Protected By The Highlander (Medieval Romance)

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Protected By The Highlander (Medieval Romance) Page 54

by Veronica Wilson

  Brett threw his head back as Valentina’s hot, wet tongue enveloped him. He was pretty sure his cock had never been this hard before. As the sexy Latin temptress sucked and swallowed as much of him as she could, he felt himself pulse and throb, and when Anna started caressing Valentina’s gently bouncing breasts with one hand and slowly dragged a beautifully manicured finger over her own shaved mound before sliding into her wet, waiting slit, he thought he would explode. He closed his eyes and, in spite of everything, Page’s face appeared before him again.

  He opened his eyes to see Anna had him in her mouth again. Valentina had a hand absently grasping his balls as she bent down to nuzzle and lick Anna’s boobs. Anna was staring him straight in the eye as she sucked him, moaning softly to herself. He quickly leaned forward and gripped her shoulders. A brief look of confusion crossed her face, to be replaced with a smile of success as he gently but firmly lifted her off him and sat her back on the floor. Anna knew he could take no more and he was about to pound her to within an inch of her life. She lay back and opened her legs, inviting him in.

  “I’m sorry,” he said. “I’m so sorry.” He stood, pulled up his linen pants and strode purposefully for the door, never looking back.

  “The fuck are you going?” Anna called angrily after him. She suddenly felt very exposed and vulnerable. “It’s that fucking steward isn’t it? Are you fucking kidding me?” Those last three words turned into a shriek that seemed to fill the entire boat.

  Brett stormed down the corridor, oblivious to the screams and insults Anna hurled at his back. He marched up to the sun deck, to the bar where he and Page had almost kissed, then down the crew stairs to the galley. And there she was.

  Page stood up from putting clean dishes away in the cupboard to see Brett, his hair tousled and his shirt undone, standing before her.

  “I don’t care if you’re off limits!” he spat and crossed the distance between them in two strides. “And I don’t care if you’re too hard to handle.”

  “Oh, thank God.” She smiled as he lifted her clear off the ground and parked her butt on the kitchen counter. Page threw her arms around his neck and pulled his mouth to hers. They kissed hard enough for their teeth to clash, and she crossed her legs behind his butt to pull their hips closer together. His tongue licked and probed the inside of her mouth with an urgency that made her wish he was using it all over the rest of her body. Oh my God, she thought, how could I have thought about hurting this man? She could feel him hard against the underwear pulled tight over her aching sex and, with minimal movements, she was able to grind her clit lightly against him, sending small spasms of pleasure through her whole body.

  He took that as permission to not hold back. With both hands, he seized and ripped open her white dress shirt and pushed up her bra, freeing her full, firm breasts for his big hands to paw and grope. Without breaking the kiss, she reached down and yanked open his pants, letting them fall silently to the floor so that she was able to grasp, two-handed, his rock-hard shaft and pull it closer. Brett’s mouth pulled away from hers as he let out a loud groan, then leaned her backward so he could bite and suck at her eager breasts and hardened nipples. Her loins felt so wet she was sure she must be dripping through her panties. Brett seemed to sense this and forcefully yanked her G-string to one side. Still holding his throbbing member in both hands, she guided the tip of him urgently towards her slick hole, inviting him to enter. He cupped her buttocks on the counter, forced his tongue back into her mouth and, at once, rammed himself inside her, hard. Page screamed in pleasure with her mouth full and had to break off their kiss again to yell, “Oh, fuck!”

  He was totally buried in her, right to the hilt, and she felt so full that every involuntary twitch of him inside her seemed like it might bring her off. After a moment about the length of a year, he pulled out almost all the way, pausing with only a fraction of him brushing her moist entrance and making her shiver before plunging deep inside her again. She could do nothing to stop herself shouting in ecstasy as she locked her legs behind his butt again and pulled him into her faster and faster. She clasped his neck, cried out, and bit into his shoulder as he hammered at her harder still.

