Whatever Master Wishes (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

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Whatever Master Wishes (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) Page 2

by Cooper McKenzie

  He smiled when she closed the bathroom door, an automatic gesture left over from her days before becoming his slave. Though he had finally broken her of locking the door, she still insisted on closing it whenever she went in there. Sometimes when she closed him out he would follow her in and leave the door standing open as he watched her pee or joined her in the shower.

  She had grown used to his presence invading her privacy of the bathroom, but her slave training was having a hard time breaking the lifetime of “good girl” training as he called it. He would have to consider taking the door away so she no longer had the option of closing or not.

  But that was a task for another day. Right now though, he had a plan to set into motion. If they were caught with Shea in the dorm in the state he planned on keeping her until early morning, it would mean his job, if not his freedom. Shaking his head, he carefully zipped his cargo pants over his cock that was growing hard once again and buckled his belt.

  Taking deep breaths to control his urge to join her in the shower, he crossed the bedroom and entered the walk-in closet. Working quickly, he grabbed a sports bag and packed the clothes she would need for the morning. He then tossed in the go-bag he took with him each shift, which held extra clothes and other things he might need while on duty. He also reached into the back of her closet and pulled out the floor-length wool cloak his pet had worn on occasion this winter when they went out to play parties.

  After a visit to the playroom for a variety of toys and a large handful of condoms that he planned to use at some point during the day, he zipped the bag closed and put it in the front seat of his Jeep Wrangler. A last trip to the playroom yielded a ballgag and a black scarf which he slid into his pocket.

  By the time Shea emerged from the bedroom ten minutes later, he had fine-tuned his plan and was ready to put step two into motion. His breath caught at her voluptuous beauty as she walked into the kitchen wearing only leather around her neck and wrists. She knelt on the floor in front of him before offering her ankle cuffs.

  “Good girl,” he said, taking the cuffs and hooking them on the side of his belt next to his cell phone holder.

  Taking her hand, he pulled her to her feet and handed her a mug of hot chocolate. She sipped at it, looking at him quizzically, but drank deeper when he lifted an eyebrow, daring her to defy him.

  Once she had finished the warm drink, he took the mug from her and rinsed it out. Then he took her hands in his and kissed each palm before pulling her arms behind her back and hooking the cuffs together.

  “Master?” she asked.

  “Hush, pet. I have a surprise for you but from here on out you will be silent.” With that, he put the ballgag in her mouth and adjusted it so it was comfortable without being too tight. He then added a blindfold.

  Reaching behind her, he grabbed her cloak and wrapped it around her, once again grateful she had an old-fashioned romantic side that she liked to indulge with sexy corsets, vintage clothing, and this beautiful cloak that would wrap around her at least one and a half times.

  “Relax and let me take care of you,” he ordered gently.

  Picking her up, he smiled as she laid her head on his shoulder in complete trust before doing a quick walk-through to make sure the lights were off and house secure. This also served to disorient the woman in his arms. He then carried his sweet armful of woman out to the garage and settled her on the backseat. He reapplied the padded cuffs to her ankles and clipped those together as well. Then he tucked the cloak around her, making sure she was well protected against the morning chill from chin to toes before fastening a seat belt around her middle. Then he pulled the emergency blanket from the trunk area and tucked it around her as well, making sure her feet were covered and her face was not.

  He drove carefully with the heat on high and fan blowing hard. As he drove, Vincent was not surprised to be the only vehicle on the road. There were not even any tracks in the snow showing that anything else had been out driving since the snow had begun to fall several hours earlier. He arrived at the station on time and parked at the far corner of the lot, well away from the vehicles that belonged to the firefighters they were replacing.

  Ethan Bennett’s oversized truck was already covered with a dusting of the heavy snow, which meant his second-in-command as well as Ethan’s roommate, lover, and the shift’s rookie, Asher Townsend, were already inside.

