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Chloe Page 9

by J H Cardwell

  “Hey! Watch it man!”

  “Pfft. You marry her, so now you think you can dictate how someone talks to her?” He cringed at his own words. “She’s not yours John.” He looked at me again and softly said, “She’s not anyone’s and you’re fooling yourself if you think differently.”

  John sat on the edge of the sofa with his head in his hands. “Brett, we were going to call you today. You’re engaged yourself, you know? You shouldn’t react this way, dude. You and Chloe aren’t dating and you aren’t together. You’re her friend. I’d be disappointed if you weren’t upset for that reason alone, but jealous? It’s been over for a long time for you two.”

  Brett looked like he wanted to cry. “There’s a code man. You know that. We both know you’ve had women, other drop dead gorgeous women, who would have married you the minute they met you. Why did you have to choose her? I loved her man.” The sincerity in his eyes was heart piercing.

  I couldn’t help it, I walked over to Brett and ran my hand over his hair. Sliding down the wall I leaned my head on his shoulders. I did love him. He was one of the best friends I had ever had. I should have known he would be so protective. That’s what he’d spent the last few years doing. But, I knew for sure I didn’t love him like a woman was supposed to love her man. Our relationship was different than that. Why couldn’t it feel that way for him? Life wasn’t fair to allow one person to have a greater love than the other did, regardless of what type of love. I knew first hand. I learned no matter how much you love a person, like my father, you couldn’t will their love to be returned. It hurt like hell.

  “Chloe, you can get it annulled. I know someone that did that before. It hasn’t even been two days. You can have it dissolved, I’ll help you.” He grabbed my face with his hands. The emotions budding in his dark, green eyes were numbing. I was mesmerized by the intensity of his stare. He started rubbing the back of my neck with his right hand, and leaned his forehead on mine, after bringing his lips to the side of my mouth. I caught John clenching his fists out of the corner of my eye, then he started pacing – staring right at us.

  “Brett, I’m sorry you’re so upset. I never meant to hurt you. We didn’t plan this,” I huffed. “I assure you. We didn’t do this to hurt anyone, especially not you. Besides, you love Celeste, don’t you? I had come to a revelation last week that she is good for you; I just didn’t want to see it before. I was being selfish. Just because I didn’t love you that way, didn’t mean I could try to keep anyone else who did from being with you.”

  Brett studied me for a long while. Then he finally spoke. “Are you sure Chloe? This just doesn’t seem real. I can’t believe…” He dropped his head. “I just can’t believe this. I would have never guessed it in a million years. Not from you, I mean. I had my suspicions about John’s feelings for you for some time now.” I wanted to ask him what he meant by that, but I really didn’t want to keep him talking about this. I looked from Brett to John. They had been best buds for years. I didn’t want that to change.

  “I’ll give you guys some time to talk.” I turned to Brett again. “I appreciate your support Brett. I’ll support you too. I’m not crazy about Celeste because she doesn’t like me very much, but she’s good for you. She’ll make you happy. She’s crazy about you and very protective.” I laughed, kissed his cheek and stood up, making my way to John’s bedroom and bath to change into my pajamas. I knew Brett would run images through his mind of me with John for days to come - little did he know, we hadn’t even consummated our marriage…yet.

  Chapter 19

  My mind was reeling as I brushed my teeth and washed my face. I didn’t hear any noise coming from the long hall, and I couldn’t imagine what all was still being said in the living room. Worse yet, how many more lies John was spilling to convince Brett we were really in love. I was contemplating our sleeping arrangement while brushing my hair out, wondering if we were still planning to have separate rooms. I finally climbed in John’s bed, hoping he was still okay with us sleeping in the same one.

  Thirty minutes had passed since I had witnessed the breaking of Brett’s heart. What were they still doing out there? I had checked my phone a dozen times – still no messages from my friends. I was so incredibly sad. It was just hitting me again the magnitude of what I had done. I had managed to break down the only support system I had ever had. The only family other than my aunt that I felt sure I would ever have. Why am I such a screw up? Why can’t I make better decisions? I lifted a silent prayer, just as Maura had taught me over the years, that this wouldn’t be the end for me and my girls. I needed them with me to survive.

