EVO Nation Series Trilogy Box Set

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EVO Nation Series Trilogy Box Set Page 28

by K. J. Chapman

  He tilts his head and squints as if trying to see a glimpse of her in my eyes. “How?”

  “What have you done with Teddie?” Adam shouts. He looks like he is about to vomit. Wheeler grabs his shoulder affectionately, holding him back.

  “She’s right here. She’s fine,” says Tess, tapping my finger to my head.

  “I want to talk to her,” says Adam.

  “Yes, I think that’s a good idea, Honey,” she agrees.

  I suddenly have control and feel present. “Adam, it’s me,” I say, rushing to him, wrapping my arms around him. “I love you- I love you – I love you.”

  His mouth falls opens slightly in recognition, and he takes my neck in his hands. “What’s going on? Why is she using you?” he asks.

  “It was Isaac this whole time. Gabe and Yvette were working for him. It was Isaac who ordered Norah and Boyd’s deaths. He has played us all.” There’s a tremor in my voice.

  “I know,” says Adam. “We saw the broadcast.”

  “Rob was my Dad all along. Isaac used me,” I add. “And he has Golding.” I let it hang in the air for a moment. “We need to stop him.”

  “You don’t need to do anything. Let Tess do it,” he says, holding my face firmly.

  “She’s stronger than me, but she needs the use of my body and abilities to get to Isaac. And I won’t leave Golding,” I say.

  “Where’s Haydn?” Yana asks, her eyes darting around the dead bodies.

  I shake my head. “I’m so sorry, Yana,” I sob.

  She collapses to the floor, screaming from a broken heart. It’s the most painful, gut wrenching sound I’ve ever heard. Maggie holds her to her chest, looking to me with imploring eyes.

  “Was Celeste right in saying it was Haydn who took you?” Jude asks.

  Yana’s wails stop instantly. “No! He would never,” she screams at me.

  “Isaac had promised to keep you safe. Haydn just put his trust in the wrong person. We all did,” I say. I feel guilty for having to tell her this because I can’t hate Haydn. He’s already forgiven.

  “Teddie, we’re wasting time,” says Tess’s voice in my head.

  Grabbing Adam’s face, I kiss him and press my forehead to his. “Whatever happens, promise me you’ll look after Yana and Maggie. Get them as far away from here as possible,” I say. “I love you, Adam Lovick.”

  “I love you too, Teds, but why does it sound like you’re saying goodbye?”

  He grips me tighter, his fingers digging into my shoulders, and I feel the pull as Tess takes control of me. My mind is once again encased in the bubble.

  “They’re still here. I can sense my son,” she says.


  Strong, confident footsteps echo around the pool. Tess races my body back through the arch way and into the complex. The pool lights send water reflections across the walls in an eerie, beautiful way.

  Isaac strides toward us with his arms clasped behind his body and a close-lipped smile. “Hey, little Sis,” he says. “What do you think of the body I found you?”

  Tess scoffs, telepathically. “What are you doing, Zac?”

  “I found a way for you to live. A little thanks would be nice.”

  “You’ve haven’t done this for anyone but yourself. She’s just a child,” says Tess.

  Everyone hovers behind me, silently watching. I’m sure they can hear Tess as clear as I can.

  “Where is Golding?”

  “He’s safe... if you do what I ask.”

  “You bastard,” Tess spits. I can feel her anger surging through my own body like electricity.

  “This can work out well for all of us, Sis. Golding will be safe, you get to live life again, and I get what I want,” says Isaac. He holds out a hand to me.

  Without a moment of hesitation, Tess sends him soaring back into the sun loungers. “I will never take your hand! I’d rather die than be your puppet,” she screams.

  Isaac gets to his feet, straightening his suit jacket. “Just indulge me a little bit, Tess.”

  Gabe steps out of the shadows. He looks at me like he’s looking at a ghost.

  “You’d do this to your own son?” Tess asks him. “Not like you to be lost for words, Gabe.” she presses.

  His face is deathly white. He shakes his head in disbelief, rubbing at his temples as her voice resounds in his head, he asks, “Is it really you?”

  “Where’s our son?”

