Forever Yours (#3)

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Forever Yours (#3) Page 3

by Deila Longford

  “You hungry,” Dalton asks as he points at the sign for the next food exit. I didn’t really eat this morning, just nibbled on an apple and drank about a gallon of coffee. I push my loose hair away from my face as I reply.

  “A little, are you?” I instantly regret my question –of course he’s hungry. He is a vampire –aren’t they always hungry for blood? Dalton takes the food exit and we turn into the truck stop. There is a gas station and several fast food chains. The parking lot is busy and almost every car is overfilled and sporting some type of Red Sox memorabilia. Children are running riot, screaming and playfully fighting with each other. I smile at the kids as Dalton pulls the car into a tight space, between two large trucks. He pushes open his door and he climbs out. He rushes over to my side of the car and he opens the door for me. I smile at him. “You’re such a gentleman, aren’t you?” Dalton rolls his eyes and he pulls me close to him, sliding his arm around my shoulders in the process. He leads me towards the gas station and he pushes me inside. I take in my surroundings, as Dalton leads me over to a small table. The gas station is large, it has all the usual things you would expect, but it doubles as a diner. Road signs and pictures of all its guests hang from the walls and at the back there is a large counter. Behind it, there is a grill and guy with a chef’s hat is cooking up some burgers. A waitress arrives at our table and she instantly notices Dalton’s beauty, she blushes as she hands us our menus.

  “May I take your drink order?” She says in a strong Boston accent. Dalton smiles at me as he orders our drinks. “We’ll both have coffee,” the waitress can’t control her emotions and she is blushing even harder than before, as she runs back towards the counter. I shake my head at her and Dalton notices my actions. “Is there something wrong?” He says as he pulls his eyes away from the menu.

  “Doesn’t it bother you?” Dalton looks confused.

  “Does what bother me?”

  “The attention you get from women,” Dalton laughs and he closes his menu. He reaches out and takes my hand.

  “Are you jealous?” I blush at his words. “No, it’s just annoying.” Dalton laughs again and he looks away from me as the waitress rushes back over to our table. She places a pot of coffee, two cups, a small jug of cream and a jar of sugar down onto the table. She smiles at Dalton and pulls her notepad out of her back pocket.

  “Are you ready to order?” She asks in a sweet voice.

  “Cheeseburger, rare,” Dalton says in a firm voice. The waitress writes down his order and then she turns to me. “I’ll have the pancakes,” she nods at me and then takes one last look at Dalton. She rushes back over to the counter and Dalton fixes his eyes on me. He looks as if he wants to ask me something, but he’s holding back. I don’t want to ask him about what he is thinking, I can’t argue with him anymore. I pour us some coffee as he continues to stare at me. His eyes are intense, but I ignore them, I am not going to question him on how he’s feeling. I can’t make him see that I love him and that turning me into a vampire, is what I want. He refuses to listen to me and he won’t even consider what I am asking him to do. Trying to convince him that I care about him and that I love him and always will is like trying to get blood from a stone, impossible and pointless. I wish that he would open his mind a little and let me in. I want to prove how much I love him, but he won’t give me the chance. He protects himself with a mask that he hides behind to keep people away, but I can see through it and I can see that he cares. If only he would accept his feelings and turn me so that we can be together, forever.

  “Rose,” Dalton says in a quiet voice. I place my cup down onto the table and I lock my eyes on his –what is he going to say? “What happened to your parents?” Oh crap he wants me to open up –I never speak about what happened, not to anyone. I don’t know if I can do this. I lift my cup and I glug my coffee, maybe the caffeine will give me the courage that I need for this conversation. Dalton continues to stare at me looking deep into my soul. I nervously push my hair away from my face and clear my throat. Be calm Rose.

