So Good

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So Good Page 12

by Kayla Carson

  “I haven't been feeling well, at first I thought it was the jet lag, or the time change, from being in Hawaii, but then, I don't know. When you all showed up, we weren't cleaning the bathroom.” She stammered. “We were taking a pregnancy test.”

  “And?” I asked, the anticipation eating at me.

  “Wes needed help in the bathroom because he went to check on the test. We left it on the counter when you guys came in. It sat longer than the three minutes, so we aren't really sure, I mean it could be a false positive. I think we should-”

  “Positive!” I said excitedly, practically jumping over the coffee table to pull her into a hug. “This day couldn't get any better.” After releasing my sister, I reached my hand out to my best friend. “Congratulations man.” I said genuinely. “If you told me two years ago that you two would be married and having a baby, I probably would've killed you. Life sure is crazy.”

  Chapter 26 Then

  Georgia was better than I expected. I actually enjoyed teaching, and they seemed to receive me well. It wasn't the combat action that I was used to, but it was still in the realm that I loved. I was a little surprised to fine Mendez, and Butler here, but General Wyatt soon explained why. The three of us had been on over a dozen missions together, and he thought we'd be able to help train other potential special ops teams. The school was strictly for snipers, so our lessons were on the down low.

  Mendez really had a knack for the schematics, and Butler, well he was the muscle. After chewing them both out for their involvement in the whole Candy situation, we got right to work. General Wyatt even praised us, which was a miracle in itself. That man was hard as hell to please, his nickname behind his back wasn't General Dick Head just because. He was the real deal, fourth generation General, and even though he made some dumb ass decisions, he knew how to do his job.

  I finally had some down time today, and it had been a while since I'd heard from Zoe. I decided I'd try and Skype with her real quick, so I pulled out my laptop, and sat down at the small dining table. I hit send, and waited, but after a minute, it said caller unavailable. Maybe she wasn't home I thought, so I tried Wes instead. Last time we spoke, he was staying at a hotel, and waiting to move into his new house. He said things got awkward with him, and Zoe when I wasn't around. I didn't bother to ask, honestly, I was glad it didn't have the opposite effect and push them together.

  Wes answered a few seconds later, shirtless, and smiling. “Hey brother!” He greeted.

  I took in the scene around him. “Is that the new place?” I asked.

  “Part of it. You caught me getting ready to hop in the shower.” He said, moving his phone around the bathroom. “I'll give you the grand tour when you come visit.”

  I heard the door squeak open, and Wes' eyes widen. He cocked his head to the side, and the door squeaked once again. “You got a girl there already?” I asked, on a laugh. “Didn't take you long to find a bed buddy. What's her name?”

  “Long story man. I've got to get back.” He said, before pressing end.

  That was weird. Since when didn't Wes Granger want to brag about his latest conquest? Maybe he actually cared about this one? I laughed, shaking the thought from my mind. The day that he commits, would be the day that I joined the damn circus. Closing my laptop, I sat down to put my sneakers on. I ran every morning since being here. The base was huge, and I could easily get three miles in by looping it.

  I even recruited Mendez, and Butler to join me. They weren't as enthusiastic at first, but now they met me at my door every morning. To be honest I enjoyed the company. The trainees were nice enough, but these guys, with all their flaws, were my brothers. I was just about to step outside, when I heard the assholes banging on my door. “Keep your panties on ladies, I'm coming out!” I called, before opening the door. I was greeted by four middle fingers, which I quickly returned with two of my own before locking up.

  The three of us jogged in silence for the first few minutes, setting our pace. And like always, Butler was the first one to break that silence. “You heard from Granger?” He asked.

  “Just talked to him this morning. He had company though, so it was short. You?”

  “Nah. He's still pissed about what's her face.”

  “You mean his ex fiance? The one you slept with?” I asked, knowing damn well what he was talking about. I wouldn't have been a real friend though if I didn't give him shit for it.

  “For the last fucking time. I didn't know she was his fucking fiance!” Butler said, tossing his hands up in the air dramatically.

