A Calculated Seduction

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A Calculated Seduction Page 3

by Melissa Schroeder

  “Ethan can have his pick of any Dallas deb. Why would someone like that be interested in me? Besides, he’s not my type.”

  “Not your type?” Maude shook her head and crossed her arms. “Honey, from what I’ve heard, that man is any woman’s type.”

  She snorted and walked out of the bathroom. Just thinking about Ethan had her thinking about last night. And last night brought memories of how his eyes heated at the sight of her breasts. Tingles chased along her spine down to the tips of her toes. “I’m sure he’s more into...women who are more attractive. Besides, he’s my boss. I like to keep everything on a professional basis at work.”

  Of course, she’d never heard flashing your boss was professional, but by Monday, she was sure Ethan would have forgotten everything.

  * * * *

  Monday morning, as usual, Dulcy arrived at work before everyone else. She liked to get in, look over any email from the night or weekend before, and check over Ethan’s schedule for the day. It was a habit she’d developed while working for Bill. With Ethan, it was essential. The man never seemed to rest and if she didn’t get in early, her day would be longer than it’d been since he arrived.

  As the elevator climbed to her floor, she thought about her weekend with her nephew. Richy had not been any happier about her change in appearance than her stepsister, Tori, had been. He was worried now that she looked like a girl, if she’d be able to make it to his baseball games. Tori just gave her a disapproving look, shaking her head as if to say, no matter what, you pale in comparison to me. Which no one had to tell Dulcy. She may look different with her new hair and clothes, but Dulcy would never compete with her beauty contestant stepfamily.

  She stepped off the elevator and headed down the hall. When her father had married Clarice, she hadn’t been upset. It had been so many years since her mother’s death, she was happy he had found someone. And, although they were never intentionally mean, having two tall, gorgeous blondes around never did help anyone’s self-image. Especially that of an average, mousy nerd of a sister.

  She sighed as she reached the office door and paused when she noticed the light on. Testing the doorknob, she found it unlocked and opened it, hoping Ethan hadn’t beaten her to the office. She wanted to be busy with work when he arrived.

  Slowly, she opened the door and smiled when she found Bill MacMillan sitting at her desk behind her computer.

  “Mr. MacMillan!”

  He started and turned around. A frown transformed into his trademark smile when he recognized her.

  “Dulcy, how are you doing, young lady?”

  She dropped her briefcase and rounded her desk. He stood when she reached him and held out his arms for a hug. He hugged her tight, almost squeezing the breath out of her.

  “Let me take a look at you, Dulcy.” She stood back but took hold of his hands. “Why, I do believe Maude got a hold of you this weekend. ”

  “Well, I had the outfit, but yes, she convinced me to cut my hair.” She’d bought the red suit years earlier but never had the nerve to wear it. It hugged her larger than fashionable hips and bottom.

  “Do you like it?” She moved her head from side to side, really amazed at how much lighter it felt.

  “You know, you look just like your mama. She sure was a beauty, just like her daughter.”

  She blushed, even though she knew he was just joking with her. “I’ve missed you.”

  “Now don’t tell me that handsome nephew of mine is making you work too hard.”

  “Oh, no.” She didn’t want them to get in an argument about Ethan so soon after being reunited. “It’s just not the same without you. ”

  His blue eyes studied her for a moment, long enough to make her uncomfortable.

  “Is there another reason for the transformation, Dulcy?”

  “Another reason?”

  He sighed, then his lips curved up slightly. “Do you have the hots for my nephew?”

  Something caught her attention and she turned to find Ethan leaning against the doorjamb. “Yes, Miss Menendez, do you have the hots for me?”

  Chapter Three

  Dulcy’ s sun-kissed skin turned rosy and Ethan’ s pulse accelerated, his blood warmed. Attraction zinged along his senses as his cock twitched. The woman was dangerous and didn’t even know it. Which made her even more lethal. Her manner was usually distant, but he was sure after Friday night, it would be hard for her to keep that distance.

  Do you have the hots for my nephew?