  “We lived in Falmouth, close to where I stay now. My dad worked at AL’s garage and my mom was a stay-at-home-mom. They were the happiest couple, they adored one another and one night they decided to go to Boston to see a play. They left me with a babysitter and I vaguely remember that night. I remember my mom, kissing me before she left and I can still hear my dad’s voice shouting that they were running late. They didn’t get very far –Main Street in fact. They stopped at a red light and a truck crashed through the lights and straight into my parents’ car. They died instantly at the hands of a drunk driver. I can remember my Uncle coming to collect me and I remember asking him where my parents were. My life changed that night. I had lost my family and I didn’t know why. I couldn’t understand what happened to them and why they never came to get me. For weeks after that night, I would sit by my window and just look out, waiting for them to come home. They never did and I hate that the only memories I have of my parents were of that night. I curse myself, because I don’t have happy memories of my mom and dad. When I think about them, it’s that night I that see, over and over again. The pain never goes away; it’s always there, reminding me that I am alone.” A gentle tear has fallen from my eye and Dalton reaches out and gently wipes the water away. I never allow myself to think back on that night, but I wanted to share with Dalton. He is my everything and I would feel incomplete, if he didn’t know about my secret pain. I want him to know about my past and how I got to where I am today. I want to share my inner demons with him, because I see him as my future.

  “Rose, I’m sorry,” Dalton says as he caresses my cheek. Another tear falls from my eye and I suddenly realise that Dalton hasn’t spoken about his parent’s. He hasn’t told me what happened to them. I know that they lived a long time ago, but what if he turned them? What if Dalton’s parents are vampires? I shake my head –if there not, then they must be dead. Here I am going on about my parent’s and my pain, when Dalton could have the same pain, buried under his icy skin.

  “Dalton, what happened to your family?” He runs his fingers through his hair as my words ring in the air. The waitress arrives at our table and she places the food down onto the surface. I wait until she is out of sight and I push my pancakes away –suddenly I have lost my appetite. I watch Dalton as he picks up a French-fry and places it into his mouth. He pushes his eyebrows together at the taste and then he focuses his attention back to me.

  “My parent’s died a very long time ago,” my heart starts to ache and an overwhelming question is bubbling at my surface –I can’t hold back. “Why didn’t you turn your parent’s?” Dalton sighs and he pushes his plate of food away. He clasps the bridge of his nose as he replies. “I didn’t have the chance. Nicholas killed our parents.” My heart bursts and a sudden image of Nicholas floats into my head. I can’t believe that he would do such a thing –imagine killing your own family. My head is pounding, how do I comfort Dalton? I can’t imagine the pain that he has gone through –how can he ever forgive Nicholas? I reach out and grip his hand, but he pulls away from me and I feel a little rejected. I try to compose myself, Dalton needs me.

  “I don’t know what to say, that’s … horrendous.” “It was a very long time ago, but it still hurts knowing what he did.” I don’t know if there are boundaries for me to obey and I don’t know what questions are acceptable. I don’t want to be insensitive, but I am getting the feeling that Dalton doesn’t want to talk about this. Perhaps I should change the subject –it’s a little heavy for this time in the morning.

  “You know what; let’s not talk about the past. It will only hurt us more to look back on the things that we have lost. Instead, we can look to the future and to today’s awesome game!” Dalton smirks and he pulls his plate of food towards him. He lifts the massive burger and he takes a huge bite, he smiles at the taste.

  “Rare, I can taste the blood!”


  A few days have passed since the Red Sox game and I am a littl
e flustered. I have only seen Dalton once, since that day. He hasn’t called or climbed in through my window and I am starting to worry about him. He hasn’t done this sort of thing before and I can’t help but fear, that I have done something to upset him. Maybe I have pushed my luck and that my time with him, has come to an end. So many conclusions are floating in my head-space, that I can’t think straight. I can’t focus on work, my friends are being ignored and my uncle’s family never sees me. I don’t come out of my room, not even at meal times. My life is just pathetic without Dalton and now I know for sure, that I want to be a vampire. I can’t continue with my boring life, knowing that there could be so much more. I will stop at nothing to get what I want, I know I’m selfish, but I need this. I need to have more in my life, I can’t live off my uncle forever and the job at Subway is a dead end going nowhere. My life is just a boring, never ending circle and I can’t live this way, anymore. My heart can’t handle the pain of not seeing Dalton and every minute that passes by, I feel like he isn’t going to come back. I can’t think about what will happen if he doesn’t –my heart couldn’t deal with pain. I need to find him and convince him that we need to be together.

  I wait until it’s dark and everyone has gone to bed. I push open my door and tiptoe out into the narrow hallway. I glide along the landing and down the stairs. My heart stops, when I see Rachel standing in the doorjamb of the kitchen. She is staring at me with suspicion in her eyes.