  My eyes closed tightly, I was pleading with God when I felt the bed dip and a soft finger caress my cheek.

  “Hey. You okay?” When I opened my eyes, John’s blue abysses were locked on mine. I didn’t even realize I was crying until John gently wiped a tear off of my cheek. “I knew it. No one could be as tough as you pretend to be Chloe.” He looked away, momentarily. “I’m so sorry this is happening. I can’t imagine what you’re feeling right now. I’m guessing there’s no word from Maura, Reese or Elle?”

  I studied his gorgeous face a moment. He didn’t even flinch when he said Reese’s name. Why did that lift my spirits a bit? I didn’t give myself long to contemplate John’s feelings right then. Mine were crushed, and he was doing all in his power to help me feel better.

  Inhaling deeply, I closed my eyes ever so briefly. “You didn’t make me go along with this plan John. You didn’t physically drag me to Vegas to marry you. I chose to. Marriage doesn’t mean much to me, I’m guessing you knew that and that’s why you chose me, as Brett says. You must have been thinking it for some time now given what else Brett said though.” I really looked at him to catch his response. I was surprised by the one I saw. Fear. Confusion.

  John rolled over on his back, throwing his arm over his eyes, and letting out a slow breath. “The truth?”


  “I’ve kept up with you through Brett for so long. I mean you and I and Elle had joked and laughed and kept up with each other by texting for so long while I was caught up with Reese, you know? Then when I decided to take matters into my own hands and break up Reese and Tate - well, Elle finally forgave me and you – you started hating me. I’m not going to lie. I hated myself for a while. I’d never resorted to malice like that to get what I wanted. I’d never felt I had to until Reese. But I was wrong.”

  He paused for a moment. I wasn’t sure where he was going with this so I stayed silent.

  “Then Brett told me about how you didn’t love him, and didn’t plan to love anyone for that matter when you made him stop seeing you over six months ago. Naturally, he was crushed. But for me…that was the first spark of life I had felt since before Reese and Tate’s engagement.” He took a quick glance at me, not wanting to make eye contact long. Then he continued.

  “I knew it wasn’t right, I knew I shouldn’t have been happy about your breaking it off with Brett, but – I was. Over time, I started asking as many questions as I could about you to Brett. Evidently he noticed. That’s how into you he was – he is.”

  I was suddenly fuming. I know how John likes a challenge. I knew I had been fooling myself. It was all coming together now. He was going to try to be the one to change me. Well I had news for him. I sat up, the covers falling to my waist – exposing my scanty lace camisole.

  “Now I get it John. Is there even a clause in the paperwork that you have to be married? Is there more to this John? Are you just thinking you can change me!? Because you have another thing coming if that’s the case! This may be your greatest moment of manipulation yet!” I got ready to get up and John grabbed my wrist.

  “Wait, Chloe, No! That’s not the case at all. I’m…No! I DID have to be married Chloe! There was no way around it. I chose you because I…well, I wanted to.”

  I blew out an exasperated breath. “Clever John. That was very poetic and professional. You sound like a CEO? Pftt. Well gues
s what? I wanted to have my friends forever. I needed them. But now, now they don’t want me anymore. I’ve disappointed them and hurt them. I’m left alone – again.”

  John grabbed both of my shoulders. “There has to be a part of you that wanted to do this Chloe. I know it wasn’t just about the money. You are not that shallow. I know you. You’re strong and independent, and won’t even take money from your friends. This is about more. You wanted to be with me. Probably not thinking about marriage, but you wanted me. I saw it in your eyes that first summer. That first chance you had when Reese ignored me and it took willpower for you to walk away from me. Don’t deny it Chloe.”

  Nanoseconds! That’s what passed before I felt John’s body crush up against mine. I was thrown on my back, his lips smashed against mine. There was not one part slow and sensual about John’s approach. He was claiming me, ferociously. I fought momentarily, then gave in to his carnal demands. He was growling and possessive and I had never been more turned on in my life. The tightening sensations I felt instantly overwhelmed me.

