A Face in the Crowd

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A Face in the Crowd Page 10

by Christina Kirby

  “It was a long day.”

  “Well, yeah, all that head shaving can wear a girl out.” She dropped the two bags of what turned out to be Chinese takeout on the counter. “I hope you haven’t eaten.”

  “Not you, too,” Lexie groaned.

  “Of course, me, too. I almost fell off the Brown’s couch when E! News flashed the picture of you with the guys on the screen. I had to whip out my laptop and check out the site for myself, sure I’d hallucinated or something, but nope. There you were, sandwiched between Oliver and Bailey, like you’re a long lost member of the band.”

  “Right,” Lexie rolled her eyes.

  “No, you looked good. Of course, I’m not sure I saw you, per se. I was too busy having a mild heart palpitation upon seeing them all with no hair and poor Bailey . . .”

  “I thought you might feel that way. He’s still hot though.” Lexie poured them each a cup of cheap wine and followed Simone to the couch.”

  “Sesame seed good with you?”

  “Pass it over,” Lexie grabbed a Styrofoam container and lifted the lid. The smell of the sweet glaze made her mouth water.

  “You off tomorrow?”

  “Yes, thank God. If I didn’t have the day off, you’d probably have to bail me out of jail.”

  “Oh no, what happened?”

  She proceeded to fill Simone in on the conversation which took place in Janice’s office while they chowed down. Simone listened intently, snarled in all the appropriate places, and finally said, “What a bitch.”

  “My thoughts, exactly. As if I wouldn’t do my job. I know Ashley said something.” Lexie skewered another piece of chicken, pretending it was Ashley’s smug face.

  “She probably saw the picture and got jealous.” Simone took a sip of her wine and paused, thoughtful. “It’s not like she’s any different than half the girls in America right now, heck the world. Who wouldn’t want to be you?”

  Lexie’s mouth twitched. “It was pretty fun.”

  “Pretty fun? Please. I’m going to need a much more detailed report.”

  Sitting across from Simone, she was reminded why she was going to miss her so much. At least with her best friend around, she could vent and had someone on her side. The hospital could be a lonely place. Everyone was always busy running around and tending to patients. By the end of the day, people were too tired to do anything other than go home.

  “So, that’s it then. No more time with Bailey?”

  “That’s it.”

  “Did you tell him?”

  “Did I tell him?” Lexie echoed as she toyed with more of her fried rice.

  “Yeah, did you tell him you weren’t allowed to be his nurse anymore? No more sponge baths or back massages.”

  Lexie burst out laughing and nearly shot wine out of her nose. “He can shower without help and back massages, are you kidding me? Just what is it that you think I do all day?”

  “I have no idea, but since he’s hot I was trying to make things more exciting in my head. Hashtag writer’s life.”

  “Believe me, your imagination is the only place anything exciting is happening, and from now on, I have to steer clear or I’m going to be looking for a new job.”

  Simone arched one of her thin brows in Lexie’s direction. “Would that be so bad?”

  “There are days when I think it wouldn’t.” She set her empty container on her scarred table and sighed, ready to put her day behind her. What was done was done. “That’s enough about my less than stellar day. Tell me about you. Have you figured out where you’re going to live when you get to L.A.?”

  “Oh, God, you’re going to laugh. I’m going to live in an apartment with three other roommates. Three.”

  “That’s going to be an adjustment.”

  “Big time, but it’s either that or live on the streets somewhere. I found this place going through the studio. These particular apartments are for people trying to break into the business. Tons of famous people roughed it there before making it.”

  “It will be like your very own Melrose Place.”

  “Probably not that nice. I sent Leo an email about it asking him if he’d heard of it, trying to make sure it was legit and he vouched for it, so that’s something.”

  “Wait, you emailed Leo, as in Survival Leo?”

  Simone shrugged, but there was a wicked glint in her eye. “He gave me all his information the other night at Smith’s and told me to look him up once I got settled. That’s okay, right?”

  “Of course it is. I was just surprised.” She took a swig of her much needed wine. “It’s cool that you’ll know someone out there.”

  “I’m not holding my breath or anything. From what I hear, I’m going to be working crazy hours and I’m sure the band will go back on tour once Bailey is back on his feet.”

  Lexie considered what she’d overheard Andy say in Bailey’s room. “I would think so. They had to cancel a few shows so they’ll have to make those up.”

  “How is Bailey?”

  “Really good, actually. He’s holding up better than some. He was in such good shape to start with that I think it’s helping him.”

  “And, Oliver? How’s he holding up?”

  Lexie squirmed as Simone studied her with hawk-like intensity. “Fine, I guess. Why are you looking at me like that?”

  “Like what?”

  “Like you know something I don’t.”

  “On the contrary. I’m sure you know, you just won’t do anything about it.”

  Lexie fell back against her favorite pillows and contemplated throwing one of the burlap squares at Simone’s head. “Please.”

  “What? I know you’re into him.” She pointed an accusatory finger in her direction. “I was at Smith’s the other night, too, remember? I saw the way the two of you were together, leaning in close, casual touching, lingering looks—”

  “There were no lingering looks.”

