Starlight(Pact Arcanum 4)

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Starlight(Pact Arcanum 4) Page 26

by Arshad Ahsanuddin

  Lorcan laid his palm on the wound next to Nick’s. “Come back to us, Leshir,” he whispered.

  Nick steeled himself against the rush of power boiling through his mind. “Rory, I forgive you.”

  An inferno of bright white light exploded from his palm, and the wound in Rory’s chest closed immediately. The light suffused the body, giving it a harsh glow.

  He felt the Crown fighting him, as he reached out for Rory’s soul. He drew more and more power into the summoning, and felt the Crown shudder. “Ruarc!”

  Lorcan gritted his teeth across from him. “I’m trying. It won’t let go!”

  The two of them locked wills in the agonizing battle between the Crown and the Grace.

  A high-pitched shriek cut through their minds, thousands of souls torn free from their servitude in an instant. The cross brands on Rory’s palms burst into radiance, casting the entire scene into sharp relief.

  The Crown shattered, the screams turning into howls of triumph. Only one didn’t flee the crumbling prison, caught in a web of blazing light. It dropped toward them, a comet falling into the sun. Nick and Lorcan were thrown aside like leaves before the wind as it blasted past them.

  The two swords, white and blue, exploded into incandescent shards of light and disappeared.

  The cross brands in Rory’s palms flared into unimaginable brilliance, as if he clutched twin stars in his hands.

  Then they went out.

  Silence reigned.

  Nick pushed himself to his knees again and crawled back to Rory’s side. Opposite him, Lorcan struggled weakly to rise.

  The absence of sound was broken by the intake of Rory’s first shuddering breath. He opened his eyes and stared at the sky. Sitting up, he looked around, and saw Nick. Rory leapt to his feet and backed away, eyes wide, turning to look for an escape. Then he went still as he saw Lorcan lying on the ground, smiling at him.

  Nick crawled to Lorcan’s side, and grabbed his limp hand. “Ruarc, you did it! You won!”

  Rory knelt on the ground next to Lorcan and gingerly took Lorcan’s other hand. “Leshir?”

  Lorcan brought both hands up to his lips and kissed Rory’s hand, then Nick’s. “I love you both. Forever. Always remember that.”

  Rory stroked his free hand along Lorcan’s cheek. “You came back, didn’t you? To take the hit for Nick.”

  Lorcan’s expression grew strained. “Goodbye, Sean, Nicholas. Remember me, and I will never leave you.”

  Rory squeezed hard on Lorcan’s hand. “May God grant you safe passage through the Gates of Morning into everlasting light.”

  “Don’t forget about us on the other side,” whispered Nick.

  “Take care of each other for me,” Lorcan answered. “I’ll be waiting.” After a moment, his gaze drifted and his features went slack. The blue glow around him gradually died, then his body grew transparent and finally faded away entirely, leaving their hands empty.



  April 2143; Sanctuary, French Alps

  Rafael stared out the window at the rising sun, then stumbled against the wall as the room was filled with light and wind. When the storm faded, he lowered his hands from where they had shielded his eyes.

  “Hello, Leshir,” said Antonio.

  Rafael took two steps forward and grabbed him roughly in a bear hug. “You came back.”

  Antonio wrapped his arms around Rafael as well. “I came back for you.”

  Rafael wept into Antonio’s shoulder. “I thought I lost you.”

  “I will never let you go. Never.”

  Rafael let go slightly and raised his head. “Is Nick—?”

  Antonio shook his head. “We all made it, thanks to Uncle Ruarc.”

  Rafael blinked. “I don’t understand.”

  “I’ll explain later. But right now, please just hold me.”

  They stood there, arm in arm, until the lurid light of the sunrise mellowed into the bright gold of a new day.

  April 2143; Northwest of Juneau, Alaska

  Rory and Nick sat next to each other on the porch stairs of their cabin.

  “Happy Anniversary, Ruarc,” said Nick, watching the stars go out as the sky lightened.

  Rory lifted his head. “They’re coming.”

  Nick shrugged. “Let them.”

  Rory let his head drop to rest on Nick’s shoulder again.

