Secrets of the Prairie

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Secrets of the Prairie Page 10

by Joyce Carroll

  I was in the kitchen cooking dinner for Ashley and Joe. I needed something to calm my nerves, and since I couldn’t bring myself to look at another dance floor right now, cooking was the only thing I could think of.

  “It smells wonderful in here!” Ashley exclaimed as she came through the door and took a seat at the kitchen table.

  “Thank you,” I told her.

  “Has Joe come home yet?” Ashley asked me and I shook my head. “So, tell me. How are you and Luis doing? Is he still everything your heart could ever want?”

  I was hesitant in my answer and Ashley could sense my despair.

  “Come sit down and tell me what happened.” She said patting the table.

  I sat down at the table and sighed. “Well I told you how Nancy asked me to perform with him right?” She nodded

  “Well, he asked me if I wanted to perform a dance he had choreographed and, of course, I said yes. We started practicing and did for five hours. I couldn’t get this move right and I could tell I was frustrating him. I was really tired and my feet were killing me so I told him that I thought we should call it a day and he got mad,” I continued. “Then this morning after I actually completed the move without falling on my ass, he tells me that I’m not ready to perform, and he’s calling the dance off because he doesn’t want me to embarrass him.”

  “What?! Are you serious?” She exclaimed. “What an asshole. So what did you do?”

  “I walked out and he’s been calling me ever since, trying to get me to talk to him.” I told her. She shook her head. A few seconds later, Joe walked into the door.

  “It smells great in here.” He said. “Ashley, I know that’s not you in there cooking so it has to be Jenny.” He walked into the kitchen and gave his wife a hug and a kiss. The two of them were so cute together. They were a perfect example of what a real relationship should look like. I looked up to see someone standing in the doorway and I instantly got upset.

  “What the hell is he doing here?” I hissed.

  “Oh, he was outside when I pulled up so I invited him inside for dinner.” Joe said, clueless.

  “Please leave.” I told him.

  “Not until you talk to me.” He responded.

  “Well, I guess you can make yourself comfortable because I won’t be talking to you anytime soon.” I replied. He sat down at the table across from me and stared at me. I stared back.

  “Well,” Ashley said getting up from the table. “Let us know when dinner is ready.”

  They hurried away from the table and out of the kitchen, leaving me alone with Luis. I rolled my eyes out of irritation, got up from the table, and continued my cooking.

  “You don’t have to talk. Just listen.” He ordered. “I would like to apologize for what I said earlier. When it comes to dance, or anything, I’m a little bit of a perfectionist especially when it comes to performing. On top of that, when it comes to my performance, I consider it like business and I don’t like to mix business with pleasure because it can blind your perspective. Anyway, I’m sorry Jen. I know I hurt your feelings and I am deeply apologetic for it.”

  I still wasn’t ready to forgive him for being a complete asshole to me earlier. No matter how many times he told me he was sorry.

  “Ok, so you’re sorry. Great, but what about the showcase? I don’t want to perform with you if you’re going to act like a narcissistic asshole every time we practice.” I told him.

  “I was just frustrated because I knew you could do better than what you were showing me. I knew you could land that move with no problem. It was a simple move. I couldn’t figure out why you were so shaken up. It wasn’t until I went to go talk to Nancy that I knew what was wrong. The reason she asked us to dance together was not because you were just a great dancer, but because you danced greatly with me. When we dance with each other, we are completely in sync, and that was only because of what we felt for each other. When I set aside my personals feeling for you during our lessons, I lost that connection.”

  It made sense. As soon as I told Luis that I would perform his dance with him, he turned into a dance coach. I didn’t feel the connection with him that I felt earlier that day when Nancy had asked me to dance with him for showcase. I felt distant.

  “I just want to put this behind us. I really care for you Jen,” he admitted. I felt my cheeks get warm again. Something I hadn’t felt since we started practicing for showcase. He got up and walked up behind me, wrapping his hands around my waist. “Can you forgive me, please?”

  “I forgive you Luis,” I said, turning around in his arms. I wrapped my arms around his neck and laid my head on his shoulder. I missed being in his arms like this. I was just glad we were back on good terms.

  “So, what’s for dinner? I’m starving!” He was smiling now.

  I called Ashley and Joe into the kitchen and we all sat around to enjoy dinner together. It was the first time they actually were able to meet Luis and Ashley seemed very impressed. At one point she leaned over and whispered that she liked Luis a lot better than she liked Elliot. All I could do was smile.

  Later that night, Luis took me to his place and we made passionate love. It was even better than the first night we had sex. His explanation was that he had to make up for the hurt he caused me earlier that day. I had to admit, he did a great job of doing so. Now we were lying under the covers naked. I was lying on his chiseled chest listening to the sound of his heartbeat. At this point in time, I couldn’t see myself wanting to be any place else but right here next to him.

