EVO Nation Series Trilogy Box Set

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EVO Nation Series Trilogy Box Set Page 23

by K. J. Chapman

  “That’s October Willis. She’s an Empath. She can tune into people’s moods or something like that,” says Adam.

  I watch gruff guy scold her for talking to me. I open the scrap of paper and find a mobile number written in red ink with the words ‘if you need anything’ written alongside it.

  “She’s smart, and no one’s listening to her,” I say. “I know how that feels. Tonight, was a total waste of time. Jude has no more answers than Isaac.”

  “The only one who knows Gabe’s motives is Gabe,” says Adam. “You’re right, though. None of this makes sense. Gabe doesn’t need me in the meeting tomorrow, but I’ll see what I can find out anyway.”

  I throw my arms around him. “Thank you. Thank you. Thank you,” I say.

  “What for?”

  His hands hold my waist, and the urge is there to kiss him again, but his eyes tell me not to. I let my arms fall from around his neck, and for a moment, I think he looks a little disappointed. I want it to be because I pulled away from him, but I get the feeling his disappointment is in me in general.

  “For listening to me.”

  “Jude’s not the type of guy you just happen to fall in with,” he says, looking right into my eyes. “Why are you getting yourself mixed up in all this?”

  “Why are you?” I snap. My stomach sinks and I step away from him.

  “Because I don’t agree with Gabe’s views and he took my life away from me,” he retorts. “Why has Jude taken you for his little pet?”

  “I’m no one’s pet,” I say, crossing my arms over my chest. “At first, Jude was the only one being honest with me, and he has helped me with my telekinesis,” I say.

  There is a vast space between us now.

  “And now?” asks Adam, climbing in the back of the car.

  “And now, it’s complicated.”


  Emiko has already closed up the club. Golding, Haydn, and Yana help her collect bottles and wipe paint off the tables. When we enter, the four of them glare at us.

  “Where the hell have you been?” snaps Golding. “Uncle Isaac’s been calling nonstop. He was going to come down and pick us up. I had to tell him you weren’t with us.”

  “I’ll deal with him. It’s okay.”

  “No, it’s not, Teddie. We didn’t know where the hell you were. You said you’d be back before closing.”

  I sigh. “I can’t be doing with this now, Gold.”

  “Tough shit! You can’t just swan off and expect us not to worry. We’re supposed to be in this together, yet it seems to be turning into the Teddie Leason show. What do you reckon Uncle Isaac would say if he knew you’re off gallivanting late at night?”

  My temper flares. As if I want any of this. “Jesus! I’m back twenty minutes later than I said I would be. I don’t have to answer to you, or Isaac for that matter! Go ahead and tell him, Gold. What will it achieve? While you’re at it, tell him about your relationship with an E.N.C member. I doubt you mentioned that to Uncle Isaac when you threw me under the bus, eh?” I know I’ve hit a nerve.

  “You’re just jealous that mine remembers me,” he hisses. His face is red and the veins in his neck protrude.

  “Okay, I think everyone needs to calm down,” says Emiko. “I’ll sort out some drinks.”

  Golding throws a bottle into the bin with a smash, and grabs his jacket off the bar. “Don’t bother,” he snaps. Seth attempts to stop him, but Golding shakes him off.

  Yana tears up, and Haydn stares at his feet. Neither says a word and it breaks my heart. They both follow Golding toward the door. Golding’s right, we are supposed to be in this together. How has this turned so sour, so quickly?

  “Jude’s my Uncle,” I call after them.

  The air is thick with tension. Golding hesitates at the door, his head spinning back at me. I can see the cogs turning as Adam puts two and two together. His is the only face that isn’t gaping and wide eyed.

  I turn to him and Wheeler. “That’s why I was sick, and why I got out of his car. He decided to drop that bombshell without warning.”

  “Jude’s your Uncle?” Golding repeats.

  “Yes, he’s my Mum’s half-brother. He has this picture of us inside his wallet. I’m really sorry for what I said. I didn’t mean it.” I start to sob. “I’ve had one hell of a night.”

