Unbridled Passion: A Riverton Crossing Novel

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Unbridled Passion: A Riverton Crossing Novel Page 8

by Savannah Maris

  He poked his head into Evan’s office on his way to his. “I’m in my office.” He pulled out his notebook with all the information on the case before he sat down so he could fill Evan in with what he found. A tap sounded on his door as Evan walked in.

  “So what’d you find yesterday?”

  “I sent all of the spices in the house to the lab and an unmarked brown bottle from a medicine cabinet in the kitchen. I didn’t look anywhere else since they didn’t share a bedroom or bath.” Before Evan could answer, the intercom buzzed in Nathan’s office. “Yes?”

  Rita’s voice came through the speaker. “Your call from Columbia is on line two.”

  “Thanks.” Nathan picked up the line and put the phone on speaker. “Nathan Cox.”

  “Officer Cox, this is Janice from the forensics lab. How are you this morning?”

  “Doing well, Janice. You’re on speaker, and Chief Evan Riverton is with me.” They exchanged greetings. “What can you tell us?”

  “We’ve gone through the food that we initially received. There were two forms of Nerium Oleander or Oleander in the coffee creamer. Someone had ground leaves and flower petals to a fine powder that was mixed throughout the container. There were clumps that looked like a liquid form that had adhered to the powder. That has to be sap or liquid from the leaves and petals.”

  “What’s Nerium Oleander?” Nathan asked.

  “It’s a flowering tree that grows well in this part of the state. I didn’t look when Rodney and I were there gathering the food, but if there’s one on the premises, that may be the answer,” Evan said.

  Nathan looked at Evan as a smile stretched across his face. “Regardless, that’s premeditation.”

  Evan nodded.

  “What about the bottle?”

  “Peroxide. Nothing special. Do you want me to continue checking the spices?”

  Nathan pumped his fist because there was nothing accidental about this. The temporary insanity plea just went out the window. They’ve got premeditation. “I don’t think that’ll be necessary. The creamer gives us all we need.”

  “I’ll email the report over.”

  “Thank you, Janice,” they both said at once before Nathan disconnected the call.

  “He’s going away for a long time, Nathan. You need to call the Prosecutor’s office, and I’ll call the mayor. I don’t want him hearing about his friend from the evening news.” Evan crossed his ankle over his knee. “Do you still need to run something past me or can it wait until we make our calls?”

  “Yeah, this may take a while. What about lunch?”

  Evan looked at his watch when Nathan’s phone buzzed again, and Rita’s voice came through the intercom. “Nathan, a Mr. Craig Littlefield is here to see you. Are we getting a K-9?”

  A broad smile crossed Nathan’s face. “Not today, Rita. Budget won’t allow it. We’re on our way.”

  Nathan and Evan walked out of the office. When they rounded the corner of the central desk, Craig was standing there with his broad shoulders and his tight T-shirt. He still wore his military high and tight. Sitting at his right leg was a beautiful light-colored German Shepherd with dark patches in his fur. He was looking straight ahead with his ears up and tongue hanging out.

  “Hey, Craig.” Nathan shook his hand and squatted to take a closer look at Max.

  “Hey, man. What do you think?”

  Nathan let Max sniff him then looked up at Craig with an approving smile then pointed to Evan. “You remember Evan Riverton, don’t you?”


  Nathan heard the men talking, but Max had his full attention. Max licked his hand, and Nathan rubbed up and down his sides. “You’re going to protect her, aren’t you, boy? You’ve got to keep her safe for me for a few more weeks, okay?” Max barked, and Nathan laughed. “You’re going to do great.”

  As the men were catching up, Nathan’s phone vibrated at the same time alarms went off on both his and Evan’s phones.


  “Charles Harper’s monitor just went off. We’re tracking him, and he’s headed toward the coast. I’m on my way to get you. Where am I going?”

  “Dammit. Come to the station. We’ll be waiting for you.” Nathan disconnected the call. “Craig, where’s his stuff? He gets to meet her now instead of the weekend.”

  Evan looked at Nathan with confusion written on his face. “What’s going on?”

