A Face in the Crowd

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A Face in the Crowd Page 21

by Christina Kirby

  At the final turn, she found her path blocked by iron gates. Before she had time to roll down her window and press the button on the little box outside her window there was a buzzing sound, and the gates swung open. She blew out a breath. Too late to turn back now, Lexie. She rolled ahead leaving the gates behind.

  Her eyes widened as the house came into view. It was breathtaking and reminded her of Tara in Gone with the Wind. It was an all-white plantation style house, complete with wraparound porches and a fountain in the center of the U shaped driveway. She could hardly believe she was still in Atlanta. In all her years she’d never seen this part of the city.

  She parked her car at the top of the U and gawked at the house, if you could call it a house, as she climbed out of her car.

  “I see you found the place.”

  She jumped at the sound of Oliver’s voice. The fountain had kept her from hearing the door. Seeing him there leaning against the doorjamb in jeans and bare feet she at least felt better about her own attire. He didn’t look like the kind of person who would live in a house like this one, but he didn’t look out of place either.

  “It’s a beautiful area,” Lexie climbed the steps toward him. “If this is your idea of a temporary home, I can’t imagine what your house in L.A. must look like.”

  He took a step back and let her pass in front of him into the house. “Actually, my house in L.A. is nothing like this one. It’s smaller and much more modern. This is what was available in a pinch.”

  “And, it has a gate,” she added.

  “Which is always a good idea,” he started down a hall toward the back of the house and motioned for her to follow.

  “Any girls hanging out in the bathroom?”

  “None that I’ve found, yet.”

  She followed him down a wide hallway, taking in the scene as she went. The walls were lined with pictures and a tall, wooden sculpture of a lion looked on from a corner. As they passed a living room she stifled a gasp. She expected the house to be over the top fancy, but she hadn’t expected it to look as homey and welcoming as it did. Plush pillows and heavy throw-blankets were strewn about the large couch and extra wide chair. Tall bookshelves full of books, nick-knacks, and awards filled an entire wall, which considering the ceilings looked to be about fourteen feet high, was impressive in and of itself.

  When a familiar face caught her attention, she paused beside one of the frames and studied the men in the picture. “Is that Tyler Perry?”

  Oliver laughed. “Probably. It is his house after all.”

  “You’re kidding?”

  “Nope. He’s away on location and offered it to us. Great guy.” Oliver turned to the right and disappeared from view. “I hope you like pasta.”

  She shook her head. Tyler Perry. She was in Tyler Perry’s house. What was next? The members of Fall Out Boy were stopping by for dinner? She forced her feet to move. “I love pasta.”

  “Good,” he smiled as she stepped into the kitchen, “because, it’s one of the few things that I make well.”

  “So, where’s your mom and Bailey tonight?” Lexie slid onto a barstool and watched Oliver move around the kitchen.

  “Mom’s on her way back to L.A. and Bailey is at a friend’s. We have the whole house to ourselves.”

  Her stomach tightened at the thought of being alone with Oliver again. Dinner was a terrible idea. She should’ve just called, thanked him for the flowers, and moved on.

  As Oliver moved to the sink to drain water from the pasta, the muscles under his shirt bunched and relaxed. Steam rose and when he lifted his hand to wipe his face, the sight was enough to make Lexie’s mouth go dry. Needing something else to focus on she slid her hands into her lap. “How are the guys? Have they started recording the new songs?”

  “They got together today and started kicking some things around,” Oliver filled two plates and turned to set one in front of her.

  “I bet they miss you.” Because, that’s where you’re supposed to be, she wanted to add. You’re supposed to be in L.A., not cooking me dinner in Tyler Perry’s kitchen.

  “I doubt it. I’m very opinionated when it comes to recording. They’ll get more done without me there.”

  She doubted that was true, but let the subject drop. “I never got a chance to thank you for the flowers. They’re beautiful. All of them.”

  “I’m glad you like all of them.” Oliver set his plate to the side while he poured two glasses of wine. “Follow me.” He picked up his own glass and plate and left the kitchen.

  Lexie did as asked and followed him into the cozy living room she’d noticed earlier.

  “I thought we would be more comfortable in here.”

  “This is perfect.” They chatted easily and enjoyed each other’s company as the sun set and the hour grew late. Lexie needed to leave to keep things platonic, but she couldn’t muster the willpower to go.

  “Lexie,” Oliver reached over and touched her hand. “Stay with me.”

  She finished swallowing the sip of wine in her mouth and stood. “That’s not a good idea.”

  Oliver got to his feet, but didn’t touch her. Instead, he pinned her in place with intense eyes. “Please stop fighting this. I want you. I want my hands on you and I want you to admit that you want me, too.”

  Her resolve wavered.

  “Don’t you get it, Lexie? For me, everything has changed.”

  She opened her mouth to argue, but he held up a hand to stop her. “Don’t say it’s because I’m here instead of at home. If it were up to me, I would take you right here on this couch and I wouldn’t let you leave.”

