Woman Beheld

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Woman Beheld Page 5

by Tianna Xander

  “Compatible? He patted her hand that rested on his forearm. “Have we not wandered the inside of this room talking to each other amicably?”

  “That’s not what I meant at all.”

  Daffyd watched as the emotions chased over her reddened face. “Then what, pray tell, did you mean? I fear that I have no idea what you are talking about.”

  “I don’t believe I have to spell this out for you.” She stared at the floor for a moment before blurting. “We don’t even know if we are physically compatible.”

  “Physically compatible?” He smiled at her when he finally got her meaning. “That is something easily figured out, My Lady.” Pulling her closer, he grasped the back of her neck, tilted her head up, and leaned closer. “Just pull away if I do anything you do not like,” he said just before he slanted his lips over hers.

  Lush lips gave beneath his. Elle’s body relaxed, grew pliant as she leaned into him. She moaned when he pressed against her.

  Daffyd took advantage and slid his tongue inside her open mouth. Her tongue tangled with his as she wrapped her arms around his neck. Thrusting her fingers through his hair, she pulled him closer still until he was certain they would never end the heady kiss that he’d spent every waking hour imagining since he first saw her in that dirty alleyway.

  He found he didn’t want it to end. He wanted nothing more than to hold her close, surrounded by her scent. In that moment, Daffyd realized just how much he wanted and needed Elle in his life. He also realized that they were, indeed, physically compatible.

  Moving his hand from the small of her back, his knuckles brushed her side as he covered her breast. Deepening their kiss, he swallowed another small sound as he brushed his thumb over her hard nipple.

  How would he ever end this before he took her right here on the cold, hard floor? His cock throbbed against her stomach as he held her close. His head fairly buzzed with the need to thrust deep inside her and make her his. Yet, he knew they shouldn’t do anything so risky without first talking to the healer.

  Almost frantic with need, Daffyd kissed her eyes, her nose, and cheeks before moving lower to her neck. When Elle canted her head to the side, he sucked her earlobe between his lips, his tongue darting out to caress the hidden erogenous zone just behind her ear.

  That was when he felt it—three light taps against his lower stomach, followed by three more. Daffyd straightened and stepped back. Looking down, he reached out, resting his hand on her protruding belly.

  “I think one of the babes just kicked me.” He tore his gaze from her mid-section to meet hers. He grinned at her. “Make them do it again.”

  “That’s not something I have a lot of control over,” Elle said with a giggle. “Though you’re welcome to give me another kiss and see if they get so excited again.” She waggled her brows. “It shouldn’t be too much of a hardship, since it seems as though we’re compatible, after all.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Elle almost pulled away from him to run out the door. She couldn’t believe what she just said! She pressed her lips together with the hope that she wouldn’t say something as outlandish as that again.

  Where in the world did she get the nerve to say something so bold? She’d never made a pass like that to anyone ever before. Not even her husband. Her mother had drummed the art of meekness around men into her most of her life. It wasn’t because her mother wanted her dependant. It was because, to her mother, all men loved a woman in need. Elle, however, wasn’t so sure.

  Daffyd smiled. “As much as I would like a repeat performance, I don’t think it’s wise.”

  He didn’t like their kiss. Elle’s stomach took a dive. Apparently, he decided she wasn’t the woman for him after all. She crossed her arms over her breasts and moved away from him. What was the use of continuing the tour of the nursery? She should go home as soon as possible. She certainly didn’t need to spend more time in this man’s company. He’d done enough for her already.

  At least you figured that out before you married the poor sap.

  “Why the long face, My Lady?” Daffyd stepped up behind her, grasping her upper arm. He turned her around and pulled her into his arms, resting his chin on the top of her head. “Don’t think I don’t want to kiss you again, love. In fact, I would love to do nothing more than kiss you until you agree to stay here with me, always.” He rubbed her back, his warm hands making her feel safe and treasured.

  Daffyd continued. “I’m just afraid of taking this too far and possibly harming the babes. Not to mention the fact that this is not a private place. Even now, I have men scouring the undercroft for the infant furnishings. They have standing instructions to bring up anything they find as soon as they find it. We certainly don’t want one, or more, of the men walking into the room while we’re in a state of undress.” He winked, his smile growing large enough to show the dimple in his cheek. “Believe me when I say that having you under me while I drive this into your lovely body is foremost in my mind,” he said, indicating the prominent erection he sported.

  Elle’s face burned hotter than ever. Why hadn’t she thought of that? Why hadn’t she just glanced down, and saw the evidence of his desire, for goodness sake—and since when did she jump a man’s bones after knowing him for less than a day?

  It may have been longer than twenty-four hours for Daffyd, but it had been less than that for her. Being unconscious may be an excuse for staying here this long, but it wasn’t a good enough reason to sleep with a man she barely knew.

  She took a cautious step backward. “So…how about showing me your thoughts on putting up some sort of barrier over the windows? If I stay here with my children, I want them safe.”

  For some reason, the if in her sentence didn’t seem so iffy anymore.

  After giving her opinion on decorating the nursery, Elle returned to her room for a nap. “Please, Claru, will you send for the healer?”