  “Charles’s monitor just went off. Sam is picking me up so we can track him. You may want to have the mayor try to talk to him.”

  “That stupid ass.” Evan shook his head. “Keep me abreast of the situation.” He waved his phone as he turned to his office. “It was good seeing you, Craig.”

  “Let’s get his stuff.” Craig walked toward the door.

  “You ready to go to work, Max?” Nathan patted his head.

  As they walked, Nathan pulled his keys out of his pocket. “Here, it’s only one bedroom, but there’s a shower and a sofa if you want to get some rest.”

  “Thanks, man. You sure you don’t want me to go with you?”

  “You’ve been driving for two days. Get some rest. We should be back tonight.”

  Sam pulled up with blue lights flashing. Craig went to his truck while Nathan opened the door for Max to jump in the back seat of Sam’s SUV and threw his stuff in with him. Sam started moving before Nathan had the door fully closed. “Sam meet Max, Vanessa’s new security until she feels safe enough to come back here.”

  Before they turned into traffic, Sam stuck his hand in the back to pet Max. “Nice to meet you. She’s a nice lady, you take good care of her.”

  As they headed out of town, Nathan made a call.

  “Nathan, aren’t you on duty?”

  “Hey, beautiful.”

  “Why are you using my regular phone? What’s happened?”

  “Ness, listen to me and don’t freak, okay?”

  “Why would I freak?”

  Nathan didn’t want to scare her, but she needed to prepared. He rubbed his hand over his head. “I need you to lock yourself inside the house. Do not open your doors. I’ll call you when we’re close. Do you understand?”

  “Why, what’s happening?”

  Nathan’s knee was bouncing, and his heart was racing as he tried to stay calm. “Charles’s monitor went off. He’s left town and heading for the coast. Sam will call Charleston County to let them know we’re in pursuit. I don’t want you even opening your doors for them. You wait for me. We’re not far behind him. Baby, I’ve got another call to make. Do what I told you and I’ll talk to you in a few minutes.” Nathan disconnected that call and immediately called Matthew Hightower.

  “Prosecutor’s office.”

  “This is Officer Nathan Cox. I need to speak to Prosecutor Hightower, please.”

  “One moment.”

  Sam glanced at him and cocked a brow. Nathan held up a finger when he heard Matthew’s voice on the phone. “Matthew, it’s Nathan. We’ve had a couple developments today. First, you’ll be receiving a report from the forensics lab in Columbia. They’ve found Oleander in the Harper’s home. He was poisoning her. Second, we’re in pursuit of Charles right now. His monitor alarm went off, and he’s heading toward the house where Vanessa is staying. He’s broken the parameters of his release.”

  “I’ll get the paperwork started.”

  “Thank you.”


  Vanessa laid her phone down and started locking up. She enjoyed the ocean breeze through the house but realized this was more important. She closed the windows and doors. The locks were slid into place, and the air conditioner was turned on. With the house secured, she took her phone to the living room where no one could easily see her.

  Sitting on the floor in front of her sofa so that she wasn’t seen, she watched each window in silence, almost too afraid to breathe because it would make noise. She jumped at the sound of Nathan’s ring tone and quickly answered so it would be quiet again.

an,” she whispered.

  “Hey, beautiful. Are you okay?”

  “Yes, I’ve turned out the lights and locked up. Now, I’m on the floor in the living room so that I’m not seen. Should I lock myself in my room?”

  “Only if you hear someone trying to get in. The GPS tracker on his monitor shows he’s still a few minutes ahead of us. Do you know where your pepper spray is?”

  “In my bedside table.”

  “Get it and keep it on you. Do you remember how to use it?”

  “Yes.” She stayed hunched down as she quickly walked to her bedroom. Plundering through her drawer, she found it and wrapped her hand tightly around the cylinder.

  She felt her heart rate picking up as her breathing became shallow. She was nervous. What if she froze when she saw Charles? Could she protect herself? The last time he was in the same room as her, he had shot her.



  “Baby, I can hear you breathing. Try to calm down so you don’t hyperventilate. Slow breaths.”

