Davy Jones’ locker (n.) the bottom of the ocean; death
Fire in the hole! (colloq.) The cannon is lit!
Head (n.) the bathroom on a ship
Hearties (n.) friends
Hold (n.) the storage room on a ship
Hornswaggle (v.) cheat someone
Jolly Roger (n.) a pirate flag with a skull and crossbones
Keelhaul (v.) punish by dragging someone under a ship, across the keel
Knave (n.) a naughty, mischievous person
Landlubber (n.) a person who lives on land; one who is clumsy at sea
Loot (n.) stolen goods, treasure
Mate, matey (n.) friend, buddy
No prey, no pay. (colloq.) If you don’t work, you don’t get paid.
Plunder (v.) steal; (n.) stolen goods
Port (n.) the left side of the ship when facing the bow
Powder monkey (n.) the young sailor responsible for cleaning, maintaining, and loading the cannons
Run a rig on (v.) play a trick on
Run a shot (v.) fire a cannon at
Sail ho! (colloq.) I see a ship!
Scallywag (n.) a naughty, mischievous person
Scurvy dog (n.) a disease caused by deficiency of Vitamin C; an insulting name
Shiver me timbers! (colloq.) I don’t believe it!
Squiffy (adj.) severely confused
Starboard (n.) the right side of the ship when facing the bow
Stern (n.) the back of the ship
Stinkpot (n.) small clay pot filled with sulfur, rotting vegetables, or fish
Swab (v.) mop
Walk the plank (v.) be forced off the ship as a punishment
Ye (pron.) you
Ye savvy? (colloq.) Do you understand?
Ye’ve got me marker. (colloq.) Thanks, I owe you one.
Table of Contents
Chapter One: Angus Sets Sail
Chapter Two: Angus “Joins” the Crew
Chapter Three: The Plank
Chapter Four: BP Moves In
Chapter Five: The Swim
Chapter Six: Table Manners
Chapter Seven: Marooned
Chapter Eight: A Beast in the Night
Chapter Nine: At West Beach
Chapter Ten: BP Goes to School
Chapter Eleven: Making Glue
Chapter Twelve: Chef’s Surprise
Chapter Thirteen: Body Jumping
Chapter Fourteen: Discipline
Chapter Fifteen: The Boat
Chapter Sixteen: Seaworthy
Chapter Seventeen: Ivy Saves the Day
Chapter Eighteen: House Arrest
Chapter Nineteen: The Hold
Chapter Twenty: The Pirate’s Booty
Chapter Twenty-One: At the Pier
Chapter Twenty-Two: The Bucket
Chapter Twenty-Three: The Next World
Angus’ Pirate/English Dictionary
The Pirate's Booty (Inventor-in-Training) Page 16