Bear Pause (BBW / Bear Shifter Romance): A Billionaire Oil Bearons Romance (Bear Fursuits Book 6)

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Bear Pause (BBW / Bear Shifter Romance): A Billionaire Oil Bearons Romance (Bear Fursuits Book 6) Page 7

by Isadora Montrose

The driver and his passenger got out of the cab and scanned the empty road. The driver pulled the hood of his gray sweatshirt up and tightened the cord to conceal his face. His companion tugged his red ball cap lower on his forehead. He shone a powerful flashlight out into the dark field.

  The grass had been eaten low, but the cattle were mostly asleep. A few of the cows raised curious heads as the light disturbed them. The men did not speak. They went back to the truck where other hands had raised the rear door and tossed out great plastic wrapped rolls of hay. This was followed by a four-foot length of fence. Two fence posts supported six one-by-two strips. A man wearing camo was joined by another wearing a dirty brown Stetson. They carefully carried the fence section to the verge and laid it flat.

  Camo retrieved long wire cutters from the truck. He motioned impatiently to the others who moved away. He stood well back of the barbed wire, holding the wire cutters at the end of their long handles. He snipped six times. Lethal wire whistled through the air and curved back into tangled coils.

  He circled the mess and cut the wires on the other side just as prudently. Red Cap and Stetson pulled heavy padded gloves over the ones they were already wearing. They balled up the wire, treating it with the respect its inch-long twisted prongs inspired. They carefully handed it up to the hands waiting for it on the back of the truck.

  Camo and Sweatshirt rolled the bales of hay through the newly created gap in the fence, towards the sleepy cattle. They sliced the protective plastic and broke up the hay so the cows could get at it. By the time they got back to the gap, Red Cap and Stetson had set the new section of fence upright. Sweatshirt took the flashlight and played the beam over the stock pond. There was still plenty of water.

  Red Cap got a couple of cordless drills from the truck. The four men dry-fit their section into the gap created by cutting the barbed wire out. The doubled fence posts looked a little odd, but the new section fit with about a half inch to spare on either side. Perfect. They laid it flat again and set about adding hinges.

  When they screwed the hinges onto the original fence posts, the new gate swung freely. Camo got a pry bar and levered the wooden strips off both sides to reveal six tight rows of barbed wire on the gate. Sweatshirt added a latch. They fastened the gate. All four men stood back to admire their work.

  Sweatshirt turned down the high beams. The others got back into the vehicle and it drove quietly into the night. The deputy in the county car passed it as he went to make his patrol through the Double B. The men in the truck held their breath, but they were given no signal to halt.


  Steve braced himself against the back wall of the stall. He savored the sweetness of Laura’s mouth. It was the softest, tenderest kiss he had ever shared with a woman. The rightness of her was a tide of satisfaction surging in his blood, yet her tentative response made him realize he had to get this right. Whatever else Laura Bascom was, she was no female version of Grandpappy Clive.

  He pulled back his questing tongue and nibbled gently at her lower lip instead, enjoying the softness of her bosom pressing into the hardness of his pecs. Her nipples were hard beads telling him she was either cold or turned on. He hoped it was the latter, but he wanted to take no chances. He trailed kisses to her earlobes and nuzzled behind her ear seeking the elemental fragrance he knew lurked there.

  She pushed gently at his chest and he let her go at once. Even in the dim lighting, he could tell she was beet red.

  “I don’t know what came over me,” she said in a tight voice.

  He brushed the side of her face. “Don’t you?” he whispered.

  “I don’t do things like this.” Her voice was tremulous.

  “Like what?” he teased.

  “Inappropriate things – like taking advantage of an employee,” she said huskily.

  “Hmm. I won’t tell if you don’t.”

  She pointed at the video camera. “It’s all on tape,” she said.

  “So it is. I guess I’ve compromised us both.” He smiled down into her embarrassed face. “But I’m not sorry I kissed you.”

  She swallowed hard. “Anyone could see that footage.”

  He doubted anyone would bother to waste time going over it, since nothing bad had happened. Who wanted to watch while a foal was given an enema to help it expel the tarry residue from its gut? But Laura was plainly embarrassed and worried.