  “Like hell. You both looked like you wanted to do more than talk.”

  “You’re crazy, Simone.”

  “Am I?”

  Lexie squirmed again and downed the rest of her wine. How was it Simone could always see right through her?

  “Why not just ask him to coffee or maybe he could accompany you to the gym. He does seem to be in pretty good shape.”

  “I hadn’t noticed,” Lexie smirked.

  “Sure,” Simone laughed. “Seriously though, you should go for it. You never let yourself take chances and you should. Have some fun.”

  “I’ll think about it.” She carried their trash to the kitchen and paused to stare out the window over her sink. She had no doubt Oliver would be fun, but what happened when it stopped being fun or she got attached?

  The following week was chaotic. Lexie barely had time to miss seeing the Honeycutts since Janice decided to make sure she not only wasn’t assigned to Bailey’s case, but she also had the maximum number of patients allotted to one nurse. Each night, she had to drag herself to the gym and then she would fall into bed, more exhausted than she’d been in recent memory.

  “Where have you been this week?”

  She jumped at the sound of Oliver’s deep voice and turned. Busy writing stats on her arm until she could make time to update charts, she hadn’t noticed his sudden arrival. “Working. How’re you?”

  “Fine. Tired. But seriously, where have you been?”

  “I told you, working.” She clicked her pen and shoved it back into her shirt pocket. “So, what are you doing out and about? Is Bailey okay?”

  “I was looking for you,” his tone was clipped, surprising her. Was he mad? “I thought we were sort of on our way to becoming friends and then you disappeared.”

  Abashed, Lexie dropped her gaze to her shoes. “I didn’t mean
to disappear.” Of course, that wasn’t entirely true. She’d made the decision to stay away from him, so when he left, it wouldn’t be as hard to say goodbye. And, so she wouldn’t get in trouble with Janice. She wasn’t oblivious to the way Ashley had kept tabs on her during the week. “I’ve just been extremely busy.”

  “That’s pretty lame.” He bent down until his face was only a few inches from her own. “You couldn’t stop by at the end of your day, you know, after you clock out? Unless . . .” he straightened again, but his body was still too close to hers, making her feel warm all over.

  “Oh, I get it now. You only stop in when you have to.”

  She craned her neck so she could see his eyes. “That’s hardly the case. Look, Oliver, I can’t stand out here and argue with you right now. I have four patients who are waiting for me.”

  “You’re right. You know what, don’t worry about it. I’m sorry if I bothered you.”

  She flinched at his words and out of the corner of her eye, saw Ashley watching them from down the hall.

  “I really have to go now.”

  “Whatever, Alexis. It’s all good. I’ll see you around,” he turned and walked back to his brother’s room, the sight of his retreating back twisting something painful in her chest.

  Considering how much he’d stayed on her mind throughout the day, Lexie decided it was a miracle she hadn’t killed anyone. The look on his face haunted her while she doled out medications and the hurt in his voice echoed in her ears to the point she had to ask patients to repeat themselves. She didn’t understand why he cared so much. Or, maybe he was used to getting what he wanted and for right now while he was stuck in Atlanta, she was his entertainment.

  Whatever the case, she needed to put him out of her mind for good. No more scanning the internet for articles about him. No more following his Twitter account. Cold turkey. Allowing herself to be attracted to someone like him was certifiable. Not that anyone could blame her. His broad shoulders, perfectly cocky smile, and smoldering eyes were hard not to notice. The real problem was he was causing her to feel in a way she hadn’t in a long time. Not since Mike, if she were being completely honest.

  As she stepped behind the desk, she tried to regain a sliver of focus. It would be impossible to get caught up on patient files if she didn’t at least make some progress.

  Halfway through the stack, Ashley came up behind her and cleared her throat. “I thought you weren’t supposed to be associating with Bailey.”

  “I haven’t been,” Lexie turned her chair around to face Ashley, who was standing with her arms crossed while she continued to look down her nose.

  “I saw you talking to his brother in the hall this morning.”

  “He approached me. What did you want me to do, run in the other direction?”

  “As if you would. Don’t act like you aren’t into him. We saw you grinning on the internet like an idiot.” The other nurse who was sitting at the desk was still facing her computer, but she’d stopped typing to listen. “Please, girl, a man like him would never be into someone like you.”

  The blood rushed to Lexie’s face and pressure built behind her eyes.

  “Listen, I’m just trying to help you.”

  “Help me,” Lexie said through clenched teeth.

  “Yes, of course. I’m trying to save you from a lot of embarrassment later.”

  “Ashley, I haven’t done anything wrong, so why don’t you let me get back to doing my job. That’s what I’m here for. Not to argue with someone who acts like they’re still in middle school.”

  Ashley’s smirk dissolved as her lips shriveled into a hard line. “Watch it, Lexie, one word from me to my sister and you’ll be on your way out the door.”

  She balled her hands into fists to stop from standing up and smacking Ashley square across the face. Instead, and without another word, she stood and took off down the hall one step short of running. She had to get out of there before she did something she couldn’t undo.

