Blind Spot

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Blind Spot Page 4

by Kait Gamble

  “We’ll be at the usual place.” He pecked her on the cheek. “And, if you need me, I’m on speed dial, as always.”


  Kian flung on his coat and dragged a hand through his hair. “What are roommates for?” With a smile, he was out of the door.

  Maisie took a quick shower, dressed in some new underwear she’d managed to find during the frantic lunch hour between making copies and fetching dry cleaning, coffee and lunch for her boss.

  It wasn’t anything expensive or elaborate, but it was new and pretty enough to boost her confidence. The caffeine had finally kicked in and it had pinballed through her system, making her a little jittery. Though that could have been more because of the nerves than anything else.

  She knew what he could do to her. Maisie knew she could affect him just as powerfully. It was the walking into the unknown that was both frightening and exhilarating. She had been anticipating the meet all day, but when she’d seen the mystery gift, all the anxiety she’d felt from prior to the first encounter came crashing back.

  Still, she’d gotten over it before and it had been great.

  That thought buoyed her spirits. It turned out well enough last time, and like Kian had said, he was on the end of the phone if she needed him.

  And she trusted her mystery man. It wasn’t anything she could explain. Maisie just knew that he wouldn’t hurt her.

  She found the dress she’d mentally selected during the day, quickly put it on and did her hair and makeup. A quick look at herself and she nodded. It wasn’t like any of it was going to stay put long.

  Maisie shivered in delight at the thought.

  She grabbed her purse, made sure she had the keycard, blindfold and the box then dashed out the door.

  * * * *

  By the time she made it to the hotel, she was brimming with excitement. There were still a few flutters of anxiety, but for the most part, she was looking forward to another amazing night. At least she hoped it would be for the whole night this time.

  Maisie walked straight in toward the elevator. She already had the blindfold in place when she walked out in the penthouse.

  She edged into the room, slowly. “Hello? I’m here.”

  Maisie heard nothing for a long while. She was within moments of removing the blindfold when she felt his presence in the room.


  She wet her lips and smiled. “Hi.”

  “Just hi? How about a proper greeting?” Warm, strong arms closed around her and swept her into a deep kiss.

  Heat swept through her as she clung to him and his tongue tangled with hers.

  He drew back just as her lungs started to burn and still she wasn’t ready for the kiss to end.

  His warm hand cupped her cheek. “That’s better.”

  Was it? She trembled from the sensations still coursing through her body. She wanted more.

  “You brought my gift.”

  Was she still holding it? All her attention had gone into him. Maisie was surprised that her hand was still convulsed around the box.

  “I did.” She cleared her throat. “This is probably going to sound stupid, but what is it? I tried asking Kian, but he thinks it’s something you should explain to me.”

  He chuckled and took her free hand to lead her farther into the room. Mentally, she followed the map that she’d created in her head of the place the night before. Maisie knew he was leading her into the living area. By her best guess, they had stopped next to the huge couch.

  “I’m going to sit you on the couch.”

  Maisie smiled. “Okay.”

  What she didn’t anticipate was that he pulled her to sit on his lap. He felt strong and hard against her. Maisie couldn’t help but notice the way she fit into his angles perfectly. She could most definitely do this more often. All the time, if she had her way.

  He smelled so good. He’d showered recently, and she could detect soap mingled with something else. Was it his scent that was so mouthwatering? Maisie bit her lip as she did her best not to press her nose against him.

  Or twist around to straddle him.

  Cradled in his lap as she was, Maisie could feel he was as affected by her closeness as she was.

  She gave in to the urge to wriggle against his very evident erection. At least she could have that much for now.

  He chuckled, holding her tighter against him. “I love how you feel against me. I can only imagine how good it’s going to be once I get inside you.”

  Maisie trembled from head to toe just imagining it.

  “The gift is a toy. I’m not saying I want to use it tonight, or ever, if you decide against it, but I thought I would at least let you know that it’s something I would like to use on you.”

  So it was a sex toy? “That’s great, but it still doesn’t explain what it is.”

  He didn’t prevaricate. “It’s an anal plug.”

  Her jaw dropped. “Oh. Okay.”

  “I know it’s forward of me, but I saw it and wanted to know your thoughts on it sooner rather than later.”

  “Oh. Right.” She nibbled on her bottom lip. “I won’t say that I’m against it right away. I’ve just never done anything like that before.”

  “And I understand that. I won’t push you further than you’re ready to go. I promise.”

  “Thanks.” It dawned on her that she didn’t want to be a disappointment to him. She’d already taken a huge leap in meeting with him without knowing a thing about him, but she wasn’t sure if she would be able to do that…yet.

  “What are you thinking?”

  “Perhaps if we had more time… It’s kind of hard to think of the future when I don’t really know you or what’s going on.”

  He hummed pensively. “Well, I’m thinking what we have going on here is a trial period.”

  “Like a try before you buy?”

  “Not for me.” He laughed. “This is to find out if you’re into me.”