  “Why don’t we go discuss this in the tack room?” he said. “No camera in there.”

  He thought she looked scared for just a second. But she nodded and headed briskly for the little room. Steve sauntered after her admiring her from the back. Laura filled out her jeans better than any woman he had ever met. She stopped in the doorway and he looked over her shoulder at the cot with its rumpled blanket.

  “Excuse me,” he said and went past her to remake the bed with military precision. He sat down and patted the spot beside him.

  She shook her head, as skittish as that newborn foal. Her eyes were luminous and her face resolute. “I talked to my cousin about you.”

  “Which one?” he asked. “You have a pile of cousins, Miss Laura.”

  “Zeke.” Her voice was a scratchy whisper.

  “What did the major have to say?”

  “He said you could be trusted.”

  Steve nodded. “That’s why I gave him as a reference. Are you going to trust me?”

  “I don’t know. Why did you kiss me?”

  “Because I wanted to.” He gestured to his crotch. “Couldn’t you tell?” he teased.

  Her eyes widened a little. The vivid blue irises were just a thin circle around her dilated pupils. Steve got up and went towards her. “I knew the first time I saw you. Don’t you feel it too?”

  “Feel what?” she asked suspiciously.

  “Sparks? Fireworks? The bear bond?” he suggested.

  “You know I’m a bear?” She sounded appalled.

  “Well, sure. You smell like a bear. Of course I know.”

  “I smell?” Her voice was mortified.

  “Delicious. Female. Like my mate.” He moved to where she hovered uncertainly by the doorway.


  He kissed her again, holding himself in check. She stiffened, but under his gentle assault her lips softened and she kissed him back. He took his time learning the contours of her mouth before he begged for entrance. She opened reluctantly. He paused to suck lightly on her bottom lip, tasting its fullness, before he slid his tongue softly against hers. Beneath her plaid shirt, her breasts firmed and the nipples poked at him, again.

  Steve angled her head so he could better enjoy her warm, spicy taste. He sampled the delicate tissues in front of her teeth and played inside her cheeks. Her own tongue tangled shyly with his for long minutes before he could lure it into his mouth for its own exploration. The feel of her tongue probing was exciting. He wanted to grab that soft muscle and suck hard, but he restrained himself. Laura needed patience. She was uncertain and he knew, without knowing how, that if he rushed her, he would lose her.

  Gradually she rested more of her weight against him. He reveled in the feel of all that soft womanliness pressed against his body. He allowed his hands to caress her shoulders. Her own delicious aroma warmed and perfumed his nostrils. He pulled the rich scent into his lungs and hoped he wouldn’t explode in his jeans.

  The stood together, necking tenderly for a long time. Someplace a rooster heralded the dawn. Laura seemed to become aware of what they were doing. Well, a tack room was no place for a lady. She pulled away and tried to speak.

  “You want me.” It was a question, so he nodded.

  She seemed to need more so he spoke. “I sure do.” He gestured to his straining zipper.

  She looked at her wrist but it was bare. “What time is it?”

  He glanced at his watch. “Four forty-two.”

  “The hands will be here at five,” she said panicked.

  “They will,” he kept his eyes on her flushed face. “I have to s
tay until Lance comes. Do you want to go wait for me in my cabin?”

  Her throat moved. Her eyes were a little wild, but she nodded.

  “It isn’t locked. I’ll be along as soon as Lance gets here.” He pointed to the monitor which showed Star and Hero curled up together in a single grayish lump.

  “Okay.” She moved off to retrieve her parka and he saw her go into the foaling stall for another check of Star and Hero. Star raised her head but did not attempt to rise. Laura slipped out, latching the stall door behind her. She disappeared out the door.

  Well, now. Was he going to have himself a tryst in ten minutes?

  * * *

  Steve’s cabin was only two rooms. A bedroom and a bathroom. There was a wooden counter along one wall with a tiny fridge underneath it and a hotplate and a kettle on top. Carlos and Rosa had built it to give their youngest son some privacy to study, not for him to be entirely independent. Like Steve, Ramon had eaten with his parents.