  Golding rushes back to me, wrapping his arms around me. “I’m sorry too. I’m sorry for what I said, and I’m sorry that Jude is your Uncle.”

  I laugh through the sobs.

  The door opens and Maggie marches in. My tears stop her in her tracks. “Someone better tell me what’s going on,” she says.

  Adam gestures to the table that Emiko has just finished wiping, “I’d get comfortable because it’s a lot to get your head around,” he says.


  Wheeler and Adam bring them all up to speed on Gabe’s plans for Tess and Jude’s counter attack.

  “They’re going to let her die,” Golding says, jumping to his feet.

  “They don’t reckon Tess will come out of her coma, Gold” I say, taking his hands.

  Seth wraps an arm around Golding’s shoulder. Jealousy pangs in my chest. Adam stands behind me with his hands resting on the back of my chair. It’s such a short distance from the chair to my shoulders, and at the same time, it feels like a mile.

  “Yvette says she’s showing signs of waking up,” Golding continues.

  “I saw the footage, and muscle movement is common in comatose patients. It doesn’t mean she’s coming out of the coma, and if she does, there is no telling what condition she’ll be in. It’s been a long time, and she obviously suffered severe head trauma in the crash,” Maggie explains.

  He nods, but I can see a little bit of light go out in his eyes. “I don’t think we should tell Uncle Isaac,” he says. “I want him focussed on Saturday. Not worrying about all this. Then, once my Mum is safe, we tell him everything.”

  We silently agree to keep it to ourselves, for now. He’s going to get Tess back regardless, and I want him back in one piece. Then, we can deal with Jude and his plan.

  The phone rings and Emiko answers it. It’s Isaac.

  Maggie takes the receiver. “Yes, they’re all fine. I think they were having too good of a time. Teddie... yes, she’s here. She went for a walk on the beach,” she lies. “We’re on our way.” She hangs up and claps her hands for us to get ready to leave. “Isaac is pissed at you guys.”

  “Just what I need to hear,” I say, heaving myself to my feet.

  “You can stay here if you want? I’ll take the couch,” says Adam. He stacks stools, keeping his back to me as he speaks.

  “Thanks, that’d be great,” I say.

  “Isaac won’t be happy,” says Maggie.

  I shrug. “Just add it to the list of things he’s going to chew my ear off for tomorrow.”

  They leave, and we head upstairs. Wheeler and Emiko disappear to their room, leaving Adam and I alone.

  He hands me a blanket and a towel. “I’ll get you a t-shirt, and you can shower if you want,” he says, looking at my paint splattered stomach and thighs. “I haven’t changed the sheets, but they’re clean.”

  “I’m fine on the couch,” I say. “I won’t sleep if I think I’ve kicked you out of your bed.” He rolls his eyes in defeat. “And Adam,” I call, as he heads into the kitchen. He looks over his shoulder at me. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about meeting up with Jude.”

  He shrugs. “Why would you? It’s none of my business.” He opens the refrigerator and the light gives his face a golden glow. “Although, for someone who wants the truth as badly as you do, you’re the best at keeping secrets.” He’s judging me and it hurts.

  “I didn’t want the others getting mixed up in any of this until I knew more. I don’t like being deceitful,” I say, curtly. “And anyway, they know now.”

  He tucks his hands into his pockets. “They know because you had no other choice than to tell them.”

  “Do y
ou think I wanted them to know that I’m Jude Lloyd’s niece? As far as they’re concerned, he killed Norah and Boyd.”

  “Didn’t he?”

  “No... I guess he...I don’t know? Ty shot them.”

  Adam shakes his head in disbelief. “On Jude’s orders.”

  “On Gabe’s orders.”

  We stand watching each other for a few moments. I wait for his reply, but he offers nothing more than a scoff and a shake of his head.

  A raw pain consumes me. “I didn’t ask for any of this. I’m just trying to do my best by everyone- you included.”

  Adam laughs out loud. “Oh yeah, I forgot. I’m your everything, right?”

  I pick up the towel and head straight for the bathroom. I can’t look back at him, or allow the ache in my heart to overcome me until I’m away from him. I dig my nails into the palms of my hands to feel anything other than the hurt I feel right now.


