So Good

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So Good Page 8

by Kayla Carson

  “Hello.” She said, quietly. “You must be Jake.”

  “And you're Harper.” I stated without question. “It's a pleasure to meet you.”

  “Thank you. I mean. You too.” She stammered. “Sorry. I'm a little new at this socializing thing.”

  “It's alright, but I'm sorry, Cole didn't mention that you would be here. Why are you here exactly?”

  “Oh. I've been granted day leave.” She said excitedly. “It's only for a few hours, and I have to stay with Cole, but he really wanted me to see my name sake, and show me all the kids that he, and Wes have been helping. I hope that's okay. I don't want to intrude.”

  “It's fine, really.” I smiled warmly. “My son, and his mother will be here shortly. She's a pediatrician. She's offered her time for the kids who can't make it to a doctor on a regular basis.”

  “That's amazing. Everything Wes, and his wife have done here is amazing. I still can't believe it. That he would name this place after me. It seems so surreal.”

  “I hate to ask, but does that mean you don't agree with your sister?”

  “Jake!” Cole interuppted rather loudly. “Your baby mama's here.”

  “Don't call her that.” I said, turning away from Harper, and heading back outside to help with Gabriel.

  “What should I call her then?” He asked, seemingly innocent.

  I flipped him the bird, and kept walking. I didn't lower my hand until I heard the door shut behind me. Maybe I was a bit out of line asking Harper about her sister. But that bitch terrorized my sister last year, and I wanted to know where she stood. What if she really had it out for Wes, and was using Cole to get to him? Or, maybe all my years in the army had me searching for conspiracies where their weren't any.

  “Hola Hermosa.” I said, greeting Evie with a hug that felt all too familiar. “Sorry.” I said, pulling away. “I shouldn't have called you that. It just, rolled off my tongue I guess.”

  “It's ok.” She smiled. “Gabriel's sleeping, but I can wake him if you'd like.”

  “No. Let him sleep.” I said, checking to make sure his window was down, before taking a seat on one of the benches by the basketball court. “Sit with me?” I asked, patting the space beside me. She obliged, and I let out a breath I wasn't aware I was holding. “Wes, and Zoe will be home tomorrow, and I was hoping we could all get together for dinner. Call me selfish but I really want them to meet Gabriel.”

  “He really loves you; you know. I was worried. I thought coming back here, uprooting him from the only home he knew was going to be difficult, but it's been just the opposite. I wanted to thank you for that.” She said, reaching for my hand. “Thank you for being you, and not hating me. A lesser man would have.”

  “Like I said, I only want to move forward Evie. Even if that means doing it on our own.”

  “Mama!” Gabriel's little voice yelled from the car, interrupting our conversation. Evie stood then, going to him, and unbuckling him from his seat. She tried to carry him over, but he managed to wiggle free, and run to me instead. “Daddy!” He said, with a smile.

  “Hey buddy. Ready to go inside and play?” I asked, with as much excitement as I could muster.

  “Yes! Play!” He said, jumping up and down.

  I took his hand in mine, and together we entered Harper's House with Evie on our heels. We only made it a few steps inside before I was spinning Gabriel around to face the opposite direction. “I'm going to give you five seconds to fix your clothes Cole, after that I'm coming in to help.” I said, with fury. Evie blushed, scooping Gabriel up, and side stepping past me into the adjacent room. It just so happened to be her office/exam room.

  “Sorry man!” Cole called out. “We're good now!”

  “Are you? I'm sure the reason Wes gave you a key, and left you in charge of things was so you could use the place as a sex pad.” I said, with as much sarcasm as I could muster.

  “Oh, come on. Just because you aren't getting any, it doesn't mean you have to rain on my parade. You gonna tell on me?” He goaded.

  “Keep pushing me Cole.” I warned.

  Putting his hands up, he grabbed Harper's hand, and led her outside. I ran my hands through my hair, letting out a deep breath, before joining Evie, and Gabriel. I found her sitting behind her desk, her name plaque already adorning it. Zoe had thought of everything, but that didn't surprise me. Running this place was her passion, and it was something she really had a knack for. She wined, and dined investors like she was born to do so, and Wes just followed her lead. He even let her auction him off a few months ago to raise money for a job skills teacher to come out.

