Simple Arrangement

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Simple Arrangement Page 3

by McKenna Jeffries

  “This place doesn’t look so humble to me. And it smells wonderful, only making me hungrier. If you would do me the honor of letting me escort you, we can go to Iona.” Jackson held out his arm.

  “You are a charmer.” Lena chuckled and slid her hand into the crook of his elbow.

  “Sometimes.” Jackson walked with her as she led him through the diners deeper into the room. “So, from what you said, you’re Iona’s little sister.” Jackson looked into pale gray eyes that were so much like Iona’s. “I don’t recall ever meeting you.”

  “Now I should be offended. We did meet at various weddings for the Wrights. You also met my cousin, who co-owns Sensations with a Wright cousin and Kincaid.” Lena glanced at him from under her lashes. “We catered the weddings.”

  Jackson winced when he realized he had. He didn’t know how he’d missed that some of the women were related to Iona. It was obvious now that he was looking at her.


  “No need for that.” Lena patted his arm with her other hand then smirked. “You were distracted by Iona. You should take up my cousin on her offer to let her tickle your taste buds with some fabulous food at her restaurant, Sensations. Take Iona with you.” Lena stopped. “Here she is.”

  “I know that gleam in your eye, Lena. What mischief have you been getting into?”

  “Moi? I’m innocent.”

  “Like I would even believe that.” Iona snorted and waved her away. “Go get our food.”

  “Bossy woman.”

  “That’s Bossy Big Sister to you, squirt.”

  Lena left chuckling. Iona smiled then studied Jackson.

  “I ordered for us. Have a seat.” She gestured at the space opposite her.

  Jackson slid into the booth across from her. Iona placed her elbows on the table and stared at him, a soft smile on her lips. Jackson mirrored her, smiling too.

  “I was going to wait until after we ate before broaching the subject of why I asked you here, but after seeing you, I’m just going to go for it.” Iona sat back and her expression changed, becoming contained and businesslike.

  Jackson relaxed in the booth, waiting for her to speak.

  “I have an arrangement I want to set up with you. But first I want to lay out the reasons my arrangement is beneficial to both of us.” Iona lifted her hand and ticked off her points on her fingers. “One—from what I have ascertained, the both of us have busy careers that demand our time. This means we don’t have time for messy things, such as a relationship. Two—with that, it’s hard to find someone who wouldn’t get caught up in the emotional aspects of sex. Three—I find you attractive, and you find me the same. This leads me to the offer of an arrangement that might work for us.” Iona leaned forward, smiling a slow grin of someone closing in to complete a deal. “It’s simple really. We can enjoy sex with each other and not worry about there being anything else mucking it up. I’m not looking for a relationship or anything like that. All I want is an arrangement for us to have sex.” She leaned back. “That is, if you are in agreement with it.”

  “You want us to make an arrangement to have sex,” Jackson repeated to make sure that he had it straight. “But you don’t want any messy emotions involved or even to think of it as a relationship.”

  “Exactly. I know I’ve taken you by surprise, so take your time to think about it.” Iona looked beyond him. “Here comes our food.”

  “Iona,” he said firmly, as he reached across the table and placed his hand over hers. Iona stared at him, her business mask firmly in place. “You don’t make a man an offer like you just did and act like it is a business deal you are trying to close.”

  “Why not? That’s what this is,” Iona replied.

  “Is it?” Jackson tsked. “You like to be in control, Iona, but for me to even consider such an arrangement, you need to think about the way you ask me.” Jackson stared at her. “If I recall, someone recently mentioned ‘the effort is sometimes worth the pay-off. You can still be blunt but it’s the way you are blunt.’ I like that you are being blunt about what you want, but your delivery needs work. Think of that while we eat.”

  The waiter placed a plate before him. Jackson released Iona’s hand. Iona blinked, a frown on her face.

