New World Order: California Invasion (Vol. 2)

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New World Order: California Invasion (Vol. 2) Page 1

by W. R. Benton

  New World Order,

  California Invasion

  Volume 2


  W. R. Benton

  ISBN 978-1-944476-43-4

  © Copyright 2016 W.R. Benton

  Ebook Production by Loose Cannon Enterprises

  No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the written permission of the author and/or the publisher. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, events or locales, is entirely coincidental.

  Author Photos © Copyright 2016 by W. R. Benton, LLC

  © Contents Copyright 2016 by W. R. Benton. All Rights Reserved.

  Cover Photo by: Melanie Calvert Benton

  Book cover layout and design by W. R. Benton LLC, © copyright 2016

  Edited by: Bobbie La Cour, Daniel Williams, and Kay King

  Astonished font copyright © Misprinted type [ ]

  This book was produced in the USA

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  The New World Order series

  This series, by award winning Amazon bestselling author W. R. Benton, is the story of war torn America. As the rich and elite of the world move to put the new world order in place across the globe, they understand they must move quickly. At times just as rich and exciting in content as real American history — this is a series of heroism, valor, patriotism, greed, blackmail, sex, traitors, and death, as normal day-to-day Americans make a valiant stand against the takeover. This series is more than just exciting reading, it is the affirmation of the American spirit and our total dedication to a once great nation. It's an attempt of common people to recover their country from those who have unlimited funds, support of the United Nations, and a deep determination to rule the world.

  New World Order, 666 - Mark of the Beast, Volume 1

  In Volume One, it all starts as the rich and elite move quickly to take complete control of the world and all governments. They attempt to place the whole world under the control of one leader, unidentified, with a totalitarian world government. They hope to have one world bank, one currency, one government, and they promise comfortable lives for all citizens of the world. Countries are invaded by UN troops and martial law is declared, a few weapons are gathered, food is suddenly strictly rationed, no cars, no gas, and no utilities for anyone who is not wealthy and a part of the New World Order. Protection is to be provided by the UN troops, and all is going well as one nation after another falls. This is all part of the Illuminati agenda and things are moving smoothly. That is, until the UN troops step on American soil and the battles start. The Americans are a determined bunch who will not just lay down and allow their nation to be taken over. If they are to lose their country, they will go down fighting to the last man and woman.

  Books by W.R. Benton

  W. R. Benton is a master story teller, with over 40 books, eBooks and audio books to his credit, and his mountain man book, “War Paint,” set in 1820, is soon to be a feature motion picture. Benton is known for his action and adventure, along with great character development that makes many readers feel as if they are actually a part of the book. He tells of the kind of bad guys you love to hate, with good guys you root for from the very beginning.

  Explore more than 40 WR Benton books, at


  This book is dedicated to fellow military 'war' veterans, Bo Porter, William “Bill” Bodeker, and Stephen Carrier.

  To the memory of my beautiful mother, Edna Marie Benton, a lady by all definitions.


  A Word From the Author

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  About the Author

  A Word from the Author

  The New World Order is what happens when the rich and elite of the world manipulate the governments of other nations using the power of the United Nations and large amounts of cash to provide for a single ruler. They attempt to place the whole world under their control. Countries are invaded by UN troops and martial law is declared, a few weapons are gathered in controlled nations, food is suddenly strictly rationed, and no cars, no gas, and no utilities for anyone who is not wealthy or capable of producing the high cost for these items. The world's wealthy are those who are members of the New World Order (NWO). A micro chip will be planted in each person so their thoughts and actions can be monitored, and they can be controlled by the NWO. Protection and enforcement is to be provided by the UN troops and all is going well as one nation after another falls. This is all part of the Illuminati agenda and things are moving smoothly. That is, until the UN troops step on American soil.

  Americans are showing they are hard-headed, especially about the right to have guns, and they feel the chip is an invasion of privacy. At first, as a nation, they refuse to give up their guns and will not take the chip, except for some Liberal states. The United States military, sworn to protect the Constitution, sides with the people. Talks fail and finally, a frustrated President declares martial law and brings in troops from the United Nations. A few American Generals are discovered on the payroll of the NWO and they are slowly and secretly killed, one by one.

  The separation between the Liberals, who favor the NWO, brings about a Civil War, with most states siding with the conservative American people. They call themselves the Conservative States of America. They've had enough pushing from the UN and the war changes from a battle of words to combat, with lives on the line.