  She took a deep breath in and a slow breath out. I can do this. “How long before you get here? Nathan, I’m really scared. I know he’s going to kill me.”

  “Ness, I need you to be strong. We’re getting there. We’ve closed the gap on him.”

  “Should I call the local police?”

  “Baby, we want to catch him, not scare him off. Sam will call the local guys when we hang up to let them know we’re in pursuit and get their help in arresting him.” Nathan was silent. She heard Sam’s voice but couldn’t make out what he was saying. “Ness, we’re fifteen minutes out. I can’t wait for you to meet Max, but I hope Charles gets to meet him first.”

  “You have him?”

  “I’ve got him, and you’re going to love him. Baby, Sam needs to call local police, but I’ll call you back in a few minutes. Remember, slow deep breaths. Hang in there for me.”

  “Please hurry.”

  “I am.”

  She disconnected the call and sat on the floor in her room. There was one window facing the front of the house, and none facing the back. She felt safer in this room. Nathan has Max. I wish I had Max.

  With the phone and pepper spray on the floor in front of her, she closed her eyes and rested her head on the side of the bed. Please, God, let them catch him. I don’t want to die.

  Banging on the door startled her. “Vanessa!” It was Charles.

  Oh, God. She quickly closed and locked her bedroom door. Her heart was racing. Her hand shook while she unlocked the pepper spray as Nathan’s words came back to her. “Aim for the eyes.” She went to the far side of the bed and crouched down. She kept her eyes on the door as she called Nathan.


  “He’s here,” she whispered.

  “Sam is dropping Max and me off now. He’s on your street, baby. Max and I are heading for the beach. We’ll have him surrounded.”

  “Please hurry, Nathan.”

  “On my way.” She heard the truck door slam shut and Nathan talking to Max. “Let’s go to work, boy. We’ve got to find Vanessa and keep her safe.” His voice was changing the more he talked. She could hear the wind coming through the phone and knew he was on the beach. “Let’s get our girl, Max.” Tears prickled her eyes as she listened to him. “Ness, can you still hear him?”

  “He was at the front door, but I haven’t heard him in a few minutes.”

  “Where are you?”

  “My bedroom.”

  “Okay, baby. I’ve got to hang up. I’ll see you in a few minutes.”


  Nathan and Max approached the rear of Vanessa’s house from the beach along the sea grass line. Nathan pulled his sidearm and squatted down with Max right beside him then changed his radio station to the frequency he and Sam had discussed. After listening to his surroundings, he radioed Sam in a low voice.

  “I’m in position.”

  “I’m pulling into the driveway, and Charleston County officers are with me. The gate isn’t locked.” There were a few moments of silence. “We’ve got his car, and he’s not around front.”

  “Shit. We’ll move closer.”

  Nathan and Max moved in a crouched position up the steps of the wooden walkway leading to her back door. Banging came from the porch. Max’s ears perked up, and his tail went straight behind him.

  “Vanessa, open the damn door!”

  Nathan listened to determine where Charles was.

  There was complete silence. Nathan tried to locate Charles by his movements, but he didn’t hear anything, so he moved to the bottom step with Max at his side. With his hands positioned around his gun and his knees bent he slowly made his way toward the house.

  “You cost me my job, bitch, and you’re going to pay!”

  The voice wasn’t loud enough to be outside. Fuck! Before Nathan could complete his thought, he heard Vanessa’s voice. “Heeelllp!”

  Max took off in a full run. His hair was straight up on his back and his ears were back. When Nathan got to the end of the walkway, he saw the back door open and a key in the lock, but no Max. Nathan slowly walked into the house sweeping the room with his gun as he took each step. Max barked, and Nathan followed the growls.

  “Call the damn dog off, Vanessa, before I kick him in the teeth!”

  Nathan turned the corner headed toward Vanessa’s bedroom. Max had Charles pinned against the bedroom door. “Freeze! Turn around with your hands where I can see them.” Charles slowly turned to face a snarling Max.

  “What the hell are you doing here?”