  Mendez, and I fell into a fit of laughter, and soon Butler joined in. It was just the way things were with us. If either of these assholes were ever nice to me, It would probably be because I was dying. Everyone needed a few friends like that. It kept us real, grounded. None of us needed big heads, especially with our profession. We counted on each other, and that was a great feeling. Knowing that no matter what you did these men would always have your back. Even when Butler screwed Wes over, he still saved his ass, time, and time again. That was just the way the army worked.

  “You hear from your sister?” Mendez asked, when the laughter died down.

  “Tried her first, but it just kept ringing.”

  “She's probably the one in Wes' bedroom.” He said, wriggling his eyebrows. “Your sister got hot Cruz, that's all I'm sayin'.”

  “Fuck you Mendez!” I said picking up my pace, and encouraging the them both to do the same. They were both too competitive not to.

  We ended up completing our run in record time, and when we made it back to my place, we all plopped down on the front porch. I had bottled water at the ready, and we drained it. Sweat dripping down our faces, our adrenaline slowly slipping away, this was what made me feel alive. “Butler's buying beer tonight.” I said, pointing out that he was the last to make it to the porch.

  “I bought last week!” He whined.

  “Pick up the pace next time muscles.” I teased, tossing another bottle of water at him. “We're going out tonight fellas. We've all been working our asses off, it's time to blow off a little steam.”

  “I'm in.” Mendez said, tossing his empty bottle into the trash can beside the porch.

  “See. Even moody ass Mendez is in, you can't back out because you're a sore loser Butler.”

  “Fuck you!” The both said simultaneously, making me laugh.

  “See you tonight boys.” I said as I stood, and stepped inside, leaving them out on the porch, and shutting the door behind me.

  It had taken time, but I was finally able to look at other women again. Actually look at them, and I needed tonight. I'd been wound up so tight lately, that a little fun would do me good. I hopped in the shower, rinsing off this mornings run, relishing in the steaming hot water. My muscles were constantly aching anymore, no matter how much I used them. I had a handful of “street clothes” as I called them, and the rest were back home in San Franscisco. Picking out an outfit wasn't too hard, a pair of jeans, and a worn in tee fit the bill, so I dressed, and I waited.

  I didn't have much of a social life, I never did. Other than Evie dragging me places that I didn't necessarily want to go. So, I wasted the day away. I watched mindless television, ate salty snacks, and lounged around. It wasn't until I heard the knock on my door around six that I even realized how late it was. I checked my hair one last time in the mirror, another good thing about working here, no crew cuts.

  When I pulled the door open, I thought I was going to die from laughter. Butler, and Mendez were both dressed in kahki's, button down shirts, and blazers. It looked like they fell off the pages from a polo magazine. “What the fuck are you two wearing?” I asked. “And where in the hell did you find a blazer to fit your meaty ass arms Butler?”

  “The ladies like the preppy look. You'll see.” Mendez said, straightening the collar on his jacket.

  “Some chick left her magazine at his place, and he's been reading all the articles.” Butler said. “All the pictures in that damn thing,
this is what the men are wearing. He's a fucking idiot, but I'm with him on this one.”

  Putting my hands up in mock surrender, I tucked my keys, and cell phone into my pocket. “Lead the way fellas.” I said.

  Butler was the DD, since he didn't drink, which worked out great for Mendez, and I because we did. We pulled into the bar twenty minutes later, and it was already packed. A lot of the guys frequented this place, and women came there knowing they could hook up with a soldier. It was a well known watering hole, and I'd only been here one other time. A petite blonde with curves for days, walked in ahead of us, and my eyes weren't the only ones on her assets. “Dibs.” I said, locking it down before thing one, and thing two had the chance.

  “A blonde?” Mendez asked.

  “Time to nut up, or shut up boys.” I said, patting Mendez on the shoulder, and following the blonde into the crowd.