  “I want you Chloe. Tonight. Now.” His words swooshed around me, causing the grip he was having on my hormones to constrict. I was a pile of mush in his arms.

  The sighs coming from me were anything but normal. His lips tasted me all over. The camisole I was wearing was ripped right down the middle. “I hope you weren’t partial to that, I’ve been jealous of it laying against your smooth skin since you sat up earlier, and I caught a glimpse.” He leaned up briefly to look at me, but never stopped working to strip me naked. My silk shorts were pushed to the end of the bed under the sheets. I was fumbling with his pajama pants, pushing them down as fast my busy fingers were allowing.

  John suddenly stopped his frantic behavior, allowing my brain to finally catch up.

  “God Chloe. You’re beautiful. You’re,” he looked up towards the ceiling. “Your body is lethal.” John growled. In no time his mouth was devouring mine again. Each lick of his tongue against mine caused a strange flutter in my chest. I’d never kissed this passionately before, never had this kind of hunger to be fully dissolved by a man. Before I could freak out on these foreign feelings, John flipped me over and was kissing my back causing chills to ripple over my body. The long licks of his tongue in sensitive spots on my skin had me squirming.

  “You’ve, Oh God John, you’ve got me at a disadvantage.” I wanted to kiss him all over. I wanted to see his sculpted body in all its glory - but I couldn’t deny my eagerness to learn the plans he had for me right then. I could feel him between my legs, I could sense his size and my body was shaking with anticipation. He positioned me so I was on my hands and knees as he reached around to my front. I gasped from the sensation of him finding me.

  “Kiss me Chloe.” Looking into his eyes I knew what was coming next. We were devouring each other. I sucked his just licked bottom lip in as he let out a deep moan. “If you keep that up, I’ll never make it.” He said over my lips. Our actions were carnal and aggressive. He reached for the drawer at the bedside table, obviously fumbling for protection. I tried to not let my mind wander as to why he had it there. I was on the pill, but I wasn’t sure of his past, so I waited impatiently while he worked with the foil packet.

  He paused long enough to gain my permission. I pressed back into him, giving him the only answer he needed.

  Chapter 20

  Lying in John’s arms yielded a comfort that was indescribable. His strong arms wrapped around me like a security blanket. I was laying small kisses on his gorgeous chest, now sweaty from our sexy romp. Tangled in his luxurious sheets, I was more satisfied than I had ever been.

  “I’m sorry Chloe. I’m not sure what came over me.” John was lightly stroking my arm with his fingertips.

  “Uh, in case you didn’t notice, I wasn’t protesting. In fact, I was hanging right there with ya.”

  “I’ve got to admit something BB.”

  My eyes opened wide, my sleep-filled lids from before long gone. What was he about to admit, now?

  “I saw red before. When Brett kissed you on the mouth...”

  “The side of my mouth…” I interjected. John gave me a quick squeeze.

  “You know what I mean. When he touched you and kissed you before…I wanted to pounce on him. I mean, I love him like the brother I never had, but, well, you’re my wife.” I was holding my breath. What was I supposed to say to that? More importantly, what was I feeling after that? I was still coming down off the high from the best sex I’d ever had. Of course, Brett is an amazing guy, but unfortunately for him I had broken down emotionally after our one time. So I guess I don’t have a lot to compare it to. Either way, it was spectacular with John.

  “For the next six months anyway. Better enjoy now.” I gave a stale chuckle. It was supposed to be funny, but the words tasted bitter on my tongue. In six months, I would be back to my normal life.

  “Hey.” John lifted my chin. “Let’s live in the now, okay?” I blinked my answer, and his lips were slowly melting to mine.

  The doorbell interrupted our moment. Who in the world would be here at this hour? John glanced at his phone for the time, then releasing me, he rolled out of the bed. Would I ever tire of seeing his amazing body? I saw him glance back at me with a devious look.

  “You’re staring.” He smirked.

  “Mmm, Hmm.”

  His light laugh amused me as well.

  “I’m not sure who that could be. The doorman didn’t call up, so I’m confused as to what’s going on. Stay here. I’ll be right back.” He said with a raise of his brows after glancing at my cell phone to make sure I knew where it was in case I needed it to call 911.

