Saving His Mate

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Saving His Mate Page 8

by M. L. Briers

  With one hand on the small of her back and the other running around to the nape of her neck, fisting in her hair and easing her head back so he could claim her mouth, she really wasn’t going anywhere, but then right at that moment in time that thought never crossed her mind.

  Summer didn’t want to escape him. He had her snared against his body, captive, and she liked it, revelled in the feeling of his body pressed to hers, especially when he rolled his hips. Gloried in the feel of his hands on her back and neck, as his arms caged around her, and she melted under the flaming hot kisses that devoured her to the point where she needed more, so much more.

  The beast within him was baying to be let loose. Set free to mark their mate, to claim her as theirs, and to take her hard and fast and give her what she needed. But Flynn knew she needed so much more than that. If she was to truly be his then he needed to woo her, in and out of bed, and letting his beast free wouldn’t serve that purpose.

  “You want me…”He nuzzled against her neck as she kept her eyes closed and tried to concentrate on breathing, breathing was good, and she was dizzy through lack of oxygen and his damned hot kisses.

  “I can’t deny that…”

  “Then why fight me?”

  “I’ve been fighting all my life for one reason or another. I guess it’s just second nature…” Flynn lifted his hands and cupped her face, tilting her head back as he brushed his lips over hers.

  “Now I’m here to protect you, you’ll never have to fight again…”

  Summer opened her eyes and looked up at him. The desire in his dark gaze was the first thing she noticed, sincerity was the second.

  “Where’s the fun in that Flynn?”Her eyes sparkled with mischief. She kind of liked fighting with him, sparring with words and actions, even if she did know she was on the losing side. Her body would give her over to him without a second thought, it was the mating pull, and he was reeling her in.

  “Do you want me to tame you little Fae?”His hand was in her hair again, fisting it in one large hand as he eased her head back to where he wanted it. He saw the spark of fire flash in her eyes, and with one hand against her backside he yanked her from the counter against his body, the heat of her sex seeping through his jeans and around his shaft, making him growl with desire, as she wrapped her legs around his hips and felt the world move around her.

  It wasn’t the proverbial earth moving, it was him. She was vaguely aware in some part of her mind of leaving the kitchen, being carried through the downstairs, more aware of his hips gyrating against hers as they climbed the stairs, and the sound of a door banging. And then there was the feel of the soft mattress beneath her back. The press of his body down the length of hers, and the feel of his large hands, touching, brushing, teasing and feeling his way around her body.

  “I never said that I would have sex with you…”


  “That’s ok, this isn’t sex…”She’d denied him her lips so he nuzzled against her neck.

  “If you have a penis this is sex…”

  “And I’m the butthead?”Flynn growled against her collarbone, trying to move her top over so he could taste the soft skin there, but he growled his annoyance when the top kept bouncing back into place. Flynn lifted his hand and flicked his claws out, there was a long moment when she did a double take at those razor sharp claws and then she balked. “I won’t hurt you, Summer.”

  “Cuts heal Flynn, but I like this top. If you slice and dice this top I will personally make sure that Mr Woody becomes Mr floppy…” She hissed at him and Flynn opened his mouth to speak and then narrowed his eyes on her, a small wince on his face.

  “Did you just name my penis after a rabbit?” Hell she didn’t know, she just knew the sentiment behind it.

  “M-a-y-b-e…”He was still holding his hand up in the air, ready to strike. His claws were still out, but there was a look of disbelief in his eyes.

  “That’s insulting…”

  “Stop pouting…”Summer couldn’t help but giggle.

  “I don’t pout, I bite.” Flynn growled down at her. His claws retracted as he reached for the hem of her top and whipped it off over her head. She bounced once on the mattress, and then noted that his claws were out again. “Do you like your bra?” He growled down at her. His eyes took her in. The little purple and black lace number held his gaze for a long moment, he almost drooled. “Actually I like your bra…”He retracted his claws again and reached for the clasp at her back.

