Bear Pause (BBW / Bear Shifter Romance): A Billionaire Oil Bearons Romance (Bear Fursuits Book 6)

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Bear Pause (BBW / Bear Shifter Romance): A Billionaire Oil Bearons Romance (Bear Fursuits Book 6) Page 11

by Isadora Montrose

  “I can’t let you buy me a ring that costs sixty-five thousand dollars. You can’t possibly afford it.”

  “As it happens, sweetheart,” he told her confidingly. “I’m marrying money.”

  Her face went from rosy cheeked to utterly white, and he was sorry he had teased her. “I can afford it,” he said. He kissed her hand where his ring would go. “I could get the same ring in some semi-precious version online, but that wouldn’t suit me. You trot back over there and I’ll see if I can’t get Farley to give us a discount.”

  That did make her giggle. He kissed her cheek. “Let’s go,” he said. “We still have to go by FedEx before we go home.”


  Before she knew what was what, Laura was shaking hands with both Mr. Farley and Harlan, and they were wishing her well in her new marriage. And Farley was assuring Steve that if he ever wanted to go fishing, he knew the best spots for bass in Colorado.

  Steve helped her solicitously back into the truck. She could hardly tear her eyes away from the magnificent ring that he had just paid for. Somehow she hadn’t expected that they would just walk out with the ring. She had imagined there would be a decent and decorous interval while the ring was sized, or custom-made, or something.

  But Steve had been delighted that it fit so well, and he had gone off with Mr. Farley into the back office, and come out apparently bosom buddies with the older man.

  “Now where to, sweetheart?” he asked, turning on the ignition. “FedEx, or the courthouse?”

  “FedEx, I guess. Do you know where it is?”

  “You may have to give me directions.”

  “I don’t know about you, but I’m hungry,” Steve said after they had loaded the truck bed with the bulky packages and locked the lid. “It’s two o’clock and all we had for lunch was coffee.”

  Laura was too nervous to be hungry. But now that he mentioned it she supposed they should eat.

  “Is there someplace around the courthouse where we could get a bite?” Steve asked.

  “Are we going to the courthouse?”

  “I thought you wanted to get married,” he said. He sounded put out.

  “I do. But aren’t we putting the cart before the horse?”

  “Well, I admit that I would rather not have a civil ceremony,” Steve sounded relieved. “But since there’s no waiting period in Colorado, I thought we could get her done today. We can follow it up with a bit of a bash in a few months, when we have time to organize one.”

  “Aren’t you taking a lot for granted?” Even to her own ears, she sounded waspish.

  The smug satisfaction that had enveloped him ever since they had gone into the jewelers vanished as if it had never been. “Cold feet?” he asked.

  “We haven’t even had sex yet,” Laura pointed out. Her face was hot and she swallowed convulsively.

  “We’ve had lots of sex, darling,” he objected. “Just not the baby-making kind. We’ll get there. I’m a shade disappointed that you’re not enjoying the ride, sweetheart.”

  “I didn’t say that,” she returned from a throat that was suddenly dry. “But from where I stand, it looks as though you don’t even want to have sex with me,” she blurted.

  “I’m sorry you haven’t been satisfied.” The tattoo Steve’s thumbs made on the steering wheel was no longer lighthearted. “I’ll have to do something about that. What do you say, we wait a bit before we have that lunch?”

  She glanced at him, he was back to looking as smug and self-satisfied as a top-of-the-food-chain predator who had just swallowed his prey and found it delicious. Hastily she changed the subject. “My ring is beautiful.”

  “I’m glad you like it. But it’s the hand it’s on that gives it its true beauty.” He changed lanes to get away from a delivery truck.

  She rolled her eyes and laughed outright. “No need for flattery.” She hesitated. “I can’t wear it too much.”

  “You ever hear of luxury items, sweetheart? That would be one.”

  “Be serious, Steve, how could you afford this ring?” She tried to tug it off her finger.

  “Am I going to have to stop this vehicle?” Steve asked.