  I began thinking about our relationship. Luis showed me a different side of him today that I wasn’t too sure that I liked. It was funny when I thought about it though, Luis was so perfect to me. He had a face that was almost angelic, and a body to match. Not to mention that we had so many things in common, yet I almost turned away from him because he took his job too seriously. We were almost wrong for each other, yet I looked past all of his flaws because I loved him. Luis kissed me on my forehead and held me tightly against his body.

  “What is on your mind my beautiful lady?” he asked me.

  “Nothing really,” I lied but he knew better.

  “You can tell me sweetheart.”

  Instead of telling him what was on my mind, I decided to bring up another subject. Something I had been wanting to ask him since the day I left Elliot. I shifted my position so I could see his face.

  “Have you ever thought about starting a family?” I asked him.

  “To be completely honest, I have always wanted to start a family but I could never found the right woman to do so with. Now, I’m not too concerned about it. If it happens then it happens. If not, then oh well.” He explained.

  “What about me?” I questioned. He shifted his position so he could look me in my eyes.

  “If I had the chance to make you my wife. I would jump on that in a heartbeat, a beautiful woman like you deserves to be given the world and any man that can’t see that is a damn fool.” He replied.

  Chapter 15

  “Places everyone, places!” Shouted Nancy. The dance hall was buzzing with activities. Dancers were running right and left getting dressed, putting on make-up, and doing some last minute practicing. I was extremely nervous and was already starting to sweat. Luis and I performed his choreographed dance in front of Nancy and she approved it, so we were about to perform it in the showcase tonight. Luis and I had been practicing day in and day out. For hours on end trying to make sure there were no faults in the routine. Now I just had to make sure that I didn’t mess up and embarrass us both.

  “You look beautiful, Jen,” Luis complimented me as he kissed me on the cheek. “You’re going to do great tonight. Just make sure you keep your focus on me.”

  “Luis and Jenny, you’re on in ten!” Nancy exclaimed. I sat on the ground and began putting my shoes on. Luis reached down to help me and made sure my laces were tied really tight. Once finished he leaned in and gently kissed my lips. All signs of nervousness left my body as my mi
nd was completely filled with thoughts of Luis. He grabbed my hand and helped me off of the floor; we went to take our places on the stage.

  I focused on Luis, at this point nothing else mattered. As long as I remained focused on Luis I knew nothing could go wrong. Nancy introduced us, and Luis and I took our places on the stage. Out of curiosity I looked out into the crowd, it was one of the biggest mistakes of my life.

  In the crowd, sitting front row next to Ashley and Joe, was Elliot. Ashley caught my stare and mouthed the words ‘sorry’. I looked over at Luis who hadn’t even noticed what was going on. I tried to regain my composure and push the sight of Elliot out of my head.

  The music began and I closed my eyes allowing the beat to move me. I met the eyes of Luis who could automatically see something was wrong. He began searching the crowd for an answer. Once he saw Elliot he tensed up.

  “Focus on me,” he said, quietly.

  “But why is he here?”

  “Don’t worry about it Jen, clear your thoughts of him. You have to stay focused.”

  He held me firmly, and we began moving to the beat. Our moves were perfectly in sync, we were meeting each other step for step. Move for move. We went through turn after turn mastering each step. All of my focus was completely on him as we danced together as one. I had never felt so alive, and I could see the enjoyment on Luis’ face as well. With one final spin and the ending pose, the dance was over and it was performed perfectly. Luis picked me up and twirled me around as the crowd awarded us with a standing ovation. I looked over at Nancy who was applauding as well. She was obviously very pleased with our performance. I think I even caught her smiling. Luis and I exited the stage and retreated back to the dressing rooms.

  “Jenny, you were amazing!” Luis exclaimed picking me up and twirling me in the air again. “All that work surely paid off.”

  “You did great also Luis, you know I couldn’t have done this without you,” I told him. “You’re an amazing teacher.”

  “We’re an amazing team.” He corrected as he laid a gentle kiss on my lips.

  “That’s enough of that you too.” Nancy remarked. I was almost nervous to hear what Nancy had to say. “I am very much pleased with your performance. Jen, you did a great job out there tonight. You really showed a lot of improvement. I look forward to seeing many more dances from the two of you. You really are the best match.”

  I couldn’t help but smile. Hard-ass Nancy was actually proud of me. I ran up and wrapped my arms around Nancy giving her a hug, taking her by surprise. She tensed up. I and awkwardly patted me on the back which only made me want to hug her more. Once I let go, she took a minute to regain her composure.

  “Well then,” She said. “Now that that’s over there’s a crowd out there waiting for you to return.”

  Luis and I laughed as we ran back on stage hand in hand. We bowed at the crowd who responded with hoots and hollers while they applauded.

  After the show, Ashley and Joe met us in the dance studio for some refreshments. Ashley brought me a beautiful bouquet of roses to celebrate our performance.

  “You guys looked great out there.” She said. “It definitely was a great performance. You two looked like you were meant to be together. It was amazing watching you two dance.”

  “Thank you. I’m glad you guys came. I really appreciate the love and support,” I replied.

