rest, the humans as well who typically quickly assimilated to the rest cycle of their Patron, to all the vampire's schedules.

  “If my father is still awake then yes.” She replied stiffly. “I should have taken you to him straight away. I had given my word that I would.” She continued mumbling to herself under her breath, too low for Desiree to make out but it sounded like more self-recriminations.

  “I will tell him that it was my fault Meilin.” Desiree said as they continued walking. “I wanted to see Stasha.”

  “Would you have me shamed further by trying to pass the blame sister?” The vampire stated in exasperation. “It was I who made the promise, therefore my fault that I did not keep it.”

  Desiree wanted to argue the point further but they were now standing in front of the large double doors that Meilin had brought her to that first night she had met her parents. Two Phalanx flanked the doors like unmoving statues.

  “Is my father present?” She asked, her voice clear and strong and full of command, nothing like the last few minutes.

  “Yes, my lady.” One of the guards replied. Desiree could not tell which.

  “Bloody hell,” She heard Meilin curse softly as the doors opened.

  Inside her father sat at the center chair, the largest chair, alone, looking like a king on his throne. He had a gruff expression on his face that did not soften in the slightest when his dark eyes fell on them as they entered.

  “So, you have finally decided to honor your word daughter.” He said slowly. Elizabeta had been right Desiree thought. He looked more disappointed than angry, though he was still obviously upset. “What excuse do you offer now?”

  Meilin fell to one knee and spoke hurriedly.

  “I have no excuse and I beg your pardon father,” She said in formal tones with both hands gathered before her with her head bowed. The voice was still clear as a bell but was now weaker if not meek and the commanding snap to it had completely fled. Her father raised an eyebrow at her uncustomary show of humility. “I…” She continued but trailed off as Desiree stepped up beside her, mimicking her pose.

  “It was my fault my, uh, my lord.” She began but Meilin tried to shush her, looking from her to her father, her face changing from utter surprise to anger to embarrassment so quickly that Desiree thought she might injure herself.

  “No!” Desiree retorted angrily, refusing to be silenced. “Am I your sister or your prisoner Meilin?” She demanded heatedly. “If I am your guest and sister as you claim, I have the right to choose my own actions and you cannot and should not try to stop me. When I awoke, I chose what I was to do so in fact this was my fault!”

  Meilin’s mouth opened but she shut again looking thoroughly shocked. She looked up to her father as if for help but also as if to say the girl was beyond reason or help but lord Uvarii appeared just as taken aback by her outburst. But he only watched with a sort of half smile on his bearded face.

  “It was my fault my lord.” She repeated.” Directly addressing him once more. “I knew of your request but I learned upon waking that the woman I was with during my ordeal was in the hospital and not doing well by last report. Worry and guilt for her made me forget myself and I demanded to be taken to her. You see my lord, it was my fault she was hurt and I wanted to be by her side to see if I could help in any way. I apologize most humbly my lord and ask your understanding of the snap decision and vow that in the future I shall make a greater effort to see your will done if it is in my power to do so.”

The Lord Uvarii said, rubbing his mouth and beard repeatedly with one hand. If Desiree didn't know any better, he looked to be hiding a smile.

  “That was very well said young one.” He said after a lengthy pause. “Perhaps I will enlist your talents when I need to apologize to my wife.” He added under his breath but Desiree could still make it out. “I do understand your reasoning and you should think no more of the matter.” He turned to regard his only child once more.

  “You have bonded a spirited one have you not daughter?” He continued, giving Meilin a wry smile. “Though I suppose she would have to be in order to survive in the dead zone.” There was no doubt about it now, he was smiling.

  He stood then and motioned for the women to do so as well.

  “Rise and come forth.” He bade. “Tell me everything so that I may finally satisfy my curiosity and get some rest.”

  She proceeded to tell him then, the story going much smoother having just told it earlier. He asked many more questions than she had and Desiree did her best to answer with as much detail as she could recall. In fact, he managed to bring out things she had forgotten, so relentless was he. The lord of house Uvarii seemed to pay particular attention to how she was able to push the darkness away from Stasha and herself but she was of little help there. The truth was she had no idea how she did it or if she was even responsible for doing it at all. She hadn't thought of it at the time, survival was all.

  When he was at last satisfied he thanked them and sent them on their way. They retired to their rooms after Meilin sent for a bite to eat for Desiree, only fruit this time, an apple sliced as if for a child and a small bunch of grapes and then promptly fell fast asleep. Desiree ate in her own bed but decided to cuddle with her sister afterwards though sleep itself was the furthest thing on her mind. She ended up star gazing for hours. It took her awhile to get it started, though she remembered every word of Meilin’s instructions but she eventually succeeded. With the initial awe of the experience behind her, she was much bolder this time around.


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