  There was an ancient recliner, a small table under the window with two ladder back chairs, and a double bed. Everything was as neat as if Sergeant Holden was momentarily expecting an inspection. Even the quilt on the bed had been spread taut and tucked in. There wasn’t much of Steve in the little room, she thought, as she prowled from the counter to the bed and back again.

  He had left a little laptop on the table. And an e-reader charging by the bed. No photos, no personal items. Which made sense since he had shown up with just what could be put in the carrier of a motorcycle. His Harley was a pretty flashy vehicle for a guy out of work. You could buy a good truck for what he had to have paid for that hog. But it didn’t have a lot of space to store things.

  The door opened and interrupted her restless thoughts. Even after his sleepless night, the giant framed in the doorway took her breath away. She could do this. No point in trying to have even a pretend marriage if he couldn’t perform. But the thought of taking her clothes off made her quail. That had never gone well for her.

  “Hey,” he said his brown eyes twinkling. “I kind of hoped you’d have made the coffee.” He moved towards the counter and began to fill the kettle with water. He set up a French press with two big scoops of coffee. “Okay,” he said turning back to her. “What was it you wanted to tell me?”

  She could feel her features heating. He wanted to make coffee and talk? How could she have misread the situation so drastically?

  But he was striding the two paces to her and holding her against his heart. It thumped steadily against hers. He smoothed his hands down her back to her bottom and brought them back up to her waist. “I have to be over at the Diego’s in,” he checked his watch, “Thirty-two minutes. We don’t have time for what I want. Just time to talk.” He kissed the top of her head and breathed in deeply. “You going to fire me, Boss?”

  Half-an-hour sounded like plenty of time to her. Even a little long. “I didn’t intend to fire you,” she said slowly.

  “Good.” He sounded amused. “I’m going to pour the water on the coffee.” He took her hand and pulled her over to the counter. “French press makes sissy coffee,” he said. “But it’s all there is.” He poured the boiling water slowly over the grounds and replaced the stopper. “Three minutes. Okay, if you don’t plan on sacking me, what do you want to say?”

  “I need a husband,” she blurted before she lost her courage.

  “I know,” he said calmly. “Your grandfather made that a condition of you inheriting this place.”

  “Great-grandfather,” she corrected. “If I don’t marry and have a child before I’m thirty-five, I have the ranch only for my life and then it goes to some cousins.”

  “The Diegos told me about it. Seem to think it was pretty unfair of old Clive.” He kissed her mouth. “Hang on while I pour us coffee.” He depressed the plunger and then filled two mugs. “I don’t have sugar or cream,” he apologized.

  She took her mug. “That’s okay. I’ve drunk enough coffee on the range not to need either.”

  He was looking expectantly at her over his mug. She took a sip wanting to delay this awkward moment. It wasn’t as weak as he had suggested it would be.

  “I want you to marry me, just temporarily,” she blurted. “Just until we have a baby.”

  “You want me to what?” Steve said. He sounded outraged. Or something.

  Laura swallowed. “Never mind,” she said turning away. What had made her think this was a good idea?

  “Oh, no, sweetheart.” Steve captured her gently and turned her embarrassed face towards his. He kissed her. “This is way too important. Did I hear you right? You want me to marry you? Just until we have a kid?”

  He didn’t sound mad anymore. He sounded bemused. Or maybe just plain amused. “I told you why,” she tried again. “I get to keep the ranch if I marry and have a child by the time I turn thirty-five. Otherwise on my death it goes to Piper and Nolan Belington. It wouldn’t be forever.”

  Steve’s hands tightened on her arms and then relaxed. He made a noise in his chest that might have been laughter, but his face was grave. “I know about your great-grandfather’s will,” he said slowly. “Are you offering me a stud fee by any chance?”

  Laura’s face got hotter, but she maintained eye contact. “I guess so, if you want to put it that way. I could give you an allowance while we were married and a bonus when we have a child. And a lump sum when we divorce.”

  “You’ve thought about it a lot?” He pulled her into his arms and kissed the top of her head.

