The English: A Social History, 1066–1945 (Text Only)

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The English: A Social History, 1066–1945 (Text Only) Page 101

by Christopher Hibbert

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  Kamm, Josephine, Hope Deferred: Girls’ Education in English History (1965)

  Kearney, H. F., Scholars and Gentlemen: Universities and Societies in Pre-Industrial Britain (1970)

  Kee, Robert, The World We Left Behind: A Chronicle of the Year 1939 (1984)

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  Kelly, J. A., German Visitors to English Theaters in the 18th Century (1936)

  Kendall, Paul Murray, The Yorkist Age: Daily Life during the Wars of the Roses (1962)

  Kennedy, Ludovic (ed.), A Book of Railway Journeys (1980)

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