‘No such opportunity has ever been given to any nation before – not even by the French Revolution,’ Lloyd George had declared towards the end of the First World War. ‘The nation is how in molten state … We cannot return to the old days, the old abuses, the old stupidities.’ Such sentiments were now repeated. The hopes expressed have yet to be realized.
For full bibliographical details see Sources.
1 Castles, Lords and Chatelaines
1 Platt (Medieval England), 2–16, 83–9, 176–7; Mitchell and Leys (A History of the English People), 203–7; Oman, (Castles) passim; Braun, passim.
2 Ibid.; W. H. St John Hope, Windsor Castle (1913), vol. 1, 15–84.
3 Cook, 2–14; Girouard (Life in the English Country House), 30–9; M. Wood, 35–65.
4 Kenneth Hare (Sir Gawain and the Green Knight: A Fourteenth-Century Poem Done into Modern English (2nd ed., 1948), 18.
5 Rickert, 87.
6 Furnivall Booke of Courtesy, 291.
7 Platt, op. cit., 185.
8 Northumberland Household Book, quot. Coulton (Social Life), 383.
9 Ibid.
10 Girouard, op. cit., 49–50.
11 Labarge (A Baronial Household), 82.
12 Fifteenth Century Schoolbook, para. 31, quot. Labarge, op. cit., 81.
13 Labarge, op. cit., 86–101.
14 T. Wright, 348–57.
15 W. E. Mead, The English Mediaeval Feast (1931), 102–3.
16 Mitchell and Leys, op. cit., 250–57; Girouard, op. cit., 25–6; Labarge, op. cit., 102–110.
17 Peter of Blois, Epistolae, quot. E. B. Morgan, 77.
18 Monumento Germaniae Scriptores, XXXII, 219, quot. Coulton, op. cit., 30.
19 Quot. Girouard, op. cit., 30.
20 Ibid., 47–50.
21 A. Hammond, The Book of Chessmen (1950), passim.
22 N. Davis, vol. 1, 72, 124.
23 U. T. Holmes, Daily Living in the Twelfth Century, based on the Observations of Alexander Neckham (1952), 273–4.
24 Girouard, op. cit., 54–8; M. Wood, 367–88.
2 Cottagers and Peasants
1 Hilton (The English Peasantry), 49.
2 Walter of Henley’s Husbandry, 201.
3 Hilton, op. cit., 42.
4 Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales, trans. Nevill Coghill.