  “You take it off if you’re working, otherwise it stays on your finger,” he said flatly. “Close your mouth, sweetheart.”

  Laura glared at him, but he didn’t even glance at her. He kept his eyes on the traffic around them. His mouth was a hard, flat line, and the smug self-satisfaction had vanished again. He looked like a seriously pissed warrior.

  “What are you trying to prove?” she demanded. But she stopped trying to remove the knuckleduster.

  “We’re engaged. You’re the kind of woman men fantasize about. That ring says you’re taken – in letters a mile high.” His voice suggested her question was dumb.

  “For God’s sake!” But the hard, male pride in his words made her feel deeply feminine and sexy. She struggled to remember that this was just pretend. “This is only make-believe,” she reminded him, but her voice was lower than usual.

  “Nothing make-believe about marriage, sweetheart. Nothing make-believe about kids. We’re going to be bringing a new life into the world, and that’s going to make us permanent partners.”

  “It’s just until I get possession of the ranch,” she reminded them both.

  “Maybe so. But children aren’t temporary. And I’ve told you, I’m not the man to run out on my kids.”

  “Zeke warned me about you,” she muttered.

  “What did the major say?” He sounded worried.

  “That you were a decent guy.”

  He puffed up before her eyes. “Yeah?” His voice went from anxious to proud in a heartbeat. “Good to know.”

  “You still haven’t told me how you can afford this ring,” she persisted.

  “I paid for it out of my savings,” he said. “I figure it’s an investment.”

  “Because you could sell it in an emergency?”

  “Because it’ll keep me out of jail. I understand killing poachers is a capital crime in Colorado.”


  * * *

  There really wasn’t any way talking would convince Laura she was desirable. He had stuck that gigantic, pink diamond on her hand and she hadn’t deduced that he was crazy about her. Go figure. For a woman who had been running a big outfit since she was a kid, she had zero self-confidence in herself as a woman.

  Stood to reason that it was his job to change that. He didn’t know if she was the most beautiful female in the world. He only knew that other women were only pale imitations of his ideal woman. Laura was the real thing. How could she not know that he found her entrancing? How could she not know that he spent his days in agony, walking around with a tent pole in his jeans? How could she think he was marrying her for her money?

  Because deep inside she refused to believe any man would find her sexy, let alone the definition of sexy. Time to change that.

  They were almost out of town now. The road to the highway was fast food restaurants and gas stations as far as the eye could see. Here and there, a seedy motel flashed its broken neon in a dismal attempt to lure passersby. Well, he wasn’t going to consummate his love to Laura in nasty, hot-sheet squalor. He kept on driving.

  “Who do you think played that trick on Cloud?” she asked, as if they hadn’t hashed the subject out often enough in the last week.

  “If it’s not one of the stable hands, what you think of your cousin Piper as a suspect?” he suggested. “Mind, that wasn’t a woman in the video.”

  “But Nolan might have done it,” Laura mused. “He’s her twin. There was almost nothing I wouldn’t have done for Bethany.”

  “Really? You would have stuck a sliver of sharp rock in a mare’s hoof? Or put sticker burrs in Cloud’s tail so she would hurt herself if she tried to flick flies away?”

  Laura laughed hollowly. “Beth wouldn’t have asked me to do that. But Nolan is just as spiteful as Piper, and just as
full of himself.”

  “Take a streak of sadism a mile wide to pull a trick like that one,” Steve said. “I’ve never met Nolan Belington. Does he have one?”

  “He was the kind of kid who would prefer to throw the rest of his candy away rather than share it,” Laura said. “But I’ve never heard of him actually being cruel to animals.”

  “Most people have enough sense to hide that sort of thing from other people. Ever had any unaccountably wounded animals when he was around?”

  “Not really,” she said slowly. “They had a cat once that was taken by a coyote. I think only the head was ever found. But that wasn’t exactly unaccountable. We do have trouble with them and cougars too.”

  “You sure it was a coyote?” Steve asked skeptically. “Seems weird you found anything. When a coyote takes a pet, it’s usually gone. They can den up with prey that small.”