  Ghian walked up the driveway with a dozen Armistice Security agents in tow. He stopped six feet away and regarded them with disdain. “I’m impressed. It took us the entire night to break through the perimeter ward.” He waited for a reply. When none was forthcoming, he frowned and continued. “It was stupid for you to come back here. Even more stupid to stay here after the ward went down.” He faced Nick. “Imperator Nicholas Magister Luscian, as a state of war currently exists between the Armistice and the Court of Shadows, I arrest you under Article 5 of the Rules of Engagement.”

  Nick yawned. “Go away, Ghian. Can’t you see we’re waiting to see the sunrise?”

  Ghian glanced at Rory. “Suddenly in the mood for a little fire and ashes?”

  Rory smiled. “For once, no.”

  Ghian turned back to Nick. “In any case, I am taking you to Anchorpoint as a prisoner of war.”

  “There’s no war,” said Nick. “The war is over.”

  The Armistice Security agents shifted uneasily, and it was plain to see that they were communicating with each other over their Sentinel links.

  Ghian waited. “Would either of you care to explain that remark?”

  Rory casually raised his right hand, palm outward.

  There was a collective gasp of surprise, but no one spoke. The palm of Rory’s hand was whole and unmarked, without any trace of the cross brand he had carried for so long.

  Rory pinned Ghian with a glare. “The Great Work is complete. There are no more Nightwalkers left to fight. The legacy of the Gift is ended.”

  Ghian stood there silently for a long moment. Then he turned to his men. “You are all dismissed. Return to the garrison at Anchorpoint.” He smiled. “Feel free to tell anyone you like what you just heard.”

  The Sentinels laughed at the release of tension, and teleported away as one.

  Ghian turned back to Nick and Rory. “It’s no secret that we’ve had our differences.”

  Nick snorted. “And?”

  “May I join you?”

  Rory blinked. “I beg your pardon?”

  Ghian turned and faced the dawn. “I am a Child of the Twilight,” he recited. “I hold the line against the darkness, from the setting of the sun to the dawning of a new day.”

  “I live for the Light; I die for the Light,” answered Rory.

  “My eyes are open and I am not afraid,” said Nick, softly.

  “You understand Sentinels,” said Ghian. “You know the weight of duty that those words carry. In your own way, you both fought to lift that burden from the backs of my entire race, and I suspect that you probably had more than a little to do with our final victory. For that, I am grateful.” He took a deep breath. “There’s no one else left alive with whom I would rather share this sunrise.”

  Rory leaned back into Nick’s embrace. “Pull up a chair. But no more talk, please. We were enjoying the silence.”

  Ghian climbed the stairs onto the porch and took a seat in Rory’s rocking chair.

  And the three of them watched the sunrise.



  April 2144; Jumpvessel Singularity, Odyssey Shipyards, Callisto, Jupiter Space

  Nick stood in front of the spectators, dressed in a white double breasted suit, with the seal of House Luscian embroidered on the left pocket, surrounded by a serpent biting its tail. It was something of an anachronism for him to wear the symbol of Imperator, but to the survivors of the Daywalker Alliance and the Nightwalker houses who had accepted the Grace in the last days, his office as leader of the Court remained a potent symbol of their heritage,
and they weren’t about to let him off the hook. So he continued to preside over what remained of the Assembly, and settled disputes as best he could.

  Rory, on the other hand, had set out to savor every aspect of his new-found freedom with gusto. He and Rafael had found a common bond in their recent emergence into the sunlight, and had become quite the pair of hellraisers as they traveled the globe in search of new experiences.

  Nick glanced at his lover out of the corner of his eye, standing next to him in a simple white linen shirt, open at the collar, and white pants, with the seal of House Jiao-long pinned over his heart to his beige silk vest. Rory noticed him looking and gave him a half smile before turning to face Antonio as the Harbinger climbed the steps of the center podium to address the crowd.