5 Bennett (Life on the English Manor), 80–81.
6 Ibid.
7 F. W. Maitland (ed.), The Court Baron, iv, 53.
8 I. Gollancz, The Parlement of the Three Ages (1915), quot. Bennett, op. cit., 270.
9 Coghill, see note 4.
10 Bennett, op. cit., 147.
11 The Ledger Book of Vale Royal Abbey, quot. Bennett, op. cit., 146.
12 Pierce the Ploughman’s Crede, ed. W. W. Skeat.
13 Hilton, op. cit., 102–3.
14 Ibid., 99.
15 Bennett, op. cit., 244–5.
16 Hilton, op. cit., 58.
17 Ashley (The People of England), 39–40, 42–3.
18 Bennett, op. cit., 283.
19 Ibid., 300.
20 Rothwell (ed.), English Historical Documents, 1189–1327 (1955).
3 Plague and Revolt
1 Deaux, 118.
2 Ibid.
3 Creighton, vol. 1, 121.
4 Twigg, passim.
5 Shrewsbury, 27; Cartwright, 62.
6 Deaux, 128.
7 Shrewsbury, 147; Trevelyan, 8.
8 Ziegler, passim.
9 Quot. A. Briggs (A Social History), 88.
10 Statutes of the Realm, ii, 2, quot. Trevelyan, 12.
11 McKisack, 405–23; Hilton (Bond Men Made Free), passim.
4 Churches, Monks and Friars
1 The Knight of La Tour-Landry, 41–2; Owst (Preaching in Medieval England), 161; Coulton (Medieval Panorama), 182–4.
2 Northumberland Household Book, 323.
3 Moorman, 89.
4 Bennett (Life on the English Manor), 325; Coulton, op. cit., 157–76.
5 Coulton, op. cit., 172–5, 178; Coulton (Social Life), 260–61.
6 Ibid., 178; Bennett (The Pastons), 224–5.
7 Coulton (Medieval Panorama), 194.
8 Bennett (The Postons), 195.
9 Ibid., 197–8.
10 Stonor Letters and Papers, ed. C. L. Kingsford, 291.
11 Bennett (The Pastons), 202; Capes; Stephens, passim.
12 Capes, 267.
13 Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church, 558.
14 Knowles (Monastic Order and Religious Orders); Mitchell and Leys (A History of the English People), 85–91; Coulton, op. cit., 269–71.
15 The Autobiography of Giraldus Cambrensis, trans. H. Butler (1937); Coulton (Social Life), 116–17.
16 Coulton (Medieval Panorama), 274–5.
17 Ibid., 168–75, 266–70; Knowles (The Monastic Order), 107–10.
18 Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales, trans. Nevill Coghill.
19 Mitchell and Leys, op. cit., 96–7; Power (Medieval English Nunneries), 200–47.
20 Coulton, op. cit., 276.
21 Mitchell and Leys, op. cit., 95.
22 Platt (Medieval England), 70–73; Brooke (The Coming of the Friars), passim.
5 Drinking and Playing
1 P. Clark, 8.
2 Ibid., 11.
3 Ibid., 24.
4 Ibid., 30.
5 Ibid., 20.
6 Piers Plowman modernized by H. W. Wells, 1935.
7 Wilkins, Concilia Magnae Britanniae et Hiberniae, 1937, quot. Bennett (The Postons), 265; The Lives of the Berkeleys, ed. J. Maclean (1883–5), Vol. I, 378.
8 Bennett, op. cit., 271.
9 Quot. Hone, 551.
10 Strutt (Manners, Customs), vol. 2, 331–9.
11 Oman (The Art of War, revised and ed. John H. Beeler, 1953); Roger Ascham, Toxophilus, the Schale of Shooting (1545).
12 John Stow, Survey of London, ed. C. L. Kingsford (1908).
13 Ibid.
14 Alexander Neckham, De Naturis Rerum, trans. Thomas Wright (1863); Platt (Medieval England), 190–91.
15 H. Y. Thompson, A Lecture on Some English Illuminated MSS (1902), quot. Mitchell and Leys (A History of the English People), 211, 213.
16 Joys and Frivolities of Courtiers, quot. Hassall, 183.
17 The Master of Game by Edward, second Duke of York; the Oldest English Book of Hunting, ed. W. A. and F. Baillie-Grohman (1909), quot. Hassall, 182.