  “That’s what we deduced at the time.” Laura was silent for a few miles. “I didn’t see it for myself. I think Daddy found the head. Or maybe Gary. It was a long time ago. I was probably in college. Nolan would only have been about ten.”

  “Hmm.” Steve kept his eye out for an off-ramp. There had been a sign some ways back promising rustic cabins by a lake. He had his doubts about how much lake there would be just off the highway, but he didn’t think he could ask Laura. He needed to present her with a fait accompli. He needed that element of surprise.

  He took the next exit. She looked up startled. “This isn’t the right turnoff,” she said.

  “I want to take a look at Lake Huron,” he said.

  “Huron Pond more like it,” she said chuckling. “It’s little more than a place where a stream widens. There’s better fishing on the Double B.”

  But it was too late, Steve was already on the side road. “We’ll just take a look,” he said peaceably.

  From the high ground he could see that Lake Huron was a fishing hole. The Huron Cabins and campground consisted of ten tiny green and white cabins set too close together around a grassy lawn that terminated in a reed-clogged pond. A row of red deck chairs was waiting for the fisherfolk who would come in summer.

  Steve pulled into the graveled lot in front of the cabin marked Office. It was little bigger than the others and it boasted a wider, deeper porch with the same red chairs as those facing the water.

  “What are you doing?” demanded Laura.

  “You wait here, darling. I have to see a man about a dog.” He left the keys in the ignition.

  It didn’t take long to book a room for the evening. Laura was looking puzzled when he came back out. “I told you, there are way better places to fish, right on the Double B,” she said.

  Steve put the truck into gear and rolled along to Walleye Cabin. “I got us a room,” he explained.

  “A room? Whatever for?”

  “To celebrate our engagement.” He winked at her.

  She gawked back.

  “We need a bottle of champagne,” he said. “Mrs. Huron said she would see what she could find. I reckon a six-pack of Coors. But she promised to make us some cheeseburgers to go with it.”

  He got out and came around to the passenger side and helped her down. Not that she needed assistance, but she seemed too stunned to move.

  “I don’t understand.”

  “You complained that we haven’t tried to make a baby yet,” he said with exaggerated patience. “Seemed to doubt my ability to perform. Can’t have you casting aspersions on my manhood. It’s the only one I’ve got.” He gripped her elbow just tightly enough to prevent her from moving away. The door was unlocked and he opened it with just a twist of the knob.

  It was dark inside. Not stuffy but closed up. The windows were all shuttered. He flipped the light switch and revealed a tiny living room with a small couch and smaller TV. Beyond that was a galley kitchen and two closed doors concealed the bedroom and bath.

  “It’s not fancy,” he said. “But it’s clean. Let’s check out the bed.” He grasped her hand and pulled her towards the bedroom.

  The door he picked, opened onto a white tiled bathroom with commode, tiny sink, and a metal shower. The other door revealed a double bed with a threadbare plaid bedspread. Two small warped wooden dressers stood on either side. Steve skirted the bed and opened the blinds and looked out. Scrawny trees blocked the view of the cabin next door.

  “I think we have the place to ourselves,” he said proudly. He slid the window open and a cool breeze freshened the room.

  “I can’t think why,” she said laughing. “I’d think they’d be booked solid every night.”

  Steve tested the mattress with one hand. “Not bad,” he pronounced. “Come on, let’s see if we can open the windows in the living room.” He tugged her after him still holding her hand.

  She wasn’t resisting, but she did seem bemused. “It’s clean,” he assured her.

  “Yes,” she agreed slowly. “But why are we here?”

  He spun her into his arms and kissed her gently. He let her feel the contrast between the engorged scud between his legs, and the softness and delicacy with which he pressed his lips to hers. She went still and stopped breathing, but her lips parted just a fraction. He tasted the seam but didn’t go further. Instead he moved to the corners of her mouth and explored them tenderly.

