The Fraternity Files

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The Fraternity Files Page 8

by Stephanie Joeline Kerfoot

  “He has to learn, Dan,” Steve responded gently.

  “He needs a break!” Danny asserted contentiously.

  “And he’ll get one,” Steve replied calmly, “just as soon as he learns what it means to follow directions and do as he’s told.”

  “You are not being fair!” Danny bristled.

  “Fair? I’m not being fair?” Steve lost his patience. “Well, let me tell you something, Danny, and this goes for all of you,” he looked around the room as he spoke and a hush descended until the only remaining sound was that of Kevin’s gut wrenching wails. “We have become way too lax around here recently. We all seem to have forgotten that there are rules to follow and certain codes of conduct that must be observed. I will not tolerate anymore rule breaking or disrespect.” He paused and looked sternly at Danny and Ryan. “I will especially not tolerate anymore fights!” His younger brothers reddened, and after a moment he went on in a more compassionate tone. “I will do what I have to, to get my point across, and if my brothers must pay the price to set an example, then that’s the way it is, but you all better pay attention and learn from their experience. Be grateful it’s not you and understand that next time it could be!”

  There was a derisive snort and some snickering amongst the juniors and seniors and Steve glared in their direction. “That means you too, Mcarthy!” The room became quiet again, and even Gregg dared not respond. “I know exactly what happened this afternoon! Ultimately, Danny and Ryan were in the wrong and I will deal with them when it is appropriate to do so.” An air of shock penetrated the room as Steve openly condemned his two brothers. The older students shifted uneasily, exchanging nervous glances, and Ryan and Danny stared at the ground to avoid the sympathetic looks that came their way. “I know the part you played, though, Gregg,” Steve continued, “and it was far from an innocent one. Know now, that I will be watching you, and if I ever hear of you behaving again the way you did earlier today, I will not hesitate to summon you! Consider today a gift, Mcarthy, and do not push me ever again! Count, Kevin!” Steve turned his attention back to his weeping little brother and before the consternation in the room had a chance to settle he had resumed the punishment.

  WHACK! “OWW!” Kevin screamed. “One!” WHACK! “TWO!” he yelped as he scissored his legs.

  “Stand still!” Steve commanded and Kevin instantly obeyed, continuing to sob out his unhappiness.

  “Steve, let him go! Please!” Danny begged, struggling with Sean and Ryan again. This time, however, Steve did not acknowledge his younger brother’s plea, and Sean and Ryan tightened their grip as he raised the paddle once more. “Please, Steve! Please!”

  WHACK! “OWWW!” Kevin howled. “Three!” Danny glowered at Steve, clenching his fists and his teeth as Sean and Ryan held him helpless. WHACK! “AHH! . . . .Four!” Kevin uttered hoarsely. WHACK! Kevin’s knees buckled, and Steve tightened his arm around him in support. For a long moment there was silence as Kevin struggled for breath. “Five!” he finally managed in a strangled sob.

  “All right, Little Bro, stand up,” Steve urged gently. Stiffly, with bitter sobs, Kevin complied. “Don’t rub,” Steve cautioned as Kevin’s hand left his arm, and Kevin nodded, digging his nails into his palms to keep them from going where they most wanted to go. “I’m proud of you, Kev,” Steve said softly. “You’re learning. You’ve earned a break, but understand that we are not done!”

  The expression of dismay on his little brother’s face sent Danny over the edge and he twisted violently to get away from Ryan and Sean. It took all of the strength his brother and friend could muster and all of their ingenuity to keep him in their grasp as Andy hovered nearby. “Let him go,” Steve instructed, his attention attracted by the commotion. Ryan looked at his big brother and raised his eyebrows skeptically as Danny pulled away from him once more. “Do it,” Steve commanded again, and all at once Danny found himself free as Sean and Ryan complied. Danny glared at Steve for a moment, clenching his fists. Then, he scowled at Ryan, and without a word turned towards the door.

  “Danny,” Ryan tried to call him back, placing a hand on his arm. His little brother jerked his arm away. “Dan,” Ryan tried again and Danny pushed at him.

  “Let him go, Ryan,” Steve directed firmly, and tears welled in Ryan’s eyes as he did what he was told. Sean silently came up beside him and put a hand on his shoulder as Danny stalked angrily out of the common room, and into the hallway, slamming the door behind him.