  “You look like you belong here.” I said, leaning on the door frame, and taking her in.

  “It's perfect.” She said, wiping a tear from her eye.

  “Hey.” I said, stepping towards her. “Why the tears Hermosa?” I asked softly, wiping another away.

  “I just, I never thought I'd be on this side of things. The kids that I'll be helping here, I was one of them. Do you remember when I showed you the burns on my arms?”

  “Of course.”

  “There was no where to go. They would have called the police, and I would have been in more trouble. This place, what Zoe, and Wes have done. This place is going to save kids like me. Literally, save them, and the fact that I get to be a part of that is beyond anything I ever could have hoped for, and I owe it to you.” She sniffed, tears still falling from her eyes.

  “Me?” I asked, framing her face with my hands. “No Hermosa, this is all you. You put in the work, and you made your dream come true. Not me.”

  “You pushed me.” She said, placing her hands over mine. “Do you know how many times I almost gave up? And then you'd call me at two AM from some God for saken place, and you'd pick me up. No matter where you were, or what you were going through overseas, you were always there for me, and I was such a fool.”

  “You're brilliant.”

  “A brilliant fool, who should have realized how you really felt. I really messed up Jake.”

  I don't know why I did, what I did next. My hands were on her face, and she was saying she loved me back then, wasn't she? I got caught up in the moment that we were sharing, and I kissed her. It was a quick kiss, a soft kiss, a kiss that I shouldn't have let happen. It was like history was repeating itself all over again. I finally had Evie back in my life. We were becoming friends again, and I had to push the envelope.. again.

  Chapter 18 Then

  Turns out I was pretty awesome at running recon, so awesome that the general asked me to do it again. I politely turned him down. As soon as I came back from checking up on Evie, and Zoe, I was getting back in the saddle. No more sitting behind a computer. I needed to feel the sand in my boots, like I needed air to breathe. Luckily, the general understood that, and promised I'd get to lead the platoon again as soon as I was cleared.

  I left the base at eight in the morning, hoping to be in Sanfrancisco before noon. I promised Zoe I would check in first, but I already knew I was breaking that promise. I was driving directly to Evie's apartment. I did what Wes said, and gave it a couple of days, but when I called, the results were the same. Lines were disconnected, and social media accounts were deleted. I had no other choice but to track her down, and confront her.

  I drove faster than I should have, and only stopped once to grab a bite to eat. The minute I saw the sign welcoming me to San Franscisco, I pulled out my cell and dialed Zoe. No sense in making her wonder, or worry. Besides, I could tell by the tone of her voice that she didn't expect any different. I had about a half hours drive to Evie's place, so I blasted the radio, put the windows down, and tried to think about what I was going to say.

  She was going to be pissed, that I just came by without asking her first. But hell, I was pissed that she cut herself off from the world without any rhyme or reason. If you asked me, we were even. I'd make her understand, we'd fight for a little while, and with any luck we'd be watching a corny movie an hour later. Evie never could s
tay mad me, and I smiled thinking about that.

  I pulled up in front of Evie's apartment building, and put my truck into park. I was nervous, and I had no idea why. My palms were sweating, which never happened, not even when I was in a sticky situation. Shaking the nerves, I locked my doors upon exiting, and made my way to the lobby. Her apartment was on the second floor, and I took the stairs up. When I finally reached her door, I gave it a few strong knocks, and waited.

  When she didn't answer, I tried again, a little louder this time. And when she still didn't answer, I banged on the door with enough force to scare the neighbor. The man poked his head out from his door glaring at me. “You tryin to wake the whole damn neighborhood son!” He yelled out.

  “I'm sorry.” I said, with an apologetic smile. “I'm just worried about my friend. Her name's Evangeline Perez, do you know her?”

  “Yea. Pretty girl. Keeps to herself. She moved out a week or so ago.” He said.

  “Moved out?” I asked, to no one in particular. “Did she leave a forwarding address?”