  Gabe looks to Isaac, who is bouncing on the balls of his feet. I’m sure doubt flickers in Gabe’s eyes for a moment. “He’s safe,” he says. “Just do what Isaac asks.”

  “Be his dogsbody you mean? I thought you had that role filled?” Tess spits.

  Isaac raises his hand in my direction, and I feel Tess tense, ready to retaliate with my telekinesis. There is a blast similar to a shock wave, and then I’m flying backward across the length of the swimming pool and into a chalet door. It smashes on impact, slicing at my back. Adam’s shouts echo around the pool, and Tess manoeuvres my body to standing, obviously, not experiencing the pain quite as intensely as I am.

  “What the hell?” I shout at her.

  “Gabe’s negating us, Honey.”

  “He can’t be because we’re still connected. The telepathy is still working,” I say.

  “You’re not as powerful as me. It’s affecting your abilities, not my telepathy,” she says.

  A scream cuts through our conversation, and Yana and October soar through the air, landing in the pool once more.

  Wheeler flies towards me. I can’t move myself out of the way. Tess tries again with the telekinesis. Raising my arm, she focuses on the energy I can feel coursing through my veins. The fizz that fills my body quickly wanes and Wheeler hits into me. We both smash into the coffee table. The wind is knocked out of me, and he groans as he rolls onto his side.

  “Adam...” he grunts, pointing outside.

  I push myself to my feet and run out towards the pool.

  “How did you do that?” Tess asks in shock.

  “I need to help Adam,” I say, pushing forward. My legs go heavy. Tess is fighting me back. “No, Tess. Let me go to him.”

  “Honey, no! Let me deal with Isaac. You’re not strong enough,” she says.

  My mind is fully protected from my body. The power in Tess’ mind when she exerts it is terrifying. She forces me into submission, regaining full control of my body. As she manoeuvres my body around the pool, Yana and October climb out and run behind a palm tree with Maggie.

  “Gabe’s stopping our abilities,” screams Yana. “Isaac’s going to kill them!”

  Forcing back Tess’ hold on me once again, I race toward Isaac. I need to help them. No one will stop me getting to Adam.

  Adam and Jude are crouching on the ground. They’re struggling against some invisible force that whips their clothes against their bodies like they’re in the midst of a hurricane. Jude slumps forward, barely conscious, and Adam slides to the ground, grasping his chest. Isaac is suffocating them.

  “Stop it! You’re killing them,” I scream. I can feel Tess fighting against me, but I won’t let her.

  Isaac’s attention switches to me, breaking his attack on Adam and Jude. “Who am I talking to?” Isaac asks.

  Teddie,” I say, taking a step closer.

  Isaac raises an eyebrow and claps his hands. “You’re stronger than you look.”

  “Don’t you forget it,” I spit.

  He laughs out loud, walks right up to me, and places his hands on my shoulders. “I have to admit that you did start to grow on me, Teddie. There is nothing wrong with a bit of fight in a woman. If I did have a daughter, I’d have liked her to be like you,” he says, and then spins me in his grip, so he has one arm across my chest and the other at my neck.

  “What are you doing, Honey?” Tess asks me in a motherly, concerned voice.

  “Be ready,” I reply, swinging my elbow back against Isaac.

  He doesn’t release his grip totally, but just
enough for me to pull the gun from his waist band. I use the momentum to swivel on my feet until I’m face to face with Gabe; the coward no longer protected by Isaac.

  Fear flashes in his eyes. I aim at his head and pull the trigger. The bullet hits him in the base of his throat with a strange thudding noise. He grips at the wound as blood pours through his fingers.

  As Gabe hits the floor, Isaac pushes me away, hitting me with a blast of pure energy. It cocoons me, sending me spiralling through the air. Tess takes over, stopping the momentum, lowering my body to the ground steadily. Isaac turns and runs, narrowly missed by the blue blast from Adam’s hands. He makes it into the reception foyer and out of sight.

  “You did brilliantly,” says Tess. “He’s a coward. Without Gabe, he has no control. Not against all of us. He’s right, you are strong, stronger than him even, but we need to find Golding— now.” She forces a blast into the floor and my body flies over the pool in one fluid movement.