18 J. Armitage Robinson, The Abbot’s House at Westminster (1911), quot. Coulton (Social Life), 396.
19 Quot. Coulton, op. cit., 395–6.
20 Quot. Bennett (Life on the English Manor), 278.
6 Wayfarers and Pilgrims
1 F. M. Stenton, 3; Labarge (A Baronial Household), 153–4.
2 Anderson, 64.
3 Hey, 65; Anderson, 68.
4 Quot. Bennett (The Postons), 133.
5 Jackman, 14.
6 Pratt, 29.
7 Quot. Bennett, op. cit., 132.
8 Anderson, 134.
9 Ibid., 133.
10 Ibid., 63.
11 Jusserand, 61.
12 Ibid., 106.
13 Anderson, 133.
14 Pratt, 13.
15 Jackman, 29.
16 Ibid., 63.
17 Ibid., 66.
18 John Stow, Annales (1601), 201.
19 Jackman, 42.
20 Hey, 77.
21 Anderson, 70–71; Pratt, 12.
22 Labarge, op. cit., 158–9; J. F. Willard (‘Inland Transport’), 361.
23 Bennett, op. cit., 155; Labarge, op. cit., 157.
24 Jackman, 232.
25 Jusserand, 54, 98–9; Anderson, 134.
26 Willard, op. cit., 247, 366–7; Hey, 119, 91–2, 122; Jackman, 27.
27 F. M. Stenton, 17; Labarge, op. cit., 161; Jusserand, 73.
28 Pratt, 18; Willard, op. cit., 364.
29 Anderson, 68; Labarge, op. cit., 162–3; Bennett, op. cit. 160–62.
/> 30 F. M. Stenton, 20.
31 Willard, op. cit., 371; Hey, 119.
32 Ibid., 371.
33 Ibid., 362.
34 Ibid., 373; Jackman, 25.
35 Hey, 175.
36 Jackman, 27; Guilford, 44.
37 Quot. Jackman, 34.
38 Guilford, 61.
39 Bennett, op. cit., 131.
40 Ibid., 139.
41 Jusserand, 77.
42 Ibid., 150–52.
43 Bennett, op. cit. 141.
44 Ibid.
45 Ibid., 140–41.
46 Pratt, 28.
47 Bennett, op. cit., 163; Pratt, 22; Jusserand, 87.
48 Guilford, 53.
49 Ibid., 54.
50 Jusserand, 41.
51 R. W. Eyton, Court, Household and Itinerary of Henry II (1878); A. R. Myers, The Household of Edward IV (1959); Hubert Hall, Court Life Under the Plantagenets (1890), 242–9; William Thoms, The Book of the Court (1838), 213–44.
52 King Edward II’s Household and Wardrobe Ordinances, ed. Furnivall (1876); Jusserand, 104–7.
53 Jusserand, 105.
54 Labarge (Medieval Travellers); Jusserand, 125–6.
55 Jusserand, 126–9.
56 Ibid., 129.
57 Anderson, 86–7.
58 P. Clark, 29; Jusserand, 64.
59 Jusserand, 206.
60 Anderson, 80.
61 Tighe and Davis, Annals of Windsor (1858), 232.
62 Jusserand, 343–4.
7 Tournaments, Pageants and Miracles
1 Maurice Keen, Chivalry (1984).
2 Froissait, Chronicles, trans. Lord Berners.
3 Malory, Le Morte d’Arthur (preface by Prof. John Rhys, Everyman’s Library; 1906); E. K. Chambers, Arthur of Britain (new ed. 1966).
4 Quot. Coulton (Medieval Panorama), 240.
5 Quot. Thorns, 222.
6 Quot. Coulton, op. cit., 243.
7 Ibid., 243–4.
8 Wickham, vol. 1, 15, 22; Poole, vol. 2, 622–3; Strutt (Manners, Customs…), 129–43; Lamdsdowne Collection, quot. T. E. Harwood, Windsor Old and New (1929), 161.
9 Wickham, vol. 1, 22.
10 Coulton, op. cit., 142.
11 W. H. St John Hope, Windsor Castle (1913), vol. 1,111–12.
12 Denholm Young, ‘The Tournament in the 13th Century’, Essays Presented to F. M. Powicke, 254; Wickham, vol. 1, 17–18, 54; Stow, vol. 1, 95; Chambers (The Mediaeval Stage), vol. 2, 167.
13 Walsingham’s Historia Anglicana, ed. H. T. Riley (1863), vol. 1, 331.
14 Wickham, vol. 1, 51–109.
15 Stow, vol. 1, 220–31; James Hamilton Wylie, The Reign of Henry V (1929), vol. 2, 209–27.
16 Chambers, op. cit., vol. 2, 6, 174–5; Coulton, op. cit., 687; ‘Liturgical Drama’, Oxford Companion to the Theatre (3rd ed.), 581.