  “Where are you going?” She says as she folds her arms across her chest. I push my loose hair away from my face and I focus my eyes on hers. She begins to tap her foot against the wooden floor, as she impatiently waits for my explanation. I clear my throat and I flash a smile in her direction.

  “I’m just stepping out for a while, I won’t be long.” I say in a calm voice. I don’t want Rachel to suspect that I am up to no good. She would tell George and his wrath and disappointment aren’t worth thinking about. He would go crazy if he knew what I had planned for tonight, so would Dalton for that matter. I shake those thoughts from my head. Focus Rose.

  “And where exactly are you stepping out to? Dalton’s I presume?” I blush –she can see right through me, but hopefully she will understand and cover for me. “I haven’t seen him a few days and I need to make sure that he is okay. Please can you cover for me?” Rachel rolls her eyes and she dismisses me with a wave of her hand.

  “You owe me, big time!” I shoot her a smile and I rush to the front door. I thrust the door open and I rush out into the cold, dark night. I jump into my truck and I smile when it starts first time –AL finally fixed the problem. I push my foot down onto the gas pedal and my old, heavy truck, slowly pulls away. I navigate through the streets of Portland, slowing down at all the places I think he could be. I frown when I don’t see him, so I carry on driving through the deserted streets, until I come to a set of traffic lights. A shiver spirals down my spine – this is where my parents died. I rev the engine, urging the light to change, but my foot calms itself, when I see Dalton’s Porsche parked across the street. I immediately turn my car in his direction and I push hard –once the light turns green. I pull alongside his car and I roll down my window. Dalton is sitting in his car, staring out into the street. He looks pale and his eyes are heavy –God I hope he’s not starving. He notices me and he perks up a little and rolls down his window.

  “Rose, what are you doing?” He says in a dark voice. “I could ask you the same thing. Why haven’t I seen you?” He rolls his eyes at me and he pushes open the door of his car. He steps out into the street and his car flashes, as he pushes the lock button on the key. He jumps into my truck and he clasps my face in both of his hands. He pulls me close, violently and rough, but when his lips touch mine, their soft and gentle. I melt into his kiss –God I have missed him. Dalton pulls back, gasping for air and clasping my face. He rests his forehead against mine and he whispers.

  “God, I’ve missed you.” I wrap my arms around his neck and I pull him close, inhaling his scent –a mixture of cologne and alcohol. I grip him tight –I can’t let go of him. I feel as if we have spent years apart, like an old couple who meet years after their first meeting. He is everything that I want –he needs to turn me. “Rose, do you wanna go to the beach?” My heart races –it’s midnight and he wants to go swimming? I frown at him, is he crazy? I know swimming in the ocean at night is nothing to him, but it’s a really big deal and very dangerous for a human like me. My head is urging me to say no, but my heart is pulling the strings –forcing me to say yes. I start the engine of my truck and I shift it into gear. I slowly pull away from the sidewalk and Dalton stares at me as I drive. “You’re very sexy, you know that?” I blush –how can I be sexy in my zip up hoodie, faded jeans and thick rimmed glasses? My hair is a mess and he always looks perfect –what does he see in me? I drive to the beach with Dalton staring at me the whole time. I have parked my truck in the deserted parking lot and now I am trying to fix my appearance. Dalton has excused himself –he had to make a call. I franticly pull my hair into a loose bun and I push my glasses further up the bridge of my nose. I sigh as I look at myself in the mirror –I’ll just have to do. Dalton finishes his call and he waves for me to come out of the car. I push the door open and Dalton is there to wrap his arm around my shoulder. He leads me along the dark parking lot and onto a path that leads down to the beach. We walk along the stone path, and little grains of sand, have sneaked their way into my sneakers. I fidget and Dalton laughs as we continue to walk further onto the beach. Dalton sits me down onto the sand and he sits next to me, with his long legs stretched out fully. I curl my legs into my chest and I inhale the cool salty breeze. The night is mild and the oversized moon is shining like a beacon. The waves are crashing against the rocks and hearing Dalton breathe is like music to my ears. I stare out at the sea and I sigh –this is perfect. Dalton is silent, but we don’t need words. Sitting here together and appreciating the stunning view is beyond amazing and talking would only distract us. I reach out my hand for Dalton to take it, but he doesn’t. Instead, he wraps his strong arm around me and he pulls me down onto the sand. I huddle into his chest, and he strokes my hair as we listen to the waves. My heart is pounding –I love him so much. A gentle tear falls from my eye –I won’t live without him, he needs to turn me.