  Now he wished he had let her answer. Did she have the hots for him? And what the hell were the two of them talking about to have Bill ask that? And why the hell did he even care?

  “Now, Ethan, don’t embarrass the girl,” Bill admonished.

  He turned to look at his uncle. Just a few years shy of seventy, Bill still had the look and strength of a man who loved life. He was an inch shorter than Ethan, had a shock of white hair and blue eyes. Ethan still regretted the years they’d spent apart, the years he’d spent avoiding his parents.

  “I’m not embarrassing Miss Menendez anymore than you were.”

  “How was I embarrassing her? I was just giving her a compliment on how nice she looked.”

  He turned his attention back to Dulcy. She did indeed look different. She’d had all of her hair cut off and it curled just under her chin. Also, she’d done something to lighten it or something. Her dark brown eyes seemed somewhat lighter with golden flecks, bringing a sparkle to her face. And the way she was dressed.

  She finally wore a suit worthy of her body. Fire engine red, it hugged her hips and that great rounded ass. The color of the suit deepened the honey in her skin, making it glow. Without his permission, his eyes dipped down to her cleavage. The fitted jacket showed just a hint of her breasts, but he knew what they looked like.

  Soft, sweet, with rosebud nipples. He licked his lips.

  She cleared her throat and he looked up. Her face matched her suit and his smile widened. She blinked once and then turned away. He watched as she hurried to make the coffee. The feminine sway of her hips mesmerized him. His eyes dipped lower. The skirt stopped mid-thigh. Other than the other night, he’ d never seen her legs. She’d always worn long skirts that barely showed a hint of ankle.

  Now he couldn’t take his eyes off them. Not overly long, but supple with just a touch of muscular definition to them. His balls drew tight at the thought of having them wrapped around his waist.

  Now Uncle Bill cleared his throat. Ethan turned to face him. One bushy white eyebrow was raised and one side of his lips curved into a crooked smile. Uncomfortable with what Bill’s smile implied, Ethan decided to change the subject.

  “What are you doing here, Bill?”

  “Just thought I’d go over some things with you about the promotion we’re doing with the Professional Bull-Riders’ Association.”

  By supporting various events with the PBA, MacMillan Boots promoted their boots and western wear.

  “We went over those this weekend.”

  “Oh...I forgot about that.” He scratched his head and a knot of worry formed in Ethan’s stomach. Bill had been the one person he could always count on. Sharp as a tack, he’d started MacMillan Boots with very little money and a keen mind for business.

  Since his return, though, Ethan had noticed Bill’s memory failing him more often than not. He supposed it was a natural sign of aging, but it still didn’t make it any easier to accept. He’d spent too many years away.

  “It doesn’t matter. I don’t have anything this morning, do I, Miss Menendez?”

  He glanced at Dulcy. Worry clouded her eyes as she looked from his uncle to him. He knew she was also worried about Bill.

  “No, nothing until after lunch. You told me you wanted the morning free to work on that new computer program.”

  “Come on, Bill, I’ll show you the promotion and maybe you can help me with the computer.”

  Bill laughed and followed Ethan into the office that used to be his just a few mon
ths earlier. Ethan hadn’t done much to change it, having left most of his personal mementos at his Houston office. The office had a view of downtown Fort Worth, and on a low smog day, you could see as far as The Stockyards, a popular tourist spot where the world- famous Billy Bob’s honky-tonk was located.

  Over forty years of Bill’s mementos filled the room. Pictures of him as a young man working at a boot factory in Justin, Texas to pictures with Bill’s deceased wife, Adelaine, graced the walls and credenza sitting behind the massive oak desk. He even had one area filled with pictures of Ethan from his preschool years through his time as a Marine.

  “It must feel kind of strange coming into the office.”

  “No. Not really.”

  Silence filled the office and feeling a little uncomfortable,

  Ethan busied himself with turning on his computer.

  “I know I asked you here to help me, but I want you to understand Dulcinea Menendez is off limits.”