  I must be stupid to not just jump at the chance to take her to my bed. Studying her, Jackson amended his thought. Jumping into bed with Iona would be easy, but having her set terms and see this as just another business arrangement wouldn’t be a good thing. He wanted to be on equal footing with Iona if they were to do this. If he wasn’t, he knew that what they had would be short-lived, and that she would walk away without looking back. Jackson also knew in his gut that it would take a while for him to get his fill of her. He picked up his fork and started to eat while watching Iona, who was also eating, but slowly. He could see her thinking and Jackson stifled a smile. Iona had been thrown off from her plan and that intrigued her. It was a good start.

  Chapter Two

  Jackson enjoyed his food, glancing around, taking in the casual atmosphere of the restaurant. It was a nice place and he was curious to learn more. He focused on Iona, who was watching him a bemused look on her face.

  “What do you want from me, Jackson?”

  “Do you know you switch between calling me Jackie and Jackson? It’s like you don’t know which category to put me in.” Jackson lowered his voice. “Although I prefer it when you call me Jackson.”

  “I do know what category to put you in. Why won’t you agree to the arrangement I suggested?” Iona set her fork down. “It would work for both of us.”

  “Maybe it would.” Jackson took another bite of his eggs and swallowed before he spoke again. “But not how you asked me. Like I was a business deal you want to close.”

  “But that’s what this is,” Iona said, exasperated.

  “No it isn’t. It’s sex.” He gestured between them. “Between you and I. I don’t want to have sex with a business deal. The paper cuts from all that paper would hurt.”

  “Really? Paper cuts?” Iona chuckled. “The visual you gave me is just wrong. So wrong, Jackson.”

  “I know.” Jackson snickered then sobered. “You see what just happened there. If this was just a business arrangement then all I would do is lay you down, fuck you then dress and leave. That is not what I would want to do with you, Iona.” Jackson stared at her. “You deserve more than a ‘wham-bam thank you, ma’am’. Even if you’re the one who is suggesting it.”

  “That’s not what I was suggesting at all,” Iona protested. “I just wanted to keep the emotions out of it.”

  “If you think you can keep emotions out of sex then you’re not doing it right. Even with a stranger, there is some emotion. The first blush of lust for that person is an emotion. So thinking of it that way, there will be emotions involved. I like you, Iona. I know you from our mutual friends. You’re not just some woman I picked up and will have sex with. We can have emotion, just not the emotion. The one that led our friends to all get married.”

  “Love.” Iona scrunched up her face. “No way.”

  “Exactly.” Jackson ignored the pang that filled him at her reaction. “None of that. But still not a business deal.” Jackson picked up his fork. “Now let’s finish our meal.”

  Iona took up her utensil also and started to eat. “Tell me, how was work this week?”

  “It was good. Lots of craziness going on—”

  As they ate, they shared what had happened during their week at their jobs. By the end of the meal, Jackson had more insight into what Iona did.

  “So Kendrix’s renovation is almost completed?” He took a sip of his coffee.

  “Yes. Just a few more weeks and it will be done. She’s looking forward to having the place to herself.”

  “I couldn’t imagine living with all those renovations going on.”

  Iona held her cup and smiled. “Kendrix said she’s slept in worst places. Modeling isn’t all posh hotels and stuff like that.” She sipped than
spoke again. “Chandler’s place will be finished not too long after Kendrix’s. I’ve been trying to convince him for years to let us expand his place for him. But he said with him not living here, it was a waste of time for more space. Now that he is, my partners Tarak and Raymond have enjoyed getting to work on his house.”

  Jackson nodded, knowing that she was referring to Tarak Brady who was like a brother to the Wrights. He hadn’t met Raymond but had heard of him from Chandler.

  “So back to the original subject on why I asked you here.” Iona set her cup down and slid closer to him. “Let me ask again. Jackson, will you enter into the simple arrangement of having sex with me? There will be some emotions involved, but as long as we are clear this is sex only, without a relationship or anything like that, I know we can be good together.” Iona blew out a breath. “I want you, Jackson.”

  Jackson looked at Iona then said, “I’ll think about it.”