  “What do I look like the damn landlord?!” He asked, his anger rising. “All I know, is she and some good lookin boy loaded up a uhaul, and took off.”

  “Do you know where I can find the landlord?” I asked, still clinging to some kind of hope.

  “He's on vacation til Tuesday. I can give you the number if you want.”

  “Yea. Thanks.” I said, feeling that last bit of hope dwindling away. Why would she just up, and move without so much as a text message? I took the scrap of paper Evie's old neighbor had given me, and tucked it into my pocket. When I got back inside my car, I dialed the number. It went to straight to voice mail, so I left a message. Feeling defeated, I drove home to find Zoe.

  She was sitting at the kitchen table, doing some prep work for her new classroom. It was her first year teaching, and she was determined to do a great job. “Hey Zo.” I said, tossing my bag on the floor. Her response was a wide smile, followed by a hug. “You look good.” She said. “On the mend. Did you talk to Evie?”

  “She's gone.” I said with wonder.

  “What do you mean gone?”

  “I don't know. Her neighbor said she moved out about a week ago with some good looking guy. His words not mine. It's just not like her to leave without saying anything to anyone. I mean I know she didn't have any family, but she had me, she had us. Are you sure she didn't mention anything to you?” I asked, grasping at straws.

  “Jake. If Evie had reached out, I wouldn't keep it from you. I know how close you two are.”

  “Yea. I guess I already knew that. I'm sorry Zoe.”

  “You know everyone. I'm sure there's someone who can track her down?”

  “Maybe she met someone Zo. All I ever wanted was for her to be happy, and we made peace with the fact that we just weren't meant to be together. There were too many outside forces. She deserves to be happy.”

  “You made her happy Jake. She told me that.”

  “Yeah well, it wasn't enough, and me tracking her down like some kind of psycho stalker, isn't going to bring her home.”

  “I'll reach out. Email her? At least then we'll know she's safe. Alright?”

  “Yeah, thanks Zo.” I said, grabbing my bag, and climbing up the stairs to my bedroom. I locked the door behind me, and pulled my safe out from under my bed. There wasn't much in it, a few of my mother's favorite knick-knacks, my birth certificate, car titles, the usual. Except, it also held a ring.

  The night that Evie and I talked about what our relationship meant, and I asked if she wanted a commitment, I already knew that I wanted one. My mother left me her wedding ring, and I knew without a shadow of doubt that one day it would belong to Evie. I wanted to experience army life, to see what it, and the world had to offer. I never imagined falling for my best friend. I also never imagined that I'd be willing to walk away from the army for her, but that was exactly what I was planning to do.

  I wanted to finish out my time, and when it was time to re up, I was going to walk. I didn't tell anyone, not Wes, not Zoe, and especially not Evie. I didn't want her to feel pressured. If she said no, I didn't want her feeling like she'd forced me out of my career. I thought I had time. I wanted her to finish her MD, and give us time to grow, to do what we loved, so that when we were done, we could start our new lives together.

  Maybe I was delusional to think that she might want the same things. Or, maybe I was just a dumb ass who should have admitted his feelings sooner. It was clear that she'd moved on, and all I could do now was be happy for her. I spun the ring around in my hand, watching it sparkle in the light, and I thought what the fuck did you do Cruz?

  Slamming the safe shut, I shoved it under my bed violently. The sound of it hitting the drywall, momentarily satisfying my anger. It felt good, so I started grabbing things off my dresser, and chucking them at the same wall. Every crash, felt like a kick in the chest, but I couldn't stop. I pulled the drawers out, clothing strewn on the floor all around me. Next came the dresser itself, crashing down onto the wooden floor.

  I heard Zoe's voice then, calling my name, as she banged on the door. I ignored her, making my way towards the closet. I pulled the door open, and began ripping clothes from their hangers, stepping over the mess until I was deep inside the walk in. It was there, covered with a dark sheet, that I found my parents wedding picture. I dropped down to my knees, and cried. I cried for my parents, and I cried for Evie. It was something I had never let myself do, and there was something about it that was..freeing.