  Turning to the backseat, he lifted the blindfold, and found his sweet pet had fallen back to sleep. She had told him the night before that she had not slept well while he had been gone so this did not surprise him.

  “Now that’s trust,” he murmured to himself before promising her, “I’ll be back to get you as soon as I can and then we’ll have a day of fun and games.”

  Grabbing the duffle bag from the front seat, Vincent strolled into the station. For the next ten minutes, he forced himself to act as if this was just another weekend shift. He did not take an easy breath until Tommy Michaels, Captain of A shift, drove away.

  He had stood in the bay with the trucks and watched the road for a few minutes. In that time, he was pleased to see not a single vehicle drive by. According to the radio he had listened to on the ride in, the blizzard was predicted to continue all day and most of the night.

  Another minute longer and he decided it was time to bring his little surprise inside and pray that he still had a job in the morning.

  “Asher, open up the overflow room and turn up the temperature,” Vincent ordered as he slipped his jacket back on and headed out the back door.

  “Cap? We expecting company?”

  “Rookie, you are in no position to ask questions,” Ethan snapped before Vincent had a chance to speak. “Now do as you’re told before I decide your puppy ass needs some private, personal training.”

  Vincent smiled as Asher’s eyes grew wide in what looked like panic. The young man’s cheeks paled then grew bright red as he turned and crossed the bay toward the dormitory.

  Once he was out of sight, Vincent turned to his friend who he shared more than a job with. “Trouble in paradise?”

  “Frustrating little puppy won’t even consider trying sex with a woman,” Ethan said than blew out a breath. “Doesn’t matter what I do whether it be just talking, spankings, or orgasm denial, my puppy doesn’t want to discuss changing his cunt virgin status.”

  Vincent chuckled at the frustration in Ethan’s voice and expression that he could identify with.

  Turning, he headed to the back of the bay. “I have the same problem with my sweet pet and threesomes. Don’t worry about it. I have a feeling today will be a day of challenges and changes for all of us.”

  Ethan trailed a step behind. “What’s up, Cap?”

  “Open this when I get back and I’ll fill you in. I’m sure Shea’s getting chilled by now.”

  He did not wait for Ethan to respond before pulling open the door and plunging into the storm. Long strides carried him to the Jeep and as he approached he used the key fob to release the locks. Opening the backdoor, he found Shea still asleep, but had curled into herself. The air inside the vehicle had cooled, and he could see her breath in the chill.

  Unhooking the seat belt, he pulled the blanket off her then pulled her to a sitting position so he could pick her up. Closing the door with a bump of his hip, he turned and headed back into the firehouse. In less than a minute, they were back across the parking lot and Ethan was closing the door against the weather.

  “Lock it,” Vincent ordered.

  “What the hell are you thinking, bringing her here? What if we get called out?” Ethan asked, flipping the lock before following Vincent and his armload of woman across the bay.

  Vincent did not answer the man. Though dominant, Ethan was also a B-type personality and a follower, which made him perfect when it came to his job, but when it came to being top dog, he would never make the cut.

  Entering the dormitory side of the building, Vincent felt the air was already warming up. He marched to last door o
n the left down the hall and stopped in the open doorway. Asher stood in the center of the room looking uncertain as to what he should be doing next. His eyes went wide and he took a step back when he saw what Vincent was carrying.

  In the blink of an eye, his gears shifted and he became the shift’s well-trained paramedic. “Is she all right?”

  “She’s fine, just sleeping. Strip the bed, but leave the bottom sheet on,” Vincent said, nodding toward the twin bed used by volunteers who occasionally worked overnight shifts.

  Once the bed was prepared, Vincent approached it and set her on the bed before looking to the rookie again. He was top Dom today, and Ethan had told him not too long ago that he would love to see if Asher would respond to another Dom. Vincent knew he had an unfair advantage as not only was he dominant, he was also the rookie’s boss.

  “Hold her up,” he said, waving the male submissive to settle on the bed with them.