  “Wait! What?” Iona scowled. “You told me to ask you again and the way you said it made it seem like you were willing.”

  “When you asked the first time, you said I could have time to think about it.” Jackson studied her. “I’m going to do that. Because once we start this, I want to be sure of what I am getting into. You should think about it too.”

  “I already have.”

  “You thought of the business deal arrangement. Not the one where you will allow yourself to actually feel something. That is different. Think of that and let me know what you decide, and I’ll be thinking too.” Jackson slid out of the booth and reached for his wallet.

  “I’ve got the check.” Iona touched his arm. “Think fast, Jackson. I find I’m not as patient to wait for your decision as I thought I would be.”

  “You think too.” Jackson gently squeezed her hand then walked away. He waved at Lena as he left.

  Outside in the midday sun, Jackson donned his shades and strode to his truck. Once he was inside the vehicle, he sat for a moment, thinking about Iona’s proposal. He started his vehicle then headed out toward home. During the drive, he went over the brunch with Iona and what she’d suggested. Jackson’s eyes narrowed as he thought about someone he needed to speak with then he looked at where he was and instead of continuing to Deyon’s, where he was staying in one of her apartments, he bypassed her turnoff and went on. As he passed the lane that led to Kendrix’s, Jackson’s thoughts turned to how animated Iona had gotten when she had talked about what she had done to Kendrix’s place.

  At the road he wanted, Jackson turned and drove until he saw the walls that surrounded the property. They were similar to those at Deyon’s house. He drove through the open gates to the beautiful semi-finished house. He’d never really studied it before but he did now. Jackson noted some of the things Iona had told him of that they liked to do in their house designs. She’d mentioned that each architect had their own style and did things that were considered a signature for their design.

  Jackson parked then got out. His cell vibrated then dinged in his pocket. He pulled it out and ran his finger over the screen then saw the icon for a text. He went up the walk to the door as he read it. Jackson stopped, then a grin spread across his face.

  I’ve done my thinking, prior to our talk. I don’t need to think anymore. When you decide, let me know. —Iona.

  The door opened before him. “Why are you on my doorstep grinning like a fool?” Chandler asked.

  Jackson lifted his head, smiling at him even though he’d insulted him. “Iona is off limits.”

  “Ahhhh… So you decided to go for it.” Chandler slid his hand into his pockets. “Good for you. But I was never going to ask her out.”

  “Then why did you act like you were?” Jackson demanded.

  “Trying to get you to take your head out of your ass.” Chandler stepped back. “Come in.”

  He walked into the house. Jackson followed him across the foyer and through the living room into the kitchen. Chandler got him a beer and one for himself, opening the bottle before setting it on the kitchen island in the center of the room. Jackson took a seat, pulling the beer to him. Chandler sat across from him.

  “Meddling ass.”

  “Yep.” Chandler took a drink. “But in full disclosure. Iona asked me to escort her to some event she had where she was representing her business.”

  “She what?” Jackson lowered the beer he was about to take a sip from.

  “Don’t worry, she made it clear it was just friends helping friends.” Chandler chuckled. “She needed an escort and usually she chooses one of her friends to escort her so she let me know it was my turn. It was her way of letting me down easy, making it clear she only viewed me as her friend. Hell, she even said so too. God, I love that woman and her bluntness.”

  “Platonically is a good way to love her.” Jackson sipped his beer then said, “She’s never asked me to escort her to any event.”

  “Interesting.” Chandler tapped his finger against his lips. “Seems to me that means she sees you as more than a friend.” He drank deeply.

  “Looks that way.” Jackson couldn’t help the smile that spread across his face. “I’ll take her to the event.”

  “I promised that I would, so I’ll do it.” Chandler shrugged. “Escorting a beautiful woman is always fun.”


  Chandler lifted his hand. “You better discuss with Iona who will be escorting her or not. I keep my promises. So unless she cancels I’m taking her.”