  Exhaustion gnaws at my muscles and raw emotion claws at my chest, so I shower quickly. The towel is large and wraps around me twice. I take a deep breath before heading back out to face Adam. He isn’t waiting for me. He is already in his room, but he has left me a glass of water on the coffee table.

  A t-shirt lies over the back of the sofa. I throw it on. It smells of him and I gather it to my face, inhaling deeply. I’d rather Adam not remember me at all than think badly of me, but the damage seems to be done, so I sink into the sofa and listen to the hum of the refrigerator until it lulls me to sleep.


  I don’t dream for the first night in ages. I’m in a deep sleep when I start awake from a shout. My heart pounds in my ears, and I hold my breath, listening for another sound. A muffled cry comes from Adam’s room.

  I open the door. Adam writhes on the bed in a tangle of sheets, and a sob escapes him. It cuts me like no other sound. His body is slick with sweat and every muscle taut under his skin. Another cry - moan - sob breaks my heart. I climb onto the bed with him. He rolls into me like a child, wrapping his arms around my waist and resting his head on my lap.

  “Teddie, I’m sorry. Don’t go.” His cheeks are wet from tears and his lips tremble against my bare legs.

  His words catch me off guard, my heart leaping into my throat. “Sshhh, it’s okay,” I soothe.

  He starts awake, gasping to catch his breath and shaking like a leaf. Pushing himself away from me, he sits with his head in his hands, his body shuddering under the strain of trying to get his breathing back in check. “What are you doing in here?” he snaps.

  “I heard noises. You were having a nightmare?”

  “Just go, Teddie.” He doesn’t look at me as he speaks, but pulls the covers back for me to leave. He is naked. Although he is covered, I can see his hip bone and the very small of his back disappearing into the sheets.

  “Are you okay?” I say, my words shaking as they come out.

  “Get out of my bed,” he shouts.

  “Oh, my god, I’m sorry. I would never have - I thought you’d remembered for a minute- you said my name and I let myself think – sorry,” I say, jumping to my feet, pulling the t-shirt down to cover my underwear.

  His eyes rest on my legs, and I’m conscious of how my pale skin glows ghostly white in the moon light. I start for the door.

  “I said your name?” he asks. His voice is softer, calmer.

  I pause. It’s so hard not to scream at him to remember me. “Yes, but you we’re just dreaming,” I say, my heart sinking a little bit.

  His face crinkles up and he rubs his temples with the heels of his hands. Wrapping the sheet around himself, he gets to his feet. “Wait, Teddie, will you stay a minute?” he asks.

  I feel really exposed, but I close the door and walk back to the bed.

  He hands me his dressing gown from the back of a chair. He doesn’t turn the light on; the moonlight illuminates the room enough. “Did I say anything else?” I open my mouth, but think better of it. “What did I say?” he asks. His brow lowers, those eyes look right into me again.

  I have no reason to lie to him. “You said ‘I’m sorry’ and...’Don’t go’.”

  His eyebrows lift slightly. “Well, now you know I’ve been dreaming about you,” he says, looking sheepish. He moves back toward the bed, sitting down beside me. “It’s not the first time. I dreamt of you last night too. I was kissing you – it felt so real.” I smile and let my hair hang in front of my face. His fingers graze my cheek as he tucks it back behind my ear. “So, I’m your everything,” he says, without the sarcasm of before. A pained expression creeps into his eyes. “I shouldn’t have said the things I said. Is it weird for me to be jealous? I’m jealous of your friends, of Jude, of Isaac, even Wheeler and Emi for knowing you more than it feels like I do. I want to know—”

  I press my mouth to his before he can continue. His lips are perfectly familiar and I could melt into him. He hasn’t remembered me, and yet, this is still happening. I let the dressing gown hang open, his hand dropping to my bare thigh. I run my hands over his chest, and his body tenses suddenly. Forcing me away, he groans in pain, clutching at his head.

  “Adam? What’s wrong?”

  He sags forward with his head between his knees. “We did this already,” he wheezes. “Why do I remember a pink sleeping bag?”