  “Are you ill, My Lady?” The girl’s eyes grew round with fear. “Perhaps I should send for the defender.”

  “I’m not ill. I just wish to talk to her.” Elle frowned. “Don’t you people ever call him by his name?” She shook her head. “You know, I think that would annoy the hell out of me. His name is Daffyd. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind if you used it. He’s not a monster. Call him Sir Daffyd if it makes you feel better, but for God’s sake, stop calling him the defender. It makes me feel as though you’re talking about a thing, not a person.”

  Elle strode to the bed and sat down. “Tell her I’ll wait here as long as it takes for her to find the time to see me.”

  It didn’t take long for Alia to arrive. “I should have known you’d hurry right over. I hope I didn’t take you from some sort of emergency because I’m fine. I just wanted to ask you a question.” Elle felt herself blush yet again at the healer’s knowing stare.

  “You wish to know if it is safe for you and Daffyd to make love.”

  “I’m not sure love is the correct word. I don’t think we’ve known each other long enough for that.”

  “Correct or not, I know what you mean.” She laughed and gave Elle an impulsive hug. “I know it’s only been three days, but love can come at any time. You’ll see. Besides, you’re babes are healthy and large for twins. I don’t think you were really in labor when Daffyd brought you here. I think your children sensed your distress and were thrashing about, causing you your pain. I’m sure that you would have had them prematurely, if I had not intervened, but they were never truly in danger. I calmed them, more than healed them. If you needed medical clearance to do what comes natural, you have it. Feel free to have dinner, lure your defender into your chamber, and have your wicked way with him. I, for one, need to get home. I left dinner cooking.” Alia leaned close and gave her another hug. “Have fun!”

  Take this chance, Elle. Love your defender. Only you can end his pain. The voice was Skuld’s. I have seen your future. Your babes will come, but not for another week. If you do not make love
with him tonight, it won’t be safe to do so again for several weeks. Do you really want to wait that long?

  Elle sighed and bit her lip. No. I don’t think I do. I don’t want to make Daffyd wait that long either. He’s waited long enough already.

  Standing, Elle made her way to the desk in the corner of the room. She needed a shower and an awesome gown. With a smile, she pressed the little button that would call her maid, Claru.

  “Yes, My Lady?”

  “Thank you for answering so quickly, Claru. I need your help.”

  “I’ll be right there.”

  “That’s not necessary.” Elle grinned. “I need you to find me a great dress. I have plans for tonight.”

  “Yes, My Lady. I will find you a dress that would tempt the gods.”

  “I don’t want to tempt the gods, just one man who needs me more than anyone else ever has.” Elle pressed the button, ending their conversation and turned toward the bathroom. “It’s great to be needed,” she told herself.

  Dinner wasn’t a formal affair, thank goodness. Daffyd had his servants bring trays to her room where they sat and got to know each other over the five-course meal. After dessert, he set her in front of the fire, covered her with a soft blanket and smoothed her hair back.

  “I’ll be right back.” Leaning down, he kissed her forehead and then left the room for a moment. When he returned, he held a strange-looking instrument under his arm.

  “What’s that?” Elle smiled. “That looks a lot like a mandolin.”

  “It is called a stringed melon.” He grinned. “It is not so romantic a name as mandolin. Should we change it?”

  “Stringed melon?” She pressed her lips together. She didn’t want to laugh. She wanted to hear him play. She’d never had a man serenade her before. It seemed so romantic happening in the movies. She tilted her head and gave the instrument a critical look. “It does look kind of like a melon.” It really looked more like a gourd with a wooden neck and strings.

  Elle was unprepared for her reaction when he began playing the thing. It didn’t sound like a mandolin or even a guitar. The sound was more like that of a large harp. How they managed to get such beautiful notes out of something that looked so ridiculous, was beyond her.

  Tears filled her eyes as he continued playing. It was when he began to sing that pushed her over the edge into a full-fledged crying jag. The man was gorgeous, compassionate, strong, and respected by his people—and he was courting her like a knight of old.

  Chapter Twelve

  Daffyd didn’t want or mean to take advantage of Elle. She was in his care, after all. Yet, how could he sit by and watch her cry as though her heart had broken? How could he sit here and play this instrument when she needed him to hold her? How could he ignore that silk dress with its halter top that just begged him to unfasten it so her full breasts could spill out into his hands?

  He finished the song she seemed to love and set the melon down. Sliding close, he wrapped his arm around her and drew her to him.

  Even though Alia had told him that it was safe to make love with her, he still didn’t want to risk it. He needed this woman more than he needed release and he would never purposely endanger her or her unborn children.

  Looking down, he gazed deep into her eyes. One kiss. Just one kiss and he would leave her to rest. There would be plenty of time to make her his once the babes were born.

  “Just one kiss, love.” Taking her jaw in his hand, he ran his thumb over her bottom lip. He loved her bottom lip. Full and pink, he adored it when she got nervous, drew it into her mouth and bit down.

  He’d dreamed about her lips every night since he brought her here. Until today, he wondered what it would feel like to press his mouth against hers, feeling the petal soft skin beneath his lips.