  Chapter Five

  Maisie was surprised by that. It had never occurred to her that this might all be for her benefit. “So all this… You’re trying to prove yourself to me?”

  It was strange to know that he thought that much of her that he felt he had to prove his worth.

  “What did you think it was about? Me trying to get in your pants?”

  “More mutual, but yeah.”

  He went still and Maisie’s stomach dropped. Had she been too blunt?

  “I guess I can see where you’re coming from. This could very well be a taste test for the both of us, though I knew from the moment I saw you that you were the one for me.”

  Maisie sorely wished she could have been looking into his eyes as he’d said that. “You couldn’t possibly know that.”

  “Sure I can.”

  He seemed so certain of the fact that she had to smile. “I thought girls were supposed to be the ones who believe in love at first sight.”

  “Are you saying that I can’t?” His tone had turned light and teasing. “That men can’t be romantic?”

  She waved at the blindfold. “I think that you’ve already proved that you’ve got a romantic streak.” Or kinky. But she’d rather think of it as more romantic.

  “I just wanted to treat you to something out of the ordinary. You like it, don’t you?”

  For the moment. “Yes.”


  “I’m hardly going to spend the rest of our relationship in a blindfold, am I? Or am I?” As far as she knew, he could be planning to end this any time now.

  “You’ll get to take it off soon, I promise.” He ran his finger down her cheek. “Just not yet.”


  He brushed a kiss over her lips. “Soon.”

  The heat the slight touch created was enough to burn away the question. For now.

  The kiss gradually deepened until she was breathless and clinging to him.

  He eased her back so he could push her dress out of the way of his wandering hands. Her
thighs were his first target. He smoothed his hands over her skin, grasping and smoothing as he traveled upward.

  Maisie went to work on the buttons of his shirt, eager to get at the warm skin beneath. He was all hard angles and taut skin, but Maisie truly enjoyed exploring the broad expanse that she found.

  He groaned appreciatively when she explored lower.

  Grazing his waistband, she smiled when he shivered.

  “You have a beautiful smile.”

  “I wish I could tell you the same.” She chuckled. “Well, I could, but we’d both know it would be a lie.”

  He laughed as he picked her up and swung one of her legs over his hips so she straddled him. He gripped her ass with both hands as she wriggled against him.

  It took her a few seconds to undo his trousers and wrap her hand around him.

  “I’ve got a condom in my pocket.”

  “And I’m supposed to find it and put it on blindfolded?” She laughed as she rifled through his pockets. “Is this the skill testing portion of your trial period?”

  He slipped his tongue between her lips and silenced her with a long, hot kiss. When he pulled back, she was willing to try just about anything.

  She found it easily enough and the little fumbling she did, he seemed to enjoy. With some help, they managed to get it on.

  After wrenching aside her panties, he dragged her over him and pushed up into her.

  Maisie wriggled, easing him deeper. “You are so big.”

  His chuckle turned into a groan when he was finally seated as deeply as he could get. “I can’t even describe how good you feel.”

  Maisie rocked against him, wanting the friction. Needing it. Not that she had to move very much at all. His size made any tiny movement spark pleasure that ricocheted through her entire body.

  Shifting a little, he angled himself so that her clit rubbed against him in the most satisfying way.

  It didn’t take long before that wasn’t enough. He helped her bounce higher on him.

  As the pleasure built to a fevered pitch, he gripped her tightly to grind her clit against him.

  Maisie exploded with a scream. Her vision went white as pleasure crashed through her again. Finally, as the blinding heat flashed through her system, she understood what all the fuss was about. Why people would go to such lengths to be with the person who could do this to them. How could they not when the sensations were so sublime? Maisie knew she would forever remember this. Crave this.

  Still gasping for a breath, she realized he was on his feet and carrying her through the room.

  She clung to him, tightening her legs around his hips. “Not that I’m complaining, but where are we going?”

  “The first time I come inside you, I want it to be in a bed.”

  Laughing, all she had to do was hold on and enjoy the ride. And the way he shifted inside her as he walked was very pleasant. It was more than enough to start her climbing toward her next orgasm.

  He fell with her onto the bed, thrusting several deep strokes before he groaned. “I should have thought this through a little better.”

  “What were you planning, rose petals and candlelight?” She giggled.

  “You can’t know that there aren’t any.” Kicking his legs, he demonstrated his limited movement thanks to the trousers wrapped around his legs. “I was talking about my clothes.” He rolled away and Maisie could hear him whipping his clothing off then tossing them aside before he came back over her, plunging deeply inside her once again.

  Maisie used her sense of touch to explore his body. She found his big form lightly sprinkled with hair that provided just enough friction to tease her skin wherever they touched. The slight abrasion ignited entirely new sensations pinging off nerve endings she never knew existed.

  And his cock. He definitely knew how to use that.

  He lowered his head to kiss her, dueling her tongue with his as he pumped. Each movement, from the slightest caress of his breath on her cheek, to the grinding stroke of his cock against her clit, sent lightning shocks of pleasure arcing through her. There was just so much sensation. So much pleasure…

  “You feel too good. I’m not going to last much longer. Please tell me you’re close.”

