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Stray Page 14

by Natasha Stories

  The taste of her skin almost made me lose control again, but I was waiting for that feast below and managed to keep my movements slow. Trailing my hand between her legs again, I moved to her foot and cradled it in my hand, massaging it as I planted a kiss behind her ankle. Her toes curled up, for all the world as if she’d just had an orgasm, and I rose to look at her carefully. No, she was close, but not there yet. The curling must have been because I tickled her. I wished I had a feather to trail over her skin, so I could watch the powerful ripples of her toned muscles. My lips would have to do.

  Slowly, I licked and nibbled my way back to her center, noting that her breath quickened again. With both thumbs, I parted the lips there, eliciting a small moan, and then flattened my tongue and licked from the opening to the hard pearl above. Erin cried out then, a desperate plea for release. Because I’d kept her on the edge for so long, only another three or four luxurious strokes of my tongue were required before she shattered in my hands. I held her close as she shook and poured out her gratitude, murmuring into my hair until she calmed and drew a deep, shuddering breath. Now she was ready to take me.

  I’d known since I was thirteen or fourteen that I was bigger than average. Showering with other kids in the school locker room had assured me of that, but I didn’t know for another couple or three years what that would mean to me as a man. The pain of my mother leaving without so much as a goodbye, or an ‘I love you son’, sent me into the arms of the first girl who noticed me. It was her admiring exclamations that gave me the first clue I was in luck in the endowment department. Don’t ever believe that girls don’t talk. From that day forward, I had all the action I could handle, and I could handle a lot. And every one of them screamed or cried out in fright when they first saw my cock erect. So, I’d learned to use it without hurting them.

  Now I lay on my side close to Erin, where she could put her hand on me. Her cool, soft hand made my cock leap, and she squeezed reflexively. I wanted her mouth on me, and urged her head downward with a gentle push. I wanted her to do it voluntarily, though, not because she was forced. Deep satisfaction rolled over me when she got the hint immediately and positioned herself to approach from the best angle. She couldn’t get it all the way in; I doubted that anyone could, but she kept both fists on the shaft as she sucked in the head. I thrust forward with my hips, urging her to take more if she could. She tried, nearly gagging herself in the process, but couldn’t take more than half the shaft. Instead, she covered the head with her hand and licked, dragging a warm, wet tongue from the root to the tip and gently squeezing my balls with her other hand.

  I wasn’t going to be able to take much more. I reached for her breasts, squeezing both of them firmly and pulling her toward me. Again, she read my mind. Erin gathered herself onto her hands and knees and straddled me as she crawled forward, breasts dangling enticingly. When they were positioned perfectly, I held them, one in each hand, while I sucked at her nipples until she moaned.

  “Are you ready?” I whispered.

  Her nod gave me permission, and I pushed her back until the tip of my cock was at her opening. Now it was up to her to slide down on it at her own pace, which was exquisitely slow. A deep moan escaped her as she settled all the way down, groin to groin, with my full length sheathed in her depths.

  “Open your eyes,” I said. I wanted to see if the emerald was in them yet, and it was. Her inner muscles quivered and clenched, sending shockwaves of unbearable pleasure through me. Urging her with my hands, I got her to move up and down on my cock, while all the time I captured her eyes with mine. I caught the moment that her eyes widened, just before they slammed shut as her body convulsed around me. It took me over the brink as well, and I lost myself in her, thrusting and grunting with the effort of filling her.

  I would have liked to stay there with Erin draped over me in contentment for the rest of the night. A quick glance at her bedside clock told me that I’d have time to get to the hotel bar where I was supposed to meet with Doc, though, if I left soon. But, how would Erin take it, if I suddenly thrust her away from me and told her I had to go?

  She took the decision from me, though. Suddenly, she jerked and lifted her head, looking toward the clock herself.

  “Jon, my god, you’re going to be late! I’m sorry!”

  “You’d better not be sorry about what we just did, because I’m not,” I said. “I’m just embarrassed that I’m going to get there smelling like you and lovemaking.”

  A shy smile crept across her face. “Are you really embarrassed? I thought guys liked to crow about their conquests.”

  “So, it’s okay with you if I tell Doc that I just fucked your brains out?” I teased. “Ow!” I went on, as she connected with a pretty solid punch for a girl with my relaxed bicep.

  “If you tell him anything, tell him I fucked your brains out,” she retorted.

  Wow. A girl that fucks like a mink and wants to brag about it…I thought I might be in love. Definitely wanted to do that again and find out.

  “Jump in the shower,” she invited. “I’ll come and wash your back.”

  That turned out to be another delay, as she no sooner got in with me than she sank to her knees and started to wash my front, vigorously, with her mouth. Fifteen minutes later, I staggered out of the shower on weak legs and got dressed before she could get her hands on me again. One of these days, very soon, I wanted to find Erin’s limits, but she understood that this meeting was important to me. Somehow, we tore ourselves apart, and I left reluctantly, asking if I could come back after seeing Doc.