  “Go on, and get to the corner, Kevin,” Steve directed soothingly as Kevin stood before him, sobbing. “You may rub once you are there, but be sure to come back to me when I call you.” He indicated the corner behind the couch, farthest away from the other fraternity members, where Kevin would have the most privacy. Kevin swallowed and nodded. Then, with as much dignity as he could muster, he limped his way over to stand with his head against the wall. Once there, he collapsed into sobs again, his shoulders shaking in relief as he finally brought his hands back to soothe his swollen, smarting bottom.

  “Matt, The Code!” Steve called, and from the crowd of juniors and seniors, his big brother came forward. As the former year’s president, Matthew Sheppard had returned to support his little brother and to read The Code, as was tradition. He had slipped in discretely, however, and only a few had known of his presence, so his appearance now created a stir.

  Leaving the room in Matt’s capable hands, as Kevin sniffed in the corner, Steve made his way over to Ryan and his friends. Ryan had his hand to his eyes and was still fighting back tears as Sean and Andrew tried to comfort him. “It’ll be all right, Ry,” Steve assured his little brother as he came up beside them. “Come on,” he placed his hand tenderly on the back of Ryan’s head, “let’s see if we can talk some sense into him.” Ryan nodded and took his hand from his eyes. Steve moved his hand to his little brother’s shoulder and they started for the door of the common room.

  “I’m going to check on the compatriot faction,” Sean called after Steve quietly. Steve turned, and keeping his arm around Ryan, nodded to show that he had heard.

  “I’ll go with you,” Andy said to Sean. Sean nodded, and silently they made their way to the back door as Matt unrolled the parchment he was carrying, and the reading of The Code began.

  File Eight

  The Code

  "Discipline is the soul of an army. It makes small numbers formidable; procures success to the weak, and esteem to all." -George Washington

  “If you can’t be a good example, then you’ll just have to be a horrible warning.”

  -Catherine Aird

  “The best years of your life are the ones in which you decide your problems are your own. You do not blame them on your mother, the ecology, or the president. You realize that you control your own destiny.”

  -Albert Ellis

  “Pay close attention members of Rho Beta Chi (Kigh),” Matt's baritone voice rang out. "Big brothers, little brothers, freshmen, and seniors, it matters not if this is your first time to hear the reading of The Code, or your last, for The Code plays no favorites. Enumerated in the lines below are the doctrines around which you must form your lives as members of this fraternity. Take The Code seriously, or you shall reap the consequences."

  As Matt began reading, Steve quietly guided his little brother from the room, leaving the door slightly ajar, so he could hear the proceedings. They found Danny in the hallway, sitting on the bottom step of the staircase, his head in his hands. Ryan, without a word, sat down beside him, and put his arm around him.

  "I can't do this!" Danny choked without looking up. "I can't do this! It's too hard."

  "Yes you can, Dan," Steve reassured quietly as he looked affectionately down at his younger brothers. "You're doing fine. Your role is to support Kevin, and you are definitely doing that, maybe a little too well," he added ironically. "I'm not altogether happy that you challenged me the way you did, but I'm sure it meant a lot to Kevin that you stuck up for him."

nbsp; "No it didn't!" Danny argued. "Did you see how he looked at me? He hates me!"

  "No he doesn't," Ryan soothed. "He doesn't know what he's feeling right now. He's a little too shocked to process it all, but he'll come around."

  "Sure he will!" Danny retorted bitterly. "He thought we were throwing him a party for Christ's sakes! When he has time to process it all, he'll hate me even more! God, Steve! Why'd we have to do it THIS weekend?" Steve and Ryan gazed empathetically at their brother, and Ryan tightened his grip on his little brother’s shoulder, but they did not respond. Danny was already worked up and looking for a fight. All points of view had been heard on this subject, and the issue had been decided. Any potential argument was moot, now, anyway. “James was right,” Danny continued his rant, “about everything! I would have kicked our asses too, if I were him!” Ryan and Steve still did not say anything. “And then you gave him extra!” Danny sobbed, letting it all out now. “Why Steve? Why did you do that?”