  I waited in the bed. Should I get dressed? Should I be worried? What if it was his family? Were they going to be drilling him with questions? I ordered my mind to stop over-analyzing, and I just waited for John to return.

  I heard voices coming from the sitting area, it sounded like more than one. They seemed to be getting louder and coming closer to the bedroom. Oh shit! Here I was naked in John’s bed. I scrambled to grab the sheets and cover myself as much as possible – running my hand over my mass of wild hair.

  “Chloe! What in the?”

  “Maura? What are you doing here?” I heard another voice as Harrison ran up behind her trying to discourage her from coming further in the room.

  “Geez Chloe.” Maura said throwing her hands to her hips.

  “Whoa,” Harrison yelled out, covering his face with his arm and backtracking to the hall.

  I heard John reaming him out before he finally entered the room. “I’m sorry Chloe. Harrison has a key for the elevator, so he thought it was fine to come on up.”

  “Maura.” Harrison explained as he peeked his head back in with his eyes closed and face tilted up toward the ceiling. “She can be very persuasive when she set’s her mind to it.” I couldn’t help but smile at his embarrassment.

  “Can you guys give us a minute? I need to speak with her for a minute. Alone.” There was a definite edge of anger to Maura’s voice. Great.

  John glanced my way. I gave him a quick nod to say it was okay. I guess I should get this over with. Part of me was jumping up and down inside knowing Maura was here to see me. I had missed her and needed her approval. The other part of me was concerned for what was coming.

  Maura sat on the edge of the bed. I really wanted to get dressed, but I was frozen by Maura’s stern, motherly gaze. “I came to talk with you Chloe.” She eyed me up and down taking in my appearance. “I guess I was wrong. I thought you would be groveling in despair missing your friends and all. Looks like you’re holding up just fine.” She cleared her throat.

  “Oh Maura. I’m glad you came. I’ve been dying to talk with you about this. It all came about so sudden. I never meant to hurt anyone, really.”

  “Pft. Little chance of no one getting hurt Chloe. As you can imagine, it’s too late for that. You should have come to me.” She whined. “Why was all of this so sudden and secretive?
” I just knew she would have figured it out by now. She’s the one that told me of John’s dilemma in the first place. When I said just that to her, she looked at me with confusion.

  “I didn’t mean for YOU to marry him Chloe. I was talking more about the other issue John is dealing with, and you didn’t let me finish that day. You should know by now, the issue with the threats.”

  I had to be looking at her like she had three heads. I was rolling around conversations in my own head and came up with nothing. Threats?

  “Chloe? Hello?” She stared at me for a moment until I snapped out of it. “You mean you don’t know? Unbelievable. He has you marry him and doesn’t even fill you in on the danger of being Mrs. John Rider? What is wrong with him?” She looked at me again, glancing at the rumpled sheets. “Judging by the glow on your face, I would say you would say nothing is wrong with him.”

  Threats? As in someone wanted to hurt John. I huffed. “Maura, go tell John I need to know what the hell all of this is about – and that I want to know now!” I waited for her to leave before I threw on my pajamas and bath robe again. Unfortunately, it was satin, clingy, and short. But I was in a hurry to get to John. I needed to know what this nonsense was about.

  As I ran in the room like a madwoman, John’s eyes went to my barely there cover up. He quickly darted across the room to stand between Harrison and me. Like I cared right then, but whatever. “Um, wow!” He whispered placing both hands on either side of my waist. “But don’t you think you need to put on something more, you know modest, out here?” He rolled his eyes in the direction of Harrison who was trying overly hard to act focused on a trinket on the coffee table.

  “Yeah whatever. What I need is to be filled in on this threat. What’s going on John?” He sucked in a deep breath and let it out slowly.

  Closing his eyes he began. “It’s nothing for you to worry with Chloe. This isn’t the first one I’ve gotten, or my company for that matter. It’s just environmentalists trying to cause havoc that’s all. This one was a little more personal to me, that’s why I was up in arms. I had Brett’s dad take a look at it and I also showed it to some of my security. They’re working on finding the origin.”


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