  “I’ll talk with her.” Jackson glared at Chandler as his smile widened. “Why are you grinning?”

  “Because I’m going to enjoy watching the two of you fight what is obvious.”

  Jackson narrowed his eyes. “Why do you assume that we’re not trying to make a go of it as a couple?”

  “I’m good at studying human behavior. It’s what made me a hell of a model. Being able to read the woman I was modeling with made me able to adapt so we could shine together.” Chandler grinned. “Iona is all about control and you are laid-back personified. I’ve heard from you enough times that you don’t have time for relationships with your job. With Iona being so controlled and busy, I bet she says the same thing. Those things make me figure either you or her decided it would be advantageous for you to come to some sort of agreement to be together.” Chandler picked the label off the beer. “For sexual purposes, of course. Since neither of you have time for a relationship or the emotional entanglements that come with it. What I don’t know is who made the first offer for this ‘arrangement’.” Chandler made quotation marks.

  “Iona.” Jackson tapped his finger on the counter. “It’s freaky how you do that. See so much more than anyone figures you would know. Knowing stuff you possibly shouldn’t know. People make assumptions because of what you used to do and how you look.” Jackson smiled widely. “I never gave a shit about either.”

  “Awww… Are you about to express how you love my friendship and can’t imagine ever living without me?” Chandler batted his eyelashes exaggeratedly then snorted. “Please don’t, it would scare us both. All that emotional shit.” Dimples appeared on either side of Chandler’s mouth. “Iona is who asked. Damn, that woman is something else. She knows what she wants and goes after it. So to confirm it, was I close to what you all talked about?”

  “Yes.” Jackson remembered Iona and how she’d looked when she’d first spoken with him about the arrangement.

  “So how long is it going to take you to think about it to make a decision?”

  “I could have said yes already,” Jackson retorted.

  “We’ve known each other for months and that is enough for me to realize you’d want to think about it.” Chandler leaned against the high-backed stool he sat on, crossing his arms over his chest. “Also my knowledge of you makes me aware that you’ve already made a decision but will try to figure out all the possible things that could happen. Although in the end, you know that nothing in life is predictable.”

  “Oh great, wise Chandler, please impa
rt your wisdom,” Jackson said drily.

  “It’s so good of you to acknowledge my awesomeness. You make me so proud I’m getting teary-eyed.” Chandler wiped an imaginary tear from his eye.

  Jackson flipped him off and finished his beer. Chandler laughed and drank his too. They chatted about the wedding the day before and the movie they’d watched afterwards with James and Sigmund. They went into the living room to continue their discussion. Jackson’s thoughts kept returning to Iona and he wondered what she was doing at the moment.

  “That damn bird is devious.” Chandler laughed. “I might just end up friends with him and his owner. James comes off as being relaxed and funny but underneath he’s a little intense.”

  “Yes.” Jackson leaned forward. “Why don’t you invite James to our bike ride with Tarak next Sunday? Then we can all come back here for the movie and food. You’re cooking.”

  “Again with the food.” Chandler laughed. “Yes, I will feed you. And I will talk with James.”

  “Good.” Jackson rose. “Give me a sec, I need to make a call.”

  Jackson walked across the room and stood before the floor-to-ceiling bay windows. He placed his call and while he waited, he absently glanced at the window seat with plush cushions the width of area to sit on, and smaller ones to lean on.

  “McKingley.” Iona’s smoky voice was brisk but it still made his heart race.


  “Jackson. I didn’t look at the caller ID so I didn’t realize it was you.” There was surprised pleasure in her voice then it deepened. “What can I do for you, Jackson?”

  “I’d like to come talk with you.”

  “Sure, that’d be good. I’m at the office. Do you know where it is?” Iona asked.

  “You’re at the office on a Sunday?”

  “Yes.” Iona’s voice cooled.

  “I don’t know where it is.”

  “It’s on Griffin Street…” She gave him directions.

  “That’s not too far from the hospital where I work,” Jackson said, surprised.


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