  Chapter 27 Now

  Heading back to base was usually a simple task. I'd grab a couple bags, toss them in my truck, and head out. Only this time, it wasn't simple. This time, I had Evie, and Gabriel with me. It was finally starting to feel real. Evie broke her lease, and we hired a moving company to move all of her larger items into my – our house in San Franscisco. All we were bringing were our clothes, and Gabriel's favorite toys. Anything else, we could pick up on base.

  Wes, and Zoe met us at Evie's place to say their goodbyes, even though it was only for a short time. Wes also agreed to over see the movers, and make sure that everything got to the house in one piece. I was grateful for both of them, and I knew I'd only be more so in the months to come. I'd be counting on them to look after Evie, and Gabriel when I couldn't. Even though I knew I had at least the next six months with them, I knew how fast time flew, and before I knew it they'd be leaving.

  I hugged my sister one last time, before climbing into the drivers seat, reaching for Evie's hand when I did so. I felt the ring on her finger, and it brought a smile to lips. “Ready?” I asked her. When she nodded yes with a smile of her own, I put the truck into drive, and pulled away from the place that she had been calling home for the past few months. She didn't even look back, and neither did I.

  “You ready for a long car ride buddy?” I asked Gabriel, locking eyes with him in the rear view mirror.

  “Ready!” He said, clutching his lion, and his favorite blanket in his tiny arms.

  I smiled back at him, before releasing Evie's hand long enough to play with the radio. I set it on a rock station, and within seconds, she was changing it to country. “Rules of every road trip.” She said, placing her hand back in mine. “The passenger, is always the DJ.”

  I laughed, bringing her hand to my lips to kiss it. “You just make that up Hermosa?”

  “Have I told you how much I miss you calling me that?” She asked, avoiding my question.

  “Once, or twice.” I winked, before returning my focus back to the road. “Have I mentioned how much I love you?”

  “Not today.” She teased.

  “I love you Hermosa.” I said, with the cheesiest grin I'd ever sported. I finally knew what it felt like to truly be happy.

  “I love you Mama.” Gabriel said from the backseat, as he rubbed his tired eyes. “I love you Daddy.”

  “Oh! I have something for you.” Evie said, releasing my hand to rifle through her purse. “I filed the paperwork the day you mentioned it. I wanted to surprise you. All you need to do is sign this, and you'll be on Gabriel's birth certificate. I also began the paperwork to change his last name. I want us all to share it, if that's okay?” She asked timidly.

  “It's more than okay Hermosa.” I said, placing my hand on her thigh. “If I didn't have to drive right now, I'd pull you over here, and show you just how okay it is.” I whispered, giving her a little squeeze.

  “I never thought I'd end up living on an army base.” She sighed, placing her hand over mine.

  “Are you nervous?”

  “Very.” She laughed. “This isn't the life that I imagined for myself, or for Gabriel. It just seems like a waste, you know? These past two years, we could have been with you. Instead, I kept him away. I thought I was keeping him safe. That, I wouldn't have to explain his father's death to him. But, the reality is you could be hit by a bus today. We all could. I spent so much time “protecting” him, I lost sight of what really matters. Family. I never had one, and what do I do? Keep my son from his. Im a hypocrite Jake.”

  “No Evie, you're human. We all make mistakes, the important thing is that we're together now, and that we're happy. Are you happy?”

  “More than I ever thought possible.”

  “Then that's all that matters. That, and the fact that the driver is indeed the DJ.” I said, switching the station back to rock.

  She swatted me playfully on the shoulder, and Gabriel yelled “no hit!” from the backseat, making us all laugh. I was wrong to think that I never wanted to have kids, and that thought made me remember Evie telling me that she wanted four. “Do you still want four kids?” I asked, needing to know the answer.

  “I don't know. I thought so.” She paused, laughing. “Would it be a deal breaker if I still said yes?”

  “Hermosa, I would have dozen kids with you if that's what you wanted.” I said, grinning wide.

  “Does that mean you're going to be a stay at home dad, because I have my own practice opening up real soon.” She teased.

  “Just call me Mr. Mom.”

  “You're kidding?” She asked, with disbelief.