17 Chambers, op. cit., vol. 1, 90–92, vol. 2,118, 138, 139, 243–4; Wickham, vol. 1, 173; Hartnoll, 43; Tydeman, 209; Nicoll (The Development of the Theatre), 64; Hartnoll, 45.
18 Coulton, op. cit., 688.
19 Quot. Tydeman, 203.
20 Ibid., 205–6.
21 Ibid., 206; Chambers, op. cit., vol. 2, 140.
22 Nicoll, op. cit., 60.
23 Hartnoll, 46.
24 Tydeman, 226.
25 Ibid.
26 Ibid., 228–32.
27 Chambers, op. cit., vol. 2, 116.
28 Oxford Companion to the Theatre (3rd ed.), 601; Chambers, op. cit., vol. 1, 207.
29 Wickham, vol. 1, 202–3.
30 Chambers, op. cit., vol. 1, 195–7.
31 Nicoll, op. cit., 152; Chambers, op. cit., vol. 2, 262–3.
32 Chambers, op. cit., vol. 1, 47.
33 Ibid., 46, 49–50.
34 Holt, 112,137.
35 Chambers, op. cit., vol. 1, 50, 56.
36 Ibid., 55.
37 Ibid., 45.
8 Town Life
1 Hilton (The English Peasantry), 77.
2 Platt (The English Medieval Town), 15.
3 Hilton, op. cit., 85.
4 Ibid., 78–81.
5 Platt, op. cit., 15.
6 A. S. Green, vol. 1, 14–15.
7 Ibid., vol. 1, 12, 18–19, vol. 2, 32–3.
8 Platt, op. cit., 23.
9 Ibid., 105,107–9.
10 A. S. Green, vol. 1, 127–45.
11 Ibid., vol. 2, 298–9.
12 Ibid., 251.
13 Ibid., 170–256.
14 Platt (Medieval Southampton), 94.
15 A. S. Green, vol. 2, 29–31.
16 Ibid.
17 Platt (The English Medieval Town), 69–70.
18 Ibid., 49–50.
19 Ibid., 25.
20 Mitchell and Leys (A History of the English People), 176.
9 Daughters and Wives
1 Pollock and Maitland, History of English Law, vol. 1,482; Mitchell and Leys (A History of the English People), 64.
2 Bennett (The Postons), 81.
3 Paston Letters, passim; Bennett, op. cit., 43–6.
4 Ibid.; Bennett, op. cit., 52–4; Barber, 65.
10 Pupils and Masters
1 Italian Relations of England, Camden Society, 1847, 24.
2 Ascham, The Scholemaster, ed. E. Arber (1870), 47.
3 Orme (English Schools), 123, 128–9.
4 Sylvester, 17–18.
5 Sir Thomas Elyot, The Boke Called the Governour, 1541.
6 F. J. Furmvall (The Babees Book), 403–4.
7 Sylvester, 21–3.
8 Orme, op. cit., 170, 190.
9 Ibid., 61–9.
10 Sylvester, 28.
11 Orme, op. cit., 69.
12 Ibid., 101.
13 Ibid.
14 Sylvester, 29–30.
15 Leach, 280–81.
16 Orme, op. cit., 124.
17 Rashdall, 673.
18 Orme, op. cit., 130.
19 Ibid., 122–5.
20 Sylvester, 21–3, 25; Orme, op. cit., 96; Cobban, 149.
21 Orme, op. cit., 244.
22 Ibid., 179–80.
23 Ibid., 217,118; Sylvester, 26–7.
24 Orme, op. cit., 118–19; Sylvester, 17; Clanchy, 194.
25 Orme, op. cit., 119.
26 Ibid., 161–2.
27 Ibid., 152.
28 Ibid., 159.
29 Ibid., 78.
30 Sylvester, 25.
31 Orme, op. cit., 160.
32 Sylvester 20–21.
33 Orme, op. cit., 117, 133; Sylvester, 22, 23; Clanchy, 173.
34 Orme, op. cit., 34.
35 Ibid., 51.
36 Ibid., 25–6.