  “You’re so amazing,” he murmured breathlessly as he slammed his hips against her. “I haven’t been able to get you out of my mind.” She could feel her orgasm right there, she had been on the edge practically since they first kissed, all it could take was one... more...

  His great strength lifted her small frame off the counter. Nothing held her up but him. She screamed as he drove her down on him, over and over. He whispered into her ear, “I think I love you,” and thrust into her with all his might, reaching as deep inside as he could go, deeper than anyone had been before. She swore again and shuddered as wave after wave of crashing ecstasy pounded through her body. Her legs went into spasm, her nails clawed at his neck and she cried out until she felt hoarse. Brett lost his strength and collapsed against another counter. Her body out of control, acting on reflex and instinct, Page ground herself hard on his stiff shaft until he gasped and let loose inside her, wave after wave of hot seed pulsing from his engorged, iron-hard rod and showing no sign of stopping. Page worried she would be filled to bursting soon but, as they came to their senses, his violent blasts of cum died away.

  Both gasping for air, they smiled happily at each other and kissed again, and then heard a slow hand clap from the galley doorway. Shocked, they turned as one to see Azure leaning against the wall, mock-applauding them.

  I hate when she does that! thought Page automatically, before they sprang apart and tried to recover themselves. Page was about to say something, but the tiny, silent girl vanished down the hallway without a word.

  “Goddammit,” swore Page. “You know she’s off to tell the captain, and probably Anna too.”

  “And so, Valentina,” muttered Brett.

  “Huh?” asked Page.

  “Nothing,” he replied. “And so what? It’s no big deal, we’re consenting adults.”

  “But I will be fired.” Page made it a statement.

  Nothing would be said before tomorrow. Samson would never embarrass a guest by admonishing a crew member in their presence so Brett and Page opted to spend the night in one of the small berths of the twin room. They made love many more times in those cramped quarters, and even as the crew called down that breakfast was served about mid-morning they were still lost in one another. They were due to cruise for another two nights, but the captain thought it prudent to return to shore, at least for the day, until his charter decided what they wanted to do. As the Persephone neared the docks, the call came over the radio for Page to come to the wheelhouse. Brett told her not to go, to just leave with him when they landed. She said she wanted to tough it out, and thank the captain for his kindness. She also wanted to say goodbye to the crew. “Plus,” she said as she lay on top of him, “leaving with you would seem a little seedy, don’t you think? Like, bye guys, I got what I wanted, now I’m off to spend his money!”

  “You mean you won’t be?” smiled Brett, and she bit him playfully on the nipple. She got up and dressed, kissed Brett goodbye and headed off to the top of the boat.

  Well, that’s that, she thought to herself as she walked, there goes your job and you’re fooling yourself if you think you’ll ever see him again. He won’t leave the boat, and he’ll have everything patched up with Anna before the charter’s over. Just forget it, Page, you don’t belong in each other’s worlds. Not anymore. She knocked and entered the wheelhouse. As she suspected, Captain Samson reminded her of the rules and said he had no choice but to let her go.

  “Off the record,” he said, “I know a little something about the heart wanting what the heart wants. And I think you’ll be okay, my dear.” He winked at her and Page hugged him, a tear in her eye.

  Page was thankful she did not see any guests as she disembarked, particularly Anna. She figured they were all laying low because of the uncomfortable situation. The whole crew gathered to
say goodbye, though, and she cried as she hugged them all, even Azure.

  “I’m so sorry, Page,” said the young female deckhand. “I didn’t think you would actually get fired, and it looks like you actually like this guy. I feel terrible.” Page waved away the apologies and pulled her close.

  She was almost balling as she kissed Lisa and Paul, so before she lost control she turned and strode off with her bags as they called after her about keeping in touch.