  “What are you thinking about?” Dalton says in a kind voice. I wipe my tears away and meet his stare. His eyes look deep into my soul and he knows what I want. My lips part and the words that escape are shocking.

  “Feed on me and find out!” Dalton smiles and he places a kiss onto my forehead. He slides his hand onto my neck and his eyes flash red. His lips come close to my skin, but he pauses, inhaling my scent. His cool fingers collide with my skin and he sighs as his daggers sink into my neck. The sting is crippling, but the pleasure erupts and erases the pain. My fingers clasp onto his hair and then my mind starts to pulsate. I think of how much I love him, how much I need him and how much him want him to turn me. I show him images of our life together, how happy we could be, running free for all of eternity together. I also think about how miserable my life would be without him. Spending my days at Subway and fighting off Ryan’s affections. I let him know that my life is pointless without him, and that I wouldn’t want to live if he wasn’t there. I show him that being a vampire is what I want and that I will always love him. Dalton pulls his teeth out of my skin and he wipes the excess blood away from his lips. He strokes my neck with his index finger and he crashes down beside me. His head is facing me; his eyes are locked on mine. His expression is serious, but not in a scary way, his lips are rosy and his breathing is shallow. He stares at me thinking about my thoughts.

  “You really want this, don’t you?” My heart pounds at his words. “More than anything,” I gush. Dalton smirks and he takes my hand.

  “When I feed on you, it gives you so much pleasure. You desire my feed, just as much as I desire to do it.” “It’s you that I desire. I love you.” Dalton smirks at my confes
sion and he pulls me close. He slides his arm around my shoulders and I rest my head onto his chest. He sighs as he gently strokes my hair –even though he doesn’t say it, I know that he loves me too.


  A week or so has passed since that night at the beach, and all of those nights I have spent with Dalton. The beach is now our safe-zone, and we go there almost every night. We bask in the salty breeze, whilst Dalton indulges on my blood – reading my mind and violating my thoughts. Our nights have been perfect, but there is still one thing standing in our way, Dalton refuses to turn me. He won’t accept what I want, and he has said that he will never turn me. I don’t understand him, why doesn’t he want me to be like him? When he feeds on me, I think of every possible way of telling him that I love him. I show him images of how he makes me feel. I let him into my inner thoughts and I show him how much I care, but he still refuses me. I have done everything in my power to convince him to change me, but nothing has worked. I am now at the point where I am so low, that I can hardly function. My desire to be with him and to be a vampire dominates me. I can’t sleep, eat or work, I am obsessed with being with him and I need to think of a plan-B.

  “Crap you scared the life outta me!” I exclaim as Dalton jumps in through my open window. He glides over to me and he places his hand onto my shoulder, calming me.

  “Sorry,” he says in a sweet and sexy voice. I roll my eyes and push my way past him. It’s late and I was just getting ready for bed, but now that Dalton is here, he will, no doubt have a few things for us to do. I race over to my closet and I pull out my oversized grey t-shirt, I yank it over my head and I slip off my jeans. My teeth are brushed and with no sleep for the last three nights, I am exhausted. I slowly make my way over to my bed and flop down onto its surface. My head crashes against the pillow and Dalton comes into my eye line. He is wearing a plain black sweater and dark blue khaki pants. His hair is unusually messy, and his hand is icy when he places it onto my forehead. He kneels down to my level, and he cocks his head to one side. “You’re tired, I will leave you to sleep.” Dalton says as he smiles at me. My eyes flutter and he slowly begins to walk over to the window, but I lunge from the bed and I grab onto his sweater, pulling him back over to the bed. He laughs and he pushes me back down onto the bed. I lie flat on my back and I make room for him. He falls onto the bed and he stretches out his arm, inviting me to cuddle. I jolt my body against his and he laughs at me again –he is so annoying. I gently slap his chest, hitting him for being so smug.


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