  “Oliver, you know I want you, but that doesn’t last. You’re asking me for too much.” Lexie began walking toward the door to leave. “Thank you for dinner and for the flowers, but friendship is all I have to offer you.”

  “I have friends, Lexie. I don’t need more.”

  “Why are you doing this? Why are you ruining what has been a perfect evening by pushing me into a corner?”

  “Life is short, Lexie. You, of all people, understand that and after going through all of this with Bailey . . . I don’t want to waste any more time.” In two strides, he caught up to her and grabbed her arm.

  “Let go of me,” her lack of strength where Oliver was concerned was evident by the lack of conviction in her tone.

  Unwilling to hear any more of her feeble protests he pulled her toward him and kissed her, hard. He crushed her body between his own and the door where she resisted, but only for an instant. Before she knew what was happening, her mind was fuzzy and she was leaning into him. Her arms seeming to wrap around his neck of their own free will. What her mind stood in the way of, her body ignored.

  “Stay with me, Alexis.” He let his fingers slide down her arm until he could lace his through hers. “Not because I love you, but you know I do. Stay with me because you love me, too.”

  When her resistance lessened, Oliver turned for the stairs, pulling her along behind him. Unlike the night they’d spent on her couch, or rather her floor, this would be different. He intended to worship her body with everything he had. Not only to please her, but also to prove how much he cared.

  They turned right at the top of the staircase and made their way to the guest room where he’d been staying.

  “Wow, Oliver,” he turned when he felt her reluctance upon entering. “Are you sure Tyler won’t mind?”

  “This is one of his many guest rooms. I assure you, he won’t.” He used their joined hands to pull her closer and slipped a hand under the strap of her bag to slide it to the floor, keeping his movements slow, as to not spook her. Her breathing was already unsteady and he didn’t miss the light tremor in her hand as he raised it to his lips and proceeded to kiss the end of each of her fingers. He let his tongue brush the tip of the last
one as a promise of what was to come.

  As he moved his hand to the side of her face and brushed a thumb across the soft skin of her cheek, he leaned in and kissed her. Their mouths melded together with ease the way lovers’ mouths did, familiar and hungry. He deepened the kiss and released the hand he’d been holding to slip it around the back of her neck.

  A moan sounded from her throat and his desire for her escalated, but he kept the pace slow. One brush of his tongue over hers, two—as he savored every taste.

  “Oliver,” Lexie smiled at him in the darkness, “I need just a minute.”

  “Sure. Take your time.” He pointed to the far wall. “The bathroom is over there.” His eyes followed her until the door closed between them.

  He moved to the gas log fireplace and flipped the switch. Firelight was the only illumination they needed. He returned to the bed and batted the decorative pillows aside, then turned down the covers. Surveying the room, he gave a silent nod of approval. It wasn’t exactly rose petals and candles, but it wasn’t half-bad.

  The bathroom door opened, and there, with light shining around her, was Lexie. His chest swelled at the sight of her. She flipped off the light and sauntered toward him. The sight of her, only wearing a bra and panties, was enough for blood to surge to one central location, but he didn’t cross the room to meet her. Instead, he waited. Each step she took added to the game of seduction they were about to play.

  “You’re beautiful.”

  “So are you.” She slid her hands under his shirt and let her fingertips drag slowly across his skin, sending a shiver through him, then she pulled his shirt up and over his head, leaving his chest bare. She ran her hands up over his pectoral muscles and then shoved him back toward the bed. He didn’t resist.

  She climbed on top of him and moved her hips against him. He bit back the curse on the tip of his tongue and flipped over, forcing her onto her back.

  “Tonight is about you.” He lowered his face to her shoulders, then her chest where he sampled each of her perfect breasts. When he traced a finger just under the edge of her bra and brushed her nipple with a feathery touch, she bucked beneath him.

  He smiled and continued on. There was so much more of her to discover, so much more to know about his Alexis. The woman he’d been waiting for without realizing he’d been waiting at all. He kissed each of her hipbones in turn and then cupped her sex in his hand. She gasped and rocked against him. Determined to bring her to the peak of pleasure, he glided his fingers under the lacy edge of her panties and found her ready for him.

  “Christ, Lexie.” He dropped his head to her stomach and stroked her once, and then again.

  “Oliver, I need you. Please.”

  “Not yet.” He raised his head and used her hips to flip her over onto her stomach and proceeded to run his hands over her perfect ass. He unhooked her bra and with her back exposed, he trailed his lips across her spine. As he massaged his thumbs deep into her muscles starting with her shoulders and moving down to her lower back, she melted beneath him, completely trusting and open.

  He’d never needed a woman more. This woman. His match.

  He unsnapped the top of his jeans, kicked them off, and leaned his body over hers. Now free, he pressed himself against her back.

  “Oliver,” she breathed, “I don’t think I can wait anymore.”

  Her hands gripped the fluffy white down comforter and she bent her leg, allowing him full access to her body.

  He pressed against her one last time and then he was inside her. She gasped with his name on her lips as they each gave over to the sensation of moving as one. No longer able to think, only feel, he rocked with her, slow and then steady as they made their own rhythm.