  “Now you know I wouldn’t miss it for the world. You’re my best friend.” She assured me.

  I caught the eye of Elliot who was standing behind Ashley in the distance. He was holding the bouquet of flowers he bought for me. Once he saw that he caught my attention, he walked towards me. I nudged Luis who placed his hand on my lower back to comfort me. Ashley grabbed Joe and they stepped to the side of me.

  “Can I talk to you for a moment?” Elliot asked.

  I looked up at Luis who kissed me on my forehead and told Ashley and Joe to follow him. I watched as they all retreated back into the dance hall. Elliot eyed Luis. I could see signs of hatred written all over his face.

  “What do you want Elliot?” I questioned.

  “Can we go to a more private place to talk?” he asked.

  I sighed but told him to follow me as we went back into the dance hall as well. As we walked inside I caught the eye of Luis who was obviously not liking the sight of us being alone. I took Elliot to the dressing rooms behind the stage and shut the door behind us.

  “So he is the guy you left me for? Because I can see why, I just hope he’s worth it.” He stated. I sighed and rolled my eyes.

  “So what is it Elliot?’ I pressed him. I didn’t want to be in this dressing room with him any longer than I had to be. I would much rather be somewhere celebrating with Luis and my friends.

  “You looked amazing out there Jen. So beautiful.” He complimented. I thanked him and he continued. “Jen, I can’t take this anymore. I love you and I need you back in my life. I know what it feels like to live life without you and I don’t want to live like that. I need you back by my side and I’ll do whatever it takes to get you there.”

  I watched as a tear rolled down his face. He sat the bouquet of flowers on the table in the dressing room and took a hold of my hands.

  “Jenny, I’ll take my job more seriously so I can give you the attention you need. I’ll clean up after myself. I’ll make sure your dinner is hot when you come home late. I’ll try my best to cook you dinner, hell I’ll even run you a bath and massage your feet when you get out.” He continued and then kneeled down on one knee.

  “Jen, I want to marry you because I have lived life without you and I don’t want to live like this anymore. I’m ready to make a commitment and promise to love you and only you. I’m willing to put my beliefs aside and give you what you have always wanted. Jenny, I want us to have a child together. To start a family. Anything it takes to make you happy. Just come back to me please.”

  By this time tears were flooding down my cheeks. I knew what he said was true and that he meant every word of it. I could see it in his face. I watched as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a beautiful engagement ring. He looked up at me, eyes full of tears, as he held out the ring to me. I was speechless. I didn’t know what to say. Part of me wanted to say yes, but Elliot and I were just two different people and as much as I loved him, he was not the person I was meant to be with.

  “I’m sorry Elliot, but I can’t do it. I love you but we are too different people and we were never meant to be together in the first place. I got with you hoping I could change you, and after five years I still failed. The truth of the matter is, I never should have tried to change you anyway. You deserve a girl that will love you for who you are and who shares the same wishes and desires. That’s not me and I’m sorry. I can’t marry you Elliot.” I explained.

  Elliot looked down at the ground for a moment and I breathed out a sigh of relief. I’m glad I finally got that off of my chest. Now I knew I could move on with Luis without thoughts of Elliot holding me back. Elliot placed the ring back into his pocket and slowly began to stand. He lifted his head to look at me and I almost screamed at the sight of his face. I had never seen Elliot so angry in my life. The man looked as if he wanted to kill me.

  “You heartless bitch!” He exclaimed. “How dare you waste five years off my life?! I thought you loved me, but I was wrong and now you’re going to pay for this. I’m going to make you love me.”

  He grabbed my arm and pulled me into him wrapping his arms around my body. I tried to fight back but he had my arms pinned. He picked me up and slammed me onto the nearby sofa. He then began to kiss me violently on the lips as he tried to rip off my clothes. He bit my neck and I screamed but he didn’t stop. He continued to kiss my face, my lips. All of a sudden the door to the dressing room swung open and hit the wall. Next thing I know Elliot is being thrown off of me and I’m being lifted off of the couch. Ashley grabs a hold of me and takes me out of the room as Luis stands facing Elliot.

  “I should kill you.�
�� Elliot hissed. “You took her from me.”

  “I did no such thing.” Luis replied. “I just gave her what she deserved. She’s a beautiful woman and she deserves more than what you had to offer.” Elliot charged at Luis. Luis grabbed Elliot and slammed him on the ground. He placed his knee on Elliot’s throat and began to choke him.

  “Now, I should kill you but I’m going to let you live. I’ll tell you one thing, though, if I ever catch you around my girl again. I will kill you.” Luis threatened him. He stood up and held Elliot by his shirt as he walked him out of the room. Elliot stared me down as he walked passed. I felt bad. I was the cause of Elliot going insane. Ashley took me to the bathroom to get me cleaned up. I’m sure I looked a mess. All the crying I did probably had my mascara running down my cheeks. I knew one thing, though, I would never have to hear from Elliot again.

  Chapter 16


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