  He separated his legs so she could lean against him and set himself to learn her mouth anew. He kissed her softly, subtly, patiently, until he could feel her heart start to beat faster and her face began to glow. He reveled in the sensation when her own tongue pleaded with his mouth for entrance and he let her in a little faster than he planned. He swallowed hard to keep from taking control of the kiss. This was all about Laura finding her inner bear and learning how seductive she was.

  Despite his acute hearing, the knocking on the front door took him by surprise. He let Laura go. “I guess our meal is here,” he told her.

  Mrs. Huron had brought cheeseburgers and fries and a six-pack of Great Divide. “Thank you,” he said. “Will you add it to my bill, or would you like cash?”

  “Cash, if it’s no bother,” the older woman said, trying to look over his shoulder.

  Steve smiled down at her and handed her two twenties. “Keep the change.”


  When the rapping began, Laura was shocked to discover she was leaning all her weight on Steve. They had been standing necking like kids for god knew how long. He held her arms while she took a step backward and regained her balance, before he winked at her and opened the door. She could hear him talking to the manager, but he stood so completely in front of the door that she couldn’t see the other woman.

  She glanced down at herself and made sure she wasn’t as naked as she felt, but the snaps of her shirt were still done up, and her jeans were completely zipped. She touched her hair but it was still in its sensible knot at her neck. Her body felt overheated and her pussy was aching and wet, but she was decent.

  Steve wished Mrs. Huron a good evening and closed the door. He ignored the minute table beside the kitchen and went over to the brown and gold couch and set a large, brown paper bag on the coffee table.

  “Do you want a glass?” he asked heading to the kitchen with a six pack.

  “Yes.” She was suddenly parched.

  He nodded and opened and closed cupboards until he found two mismatched beer mugs. He took out two bottles of beer and put the others in the fridge. “Foam, or no foam?” he asked.

  “No foam,” she said.

  He put a head on one and poured the other carefully so that it had none. To her consternation, he handed her the foaming stein with the picture of two bulls head butting above bright orange lettering that advertised ‘Bullseye Bar and Grill’. He kept the one that more conventionally celebrated Budweiser.

  He sat down on the couch and patted the seat beside him before opening the paper bag. He pulled out four foil-wrapped burgers and two boxes of fries and a handful of napkins.

  “I guess you need a plate?�
� he said rising and returning to the kitchen.

  “Yes, please.”

  He brought only one and arranged two burgers and a box of fries on it. He picked up a fry and held it to her mouth until she opened it and bit. He finished what was left in his fingers in one bite and unwrapped a burger. “Ketchup?” he asked politely, even though his eyes were undressing her.

  “Mustard,” she said hoarsely.

  He grinned and added mustard. “Pickle?” he said.


  “Good,” he held the burger to her lips until she took a bite. He handed her the burger and looked hopefully at her.

  It was unbelievably sexy to feed and be fed. To hold a glass for him to sip from. He only chuckled when she tipped beer down his shirt. “I can see you’ve never fed a bear before,” he whispered huskily.

  She shook her head, feeling shy. His big forefinger brushed the corner of her mouth. It was a little rough. The finger of a man who worked hard with his hands. Who used tools and groomed horses. But that rough finger was tender on her skin. He showed her the fleck of mustard he had wiped off her face before he licked his finger clean.

  In between bites he asked her questions. “Do you like French kissing to be hard or soft? Do you enjoy being kissed on your pussy?”

  At first she could only nod, too bashful to actually tell him how many things she had never done. But his expression didn’t change. And he kissed her so tenderly after each question that she felt emboldened to tell him what she had dreamed about.

  By the time they had eaten their dinner, she was so turned on that she could hardly sit still. Her hand was in his lap covering his erection and his was on top moving it gently up and down over his zipper. His breathing was as ragged as her own. “I can’t eat any more,” she told him. “Finish it.”

  He stuffed the last quarter of the burger into his mouth, washed it down with the warm beer and picked her up.

  In the little bedroom he took a moment to say one last thing. “I’m going to do my level best to get you pregnant tonight.”

  “I’m too old,” she said matter-of-factly.

  “For what?” He really sounded puzzled.


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