  California, an extremely liberal state at the time, is quickly controlled by the UN and it is seen as the center of the attacks by the UN and American President of what remains of the Liberal United States. The state Governor is pushed aside as the President flees Washington D.C. because a nuclear blast is set off by a suicide bomber in a truck and the White House is gone. Once relocated to California, the President begins issuing orders to bring the CSA back into the fold of the Union. Another “White House” is located for the President to setup a government, and there is even an oval office. Fortunately, this man is no Abraham Lincoln, and most of his efforts at unity fail. The CSA, however, is preparing to invade the state, arrest the President and his staff, and bring each to court for treason. However, they soon realize it's not as easy to invade California as it is to talk about or plan for the military action.

  The places in Missouri I mention in this work, in the whole series actually, are real geographic areas. Gourd Creek Cave is real, the cave by Big Piney River is real, Devils Elbow, and the Little Piney, Big Piney and Gasconade Rivers are in the area around Rolla, Missouri. Devils Elbow is located on old U.S. Route 66, called Teardrop Road today, which runs through Devil's Elbow. The place got it's name from a huge rock, right where the course of the river curved, that caused log jams when lumberjacks would float logs down the Big Piney River. The lumberjacks called it, you guessed it, the Devil's Elbow.

Rolla and the surrounding area are all there, as is the Lion's Club Park south of Rolla, on highway 63 which goes into Arkansas, the road alongside the Rolla Cemetery does run beside the old red with white trim courthouse, the train tracks, and the two busy streets in the very center of town used to be named Main and Rolla Streets. I've not been back in a spell, so they may have different names now. Both are one way, with one going north and the other south.

  Fort Wyman, mentioned in Chapter three, was a real Union Army Fort, but over time it had a schoolhouse built on the grounds during the fifties and, for a while, I attended grade school there. Many of my friends, after they grew older, found bullets, bottles, and even old Union belt buckles in the mud at the site of the Fort, following a hard rain. I grew up in the town, so I know the area fairly well.

  So, relax, find a comfortable chair, and get your favorite drink. It's time to read W. R. Benton's, New World Order: California Invasion Volume 2. Enjoy.

  W. R. Benton

  1 October 2016

  Jackson, Mississippi

  9 . . .And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive [his] mark in his forehead, or in his hand,

  10 The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:

  — King James Version

  From the book of Revelation chapter 14:9 and chapter 14:10

  Chapter 1

  A man dressed in all black, his head and face covered by a ski mask, and his hands protected by gloves, pushed a roughed up prisoner into the dark room. The captive, an aide to the President of the United States, had been captured and then flown out of the country. His flight had been long, but not as long as he'd thought. With the help of drugs, especially morphine, he had no idea where he was or how long the flight had been. He was an administrative type, hated guns, and lacked guts in most issues of any kind. The captive was a dedicated Liberal, believing completely in no need for violence ever and that if people would just talk, violence could be avoided. He was what a conservative would call a wuss.

  From 2010 to 2020, he'd worked with the slow Liberal take over of America as a voter analyst. While he didn't consider himself really needed, the current President and previous ones had all counted on his information to move forward slowly toward their goal of complete socialism. The Conservative party was so weak then, destroyed by internal bickering, that it was no threat to the Democrats and especially the Liberals leaning toward communism.

  His name was Jesse Stovall. He was a smallish man, closer to five feet than six, light weight at 110 pounds, and his brown hair was long. His green eyes spoke volumes of his deep intelligence and with just a quick glance, most could see he was a brilliant man. However, Jesse was a sheep and lacked backbone when it came to violence or standing up for any issue. He was terrified, and right now it was a smart way to feel. He'd been brought to Germany so he could be executed, his death videoed, and then sent to the President of the United States. This would be done so the President could see how the NWO treated those who tried to leave their organization. However, his killing was all unknown to Jesse, but he'd soon be told.

  The current President had suddenly broke contact with the leaders of the New World Order, so they brought Jesse here to make an example of him. The Boss, a man known by few, and not the real leader of the NWO, wanted the weak man executed so his pain and fear would be captured by a video camera. The Boss was actually just a working member of the NWO board, and behind the group was a person or persons with unlimited funds. The Boss simply carried out orders from the real boss and any actions the board had agreed on, which was why he was working this day. He received his orders each morning by brown envelopes, delivered overnight.

  “Uh, yes, bring our guest in and get him comfortable.”

  “Why am I here?” Jesse asked as soon as his gag was removed.

  “Your question will be answered in time. Did you have a comfortable trip?” a voice unknown to Jesse asked from the surrounding darkness.

  The new Boss had just taken over after the last one was killed in an English Hospital by an enemy agent. He was tall and lean, wore a black mustache and kept it trimmed short. He wore an expensively tailored black suit, white shirt and black tie. His height was six feet two inches and he weighed 180 pounds. Like everyone he worked with he was wealthy and looked to be a successful business man, which he was, but his real job was managing the expansion of the New World Order.