  The entire week she’d done exactly what she was supposed to and she was still catching grief. It had taken a lot of will power to stay away from Oliver, especially knowing he was right behind a door she passed a hundred times a day, but she’d done it. Like always, she did what she was supposed to do.

  She collapsed onto a bench in the locker room and took a few deep breaths while she wondered if it wouldn’t be better to break free of this place and do exactly what she wanted to do for a change. Maybe travel across Europe or scuba dive in Australia near the Great Barrier Reef. She had enough money saved to get by for a while.

  Head hanging, she continued to focus on her breathing. As much as she wanted to, she couldn’t hide in here for the rest of her shift. She had to go make her rounds, but Ashley had this way of getting under her skin. Lexie had never been someone who could take it on the chin. She wanted to fight back, stand up for herself, or even better, put Ashley in her place. But, what could she do?

  The worst part wasn’t the threat of Ashley running to her sister, Lexie wasn’t afraid of Janice, but what she’d said about Oliver liking someone like her. It was like Ashley could read her mind and she’d thrown Lexie’s own self-doubt in her face.

  It was the same with all her patients and it would be the same with Oliver. Though he flirted with her and liked to chat, it didn’t mean that as soon as his brother was discharged she wouldn’t be forgotten. It was like that with her job. She was there for as long as people needed her and then when their time there was finished, they vanished.

  To her great dismay, her personal life worked much the same way, which was why light and casual was best. She wouldn’t be the one left reeling wondering why she’d been left again and if she needed to, she would be the one to walk away. Whatever she needed to do to keep from being railroaded again. Once was enough. She had the scars to prove it.

  Oliver stood up and wrapped Sara in a hug and then gave David a few man slaps on the back. “Hey, man, you’re back. How was L.A.?”

  “Hey, Oliver, nice dome,” she laughed as she gave him a once over.

  He was relieved to see them. He loved his mom, but after a week, they both needed a break. It was nice to see some new faces.

  “Bailey,” Sara hugged his brother, but when Oliver saw Sara’s eyes fill, he had to turn away.

  “I’m doing okay.”

  Oliver cleared his throat and pointed at David’s latest hat. “Are you going for a new look?” Instead of his usual baseball cap he was sporting a Fedora.

  “The old hats don’t feel the same without hair.” David removed the latest addition to his hat collection and spun it around between his fingers. “How’s Lexie?”

  “Who’s Lexie?” Sara observed Oliver with renewed interest.

  “Just a nurse who works here, no one special,” he shrugged.

  “She’s cool. She’s the nurse in the picture with us.” David took a seat and hit Oliver in the leg. “What’s up with you? Did you guys fight or something?”

  “Look, it’s no big deal. I just thought we were cool and then she stopped coming by. I was wrong I guess.” Oliver kicked the immobile wheel on the underside of the bed, wishing like hell he could remove himself from this particular line of questioning.

  “We saw her at the desk on the way in. She and some other nurse were going at it.”

  Sara perked up, “Oh! Was she the pretty one with all the earrings?”

  “Yeah, that was her. I was going to say hello, but it didn’t seem like a good time.”

  “What were they fighting about?” Oliver winced as soon as the words were out of his mouth. So much for staying nonchalant.

  “Actually, it sounded like they were fighting about you.”

  Oliver’s eyes narrowed.

  “It sounded that way,” David adjusted his hat. “That’s why
we stopped walking. We heard your name and it caught our attention.”

  “He looks interested now, doesn’t he?” Sara grinned at David who grinned back in the annoyingly-in-love way they did.

  “Don’t tease him.”

  “Well, this one girl was standing up looking down at Lexie and saying she was supposed to be staying away from Bailey. Lexie said she was and then that girl said she saw the two of you talking in the hall.”

  Oliver stripped his knit hat off and rubbed a hand over his head as a sense of guilt crept into his stomach and left him queasy.

  “The girl brought up the picture on the site,” David paused to collect his thoughts. “Then, she threatened to tell her sister or something and have Lexie get into some kind of trouble.”

  “Or fired. To me it sounded like she would have her fired,” Sara added helpfully.

  “Oh shit. This is my fault,” Oliver slapped his hat across the end of the bed. “I did talk to her this morning in the hall, but I sought her out. She told me she’d been busy, but then I was rude . . . she was just trying to keep her job. I’m such a jerk.”

  “We already knew that.”

  Oliver ignored his brother as he debated what to do next. He needed to apologize in a colossal way.

  “Hey, it’s not like you knew you were going to get her in trouble,” David tried, as always, to be the voice of reason. “Besides, I don’t think the picture on the site is the real issue. That chick seemed like a total bitch.”

  “I still feel like an a-hole. I didn’t know she was on the verge of getting fired. I don’t know what they think she’s doing in here. She doesn’t come in and hang out all day. She rushes in, does what she has to do, and rushes out to the next person’s room.”

  “Maybe you should talk to her,” Sara suggested.

  “I don’t want to get her into more trouble.”


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