  Page sought refuge about as far north as the little island of Aruba would let her. She took a job in a bar in Malmok Beach that offered a shared room to stay in while she worked there. She needed to be nowhere near Oranjestad when the Persephone finished her charter. She did not want to bump into Anna, or worse, Anna and Brett as they left the boat. On her fourth day there, the day after Brett’s charter had ended, she stared at a gin and tonic at the bar before her afternoon shift started and congratulated herself on being right. Well done, you knew he wouldn’t come. Gold star for Page, she said to herself, but at that moment a familiar voice sounded behind her:

  “You know you’ve already cost me another twenty-five grand?”

  She smiled and sipped her drink, but did not turn around. “Really? How so? I was here the whole time.” She sounded cool and confident, but her heart was pounding like it never had before.

  “The rest of the trip was so terrible, with Anna being especially mean to the crew, that I had to tip an extra ten thousand to say sorry.” His fingers gently traced along the backs of her arms until his hands rested on hers.

  “Well, it’s your own fault. You knew I was off limits and, come to think of it, so were you.”

  “You’re right about that,” he said, spinning her to face him, “and when you said you were too hard to handle. Neither of us is off limits now.” Their eyes locked and, when they stared deep into each other’s hearts and souls, they knew they were meant to be together. “But are you still too hard for me to handle?” Brett kissed her long and hard, and Page moaned with the pleasure of it. She leaped up and wrapped her legs around his waist.

  “You bet I am!” she laughed.


  Wanted By The Alpha Lion

  A bad night

  “For crying out loud, move it!”

  Claudia couldn’t remember the last time she had to yell in order to get anywhere. Her round, angelic face, combined with her wavy black hair and (perhaps excessively) voluptuous figure had usually sufficed up until now. Tonight, however, that was not the case.

  The way through the hospital to the operating halls was packed with the usual guests: hypochondriacs, pimps and prostitutes, and even some wounded kids from the city’s poorer parts. That was not unusual. What was unusual was the sheer number of the people that clogged the walkway before her, the crowd in the emergency room having spilled out of the waiting area.

  It’s as if they keep multiplying every month, she said to herself while keeping an eye out for any one of them to budge from their position and let her through. None did.

  “I got capped and it needs to go out!” an unseen youth exclaimed from somewhere within the unruly crowd.

  “I’m sore down there!” A woman screamed from right in front of Claudia, her shameless appearance a clear indication of her indecent profession.

  “Hey, yo! You ain’t passin’ ‘ere ‘till you give me what I need, yo!” Someone else yelled out from the crowd.

  The sooner you move and let us through, Claudia raged silently, the sooner you will get your turn. But you’re all just too self-absorbed to realize that, aren’t you?

  She squinted, the flickering lights from above making it even more difficult for her to find an opening. Then, the doctor’s voice snapped her out of it, the hurry evident in his tone.

  “Nurse! We don’t have time to negotiate with those people! There are men back here with serious injuries! Make way!” He was maybe twenty feet behind her, surrounded by the other nurses, but his voice had cut through the racket with zero trouble.

  Sir, yes, sir! Claudia took a deep breath. It was time to get rough.

  Slowly, she took a single step back, causing the woman in front of her to stare in dull surprise. Then, Claudia rushed forward, turning the hooker’s expression into one of shock and disbelief.

  “Move or be moved!” she bellowed out, the usually soft tone of her voice now much rougher. Having been in these kinds of situations many times before, she was well prepared for the impact that would follow a collision, but this time she didn’t hit anybody. Men, women, and juvenile delinquents all vacated to the sides of the hallway, forming a tight but functional little path for the doctor and his entourage.

  “Thank you,” Claudia spoke to the crowd, her voice soft and breathy again. They are angry. She made note of the twitching fingers and blood-shot eyes of the crowd. These are not nice people, or else they wouldn’t have refused to move like this.

  The doctor’s entourage moved immediately, pushing the gurneys bearing critical patients (all of whom were horizontal and almost completely covered up) down the corridor.

  Good response, thought Claudia. Better not hang around and test our luck any more than we have to.

  The operating rooms were not far away; merely a couple of doors behind the end of the passage. But the speed at which she had to traverse that distance was nothing to joke about. Combine that with all the negative energy that kept radiating from behind her, by the time they reached their destination the resulting fatigue on Claudia was very apparent.