  She nodded against his shirt. His arms squeezed her comfortingly and then he stepped away. “I wouldn’t walk away from my child,” he said. “No way. A child is a forever thing. I’d want to be in my child’s life forever.”

  His ‘Forever’ made her heart leap wildly. “So you’ll think about it?”

  “Nothing to think about, sweetheart,” he explained. “I know my mind, even if you don’t know yours.”

  “I know that I won’t let Piper and Nolan have this property,” Laura said angrily. “I’ve put ten years of my life into it. And now they’re going after the stud too.”

  “I can see where that would be annoying,” he said slowly. His brown eyes raked over her body and even though she was wearing one of her heavy wool shirts, she felt naked and her nipples tightened. He smiled slowly. “Do I assume that you were trying out the merchandise in the tack room?”

  What a thing to say! “I don’t want to marry a guy who doesn’t want me,” she said stiffly.

  “Ah. Well, lucky for you, I want you like an itch that will never go away.” Steve pulled her back into his arms and wrapped her up as if she were infinitely precious. He kissed her and his tongue in her mouth made the room fall away. Her mind spun clean away from what she had been trying to say.

  “Were you planning on staying in Colorado?” she asked when he lifted his head.

  “Not really. I have a job to go back to,” he admitted.

  Her heart sank. Why did she always get it wrong? “Oh. So what made you decide to take this job?”

  “I have a desk job these days. Working with horses is like a holiday with pay. But I do have to go back to Chicago eventually.”

  “I thought you said you were from Idaho?” she objected.

  “That’s where I was raised. My folks have a farm up in the Smokies. I moved to Chicago five months ago.”

  “And your boss just let you pick up and go on vacation after four months?” She winced at the skepticism in her voice.

  Steve nodded. “I hadn’t had a holiday for over a year before my promotion.” He drank coffee and waited patiently.

  Laura thought. Maybe that was better. If she had a long distance husband, no one would wonder if the marriage failed. She gulped coffee, scalded her mouth and set the mug down. Steve was already filling a glass with cold water from the tap.

  “Here. Drink some and hold it in your mouth.” He stood over her until she had done as he had instructed.

  “Would you consider a marriage of
convenience?” she threw the words at him.

  “Depends on what you mean,” he drawled.

  “Me here, you in Chicago. Just until the property vests in me.”

  He smiled at her and her heart flipped over. “What about the baby? We wouldn’t be making any babies if we were a thousand miles apart.”

  “You’d have to stay, or at least come back until I got pregnant.”

  He looked thoughtful.

  “I’d pay you well,” she promised.

  He expanded before her eyes, and his face took on a flat, hard aspect she had not seen before. Laura took a hurried step backwards. Steve took a deep breath and let it out again. His face softened.

  “No money,” he said firmly, his eyes twinkling again. “I’m no gigolo.” He glanced at his watch. “Tell you what, we’ll start with a date. See how we go. Mr. and Mrs. Diego will be delighted if I bring you to breakfast. Shall we?”


  She felt giddy. Young. Steve wasn’t being businesslike about her proposition. He had invited her to breakfast with the Diegos, which had felt weird but had turned out to just be a comfortable meal with old friends.

  Carlos had been inclined to be querulous about Steve calling her to assist Star instead of him, but Rosa had looked pleased. Laura was pretty certain she had kicked Carlos under the table because the foreman had suddenly looked between Steve and Laura and preened his mustaches as if he had done something clever.

  She hardly knew what they had talked about at breakfast. Work had been a blur. For the first time in her life she had done her work on autopilot. She just hoped she had got her entries right. Filling out the forms incorrectly would mean she was offering the wrong horses at auction. But Steve had been on her mind all day.

  She hadn’t seen him after breakfast. Belatedly remembering that she was commando, she had gone home to shower and brush her teeth. Her day was fully booked with appointments with the forensic accountant suggested by Edgar Thompson, and a tour of the stud scheduled with a new owner. Steve hadn’t been around when she took Mrs. Salter around the stables and let her see Colorado’s Serving in Action. Mrs. Salter wanted to breed her own mare to Action.


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