  “I don’t think so, Jon. It’s a school night, and I’m tired.” She smiled as she said that, letting me know that it was a good tired. “I’m going to turn in early. Will I see you tomorrow?”

  “Count on it,” I said, kissing her deeply before finally turning to go.

  It was no comfort to me, later, that I remembered a fragment of high school Shakespeare when I thought of that night—“The course of true love never did run smooth…” —and realized that, without understanding why or how, I’d fallen head over heels for the beautiful and oh, so sexy Erin Timms.


  “Doc, thanks for meeting me here,” I greeted him. I’d been a few minutes late after all, thanks to that final, incredible blowjob in the shower. It was worth it.

  “I guess it’s about time we finally talked things out,” he conceded.

  “Erin told you of my plans for the resort?”

  “Briefly. I’d like to hear it from you. But, shall we get a drink first, and toast to making new friends of old enemies?”

  I was taken aback by his bluntness, but the sentiment was one I shared. I signaled the bartender to bring two double shots from my private bottle of eighteen-year-old single malt Scotch. It was rich and peaty, aromatic from several feet away as the server approached.

  “New friends,” I said, raising my glass.

  “Old enemies,” Doc returned, taking the sting out of it with the mischievous look in his eyes.

  What he had to say next nearly derailed me, though once he’d said it, so many things began to make sense. Things I’d buried in my subconscious over the years, questions that a young boy didn’t even know to ask, much less how.

  “And long-hidden relationships,” was what he said. I gave him a raised eyebrow and a tilt of my head, prompting him to get right to what was on his mind.

  “Ever wonder why you look nothing like your dad, or why he didn’t seem to love you like he should?”

  I gaped at him, wondering where the hell that had come from. I never wondered why I didn’t look like my dad, because everyone always told me I looked just like my mother. Some people had even gone as far as to say that if they’d met me cold on the street, they’d know I was her son. But, my mother left me when I was twelve. I had nothing to say about her.

  As far as my dad not loving me, I guessed he hadn’t, not after Mom left, anyway. But none of my friends got along with their dads, either. It didn’t
seem like a big deal, except it got lonely around the house. Besides, it gave me an excuse to come to Sunshine to be with my grandparents every chance I got, and they did love me, unconditionally, no matter how much trouble I brought them. Looking back, the only times I’d ever been happy after Mom left were the times I’d stayed in this town with my grandparents.

  Doc was waiting for my answer.

  “No, I never wondered about either of those things. But, I suppose you have your theories?”

  “I do. Got your phone with you?”

  Yet another question, making no more sense than the last. Mystified, I pulled it from its holster on my belt.

  “Come around here, boy, and let’s take one of those selfies to commemorate this occasion.” I hesitated, but he made an impatient gesture. “Just do it. You’ll see the point in a minute.”

  I got up and went to the other side of the table, leaned in though I felt awkward about it, and took the photo, then scurried back to my chair.

  “What’s this all about?” I asked Doc.

  “Take a look at that photo.”

  I looked down, did a double take, and zoomed in on our faces. Except that my unruly hair was dark brown and his was shot through with gray, the face was the same.

  “I-I don’t understand,” I stammered, though I was beginning to get the idea. That first question, coupled with the photo was hard to misinterpret.

  “We were all with her, you know,” Doc answered, “your dad, my brother, me. I’m sure she didn’t know how to make a choice. I was out of town when she married him, away at med school. I don’t know how she chose between the two of them, but when I came home for the next holiday, they were married and she was obviously pregnant.”

  “Whose son am I?” I asked.

  “Only way to know for sure is a paternity test,” he said, “and to be sure we’d have to do an extended test. It’s the only way to distinguish between brothers when only one is available.”

  I hadn’t known his brother had died. “I’m sorry,” I said.

  “Don’t be. I should have forced this thirty-four years ago, but I didn’t want to embarrass your mom. Even though I hated that she was sleeping with all of us, in a way I understood.”

  The thought made me a little queasy. I wasn’t sure I wanted to think of my mother as a sexual being, much less a wild child.

  “What would be the point?” I asked.

  “Well, for one thing, it would give me someone to will all these shares to when I die.” The delivery was so deadpan that I knew he was trying to use his sense of humor to conceal emotion. I was still stunned. If I was his son, all the shares I owned now I had inherited under false pretenses, even though it hadn’t been of my doing. All my life, I’d thought of my dad as just that. To learn after his death that he might not be my father went a long way toward explaining his often cold and strict treatment of me. But I’d always thought he loved me in his own way. When did he begin to suspect? Why didn’t my grandparents suspect? Who was I, and where did I belong?