  Asher moved closer, concern for the woman still evident. His big hands wrapped around her shoulders, and he held her easily while Vincent unbuttoned the handful of buttons that closed the front of her cloak.

  Knowing it was time to push everyone’s boundaries, he looked at the rookie. “What happens on shift stays on shift, right?”

  “Yes, Cap.”

  “Because if anyone, and I do mean anyone, finds out about what happens today, all our jobs will be on the line,” Ethan added from the doorway.

  “Yes, Sir.” In the blink of an eye, Asher’s mentality shifted once again, this time to that of a submissive answering his Dom.

  Vincent pushed the cloak back, drawing a gasping breath and low-throated growl from Ethan, who crossed the room to stand beside him. Together they stripped Shea. When Asher realized the woman was completely naked, he jumped back from the bed and moved until he was back to the wall, his eyes wide, his expression shocked.

  Knowing this was the moment that could make or break the entire day and whether or not he would have a job beyond seven o’clock in the morning, Vincent took a deep breath. “How many times do you come in a day, rook?”

  “Uh…uh…uh…a couple,” the man answered, sounding confused.

  “Specifics, puppy.”

  “Two or three,” the submissive said as his cheeks colored with his embarrassment.

  “Every day?” Ethan asked.

  Asher nodded his head up and down twice.

  “Even when we’re on shift?”

  Asher dropped his gaze and nodded again.

  “How many times have you been with a woman?” Vincent broke in before Ethan could question the man about how and where he got off while they were working.

  Glancing at the younger man leaning against the wall, Vincent found he was still tense as a fawn caught in headlights, but seemed unable to take his eyes off Shea, who was now laid out on the bed and wearing only her collar and cuffs.

  “Never. Knew I was gay from the time I was ten and never kissed a woman or even saw one naked before.”

  “Would you like to? Kiss a woman, touch a woman, and have her touch you? Have her suck your cock? Maybe even ride your cock and break that cherry?” Ethan asked.

  * * * *

  Asher glanced at his Master and saw the front of his pants bulging with an erection at the thought of this. In the year they had been together, he had been offering just this opportunity, and Asher had always been reluctant in accepting the invitation. Sure he liked to look at girls and wondered what it would be like to be with one. But he was also afraid that if he agreed to bringing a woman into their bed it would change their relationship.

  Looking at the naked woman on the bed, he stepped away from the wall, his fingers itching to touch the smooth, soft skin that covered her full, ripe, lusciously sexy body. He had listened intently whenever Vincent had talked about his woman, and though he never said a word, he wondered what it was like.

  His cock twitched and slowly inflated with interest as he took another step closer to the bed. Then Master’s question sank in, and he had to answer honestly as he had never lied to the man who held his heart and cock in his hand.

  His eyes glued to the woman’s large breasts with their pink-tipped nipples he said, “Uh, maybe, but only if Master wishes.”

  “Oh hell, yes, I wish,” Ethan said, stroking a hand over Shea’s shoulder and down to her breast but stopping before he reached the pinnacle. “I want to see you come many, many times, in and on her. I want you to watch me as I fuck her. I want us to fuck her together and separately, and I want you to watch while Cap fucks her, too.”

  “But before we start this Blizzard Sex Fest, pet has to wake up. We also have work to do,” Vincent said.

  Nodding, Asher walked out ahead of Ethan, but stopped in the hall when his cock threatened to explode. The tight silk thong Master Ethan had tied him into that morning beneath his boxers held his cock tight to his body in a position that was uncomfortable while at the same time made him think even more about sex. That may have been Master’s idea, but his erection grew more uncomfortable by the second as it demanded the release Ethan had denied him for the last three days.

  “Rook? You okay?” Ethan walked into him when he stopped midstep in the middle of the hall.

  Asher shook his head side to side. “I’m afraid to move.”

  Ethan moved around him and looked into his eyes. “She got to you, didn’t she?” he asked with a knowing grin.