  He had no idea just how close she was. “Believe me.” Maisie gasped. “I’m probably going to beat you to it.” Even as she said it, Maisie could feel the tremors starting to build.

  He smiled against her lips before dropping his head to her shoulder and driving into her with enough power to cause the bed to creak and groan with his efforts until she cried out again as her climax hit.

  Maisie was sure she heard a relieved release of breath before he pushed himself as far into her as he could and came with a shuddering groan. The sound of him, the pulsing of his cock and the brush of his fingertips on her clit sent her over the edge again. Only this time it was softer but still just as satisfying.

  He collapsed onto her as if he didn’t have any strength left in his body. Maisie wished she could look up into his eyes at that moment. Had it been just as good for him? She wanted to believe it had been, but how could she really tell without seeing it for herself?

  She enjoyed his weight up until the moment he rolled off her.

  He sighed happily. But of course he did. He’d just had sex. She was afraid of what was going to come next. Now that he’d got her into bed, was that going to be it?

  “You know, I can practically hear you thinking.”

  Caught, she pursed her lips. “I’d be more impressed if you could tell me what I’m thinking.”

  He sighed and she felt his breath on her cheek as he shifted to face her. “That now we’ve had sex I’m going to toss you out? Does that sound about right?”

  That was it exactly. “How do you know me so well?”

  It was fascinating and frightening all at the same time. Finally, she’d found a man who was incredible in bed and got the way her brain worked and yet she had no idea who he was.

  “Why do you think I’m so drawn to you? You’re perfect for me.”

  Maisie couldn’t help the smile that crept over her lips. Was it weird that she felt the same way even though she didn’t know who he was?

  “I want to say the same thing, but…”

  “But you don’t know who I am. I get it. I just want you to get all the info before you see who I am.”

  “Why?” Was he someone she didn’t like? Was he ugly? Not that the latter would matter to her. He seemed like a genuinely nice person. All the other stuff was a bonus.

  “I’m a little insecure, I guess.” He laughed humorlessly. “I suppose I want you on lock before I reveal who I am.”

  The bed rocked as he moved. Maisie heard him shifting around and figured he was getting rid of the condom. When she heard the telltale sound of another packet being opened that was when surprise hit her. Again, so soon?

  Maisie added great recovery time to the list of pros.

  He dragged her to the edge of the bed so he could lean over her as she wrapped her legs around his hips.

  It took him a second to adjust himself and plunge home. He gave her a moment before slowly beginning to rock his hips.

  “I figure I can also take another tactic and get you addicted to me.” He thrust to punctuate his words. “I can go either way.”

  It wouldn’t take much more for her to get addicted. Hell, she was ready to be his simply because he could push all her buttons.

  There was just the matter of his identity.

  But that was something to worry about later.

  Maisie met him thrust for thrust, taking everything he had to give and loving it.

  He arched over her, closing his mouth over the peak of one breast, sucking and licking, multiplying her pleasure.

  Bucking against him, she burst again. Her orgasm hit her like a tidal wave, crashing over her as she clung to him.

  He managed a few more thrusts before his rhythm became erratic and he joined her with a shudder.

hting to catch his breath, he leaned over Maisie, kissing her as if she were the one who could refill his lungs. “Or I just might be the one getting addicted to you.”

  “I kind of like the sound of that.” She laughed.

  As he wrapped his arms around her, he rolled onto his back then draped her over him.

  “You know, this would be a lot more romantic if I could see you.”

  “Gripe, gripe, gripe.” He quietened her with another soul-deep kiss. “As much as I’d love to spend even more naked time with you, I’ve got to run.”

  “Again?” She tried to shift back, but he refused to let go. “If you keep running off on me like this, I’m going to take it personally.”

  “I’m sorry. You have no idea how much. I promise this will be the last time.” He kissed her again, sealing his oath. “Meet me again the night after tomorrow?”

  She shrugged. “Only if you swear you’ll tell me who you are the next time we’re together.”

  “That’s the plan.”

  That sent bubbles of happiness popping in her heart. He was planning on revealing his identity so soon? Relief that she would find out who he was collided with the realization that the thrill of not knowing would be gone. She brushed his lips against his. “I’ll be here.”

  He smiled against her mouth. “Good. The suite is yours if you want it for the night.”

  Maisie shook her head. “It wouldn’t feel right.”

  “It’s up to you, but I wish you would stay. I’m sure you could use a night in a luxury suite.”

  “Thanks, but I can’t. Unless you stay as well,” She used her best cajoling tone and even added a wriggle for good measure.

  Maisie was rewarded with a tortured groan for her efforts.

  He kissed her again. “I really can’t.”

  It was her turn to groan. “But two whole days before we can be together again? That’ll be torture.”

  “More than you know.” His next kiss came with a long exploration of her body with his hands.

  Maisie didn’t want him to leave just yet. She needed just a little more time with him.

  Arching against him, she smiled. “What if I told you I’m willing to give your gift a try?”


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