  I knew the answer to the second question. Even though I had the proof right there on the screen of my iPhone that I bore a strong resemblance to Doc, in that way of perfect blending that nature has, I still looked very much like my mother, too. It merely required a mental trick to flip from one resemblance to the other, like those drawings that change from a young woman to an old one if you defocus your eyes.

  “Why else?” I asked.

  “I’ve always wanted to know, boy. You were trouble as a kid, but I’ve watched you make something of yourself. Now that I find out we’re of one mind about the resort, I’d like to know what else we have in common. Whether we can form a bond at this late date, so I can experience the feeling of having a son, even if he is a grown hulk of a man.”

  The idea grew on me. My grandparents and my dad were dead, my mom missing for the past twenty-two years. There was no one to be offended, and I liked Doc well enough. It was weird and unsettling, but strangely, not unwelcome.

  “If I am your son, will you promise not to set those hounds of hell on me again?” I could feel a smile hovering somewhere near my lips.

  Doc threw back his head and gave the great guffaw that he was known for. “Tell you what, I’ll introduce you to them personally,” he answered.

  After that bombshell, the discussion about my plans for the resort seemed trivial, but Doc wanted to hear it. Everything I said met with his approval. “I’m going to go out on a limb, and trust you even before we find out if we’re related,” he said. “Do you want my proxy, or will you trust me to vote my own shares?”

  “I guess I’ll have to trust you,” I said. “We’re not going to be able to get results before the vote, but I think we’re on the same page when it comes to the resort.”

  “That we are. Now, I have one more item to bring up. What are your intentions toward Erin Timms?”

  “Is there anything in this town you don’t know about?” I asked, wondering who’d been talking. Erin and I hadn’t exactly been sneaking around, but I hated to think we were the object of the local gossip mill.

  “Not much. Answer the question.”

  “I don’t know, Doc. She’s something special, and I’d like to get to know her better. But I guess I’d better make sure I’m really done with Ashleigh Egren before I go much further.”

  “You be careful with that girl, son. She already thinks you’re toying with her. Don’t give her a reason to know it for sure.”


  I walked into the clinic on Wednesday morning with a smile on my face, ignored Megan’s knowing smirk, and went straight back to take care of Max. He jumped up from his resting place with a big doggie smile on his face and a wagging tail. His progress was remarkable; only a week and a half since his accident and he was getting around without any apparent trouble, though he kept his weight off the broken leg. After letting him out for his morning constitutional, I fed and brushed him, babbling about Jon in a low voice. I didn’t care if Max knew I’d had an amazing night, but Megan was another matter.

  I was so focused on Max that I didn’t notice the front door opening, with its bell to signal that someone was here. The first I knew of it was when I heard raised voices. Someone, a woman, was giving Megan a hard time. After a few seconds of glee that she was getting back some of her attitude, I decided it wasn’t very professional of me to let my receptionist be spoken to that way, the shrill voice rising to a near shout. I put Max back in his kennel and went to Megan’s rescue.

  In the office stood a woman who would have been quite beautiful, if her face hadn’t been twisted and red. She had a great figure, though she was short, maybe half a foot shorter than I was. She had taken time with her make-up, and her hair was perfectly coifed, though I didn’t think it was her natural shade. As I stepped in from the back, she turned to me and her eyes blazed.


  “What?” Startled, I backed up a half-step, then glanced at Megan. For once, the sullenness, smugness and every other -ness was gone from her face. Instead, she was white and clearly frightened. What was going on here? I echoed my thought with the question.

  “You bitch, I’ll thank you to stay away from my man!” the woman screamed. I began to get the picture, and I’m sure I turned white, too.


  “My man! Jon Miles. Stay away from him, or I’ll have you run out of town. In fact, you won’t be able to show your face in the whole state.”

  I was shaking by the time she finished her threat. Jon, her man? He hadn’t broken up with her after all. The queasy feeling in the pit of my stomach gave way to rage, not at the harridan in front of me, but at the player who’d betrayed us both.

  “Well, what do you have to say for yourself?” she demanded.

  “Nothing,” I replied, with as much ice as I could muster. “It seems we’ve both been played. Don’t worry, I wouldn’t touch your man with a ten-foot pole.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” she screech
ed. Maybe I’d emphasized the word too much.

  “Ms. Egren, if you want to discuss this further, please make an appointment with me outside working hours. I must ask you to leave, before patients begin to arrive. This altercation would disturb them.”

  “Bitch,” she spat. But, she did leave, trying to slam the door behind her with little success, as it had a soft-close device.

  “Megan, are you all right?”

  “Jesus, that was one scary bi-otch,” she tried to joke. I could tell she was still rattled by the encounter, because her voice was shaking.

  “Why don’t you go across the street and get us both a mocha latte,” I suggested. “Wait, let me get some money.”

  “That’s okay, I’ll take it out of petty cash and you can pay it back.”


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