  “Wait a minute, slow down, I still never said…”Summer started, but his other hand circled her breast and his thumb brushed hard over the peaked nipple as his lips found hers and she forgot to object.

  She felt the satin being slipped down her arms, felt the lace leave her breasts to be replaced by the warmth of his hands, and she couldn’t help but arch up into his touch. That wasn’t the mating pull, that was all her.

  “Top… Top…” Summer breathed against his lips and he started to move down over her neck, his tongue finally getting to lick over her collarbone.

  “I didn’t harm your top…”He growled against her skin, his breath fanning out over her flesh and giving her goose bumps.

  “Not my top, butthead. Yours.” He reached down and yanked his top over his head, and she caught just the briefest sighting of his chest again.

  Leaning over her like this he seemed so much bigger, so much more imposing, and she reached for him and palmed the heat of his chest, her fingertips running through the dusting of hair over his Pecs. His tongue trailed down the valley that his hands created as he massaged her breasts.

  When his tongue circled around one nipple and his thumb ran over the other hard bud her back shot off the bed towards his waiting mouth and he clamped his lips over the bud and sucked hard until he heard her gentle moan.

  “Jeans…”She breathed against his shoulder.

  “Mine or yours?”Flynn teased and felt her breath against his ear as she leaned up towards him.

  “Both.”She whispered. Hearing the low deep growl of approval come from her mate.

  “Are we doing this? Because I think I’m going to go insane if you’re teasing me…”Flynn felt her hands travel down over his chest as he leaned back away from her, and growled again, and kept growling until she reached the button of his jeans and yanked it open.

  “Do you need me to draw you a picture or are we good?” He was off the bed in a heartbeat. His hands had stripped her of her jeans, and when he reached for her panties she held up just one finger and he looked deflated.

  “You changed your mind?”He swallowed down the lump in his throat and she grinned at him.

  “You show me yours and I’ll show you mine…”She offered and watched the wolfish grin spread over his face. Damn, but he looked as sexy as sin as he reached for his boxers and yanked them down to his ankles and bounced back up again. Her eyes flicked straight down to Mr Woody, standing tall and thick and practically waving at her, and how could they not ogle his wares, he was something to behold.

  “Your turn, love.”He growled as he put his knee on the bed and started towards her. All male, all predator, and all hers.

  If her heart had thumped against her ribs any harder it would have exited her chest. Damn it, but just the sight of him naked and coming at her was enough to make her melt into the mattress in submission. Suddenly she was so dry, parched, and she licked her lips and as he straddled her hips. Mr Woody waving and bobbing.

  “See something that takes your fancy sweetheart?”

  “Let me taste you.”The deep earthy sound of her voice made his whole body twitch with need. Those four words weren’t quite what he was expecting to hear and even though his heart was leaping in his chest, he was stunned into inaction.

  Summer wasn’t. She’d never been so brazen in her life before. She reached for his hips and urge him to move forward, not that it took much urging, he moved up the bed, a knee either side of her body as he grabbed the top of the headboard and leaned forward,
all the time urged on by her hands.

  “Tell me what you want…”Summer breath fanned over the tip of his shaft and he growled down at her.

  “Lick around the head, wet it, and then take it into your mouth. Just the head, suck the head…”Flynn clamped his lips together and growled out as her tongue spanned the head.

  “Hold it for me…”Flynn didn’t need telling twice. He wrapped his fist around the shaft and stroked down, offering it to her. Every muscle within his body tightened when she licked around the sensitive ridge, up over the slit and teased her tongue into the little gap.

  She tasted him, the little bead of his juice on her tongue, and he couldn’t help himself, he offered her more, sliding against her tongue and her lips as he pushed inside and she closed her lips around him.

  The sound of his growl made her toes curls and she made a slow circle around the ridge with her tongue before she gently sucked, getting more and more powerful around him as her tongue flicked into the slit.