  “Your monitor, Charles. Did you forget about it? You’ve broken the terms of your bail.” Nathan didn’t take his eyes off Charles. “Hold him, Max.” He slowly moved a hand to his radio. “Got him. Back door is open.”

  Heavy footsteps ran up the wooden walkway, and the sound of footsteps came from behind Nathan as a hand touched his shoulder. “Let me take this.” Sam stepped forward and slapped the cuffs on Charles as Nathan stepped back still holding his gun on him. “Charles Harper, you have the right to remain silent…”

  Nathan waited for the men to walk out with Charles before he knocked on Vanessa’s door. “Ness.”


  Her voice was shaking, and it gutted him. “Hey, beautiful. Come open the door. I’m waiting for you.”

  He heard movement through the door then footsteps quickly getting louder. Before it registered that the door was actually opening, Vanessa’s small body flung into his. He wrapped his arms around her as she buried her face into his chest. Her body shook from the sobs leaving it as he rubbed his hand up and down her back. “I’ve got you. He’s never hurting you again.” He bowed his head to kiss the top of hers. Vanessa’s face tilted toward his with fear in her eyes. “You’re safe now.” He took her hand and led her toward the living room. “Stay right here, okay? I’ll be right back.” He rubbed Max on the head. “Stay with her, boy.”

  Vanessa nodded and sat on the sofa. Max laid his head on her lap and looked at her. Nathan’s lips tilted at the sight, and he knew he’d done the right thing with the dog. Walking out the front door, he left it open in case Vanessa needed him but regretted it as soon as Sam rounded the corner with Charles.

  “Where is she? That bitch cost me my job! She needs to pay for that!”

  “Mr. Harper, if I were you, I’d make use of the Miranda warning that gives me the right to remain silent.” Sam guided him to the back of a Charleston County vehicle.

  Nathan looked at Charles in the back of the car where he was grinning like he’d won the lottery. Sam walked away from the car so they could talk with the semblance of privacy.

  Nathan glanced at Sam. “What’s the plan?”

  “I’m going to let these officers take him to a holding cell. We’ll stay here with her to get her statement then go pick him up from the jail.”

  Nathan nodded. “I want to make sure the house is secure. That he didn’t mess with something that could hurt her.”
  “And here comes the protector.”

  Nathan leveled Sam with his stare. “I can’t leave her with no help, Sam.”

  “I agree. That’s why we’re going to check everything—gas lines, electrical panel, water lines—everything. Then, we’ll take the asshole back to county lockup.”

  Nathan rubbed the back of his neck. “Fuck, I should’ve driven my own truck. I don’t know if I can ride in the same vehicle for forty-five minutes without killing him.”

  Sam chuckled. “I’ll give you my headset so you don’t have to listen to his mouth, but you’re going to owe me a big one.”


  When the Charleston County patrol car drove off with Charles in the backseat, Sam walked inside to speak with Vanessa before he took the statements from the officers going over Charles’ car.

  Nathan went to Sam’s truck to get all of Max’s stuff. He slammed the door, and Max barked. When he walked inside, Max was standing in front of Vanessa. Good dog.

  “Where do you want his bed? Looks like Craig included some food, a toy, and instructions for his care.”

  Vanessa tentatively smiled at Nathan. “Wherever you think is best. I think I want him close tonight, though.”

  “I think that’s a great idea.”

  Sam finished with Vanessa and walked outside. Nathan dropped Max’s bed in front of her bedroom door. “If anyone comes in, he’ll give you plenty of time to call for help.” He met her back in the kitchen. “So, help is your word?”

  She nodded. “You said to make it something I wouldn’t have to remember to use. When I’m scared, that’s easy to say.”

  Nathan agreed. “Well, he sure knew you needed him. He took off so fast tracking your voice. It was fun to watch him in action, but I’d prefer not to see it again, okay?” He stroked her cheek with the back of his finger, and a smile broke across his face. “I don’t know if I was more angry or scared. I’m glad Max didn’t hesitate.”

  With tears in her eyes, she hugged him. “Me too. I’m glad you were able to get him when I need him most. Thank you.”


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