  Adam and Jude start toward the foyer behind me. Tess waves my hand, sending them sliding away from the door and slamming it shut on them. Adam bangs on the glass, screaming my name. The emotion in his voice breaks my heart.

  Tess continues toward the stairs. I desperately want to turn my head and look at him for what I feel is going to be the last time, but Tess’ power is raging through me like lava, and I’ll only crumble.

  As she methodically moves my legs up each step, I accept the thought that I’m marching to my death. As long as Tess can rescue Golding, and the others are safe, I’m okay with it.

  “Jude, get everyone away from here,” says Tess without looking back.

  “You know I love you, Tess, but please, look after my little Telekin,” Jude shouts after us.

  Adam screams my name louder.


  Tess swings each door open as we pass. The office is empty apart from the bodies, and no sounds come from the penthouse.

  The room I left Adam in to be manipulated by Yvette looks exactly how it did that night. The chair is still in the same position with the stool positioned beside it. I try to push any thought of Adam from my mind and focus on Isaac, and more importantly, rescuing Golding.

  The door at the far end of the hallway is ajar.

  “They’re up there,” says Tess.

  A cool breeze seeps through the crack and carries hurried whispers with it. “Shut him up,” snaps Isaac.

  A muffled cry sends my stomach lurching into my throat. Tess must have heard it too because she pushes my legs up the stairs faster.

  The roof top is open. Golding is perched precariously close to the edge, and his black eye make-up has streaked down his face from tears. Tess’ body lies on the hospital bed.

  Yvette frantically adjusts wires to the life support and looks to the sky expectantly. “Where is the bloody chopper?” she asks Isaac. Then, turning back to the monitor, she catches sight of me in her peripheral, letting out a strangled squeal.

  Isaac turns, thrusting out a hand at the exact same moment that Tess raises mine. Each force repels the other. Both Isaac and I are catapulted away from each other. Tess scrambles my body in to a crouch position, and another, new surge of power fizzles through my blood. Isaac staggers to his feet, shaking his head vigorously.

  “Zac, you want to throw yourself from the building,” says Tess’ voice, in a soothing, hypnotic way. He nods, walking back toward the edge of the building with Yvette screaming after him.

  “I can end you, right now,” Yvette wails. “As soon as your heart stops, your son will die.” The weight of her words hangs in the air. “I mean it. STOP HIM!”

  Isaac is just steps away from the edge of the roof, and Golding’s sobs carry on the breeze.

  Tess sighs, “Zac, stop.”

  Isaac breaks out of his trance like state, laughing at his close call. “Now, I really do know where I stand with you, Sis. Yvette’s right, though. One little flick of the switch and you’re gone, but if you die, so does Golding. Do you see that collar on his neck? It is programmed to inject him if you heart rate stops on the monitor.”

  “We swapped the sedative for the lethal injection,” Yvette adds.

  “Teddie?” Golding mumbles.

  “No, Golding, this is your mother,” says Isaac. “And now, she has to make an important decision. Use the girl and help me, or die and kill you in the process.”

  “It’s okay, Honey. Teddie is right here too. I’m going to get us out of this,” Tess says to Golding, and with a flick of my hand, the bindings on his wrists and ankles snap open.

  “Is Teddie okay?” he asks.

  “She’s fine, Honey. I love you, my boy.”

  “I love you too,” Golding sobs. “Do whatever it takes, Mum, just keep Teddie safe.”

  “She said the same thing,” Tess says.

  I force Tess away just for a moment and race forward, wrapping my arms around him. “You’re my best friend, do you know that?” I cry.

  He wipes at my tears with the heel of his hand. “Isaac said that you’re not my cousin, but you’ll always be my wing woman,” he says, smiling.

  “I love you, Gol—”

  “That is enough of the sentiments. It’s decision time,” snaps Isaac, dragging me to my feet.

  Tess pulls my mind back, replacing me in front of Isaac. “This won’t work, Zac. Two minds cannot live in one body. God knows what damage I’ve already done to the child, and eventually, my own body will give up. What will you do then?”

  “If you want to save yourself and your son, you will do what is necessary,” he says, sneering.

  Yvette holds her finger over the switch with a sick glint in her eye. She is enjoying this too much. I think her hatred is purely directed at me.