  My heart beats so hard it could burst through my ribs. I can’t let the moment pass. I grab his face and kiss him again, his hands finding my waist. We kiss fast and desperate, both of us understanding that something important is happening.

  Falling back onto the bed, I hook my leg over his. His hand searches up my thigh, over my pants, and into my t-shirt. I gasp as his fingers brush my stomach and carry on up.

  Again, he pushes me away, gripping his temples in agony. His body slides limply off the end of the bed, and then he falls still. Grabbing his shoulders, I roll him onto his back. His eyes water from pain, but he seems okay.

  He pulls me onto his chest, holding me to him, stroking my hair out of my face. “I’m so sorry, Teddie. Oh, my god, I’m so sorry.”

  “For what?” I ask, searching his eyes for an answer.

  “For forgetting.”

  I stare at him for moment. “You remember?”

  He nods and pulls me to him again, so my face is pressed into his clammy chest. His whole body shakes from either pain or shock, most probably both. His heart pounds against my ear, and I stroke his bicep, sobbing into his chest.

  Climbing to his feet, he scoops me up, lifting me into his bed. “I’m sorry, Teds” he says again.

  “Why now? How have you remembered now?” I ask, my body still wired from adrenaline.

  “Golding,” he says, half laughing. “That must be why I have been dreaming of you.”

  Golding, you brilliant, brilliant man.

  “And you have remembered everything?”

  “Everything, even the look on your face when I first walked into the club.” His voice cracks and he coughs away his emotion. “That’s why you ran out.”

  “Panic attack,” I say, quietly. “I keep having them actually.”

  He looks away from me and clears his throat, but I tilt his chin to look at me. His eyes are shining with tears. There he is- my brave, gentle, loving man.

  He shakes his head. “And I promised you that I wouldn’t change...” His voice strains from a sob. “How could I let Yvette get the better of me? I wasn’t strong enough.”

  “Number one – You didn’t change. You were still the Adam I knew, even if you had forgotten me, and Number two- You’re the strongest person I know,” I soothe.

  “Look at me, Teddie. I’m a mess,” he says, shaking his head.

  Taking his face in my hands, I kiss away his tears. “I was in a shower cubical once, and a wise man told me that emotion doesn’t make you weak.”

  He smiles, pressing his forehead to mine, “And did you believe him?”

  “I believe every word he says.”

  “Would you believe him if
he told you he loves you?” he whispers, brushing his lips with mine. “I love you - I love you - I love you. I have to say the words otherwise I’m going to choke on them. You don’t have to say it back. I just need you to say you believe me. I know a lot has happened since we arrived here, but I loved you then, and I love you now,” he says, looking me dead in the eyes.

  I’m not sure if I’ve even started breathing again. “I do believe you, and I need you to believe me when I say that you are the rarest man I know, Adam Lovick, and I love you - I love you - I love you.” The words come out of my mouth like a delicate smoke. After all, they did start from a fire in my soul.

  He slides his hands either side of my neck and kisses me. There are no words to describe the way he is kissing me. I don’t want to define it, anyhow. If it’s indefinable, then so can it be infinite.

  I move onto my knees, allowing my fingers to trail over his chest and drop to the hem of my t-shirt. I lift it up, and he moves his hands from my neck as I pull it over my head. I shiver as his fingers graze my waist. His mouth moves along the length of my collar bone, stopping at the hollow of my neck as a breath escapes in a short, quick gasp. He kisses my throat where the noise came from. I swing my leg over him, so I’m straddling him. There is only the sheet and my pants between us.

  My mouth goes dry, and I lick at my lips before kissing him again. A quick zing jumps between our mouths, and Adam smiles against my lips.

  “That’s never happened before,” he says, grinning. “Sorry.”

  “Don’t be. I like it.”

  A blue glow lights the room, and he runs his hands down the length of my body from my shoulders, to my waist, to my hips, and my thighs, leaving a tingling feeling of static in their wake. It’s the most intense feeling I’ve ever experienced. I never imagined such a big guy to be so attentive.


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