  Ethan looked up, surprised at the steel in his uncle’s voice. He straightened, crossed his arms over his chest and looked him in the eye. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “I mean you can’t play around with a gal like her. She’s the type of woman who wants to settle down, have a few kids.”

  A jolt of jealousy soured his stomach. The thought Miss Dulcy Menendez would get married and live happily ever after bothered him. Why, he didn’t know, but it bothered him all the same.

  “If you think so highly of her, why do you think she’s embezzling from the company?”

  Uncertainty filled Bill’s eyes and he looked away.

  “Yeah, well, I never said she did the act. The good Lord knows she won’t need the money in less than a year. Just helped someone. And even though she is pretty sharp, I can see her being used and not knowing it. Maybe she thinks she’s helping the person. ”

  Bill shrugged. Ethan knew how he felt. Her personality just didn’t fit the role of conspirator. But someone with access to the files had moved accounts around, trying to cover the tracks of the embezzler. Only Bill, Dulcy and now Ethan, had access to those accounts in such a way they could hide any movement of money.

  “And you think I should stay away from her because you think I’m not good enough for her.”

  “Now, Ethan, I never said that, but you’re ruthless when you’re looking for an answer. It’s one of the reasons you’re so good at what you do. But, I don’t want you to think you can use her to get the embezzler.”


  He held up his hand to forestall Ethan’s argument. “I don’t want that girl used. She has enough to worry about with that family of hers. And I remember just how devastated she was when her father died. Never asked Clarice for a penny and dropped out of college. She’d planned on switching schools to be with that Jason Fellows. I convinced her I needed her here, but she wouldn’t take the high salary I offered. She’s got gumption and I don’t want you to mess with her.”

  Ethan nodded. “Why didn’t you tell me about her trust fund?”

  Bill’s eyes widened. “I guess I kinda forgot.”

  Ethan let it go, but he still couldn’t fight the irritation racing through him at the thought Dulcy Menendez had been engaged.

  * * * *

  Luckily for Dulcy, Bill kept Ethan occupied for the next few hours. Not only had she embarrassed herself on Friday night, her boss now thought she had been discussing him with his uncle.

  She’d had plenty to keep her busy. Most of the day, she worked on the new promotion Bill had contracted just before

  Ethan came on board. He’ d gotten the top moneymaking bull rider that year to promote their boots and western wear. No small feat for MacMillan Boots. They weren’t the smallest boot company out there, but they were far from the biggest. Bill had convinced Gerald Dillon to become their spokesman. And he’d done it with less money than Gerry had been offered from some of the bigger companies. Bill could convince anyone to do anything. He lived for the sale.

  Dulcy was different. Although she liked her job, she knew she never wanted to move up into a competitive position like sales or marketing. She didn’t have the shark teeth for it. Her job was to look over the ad print, make sure the contracts were signed and generally make sure Gerry was happy.

  Mr. MacMillan’s door opened and Dulcy looked up from the press release. Both men were smiling. Even though he drove her crazy, she was happy Ethan had returned to help Bill. More and more, Bill’s memory seemed to be failing. The last few months he worked, he’d never been able to remember his password. She’d gotten so frustrated, he began to use hers to get into the confidential files only privy to the two of them.

  Her attention shifted to the younger man. Lord, he was handsome. Not by today’s standards, where she found some movie stars too pretty for her tastes. She preferred her men more masculine. And Ethan was definitely that.

  Even in his professional attire, she could make out his hardened muscles. With each move he made, he oozed sexuality. All that jet-black hair, given to curl now it had grown a bit in the past few months, and his gray eyes lightened when he smiled. The now familiar zing shot straight to her hormones at the sight of that rare smile. Just staring at him had her nipples tightening and her panties damp.

  His face was not perfect with his broken nose and the scar right above his eyebrow. The same eyebrow, which was now arched in question.

  “Dulcy, you’re coming Saturday night, aren’t you?” Bill asked.

  “What?” Her face heated when she realized from their expressions they knew she’d been studying Ethan.

  “Saturday night...the Gala to welcome Gerry into our family. You’re coming, aren’t you?”