37 Stonor Letters and Papers, ed. C. L. Kingsford, xlvi; Bennett (The Pastons), 114.
38 Bennett, op. cit. 116–17; Clanchy, 189–91.
39 Orme, op. cit., 31, 36.
11 Scholars and Students
1 V. H. H. Green, 19; Cobban, 97–102; Rashdall, vol. 2,105.
2 Ibid.
3 Quot. Sylvester, 59–60.
4 Rashdall, vol. 2, 396; John Ayliffe, The Antient and Present State of the University of Oxford (1714), quot. Morris, 16.
5 Cobban, 105.
6 Quot. Morris, 16–17.
7 Anthony Wood, History and Antiquities of the University of Oxford (1674), quot. Morris, 17–20; Rashdall, vol. 2,403–6.
8 Rashdall, vol. 2, 411–12.
9 V. H. H. Green, 20, 31; Rashdall, vol. 2, 393, 614.
10 G. H. Cooper, Annals of Cambridge, vol. 1,160.
11 Anstey (ed), Munimenta Academica, vol. 1, 304–5, quot. Sylvester, 74.
12 Cobban, 107; Rashdall, vol. 2,415; Sylvester, 62.
13 Rashdall, vol. 2, 389.
14 Quot. Sylvester, 61.
15 Ibid., 64.
16 Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales, trans. Nevill Coghill.
17 Victoria County History of Oxfordshire, vol. 3, passim.
18 Sylvester, 66–7; Morris, 20–21.
19 Rashdall, vol. 2, 671–2; V. H. H. Green, 23; Morris, 39.
20 V. H. H. Green, 6, 23; Rashdall, vol. 2, 413–15, 625–6, 672.
21 Rashdall, vol. 2, 165–7; V. H. H. Green, 21.
22 Rashdall, vol. 2,165–7; V. H. H. Green, 21.
23 Sylvester, 71; V. H. H. Green, 20.
24 Quot. V. H. H. Green, 27.
25 Guilford, 274.
26 V. H. H. Green, 26.
27 Sylvester, 60.
28 Rashdall, vol. 2, 351, 658; Morris, 10; Coulton (Social Life), 61.
29 Cobban, 142, 204–5, 215, Sylvester, 73; V. H. H. Green, 13.
30 Cobban, 18, 208, 226–9.
31 Sylvester, 76.
12 Crime and Punishment
1 L. O. Pike, vol. 1, 243–50; Jeudwine, 151.
2 Quot. Bennett (The Postons), 182–3.
3 Ibid., 187.
4 Barber, 35–6.
5 L. O. Pike, vol. 1, 204, 226, 243–4; Stephen, vol. 1, 17–27.
6 Coulton (Medieval Panorama), 379.
7 L. O. Pike, vol. 1,195–6.
8 Ibid., 226.
9 Bennett, op. cit., 178.
10 Ibid., 176.
11 L. O. Pike, vol. 1, 229–30.
12 Ibid., 240.
13 Stone, ‘Literacy and Education in England’, 43.
14 Quot. Jusserand, 165–6.
15 L. O. Pike, vol. 1, 199.
16 Bennett, op. cit., 174.
17 Mitchell and Leys (A History of the English People), 152–3.
18 L. O. Pike, vol. 1, 220; Jeudwine, 188.
19 Coulton (Social Life), 178.
20 Pike, vol. 1,414.
13 Doctors and Patients
1 Coulton (Social Life), 452–3.
2 Horton-Smith, Johannes de Mirfield of St Bartholomew’s, 79–80.
3 Coulton, op. cit., 507.
4 Quot. Jusserand, 186–7.
5 Quot. Coulton, op. cit., 502.
6 Ibid., 506.
7 John Aderne, E.E.T.S. (1910), 103, quot. Coulton, op. cit.
8 Thomas (Religion and the Decline of Magic), 51,56.
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