  The click of my bedroom door, made my head snap up, and when Zoe climbed over the debris that was once my room, I winced. I hadn't meant to destroy everything, but it was fitting in a way. My room looked, how I felt, and for that reason alone, I started to laugh.

  “Jake?” Zoe asked, warily. “I don't see how any of this is funny.”

  “It isn't.” I said, on a blissful sigh. “It's just incredibly ironic.”

  “How so?”

  “I brought this all on myself. If I were Wes, this wouldn't have happened. I'd be with a different girl every weekend, and never have to worry about heart break. I don't know the first thing about having, and keeping a realationship. So why did I try?”

  “You're right about one thing Jake. You did bring this all on yourself, but it isn't because you tried. It's because you didn't.”

  Chapter 19 Now

  I offered to pick Evie, and Gabriel up for dinner, but after I kissed her, things have kind of reverted back to being awkward again. I knew it was too soon, and I knew it was a bad idea, but holding her face in my hands, looking into her eyes, it was like the feelings had never left. She was still my best friend. The girl who came to me crying, and let me wipe away her tears. The girl who unbeknownst to her, had always held my heart.

  And now, we were about to sit down for dinner with the only other people who knew the whole truth. Wes, and Zoe, knew exactly what Evie meant to me, right down to my wanting to leave the army to start a life with her. I had my reasons for not telling her then, and I had even more reason not to tell her now. I didn't want her thinking it was some kind of ploy to make her stay. I'd already asked her once, and I didn't want her to feel manipulated.

  My plan was to get there early to give my sister, and Wes, a heads up. A little list of things not to say, if you will, but that plan quickly back fired. Evie's car was already parked in the driveway, and it was empty. Who knows how long she, and Gabriel have already been inside. I only hoped my sister would be distracted by Gabriel enough, not to dive into mine, and Evie's relationship.

  Zoe meant well, but sometimes, things were just better left alone, and unsaid. But if you've met my sister, you'd know keeping things unsaid wasn't exactly her forte. It was one of the reasons she and I clashed so much, but it was also the reason that Wes, the king of hooking up, and forgetting names, was able to fall for her. They balanced each other out, much like Evie and I used to. I only hoped that I could bask in their post honeymoon bliss, instea
d of being envious of if.

  Taking a deep breath, I knocked on the door, before letting myself inside. “Hello!” I called out, not seeing anyone in the living room.

  “We're in the kitchen!” Zoe called back.

  I plastered on a smile, as I rounded the corner. Seeing Zoe, and Evie working together in the kitchen, while Gabriel ran around between them with his cars kept it there. I didn't need to fake my happiness, to try and push through this seemingly awkward dinner. Just seeing my son made me realize everything was going to be alright, no matter the outcome.

  “How was Hawaii?” I asked, pulling my sister into my arms for hug.

  “Wonderful!” She gushed, pulling away. “And you? You're a father! What about that?”

  “He's perfect isn't he.” I said, my eyes beginning to water.

  “Oh Jake.” Zoe crooned, pulling me back for another hug. “Fatherhood looks good on you.”

  I laughed, brushing her off, and catching Evie's eye as I did so. I noticed the tears in her eyes as well, but she quickly swiped them away before anyone noticed. The awkward feeling that I feared from Evie was evident, so instead of approaching her, I squatted down, opening my arms to Gabriel. He ran to me instantly, giving me a tight squeeze. “Hey buddy, you wanna go outside and check on Uncle Wes?” I asked. When he responded with an enthusiastic nod, I scooped him up, silently checking for Evie's approval before taking him out the back door.

  “Hey brother!” Wes said in greeting, before passing me a beer. “And little brother.” He teased, ruffling my boy's head.

  I set Gabriel down, and he went straight for the swing a few feet away from the grill. “Swing daddy!” He called out, so I followed him over, sitting down beside him, and cracking open my beer. Using my feet I rocked us slowly, and Gabriel squealed with delight.

  “How's it feel to be home?” I asked.

  “I know Zoe loved Hawaii, but brother, it feels damn good to be home. My bed never felt so damn good. What about you? Zoe said you were putting the house on the market?”


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