  Steve waited a moment until Danny seemed calm enough to hear and understand him. “Kevin's got a real attitude problem right now, Danny,” he replied gently, at last. “His insubordinate behavior has to be corrected before it creates even bigger problems than it has already. You know how the other freshmen idolize him. Look what happened with James! He has a responsibility, Bro. He has to learn to take direction."

  “But he was trying!” Danny protested. “He didn't know! You never told him not to stand or rub, and that paddle hurts! It hurts so bad . . . ." Danny put his head down on his knees, unable to continue, and Ryan kept a consoling hand on his back as he met Steve's eyes. With patient concern, Danny's older brothers waited and finally he went on. "I didn't even get that many licks last year," he choked, "and I deserved it just as much as he does!"

  “You got your fair share, Dan," Steve responded softly. "Kevin is too impulsive . . ."

  “He’s no more impulsive than me!” Danny interjected exasperatedly. “Or Ryan.” He shot a half apologetic glance at his brother.

  “Considering the events of this afternoon,” Steve started evenly, “I would say that is a fair point; it unfortunately seems that the two of you could do with a bit of a reminder yourselves when it comes to the subject of house hierarchy and deportment.”

  “That’s not fair!” Danny raged through his tears as he looked up to meet Steve’s compassionate eyes. “It’s not like we go around starting fights all the time, you know! You weren’t there, Steve. You don’t know what that louse did! You didn’t hear him . . . .”

  “I know what happened this afternoon, Danny,” Steve interjected. Both Ryan and Danny looked at him, apprehensively. “Jesse and Sean gave me the full story,” Steve explained. Danny looked down again and Ryan bit hard on his lip. “They came to see me just before the meeting,” Steve continued. “They were very concerned about both of you.” Danny and Ryan remained silent. “They didn’t want to tell me anything,” Steve went on. “I had to drag every word out of them, but you should be glad that they finally did tell me. No one could have done a better job clarifying your side of the story. Nothing has changed,” he added quickly as Ryan’s expression turned hopeful. “No matter how understandable your actions may be to me, I cannot condone them. I know, though, that this situation was extreme, and perhaps it was an unfair comparison to Kevin’s overall unruliness.

  You can both be a bit on the impulsive side, it’s true, and perhaps a little mischievous. We have some things we have to work through in light of what happened with Mcarthy, but neither of you is as ornery as Kevin. You do not, often, oppose me openly. You do not, intentionally, undermine my authority. When I ask you to do something, you do it, even if you are not happy about it.

  Kevin, at the moment, is intoxicated with his newly discovered power. He has come to realize just how much influence he has over not only the fraternity but the student body as a whole. If we do not rein him in now, he will fall beyond even our reach and there will be no one to help him climb out of this hole he is digging himself academically. He will discover, one day, that football fame and glory does not last forever and then what’s he going to do, Dan? Kevin has got to learn to think before he acts.”

  "Well, it's a little hard to think when your ass is on fire!" Danny snapped.

  "Danny, look at me," Steve squatted down in front of his little brother. "Look at me please," he placed a gentle hand under Danny's bruised chin and forced him to look tearfully up at him. "You deserved what you got last year. There's no doubt about it, and Kevin deserves his punishment too. The two of you are very much alike in so many ways. I know this is hard. Believe me, I know, but it's necessary and I think you know that. Just look at how you turned around! You're going to class, doing your homework, staying out of trouble for the most part, and according to this hotshot right here, you're going the right way for straight A's this semester. In fact, he's already predicting you'll be valedictorian and class president, and now we're all praying for maybe just a little slip on your part, so we don't have to hear his mouth all next semester." Ryan couldn't help grinning a little sheepishly as he tightened his hand again on Danny's shoulder.

  "I've never seen anyone straighten out faster than you, Danny," Steve continued more seriously, "but I'm betting Kevin will challenge your record. Know why?" Danny shook his head and brushed at his tears. "Because of his attachment to you! He adores you, Dan. I'm not saying things won't be rough for awhile, but he'll get past it, like you did. He's just as smart as he is stubborn. Ryan tells me he hasn't had a moment's trouble with you this semester, and by this time next year he's going to be sick to death of hearing about all of Kevin's accomplishments! We do not pick our younger brothers idly, Danny. We know what we're doing, and when you and Ry are picking for Kevin next year, I'm sure some cocky little bastard will distinguish himself in a way that will make it just as easy as it was this year and the year before when Matt and I picked you for Ryan." Steve fell silent and Ryan remained quiet too, letting Danny absorb all that Steve had said to him. Danny placed his head back on his knees as Steve took his hand from his chin, and for a few long moments he did not look up. He was still crying, but not as hard, and the only other sound to be heard was the drone of Matt's voice coming through the cracked door. He was near the end now, and Steve and Ryan exchanged glances as they listened. They really had to go back in.