  “I missed out on a lot with Gabriel, so if I have the chance to experience all the firsts, I'm going to take it. Haven't you realized that I'd do anything to make you happy?”

  “But at what cost, Jake? You don't have to jump through hoops to impress me. I'm not going anywhere, never again. I promise.”

  “I believe you.” I said with conviction, needing her to know that after everything we'd been through, we were going to be okay. We were going to make it.

  “I will never forgive myself for what I did to you, but I will spend every day, for the rest of my life making it up to you.”

  “We both have a lot to prove to each other Hermosa. Time doesn't heal all wounds, love does, and we already have that. That was the easy part.”

  “I think we just wrote our vows.” She said softly, wiping a tear from her eye.

  “I think someone's asleep.” I said, cocking my head in Gabriel's direction.

  We spent the rest of our drive listening to songs from our teenage years. Apparently Pandora had a station for everything, including girly pop songs. Evie sang along to song, after song, her painted pink toes up on the dash. It brought me back to those years. When we'd just get in the car and drive. Only this time we'd be packing a diaper bag. I thought about that too. Trips to the beach, and campgrounds. Things that my parents did with me. I looked forward to all of the things I'd be able to teach Gabriel, and Evie.

  A lot of my firsts with Gabe, would be her firsts in general. She'd never been fishing, or ice skating. In a way we'd be discovering new things together, and I couldn't be happier. I only wished she and Gabe wouldn't have to go back to San Franscisco without me. I tried to shake that thought from my mind though, and focus on the good things. I glanced over at Evie, when I realized she'd stopped singing. Her head was resting against the window, and she was fast asleep. Another blast from the past. Car rides always did that to her.

  We had an hours drive before we arrived on base, so I changed the station, and let my new family sleep. The closer we came to Fort Hunter Liggett, the more nervous I became. Evie had always been a part of my life in some way, shape, or form, but this time she was actually present. I'd be sharing my small house, introducing her to all of my friends, and living the life that we were always meant to live. I already knew that everyone would love her, even my guys who knew our history. All they ever wanted was for me to be happy, and she's what made me that way.

  When we reached the entrance gate, I gave Evie a little shake, effectively waki
ng her. “We're here Hermosa.” I said quietly, not wanting to wake Gabriel just yet.

  “Sorry I fell asleep on you.” She sighed, stretching her arms over her head.

  “You can make it up to me later.” I winked, just as we reached the gate.

  “Welcome home Cruz.” The soldier at the gate said, looking past me to Evie. His name was Dempsy, and he'd been running the gate for as long as I've been here. “This her?” He asked, raising his brows in approval.

  “It is.” I said, taking her hand in mine. “Don't worry, I'll show her off once we get settled. You just remember to keep your hands to yourself Dempsy.”

  He put his hands up playfully. “Scouts honor.”

  Chapter 28 Then

  Over the last few months the boys and I went out every chance we got. I had officially turned into Wes. Hopping into bed with every blonde who was interested. I didn't even like blondes, but every brunette who caught my eye just reminded me of Evie, and I was still trying to forget. I was heading home to visit Zoe today, before being reassigned to Fort Hunter Liggett. It was closer to home, only a three hour drive, which meant I'd be able to check up on her more often. She wasn't expecting me until tomorrow, but I wanted to surprise her.

  My plane landed around two, which meant I'd make it back to the house before Zoe got home from work. I checked the fridge, finding my favorite beer, and I smiled. Leave it to my sister to make sure my favorites were all on hand. She'd even picked up the salt and vinegar potato chips that I liked. After I showered, I sat down at the table to enjoy my spoils. A few minutes later, I heard the garage door open, and the sound of Zoe's car as it entered.

  I made my way to the garage to greet her, but when I got there I was surprised to see that Wes was driving. They both looked equally surprised, but when the car was off, Zoe jumped out to give me a hug. She gave me the once over, making sure I was in one piece. “I'm glad you're home Jake.” She said, pulling away and smiling wide. Wes stood behind her, putting his hand out to shake mine. He pulled me into a hug as well. “Good to see you brother.” He said.


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