  “Good job, Nurse Chance.” Doc Addams put his right arm on Claudia’s shoulder. “A little longer, and we might as well have left them back there.” Full of vigor, the older physician turned toward the other nurses and said, “Check the vitals for the lot of them! Stat!”

  Ready to do her part, Claudia was just about to step toward the closest patient when the Doc tightened his grip.

  “Uh, do you mind, sir?” she protested, knowing that people’s lives were at stake.

  “Yes, nurse. Actually, I do. We have more than enough nurses to cover this part of the procedure. If and when I need your help, I will need you functional, not gasping for breath. Understand?”

  I hate it when they get smart. She nodded, knowing full well what the Doc meant. “Yes, sir.”

  The doctor was just about to say something else when one of the male nurses spoke out. “This one is long gone,” he noted in a grim tone. “I need you to come and call it, Doc.”

  Doc Addams finished his sentence as he walked away from her. “As I was saying, take a breather and be ready. Keep watch at the door, I’ll call for you.”

  Another male nurse interceded, his gloved hands red with blood. “Doc, this guy needs your attention now, or you’ll have to proclaim him deceased as well!”

  “Goddamn it!” he exclaimed, changing directions again. “Carlos, note the time for me and offer your help to whoever might need it!” He kept yelling command after command, the room under his absolute control. Claudia had always admired the way Doc Addams took charge. If he were not a married man, she might have even made a move on him by now.

  It is still tempting from time to time. Perhaps I could… Claudia considered the possibilities as she neared the barricaded doors. They were extremely strong doors, the only relatively fragile part of them being a pair of small windows. She could not help but focus on her reflection once she was close enough, her doll-like face staring back into her emerald-colored eyes and shocking her back to her senses. No! What am I thinking? She shook her head slightly, causing one of her coal-colored locks to sway enticingly. Yes, it does get lonely, but that comes with the job! Deal with it! Still, the obligations of her position had taken their toll. Despite being in her thirties, Claudia Chance was still single, and that fact didn’t seem likely to change soon.

  “Are ya done yet?” A face appeared on the other side of the window, far clearer than her own transparent reflection. It belonged to an older African-American man. He appeared visibly distres
sed. “I think I’ve got me a broken arm here,” he mumbled out in a gravelly tone, his eyes bloodshot. “If I wait any more I think you’ll have to break it again to set it properly!”

  Everyone’s a medical expert these days.

  “Please, sir, calm down,” Claudia replied in the most courteous manner she was capable of, while making sure that the older man could hear her clearly. “We’re fighting for people’s lives in here. You’ll get your turn.”

  “It seems like a guy needs to die to get any attention out here!” He was insistent. “Think of devoting some time to us still-living people from time to time, huh?”

  Why, the nerve of this old fart…

  Claudia took a deep breath, preparing herself to give the aging man a piece of her mind. Suddenly, just before she could say it out loud, someone had moved him to the side. Another face now stared at her from the hallway: that of an attractive, blond male.

  Well, hello there, handsome. What might your emergency be?

  “Hello there, pretty lady,” he said in a voice that possessed a depth that the glass could not dull.

  “Sir… please wait your turn, we have some injured people here,” Claudia answered, reluctant to say no to such a stud.

  “I am aware of that, doll. They didn’t look too good on those gurneys. I guess it must be a real horror to look at, right?”

  “I wouldn’t know, the Doc had me moved to this door before I could get a real look. Things aren’t looking too good from around here, though.”

  “Compared to you, sweet-cheeks, nothing doesn’t look too good,” he replied as he moved backwards, allowing the crowd to engulf him.

  Well, that was strange. Nevertheless, she couldn’t help but be intrigued by the man.

  “Claudia! I need you here now! Stat!” The doctor interrupted her musings.

  Without a word, she turned around, eager to help. However, what she saw when she reached the Doc made her miss the door duty.


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