  Antonio looked out at the expectant faces of his crew, and the guests that had come aboard for this special occasion. “One of the privileges of being the Captain of a starship has been the right to perform marriages, to join together those travelers who have chosen to set out on their own journey together. On the eve of departure, I am honored to offer this service to the ones who are closest to my heart.” He grinned at the cameras. “They wanted to keep it small and intimate, but someone spilled the beans, and made it into a huge production.”

  Rory snorted. “And don’t think we won’t do the same thing when it’s your turn, Tony.”

  Antonio widened his eyes, visibly uncertain as he glanced at Rafael, who was gazing at him with a speculative look from his place behind Nick and Rory as their Best Man. Antonio collected his wits and regained his train of thought. “Honored guests, we have gathered together to honor the bond between these men, who have been my fathers in spirit, and the example to which I have always aspired to equal.”

  “Or surpass,” said Nick, quietly but audible to those nearby.

  Antonio didn’t appear to have an answer to that, so instead he stepped forward and faced Nick. “Nicholas Jameson Magister Luscian Leshir Jiao-long, do you solemnly swear to join your life to theirs, forsaking all others, to love and to cherish, for as long as you each shall live?”

  Nick stood straight, raising his head proudly. “I will never let them go.”

  Antonio turned to Rory. “Sean Magister Jiao-long Leshir Diluthical, do you solemnly swear to join your life to theirs, forsaking all others, to love and to cherish, for as long as you each shall live?”

  Rory grinned. “I will never let them go.”

  Antonio faced the audience. “Regrettably, one of the principals could not be here today, but Nicholas and Sean have authorized Rafael Primogenitor Curallorn to speak for him.” He turned to his lover and smiled. “Ruarc Magister Diluthical Leshir Luscian, do you solemnly swear to join your life to theirs, forsaking all others, to love and to cherish, for as long as you each shall live?”

  Rafael smiled back. “I will never let them go.”

  Antonio allowed his vampiric attributes to manifest slightly, dropping his voice into a deeper register for a more dramatic effect. “Then by the authority vested in me by the Spacer Guild of the Free People, I declare you to be one life, one road, one destiny, under the Light. What the Creator has joined together, let no one put asunder!”

  Nick turned to face Rory, but his lover was already a step ahead of him, grasping both sides of his head and driving their lips together in a passionate kiss as the audience got to its feet and cheered.

  They were still at it when Antonio stepped down from the podium and walked to his own lover’s side. Rafael, wearing his dress uniform at Antonio’s insistence, slipped the two narrow gold rings off his finger, made from the gold that had been Lorcan’s wedding ring, formerly Nick’s. He stepped forward and tapped Rory’s shoulder. And waited.

  After a moment, the newlyweds came up for air and turned to face him. Rafael held out the two rings, and they each took one, slipping them into place beside the gold rings they already wore. “Congratulations, guys.”

  Nick wrapped his arms around Rafael and gave him a hug. “Thanks for helping him to be here.” He let go and stepped back.

  Rory draped his left arm over Rafael’s shoulder, and reached out to clasp Nick’s hand with his right. For a moment he was silent, then he flashed his fangs. “Sappy time is over. Let’s get drunk.”

  Antonio laughed and grasped Nick free hand as he slipped his other arm around Rafael’s waist. “Amen.” Then he looked over his shoulder, and released his hold on his family. “I’ll catch up to you. There’s one last detail I have to take care of.”

  He stepped back up onto the podium, and raised his hands for silence. After a few seconds, everyone quieted down. They all knew what was coming next.

  “For over seventy years, this ship has been my home, my charge, my sanctum and final refuge. Tomorrow, she leaves for her latest journey without me, and I must find my own path without her. All of you have been my friends and my family for decades on end, but nothing lasts forever. I want you all to know that I could not have wished for a better crew, and I am so proud to have known you. I am certain that you will make Captain Ariel Daviroquir welcome during this period of transition, and serve your duty to her as faithfully as you did to me.”

  Captain Daviroquir stepped onto the podium and held out her hand. “Captain Jameson, I relieve you.”

  Antonio shook her hand. “I stand relieved.” He took a deep breath, and let it out, then spoke in a low whisper. “Take good care of her, Cygnus.”