  As a tremor of pleasure raked through her, he slowed his hips and whispered into her ear, “I want to see you. I want to see you when you surrender to me.”

  She twisted and he maneuvered until she was on her back and he was between her legs. He didn’t waste time, he drove into her with reckless abandon, the passion so fierce they groaned in unison.

  “Look at me, Lexie.”

  She dropped her chin from where her head was tilted back into the pillows and met his eyes. Though clouded with desire, she kept her gaze on his until he drove them both over the edge. As she called out his name and he hers into the dimly lit room, he knew no love song ever sounded sweeter.

  Chapter 20

  The following morning as the sun’s first light slanted across the sky, Lexie crept out of the bedroom and made her way downstairs. Her lips were still slightly swollen from the previous evening and her skin was sensitive where he’d taken his time exploring every inch of her body. She was completely insane. She was sure of it, but she couldn’t help how she felt. And, maybe Oliver was right. Maybe she did need to trust that he knew his own mind. Maybe they could make this work like normal people.

  If she could leave a note, he’d know everything was fine and forgive her for taking off on him. She just needed some space to think and make some big life decisions. She’d take the time at home to allow her mind to catch up with her heart. Everything would be fine. Better than fine. Everything would be right.

  She stepped into the kitchen to find some paper to leave him a note, but nearly screamed when she found a man there.

  “Oh,” Andy’s surprise matched hers, but he recovered quickly with one of his condescending smiles. “I take it our golden boy is still sleeping?”

  “Yes, I was just heading out.”

  “That’s probably best on account of us having to catch a plane and all.”

  Her hand tightened on the strap of her bag.

  “Didn’t he tell you? He has to be back in L.A. later today for a big meeting with the label, and then he and the guys are supposed to be in the studio in the morning.” Andy snickered. “I guess you didn’t talk much though, did you?”

  A wave of nausea threatened to overwhelm her as she stepped back into the hallway. No. There had to be more to it. Oliver wouldn’t just leave. She made for the stairs. She’d just have to ask him about it. He’d clear things up.

  Before she reached the landing, Andy was beside her. He covered her hand where it was resting on the railing with his.

  “Don’t embarrass yourself by begging. I mean, surely you understand that this is how it is with these guys.” Andy chuckled and set her teeth on edge. “There was Teresa in Seattle, Naomi in New Jersey, and I think Mimi in Ontario. What you’ve got to understand is that it’s always the same. They have their fun and then they call me in when they’re finished to deal with the aftermath. Why do you think I’m here? Oliver called me.” He leaned in close enough for her to smell his coffee breath. “You aren’t special.”

  The doorbell rang and as doubt clouded her determination, her gaze shifted to the door.

  “There’s our ride now.”

  Lexie yanked her hand out from under his clammy one.

  “Let me walk you out,” Andy pushed past her and led her to the door.

  She wanted to say no or that she could go out a door on her own, but she was having trouble speaking. Why hadn’t Oliver told her he was leaving today? She’d always known there’d been other women. She wasn’t delusional, but . . .

  “Lexie, it is Lexie, right?”

  She nodded when he glanced at her over his shoulder, as she continued to try to make sense of what Andy had said about aftermath. About her.

  “Good. Good. So, I’m sure Oliver has expressed his thanks for the good work you did for Bailey while he was in the hospital, but let me add my own personal thanks. This was a hard time for the guys and you really took care of them, Oliver especially. The distraction was good for him.” He opened the door and gestured for her to walk through. “I’ll let him know you said goodbye,” he reached out a hand and took her arm as she passed. “And
, don’t worry, I’ll be sure to tell him before Michelle is around to hear it. With the two of them this close to becoming engaged, we wouldn’t want to do anything to cause a rift there, would we?”

  “You’re lying.” He had to be.

  Andy raised an eyebrow and then pulled a small velvet box from his jacket pocket. “Then why did he ask me to pick this up for him?”

  With fire in her face and the sting of betrayal spreading through her soul, Lexie turned to tell him where he could go, but he shut the door in her face, silencing her for good. Of all the assholes . . . argh! She stomped down the steps where, the man she assumed was the limo’s driver stood leaning against the hood. As he eyed her with mild interest, she ignored him and climbed into her car where she threw her purse across the width of the front seat. She sped out of the driveway without so much as a second glance in her rearview mirror. How could she have been so stupid? A guy tells her he loves her and she falls into bed with him? Twice. Of all the clichéd things to do. And what? He tells her he and Michelle are over and she just believes him?

  But, he’d looked so sure when he’d said he loved her, so real. She huffed out a breath. Well, wasn’t he a good actor among his many other talents?

  Still fuming, she took the stairs up to her place two at a time, but when she found a woman with brown hair the same shade as her own standing at the door, she stopped.

  “Mom, what are you doing here?”

  Her mother turned toward her with red eyes. Eyes which were filling again, on cue, it would seem.

  “Oh, baby,” Donna flew at her and caught her in a hard hug. The smell of her perfume overwhelming her senses. “I tried to tell you on the phone. It’s over between me and your stepfather.”


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