  “Oh. Yes, of course. I’m coming. ”

  “Good.” He turned to head out the door, then turned back around. “You know, since you two live so close together, it would make sense if Ethan just picked you on his way to the hotel.”

  Ethan’s eyes widened a little at the suggestion but no other expression let her know what he was thinking.

  She turned back to Bill. “Oh, I don’t want Mr. MacMillan to go to any trouble.”

  “It would be no trouble for me to give you a ride.” His voice deepened when he said the word ride. If she didn’t know better, she would’ve thought he was insinuating something other than a ride in a car. The image of straddling Ethan, sinking down on his cock, rose in her mind. She swallowed and willed the image away.

  “But...I get there so early to make sure everything is—”

  “Now, Miss Menendez,” his voice dripped with sarcasm. “Are you telling me you need to be there before the boss?”

  She looked at him and his mocking smile. “Why not? I get here every day before you.”

  He laughed out loud, a rather rusty sound, as if his body wasn’t used to the emotion. She realized it was the first time she’d ever heard him laugh.

  “That’s a good one, Miss Menendez. See ya later, Bill.”

  Still chuckling, he turned and went into his office, shutting the door behind him.

  “You know, I think working here has been good for him. He didn’t have a happy childhood. My brother and his wife were not cut out to be parents.” Bill shook his head. “And then there was me and Adelaide, wanting to have children so desperately, never getting any.”

  “But you had Ethan.”

  “Well, what little I saw of him. His father got mad at me, and, well, he never really forgave me. Their marriage was not the best and they lived apart for most of it. Sad thing was, that boy in there was ignored for most of his childhood. Except when they needed to get back at one another. We tried to convince his parents to let us have him for part of the year, but Sid thought of him as a possession. ”

  Her heart ached for the child he’d been. Shifted from one parent to another. She’d met Sid once before his death four years ago. He was a sad, bitter man. What little she saw of him, she didn’t like. When Bill started his business years ago, his brother and he were i
n it together. They had a few rough years and Sid had wanted out. He had met Diane Simmons, a wealthy socialite whose daddy wanted someone to groom for his chain of clothing stores.

  Bill had tried his best to keep him with the company, but Sid wanted out and almost broke Bill financially with the price tag. Five years later, MacMillan Boots was going gangbusters and Sid regretted selling out. But Bill expected more money then Sid was willing to offer. Their relationship was never the same after that.

  She shuddered when she thought about what life must have been like for a child with a father like that and the cold mother Diane must have been.

  “Well, no reason to go all mopey on you. I need to get going. Maude and I are golfing today. If I’m late, the woman will snatch me bald-headed.”

  She smiled and said goodbye. As she settled back at her desk, she began to worry about Saturday night. She hadn’t even thought about what to wear and now she had to go with her boss.

  She’d accompanied Bill to many functions, but this was different. Ethan MacMillan was different. A six-foot-two hunk of man. All muscles and brooding personality. Just the thought of being in his car, smelling his sandalwood aftershave, seeing what he looked like in a tux, sent a shiver through her. He was devastating in a business suit, but in formal wear, he’d be life threatening.

  And she had to spend the whole time with him. She would have to stand next to him, knowing other women wondered what the two of them were doing together. And all the while, she knew the only thing that would be in her mind.

  Ethan MacMillan had seen her breasts.

  * * * *

  Ethan spent most of the morning dealing with the regular issues of running MacMillan Boots. With the upcoming Gala, he knew a lot of the little details were being taken care of by Miss Menendez. Strike that, Dulcy. He just couldn’t think of her as anything else. He’d seen her breasts. Heck, he’d spent most of his weekend nights dreaming of her. When he’d first taken the job, he’ d had a hard time ignoring his baser instincts. The ones that told him to shackle her to his bed and fuck her until she couldn’t walk. And it was getting worse. During his shower that morning, Ethan had fantasized about Dulcy joining him. Just imagining her breasts with water running down them, dripping off those wonderful nipples as she kneeled in front of him, taking his cock in her mouth...


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