  The room was dark, with the only lighted area around a large table with straps and drawers built under the piece of furniture. Jesse would soon find the contents of the many drawers to be fearsome. The Boss was standing now, moving around as he toyed with his prey. He was smoking an expensive Cuban hand-rolled cigar and sipping on a bit of cognac.

  The masked guard forced Jesse to sit on the table and then chained his feet and hands so his movements were limited.

  Jesse was unaware, but three video cameras were recording the whole meeting from different angles. The three recordings would be viewed and edited, with only the best of the execution to be the finished product. One camera was to concentrate on his face, so the President would see the doomed man's response to being tortured. The second camera would zoom in on the torture process to show the harsh and bloody details. The last camera showed the overall view of the room.

  “Mister Stovall, do you have any idea who I am or why you are here?” The Boss asked.

  “N . . . no, sir.”

  The Boss moved to the sofa and sat beside a beautiful blonde woman who was scantly dressed and his mistress. She moaned when he sat beside her, knowing he always wanted to play roughly following a torture session. She'd discovered the pain inflicted and screams of the victim stimulated him, much more than her smoking hot kisses. She was pleased that tonight he'd want her, and he'd turn a bit rough throughout the whole evening. Torture did nothing for her, sexually, but when The Boss turned rough, her passion grew to match his. He was a moody man, but she lived a nice pampered life, and all she had to do was keep him happy. She'd discovered years ago keeping him happy was simple.

  She was a small woman at five feet and three inches, with long blonde hair, deep bottomless blue eyes, large breasts, narrow waist and a nice curve to her rear. Her real name was Eva Ludeke, but she was called Beth by her man. She'd been Beth for so long, she'd almost forgotten her real name.

  “Do you know why your President has refused to follow my orders?”

  “N . . . no, sir. I have no idea.” Jesse lied.

  “Oh, is that so?” The Boss stood and began pacing again. He walked by the American and suddenly, without warning, slapped him hard on his cheek.

  Jesse, scared, screamed and then started to shake. His eyes grew huge at the thought of more physical abuse.

  “I want the truth, boy. If you refuse to tell me, then I will allow Wolfgang to work on you a bit. I do not want to do that, not really, because he tends to get bloody.”

  “I . . . I suggested he leave the NWO and establish a nation of his own, away from your organization.”

  “Why would you recommend such a stupid move?” The Boss asked, and then leaned over to kiss Beth, her kiss deep as she moaned. He squeezed her breast, broke the kiss and yelled, “I asked you a question!”

  “I . . . I don't . . . don't know. I thought . . . thought you lacked, uh, power, but I see you . . . have the ability to strike out. Don't hit me again, please.”

  Opening a bottom drawer, he pulled out an old crank generator, and held the long wires so the light reflected off the connections which resembled jumper cables.

  Turning to Wolfgang he said, “Attach one to his nipple and the other to his ear. Then I will see if he will talk openly with me. He must think we are fools, my friend. Does he really think I will be satisfied with his answer?”

No, please!” Jesse screamed, just before Wolfgang backhanded him hard.

  Wolfgang, known in NWO as the Enforcer, pulled the chains as Jesse screamed until the man was flat on his back. He then moved to his feet and pulled them tight as well. Opening another drawer, he removed a long sharp knife and cut the young man's shirt off.

  “You must be a woman, American, because you have no hair on your chest!” the Enforcer screamed at the young man on the table.

  “D . . . don't hurt me . . . please.”

  He moved the spring loaded clamp until Jesse's right nipple was between the sides of the clamp. Then he attached the other wire to the lobe of his left ear. Jesse screamed, his voice a warbling tone, and his chest convulsed as the generator sent a mild electric shock through his torso. His body jerked and twitched as he begged Wolfgang to do no more.

  “Mister Stovall, you were specifically brought here to die, so later we can drop your mutilated body near your new Capitol in California. I am greatly saddened to say you will not leave here alive.”

  “W. . . what of . . . my wife?” Jesse asked as the Enforcer moved to the other side of the table.

  “She,” The Boss looked at his watch, “is currently being raped by five of our men in your home, so I do not think she will survive her ordeal either. Especially with Peter along, who carries a very sharp knife, and loves to use it on women. Usually when finished with a woman he will simply cut her throat, but by then, she will have felt his sharp blade many times. That leaves no witnesses and the only way to identify my men would be DNA from their sperm, but pouring gallons of acid on her body will eliminate that issue.”

  The generator was turned on again and once more Jesse screamed.


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