  Flynn couldn’t take his eyes off her. He wanted to throw his head back, close his eyes, and revelled in the feel of what she was doing to him, but he couldn’t. The sight of her lips clamped around his shaft held him there, and when her tongue relaxed he pushed his hips forward, unable not to feel the slow slide of her lips down his shaft.

  Damn, but she felt like heaven around him. Pulling back until she worked just the head again and then sliding deep. He wanted to speed up. To pump into her mouth, let her take him over the edge, but he’d promised her this wasn’t just sex, and he meant it.

  It took a damn lot to withdraw from her mouth, but he pulled out on a wet pop that made him want to push right back in again.

  “My turn to taste you…”He backed off down her body. His hands palmed the bed beside her and caged her in.

  “I hadn’t finished…”

  “No, I hadn’t finished, and the only place I want to finish right now is deep inside you…”He felt the damn shiver run through her body and echo through the mattress beneath her. “You wanted to watch me take your mouth…” He growled against her breast, his teeth nipping the hard bud of one nipple and making her body convulse towards him. “Now you get to watch me lap your juices, claim your body…” He was moving further down, running his hot wet tongue over her heated skin and making little sounds come from her throat, and he liked that. Damn, but he liked that.

  Her eyes never left his and when he hooked the fabric of her panties and started to draw them down her thighs she saw his eyes flare as he scented her arousal full on. The growl that rolled through his chest was possessive as he yanked off her panties, pushed her thighs open for him and lifted her hips from the bed all in one fluid movement.

  His tongue swiped up her sex, hard and fast, and she jerked against him, causing him to wrap his arms around her legs and hold her still. This time he was slow and thorough, weaving his tongue over her folds and around her nub, before moving back down and plunging into her channel, and she fisted the covers on either side of her body and held on for dear life.

  He hadn’t lied, this wasn’t sex, this was a possession, a claiming, and he was stamping his mark on her body, not with his teeth, not yet, but with his lips and his tongue, and if she wasn’t mistaken, blunt teeth too… Oh yeah, there were those teeth, sliding and nibbling, and…

  “You’re driving me insane…”She breathed, trying and failing to pull away from him. She wanted him inside her, needed to feel him within the silken walls that were clenching with a need to be wrapped around him.

  His deep chuckle against her sex made her want to scream with frustration.

  “I’m wooing you, don’t you like to be wooed?”He was nipping her inner thigh while his fingers kept up the pressure against her sex.

  “I like… wooing… but I need…” What did she need? When he was nibbling against her sex… What did she need? What did she…? “You!”She almost screamed it in triumph. That one bloody word that had ping-ponged around her mind as she chased after it, the one she was unable to grasp. She had it, she had the damn word, but she still didn’t have him. “Now.”

  She felt herself being lowered, felt him climb up over her body. This breath fanning over her damp skin, every second was torture until she felt his hard thighs again, every moment heightened with the feel of his body around hers. The feel of his arms running against hers as he rested up on his elbows, the feel of that dusting of chest hair against her peaked nipples, and then… finally, the feel of his hot silken hardness against her sex.

  Summer opened her eyes and it took a moment to focus on him. The dark heat of desire was in his eyes as he held her gaze. The way his lips curled upwards at the corners, not smug, not an- I told you you’d be mine- smile, more an- I’m never going to let you go- look that sent her pulse racing even higher within her.

  “I thought alphas were supposed to be wild and crazy…”Flynn narrowed his eyes, searching her face for a meaning behind her words.

  “Is that what you want Summer? Do you want me to let go, unleash the beast within me, prove you right about sex…?”

  “I just want to feel you inside me, Flynn…”She felt him then, pushing against her core, stretching the silken muscled walls around him as he entered her to the hilt with one long slow push, inch by inch, she felt everything.

  It was as if he was melting his body with hers, becoming one, no longer two people, just one whole. For one moment in time Summer felt the panic rise within her… “I can’t do this…” She breathed, fear stalking her mind. Her hands reached for his chest and she pushed up, trying to push him away, deny who he was to her.