  “I’m not concerned for my life. I’ve been praying for release for the past six years. This is not even half a life. Why are you doing this, Zac? What will this war achieve?”

  “I wouldn’t really call it a war,” he says. “This is a take-over, and EVO will finally get the respect and the standing that we deserve. I will not allow the Norms to drive us into the shadows again. They will pay for what they did. I’m surprised you’re against this after they imprisoned and tortured your boy,” he shouts.

  “I know what they did to you, and I’m sorry for you, but if you do this, then you are no better than the men you claim to hate,” says Tess.

  Isaac recoils at the mention of his abuse at the hands of his detested Norms. “Enough talk! What is it to be?” he asks, his lips curling around his teeth.

  “What are we going to do?” I ask her.

  “I’m thinking,” she says.

  Isaac’s gaze bores into my own. He is transfixed, ready to instruct Yvette to hit the switch that will end Tess and Golding in one swoop.

  I catch a blur of movement behind Isaac. Golding rushes up behind Yvette and grabs her neck, turning her face until he is staring straight into her eyes. His pupils dilate just like they did when he influenced Adam. “You are going to remove this collar from my neck,” he says, quickly. He lets her go, and she starts tapping on the tablet in her hand.

  “No,” gasps Isaac. He runs forward, snatching the tablet away from her.

  It’s too late. Golding’s collar clicks open and he tears it from his neck.

  I hear Tess laugh in my head. She raises my hands, flinging Yvette from the roof top. A piercing scream fills the night air, followed by a sickening thud as Yvette hits the ground below. She got her just desserts. Karma can be a bitch.

  “Kill me if you want, Zac,” says Tess, gesturing toward her lifeless frame in the bed, her voice laced with amusement. “You’ll be doing me a favour.”

  Isaac wails like a warrior, sending a blast toward me. Tess is quick enough to counter attack, and my telekinesis breaks though his energy blast. He stumbles back a few paces, his foot slipping off the edge of the roof. He catches himself with his underarms on the lip of the roof, yelping out in agony.

  Tess strides toward him w
ith a fire burning through her mind and into mine. This is it. This is how it will end.

  Isaac clings on for his life. “Please, Tess,” he begs. “You don’t want to do this. I know you.” His arms slip further away from the edge.

  She stops moving. I feel her emotion shift. Her anger is replaced by sadness.

  “Tess, end this,” I scream at her.

  “Help me, Tess. It’s me. It’s Zaccy. You can’t kill me. You won’t kill your brother,” he says. “Look into my mind and see what they did to me. I am a monster of their creation, but you are not. You can’t kill me.”

  She raises my hand. Isaac rises from the edge, and she drops him with a thump onto the rooftop. Tess’ emotions manifest physically; my hands trembling uncontrollably.

  “What are you doing?” I ask, dumbstruck.

  She bends to pick up the collar, but a blast hits me from behind. My body skids along the rooftop, my face grazing against the uneven surface. I stop just shy of the edge. Tess rolls my body onto my back, ready to retaliate, but Isaac is already at her hospital bed. Golding stands facing us, his eyes bulging. Everything seems to be moving in slow motion for me.

  Isaac flicks the switch on the monitor, and Tess physically shudders inside my mind. Then, he is running forward. I brace myself to be shoved over the edge, but he stops behind Golding, clipping the collar back on his neck.

  “No! No!” screams Tess.

  Isaac scoops up the tablet, tapping the screen a couple times with a smirk on his face. “This is for Yvette,” he spits. “You are a sap, Sis. You always have been. No wonder Norah got her claws into you.”

  “Tess,” I cry. I can feel her fading away from me. I’m back in control of my own body. Tess is still in my mind, I can sense her, but she’s just a burning ember not a raging flame.

  Golding drops to his knees in sobs in front of me. “Am I going to die, Teddie?” he whispers.

  I crawl over to him, pulling him close. “Tess, please fight this. Don’t take him away from me,” I scream into the air.

  “I can’t,” says Tess through a choked cry. “I’m so sorry, my boy.”

  Golding looks me in the eyes. “It’s okay, Mum,” he says, his lips trembling. “I love you, Teds. I’m so glad I met you. Thank you for being just the bloody best.” He kisses me on the mouth. “Make sure you finish this.”


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