  “Yes, Master,” Asher responded. “And the thong I’m wearing isn’t helping any.”

  Ethan studied his expression for a moment before nodding. “Take it off. You won’t need the added incentive to behave today.”

  Asher did not bother to agree. He was too busy opening his belt and pants. Sliding his hands between skin and boxers, he found the ties on either hip and pulled them open. He sighed with relief as the pressure on his cock eased. A moment later, he pulled the silk material out of the front of his boxers and handed them over to his Master.

  “Don’t make me regret this decision,” Ethan said as he wound the strings around the silk triangle before sliding it into his own pocket. “And until we leave here tomorrow morning, your slave name will be rook and not puppy, understand?”

  “Yes, Master.”

  Though he was ready to redress, he waited for permission. Anticipating Master’s wishes had earned him more than a few punishment strokes in their time together.

  He was not surprised when Ethan reached into his boxers and palmed his erection, stroking it several times, which made Asher grit his teeth as he fought to keep from exploding.

  He relaxed only when his Master released him, turned away, and pushed through the door that led to the bay. “Close it up. We need to get to work.”

  * * * *

  Vincent waited until his coworkers left the room before he turned his attention to sleeping woman once again. Reaching for the duffle bag he had tossed in the room earlier, he rooted around in it until he found what he was looking for. He attached the four-foot leash to one of the rails on the headboard, then clipped it to the ring on her collar. Unhooking her wrist cuffs from one another, he snapped them to the metal bedframe. He did the same with her ankle cuffs, leaving her on her back and unable to move.

  Bending over, he suckled one nipple for a few seconds before grabbing the comforter and tucking it around her. Checking his watch, he figured she would not be awake for an hour or so. He placed the transmitter for the baby monitor he had brought from home on the small table by the bed then clipped the receiver to his belt so he would know when she woke up.

  “Wake up soon, pet,” he said as he stood and adjusted his hard-as-granite cock to a more comfortable position. “There’s fun and games to be enjoyed, but we’re waiting for you.”

  Chapter 3

  Shea woke with a start and frowned when she could not roll over and curl into Master’s side. Opening her eyes, she blinked several times as she focused on the ceiling. She frowned when she did not see the ceiling fan that hung in the center of the playro
om. Instead, the ceiling was made of a series of acoustical tiles she did not recognize. Her frown deepened when she lifted her head and looked around.

  Sage-colored cinderblock walls with black industrial carpet did not ring any bells. Nor did the oversized black metal lockers that lined one wall or the blue, white, and green blanket that covered her from her chin down. At least the door was open. It led to a hallway that gave her no more answers than the room did.

  Dropping her head back to the mattress, she blew out a breath and tried to remember how she had gotten here. She recalled waking up, the spanking, and sex with Master. She had taken a shower and then joined him in the kitchen.

  After that things went blank. Looking around, she saw the bag Master used when he traveled for more than a few days. Turning her head further, she saw the baby monitor Master sometimes used if he had to leave her alone when they were playing. The little red light glowed, letting her know that it was working.

  Shifting, she gave an extended moan when the fabric of the material abraded her nipples before saying softly. “Where am I, Master?”

  She paused before dropping her voice and adding the sexy tone that she knew would drive the man on the other end of the transmitter crazy. “Master, I’m hungry. I need a protein shake.”

  * * * *

  Vincent listened to the sultry voice on the baby monitor, growling low when his erection twitched at her words. It had been two hours since he had reluctantly left her in the dormitory, and he had begun to wonder if he should try waking her up. He was pleased but surprised she had not screamed when she found herself bound to a bed in a room she had never been in before. But that was his beautiful, sexy little pet. She had learned over their time together that he would never do anything that would harm her though he took great delight in pushing the puritanical boundaries of her experiences.

  “Rook!” he boomed, his voice echoing in the large bay that made up the center of the station.

  “Yes, Sir,” the young submissive appeared from the other side of the pumper truck at the same time Ethan opened the door to the control room.


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