  Flynn saw the pain and fear within her right there on her face. He reached for her hands and pushed them down on the mattress beneath his, lacing his fingers with hers. His eyes never left hers, never wavered…

  “You can, you are, you are mine, Summer, for always, forever, and I am yours, love. Don’t fear it, don’t fear me, I was made to love you…”Flynn didn’t move, buried deep within her, holding her hands, reaching for her heart. He saw her eyes soften, felt her fingers curl against his hands…

  “Flynn…” She seemed to be considering her next words.

  “Yes love.”

  “If you don’t move, I’m going to kill you myself…”

  Flynn pulled back his hips and stroked back inside her. “You know I’m going to have to let my wolf out to mark you…” He was taking his time, moving slowly within her, savouring the feel of her body opening up to his so completely.

  “Just as long as you don’t go completely native, I’m not into fur…”

  “That’s not even a possibility Summer. You’re not Lycan…”He could feel his beast was impatient, sitting within him eager to mark her, taste her blood, but she never had to fear him, he would never hurt her.

  “Flynn, shut up now, because men really can’t multitask and I need…”He could see how frustrated she was getting, how much she needed his complete and undivided attention.

  “Me…”He growled against her lips. His hips moved faster, and he was stroking up and over the bundle of nerves that made her body climb. Her hips move towards his, her fingers tighten, her toes curled, and her breath hitched.

  He was mesmerised by her eyes, becoming more hooded by the second and yet they flared on each deep stroke, and when strokes turned to thrusts and her legs wound tightly around his hips in a claim of her own, they called to him with her needs.

  Flynn didn’t want to let go of her eyes, her face, he wanted to watch every last second of her orgasm, and when he released her, when her body stilled in anticipation, when her muscles tightened inside and out, when her eyes slammed shut and her mouth fell open and time stood still for her, she looked so damn beautiful that his heart actually hurt.

  And then she flew, soared, released the sweetest cry that he had ever heard as her body pulsed with the waves of pleasure. He buried himself deep inside her and felt the hard massage of her inner walls around him, and he growled against the need
to take his own pleasure, follow her into the abyss, and he waited…

  “You didn’t…?” She finally opened her eyes and came back to him, her body still humming with the aftershocks of her release.

  “We haven’t finished here, sweetheart. I need to mark you…”He growled each and every word down at her, before he dipped his head and nuzzled into the place where her shoulder met her neck, running his tongue over her heated damp skin and tasting her.

  He couldn’t be still a moment longer. His hips started a fresh rhythm, harder, deeper, and more demanding against hers. His teeth nipped against her flesh, blunt and demanding her submission, and then he pressed them against the flesh, hard enough for her to gasp, determined enough for her to turn her head and surrender to his will.

  His beast roared within him, pushing forward until his fangs slide into place. He was riding her hard, taking her deep, and allowing his dominance to sweep her up in a different kind of desire for him.

  ‘Mine.’ His beast roared within him, firing his blood with the need to claim her.

  “Mine.” He echoed against her neck and felt her whole body shiver with the recognition of his strength, his power, and his need for her to be his. His hands tightened against hers, pushing her down further against the mattress with his whole body, as her legs fell back against the bed, open wide for him, her whole body accepting his as her body climbed hard and fast towards another release that neither of them could have stopped if the damn bed caught alight.

  She cried his name as he thrust her over the edge. His fangs sunk into her sweet flesh and he tasted her blood. He growled his complete devotion to her. Thrusting hard and fast through the inner muscles that was trying to massage his seed from his body, he released his fangs, throwing his head back and growling long and hard in his pleasure until he buried himself against her womb and released his seed inside her, over and over, until he had nothing left to give.

  Flynn collapsed over his mate. His mind and body were fighting a battle to return to her. He could scent her blood, knew he needed to tend her wounds. Even as small as they were, his need to take care of her, to protect her was prevalent.


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