  "What do I do in the meantime?" Danny questioned desperately as he finally looked up at his brothers.

  "What?" Steve responded distractedly. His attention had been completely absorbed by the proceedings in the other room which he was straining to hear, so Danny's question caught him off guard.

  "In the meantime," Danny repeated, "while I'm waiting for Kevin to `get past it,’ what do I do?"

  "Well," Steve advised gently, "you start by going back in there with us now, and helping him to get through tonight."

  "Yeah, and then what?" Danny questioned belligerently.

  "Then just give him time," Steve responded quietly.

  "And be prepared for anything," Ryan added, giving his shoulder a squeeze. "It's going to be ok, Danny. We'll get through this. I promise!"

  Matt was reading the last couple of doctrines now, and as his voice drifted through the door Steve grew restless, sharing another look with Ryan. "Are you ready?" he asked. Ryan nodded. "Dan, it's time, Bud. Are you ready?" Danny was quiet for another couple of moments as he tried to pull himself together. "Kevin is going to need you, Man. You think you can do this?" Finally Danny nodded and Ryan got to his feet, helping Danny up after him, and silently they followed their older brother to the door and as discretely as possible slipped back into the common room. Steve stood to the side against the wall, flanked by his younger brothers as they waited patiently for Matt to finish.

  Their reappearance caused some restlessness in the room, but Matt was undeterred. His voice remained strong and unwavering as he began to read the last section of The Code: "These are the doctrines of The Code as decreed and mainta
ined by the Fraternal Order of Rho Beta Chi (Kigh). Any violation of the above code will result in swift and severe consequences to be determined by the president of the order and those he chooses to advise him. Consequences may range, as previously stated, from the application of the traditional disciplinary implement to eviction from the fraternity and or expulsion from school. Any member summoned for discipline to the chamber of the president must report promptly, without questions. The president will hear any defense the member may wish to give in his behalf at the time of the summons. Any member summoned to the chamber of the president will be notified by a pink slip of paper placed in his mailbox, stating the date and time of the summons. If the paddle is to be applied, the member's big brother will be summoned also, by way of a blue slip, to act as a witness and a support. After punishment has been administered, formal written or verbal apology will be made, if the president deems fit, to the injured parties. These are the Disciplinary Codes, hereafter to be known and adhered to by all members of the fraternity known as Rho Beta Chi (Kigh)."

  Steve stepped up beside Matt as he finished reading, and Matt wordlessly handed him the parchment. All eyes followed the president as he hung The Code in its honorary place on the wall. Steve then turned to face the freshmen, and giving his brother a look of encouragement, Matt quietly took his place amongst the juniors and seniors. Steve swallowed hard in an attempt to calm his nerves as he looked at the terrified freshmen, but finally he took a deep breath, and began to address them.

  "Freshmen year," he stated with calm authority, "is a transition year. Many of you are away from home for the first time in your lives. You are dealing with new roommates, new surroundings, new responsibilities. Some of you," he glanced back at Kevin, "are also dealing with the pressures that go with new found stardom. Balancing these pressures against those of your everyday responsibilities can be, at best, difficult sometimes. At worst, they can cause you to neglect what is most important. Those of us in this fraternity who have made it through our first year successfully have taken a vow to help those behind us succeed as well. The vow includes a strict code of discipline, as you just heard. You may wonder why you have not been told more explicitly about The Code before now. Why would we wait until the end of the semester was so close to bring this up? It is because we all know and remember how hard freshmen year can be, especially the first semester. We know you have enough to do, enough to worry about without this being an added stress. It is why you are assigned a `Big Brother' to help guide you when you stray, to help encourage you when you're feeling down, and to prod you when you start to slack off as you inevitably do once you become comfortable. It is largely based on your response to your brother's advice and encouragement that you are judged."


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