  She moaned when his lips covered hers. Reaching up, she thrust her fingers through his hair and pulled him closer. It was as though she didn’t want to let him go. Encouraged, he skimmed his hands over and down her back, then up her sides.

  Elle leaned closer, pressing her body against his. She climbed into his lap, a leg on either side of his, tempting him by putting him in the warm cradle of her hips. Goose flesh rose on her skin when he kissed his way to her neck, then her ear. He thrust his tongue inside the perfect shell and she moaned again, her head falling back as she leaned back, her silk-covered breasts like an offering.

  Daffyd shook his head. He needed to clear it, to stop this madness before they went too far—if they hadn’t already. “We can’t do this, love.” It took every ounce of self-control he possessed to try to do the right thing and set her away from him.

  “Why not?” Her breath came in short, soft gasps. “I asked Alia. She said it was fine. She said that she didn’t think I was in labor and even if I was, it wouldn’t harm them, not now.”

  Take what she offers, defender, otherwise it will be weeks before you can make her yours. Tonight is the last night it is safe to make love with her. Her babes come soon. I have foreseen it.

  Daffyd closed his eyes and wondered if he would be able to make love with her. The thought of an other-worldly audience held no appeal to him.

  We will not watch! Do you think us voyeurs?

  No, but I think you three like your jobs. Meddling in people’s lives shouldn’t give you such pleasure.

  It only gives us pleasure to see you happy, you stubborn man. You are almost as bad as Garrick. Even he will learn to toe the line when it is his turn. Now, stop stalling before it’s too late.

  Not wasting another second, Daffyd stared at the woman with whom he intended to spend the rest of his life. “You’re so beautiful. I love the way your hair glistens in the firelight. Its golden streaks offsets the deep brown, like rays of sunshine through the darkness.”

  “Stop with the pretty talk, Defender,” Elle said with a smile. “I want Daffyd, the man. I need him almost as much, maybe more, than he needs me.”

  “Then, turn around so I can unbutton your gown unless you want me to throw your skirts up and take you with nothing more than a how-do-you-do, ma’am.”

  “Oh, I definitely want more than that. But first, I want more of this.” She leaned down and pressed her mouth to his, her tongue tracing the seam of his lips until he opened his mouth and took control.

  He held her close, cherishing their closeness as they spent the next few minutes enjoying each other’s company. He brushed his thumbs over her already hard nipples and she arched into him with a gasp. Electric heat seared through him as he held her on his lap, her woman’s heat pressed tight against his hard cock.

  “Take me, Daffyd. Make me yours.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Elle stared deep into Daffyd’s eyes. The look he gave her was intense, as though he wanted nothing more than to strip her bare and make her his. She hoped so. If he turned her down wearing this dress, she’d be surprised. With its high waist and halter-top, she hoped he wouldn’t be able to resist her.

  Claru brought three dresses of the same style from which she could choose. She chose the dark blue. She left the butter yellow and the print for a time when she wasn’t as big as a house.

  Still, the blue had the effect she’d hoped for. Daffyd stared at her cleavage thrust so close to his face. Reaching behind her neck, he unfastened the dress, letting the cups fall. Her breasts spilled out of the silky material and into his large hands.

  Reverently, he leaned forward, taking first one, then the other into the warmth of his mouth. Elle gasped, holding his head to her. Her body creamed, feeling as though it melted as she sat on his lap, his erection pressing into her mons.

  Her stomach churned with desire. Liquid heat moistened her panties and she moaned. Daffyd paused when one of the babies kicked again and she chuckled. “It seems as though they like the way you make me feel.”

  “I like the way I make you feel,” he said against her breast. “I love the little noises you make.”

  As though to prove
his words, he leaned forward and captured her right nipple with his mouth. Biting gently, he stroked the tip with his tongue and Elle cried out. Arching forward, she pulled his head closer, pressing her breast harder against his mouth.

  The world fell away for a moment as nothing else seemed to matter but the feel of his mouth on her skin and the erection pressing against her nether flesh.

  Gently, Daffyd picked her up in his arms and carried her to the bed, never breaking his hold on her sensitive nipple. Tiny electric shocks shot straight from her nipple to her groin as though they were somehow connected.

  Daffyd straightened for a moment, stripped his clothes off faster than she had ever seen anyone move before and then settled between her legs. He kissed her knees, her thighs, and the arch of her protruding belly.

  “Hello in there.” He tapped her stomach. “I just wanted you to know that I love your mother. I promise to always love her, care for her and be gentle with her.” He started to move away, then returned. “One other thing, I already love you two, as well.” Without warning, he moved lower, swiped her labia with his tongue and latched on to her too sensitive clit.

  Elle arched her back with a little scream. She hadn’t expected that. Not so fast. Hot breath stirred the thick curls. Heat seared her insides as he used both hands to pull her labia open and suck her clit deeper into his mouth.

  Ever so slowly, he pushed his fingers inside her, curling them against the bundle of nerves that she knew would toss her over the edge into orgasm. Humming, he shook his head, the vibrations sending her over the edge of her first orgasm. Somehow, Elle knew it was the first of many.


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