  “Don’t worry, Ulysses. I’ll keep her in one piece.” She gazed at Rafael appraisingly as the other captain joked with Rory and Nick on their way to the reception. “I’m happy for you. I know how long you waited for him.” She turned back to Antonio with a smile. “Don’t screw it up.”

  August 2164; Janus Station, Earth-Moon L2 Lagrange point; Twenty years later

  “Are you sure about this?” asked Rory.

  Revenant smiled. “I’m sure.” The cloned body he wore still looked like Toby Jameson, but the last ten years had added lines of character and experience to his face that Toby never had the chance to earn. He glanced surreptitiously over his shoulder at Nemesis, who stood at the other end of the observation deck, talking animatedly with Nick. He quickly reached into his pocket and brought out a small velvet box. He cracked it open in the palm of his cupped hand so no one else could see, then showed Rory the diamond and ruby ring inside. “Think she’ll say ‘yes’?”

  Rory grinned at him. “Yes, I do. But even if she says ‘no’, you’re going to spend the next twenty years with her in an air conditioned box. You’ll wear down her resistance, I’m sure. And you both have a history together.”

  Revenant closed the ring box with a snap, and shoved it back in his pocket, frowning. “I don’t want this to be about Toby and Layla. I want it to be about me and her.”

  “Do you love her?”

  Revenant got a goofy grin on his face. “Yeah.”

  Rory slapped him on the back. “Then go for it. It will all work out.”

  * * *

  Antonio straightened Bradley’s green uniform, making sure the five gold bars on his left breast were perfectly lined up. “I’m proud of you.”

  Bradley swallowed nervously. “You’re a hard act to follow. What if I can’t compete?”

  “You have the training, the knowledge, and the skills to do the job. Just remember, we all believe in you.” Antonio looked up at the Jumpvessel Draconis, looming out of the sky above the observation deck. “She’s a great ship, Brad, and you’re a fine Captain. You’ll make it work. Just be confident in your ability, and be willing to listen to your crew. They’ll keep you out of trouble.”

  “Do you miss it?”

  Antonio lowered his gaze to meet Bradley’s. “Sometimes.”

  “I heard they’re close to finding a cure for Recursion Dyssynchrony. Would you go back to the stars if Raf could join you?”

  “I’d be tempted, I admit. But I’ve stopped running, and finally found a home. I belong here now. Besides, the Guildmaster
keeps me busy enough in-system.”

  Bradley smirked at him. “He’s your husband. He’s supposed to keep you busy. The two of you make a good team.” The younger Starchild took a deep breath. “Thank you for everything you’ve done for me, Tony. I wouldn’t have come this far if you hadn’t pushed me.”

  Tony ruffled Brad’s short hair, which was presently dyed a rich shade of blue. “I’m going to miss you, little man.”

  Bradley squirmed under the playful touch. “Stop that. I have an image to maintain.” He smoothed his hair back into position, then his expression grew sober. “I meant what I said. Thank you. You’ve been the closest thing to a father I’ve had since my dad died.”

  Antonio gathered him up in a hug. “And I would have been honored to call you my son.” He let go and stepped back. Then he saluted. “Take care of yourself, Captain Ellestan.”

  Bradley returned the salute. “You, too, Captain Jameson.”

  * * *

  “He’s planning something. I’m sure of it.” Nemesis frowned over her shoulder at Rory and Revenant.

  Nick chuckled. “Maybe he wants it to be a surprise.”

  Nemesis frowned at him. “You’re not helping.”

  “Nemesis, if you didn’t trust him, then why accept his invitation to emigrate? Tau Ceti is twenty-two years away.”

  Nemesis sighed. “He’s so childish sometimes. He needs someone to look after him.”

  Nick raised an eyebrow. “And you’ve appointed yourself his guardian angel?”

  “I’ve been cleaning up his messes for years. You wouldn’t believe some of the things he’s done since he became corporeal.”

  “So you’re going out of a sense of obligation?”

  Nemesis snorted. “I’m going because I love him, and because he’s going to have to face some new responsibilities soon enough anyway.”

  Nick regarded her curiously. “How so?”

  She gave him a small smile. “This body is pregnant.”


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