Book Read Free


Page 18

by Shanora Williams

  Stepping out of the bedroom quietly, I enter the living room where Ace is still standing in the same clothes he wore last night. He takes a sip of his coffee, and I clear my throat, stepping into the kitchen.

  Glancing over his shoulder, he looks me over in my robe, shaking his head.

  “What?” I ask.

  He fights a smile and turns to stare out the window again, sipping his coffee.

  “Expected me to walk out half naked like Layla?” I laugh, and he looks my way, giving his eyes a slight roll.

  “You’re nothing like her.”

  “I know.” Grabbing a mug, I pour myself a cup of coffee, add a little creamer, and walk his way. “Can I ask you something?”


  I step to his side, watching the men working at the dock. “What made you want to stay?”

  He shrugs, placing his coffee mug down on the table behind him. “Fell asleep. Woke up around seven, figured I’d just stick around.” He takes a thorough look at me as I sip my coffee. “Feeling alright?” he asks then laughs as his eyes travel down to my behind.

  I cut my eyes at him, ignoring his question.

  Flicking his wrist, he checks the time on his Rolex then sighs, taking a step back. “Should get going. Got a lot to do today. I’m already running behind.”

  “Yeah,” I say quickly. “No, you should go. I didn’t mean for you to stay this long… Sorry.” I feel my face heating up. I feel stupid for apologizing.

  Ace tilts my chin with his finger, a hint of a smile on his lips. “Don’t apologize. It was worth it.”

  Heat runs from my throat to my belly. I give him a light smile, and he pulls away, turning to walk around the table. He grabs his suit jacket off the back of one of the dining chairs then marches toward the front door, pulling out his cellphone.

  I stand by the window as the sun beacons down on me, watching as he pauses at the door. I think he’s going to change his mind, maybe tell me he’s going to stay a little longer. But as his head turns to the left, the opposite direction of where I’m standing, I know I’m wrong. The room goes absolutely still. Ace is motionless.

  “Ace?” I call.

  He doesn’t respond. Not with words anyway.

  Instead, he drops his jacket, snatches something off the corner table in front of the door and turns my way, nostrils flared. I gasp as he holds a business card up, taking three large steps in my direction.

  “Where’d you get this?” he asks.

  I look from him to the card. “I don’t know,” I lie. “Some guy gave it to me when Bianca and I went to the mall.”

  Ace narrows his eyes at me, taking another step forward. “Don’t fucking lie to me, London.” Surprisingly, his voice is calm. But his face is still solid. His eyes look like they’ve been lit on fire by the glare of the sun bouncing off the marble floor.

  “How do you know him? What did he say to you?”

  I frown. “I don’t know him, and he didn’t say anything to me. He was selling watches at a kiosk.”

  “What made him want to give you his card, huh?” He’s getting closer now. He’s near the other side of the table, the card pinched between his thumb and forefinger.

  I know to think of something quick. “I told him I’d probably buy a watch soon.” I shrug.

  Ace shakes his head with a dry laugh. He drops the card on the floor then rushes around the table towards me. I start to back away, but I end up backing myself into a corner.

  He’s pissed now. I feel his anger radiating off of him. His jaw is clenched tight, nostrils red and flared. “He sells men watches. He used to sell them with your fucking brother!” he shouts. He grabs my face between his large fingers, looking down at me. “Do not fucking lie to me again. How do you know him?”

  “I’m not lying,” I whisper. “I swear I don’t know who he is.”

  “You do fucking know!” he barks. “You know who he is, and you didn’t meet him at the mall! What the fuck did he say to you?”

  I shake my head, fighting to snatch my face out of his hands. He doesn’t bother releasing me. He just holds on tighter, the more I struggle. He’s breathing hard now, eyes wide and furious.

  His looks alone scare the shit out of me. I’m terrified.

  “Fine,” Ace mutters, releasing me. I stumble back, swallowing hard. “Fine. Since you won’t tell me…” He backs away, running a rough hand through his hair. He then points a stern finger in my direction, like he’s thinking of just the right form of punishment for me.

  My heart thunders in my chest. My palms are clammy; my whole body is shaking. I’m not sure what to do—how to react to his temper.

  “Fine,” he says again, and then he turns his back to me, rushing around the table. Picking up the card off the floor, he storms for the door.

  “What are you going to do, Ace!?” I shout before he can step out. He glares at me over his shoulder, jaw ticking. “Don’t hurt him,” I beg in a whisper. “Please. He didn’t say anything.”

  Ace narrows his eyes at me, turning only slightly. “By the way you’re defending him, I know you’re lying.”

  “Please!” I beg. “What are you going to do?” I ask, tears building in my eyes.

  “Since you won’t tell me what this Peter fucking Bridges said to you, I’ll go to him and ask myself.”

  “Don’t hurt him,” I beg again.

  He points a finger at me, yanking the door open. “You…” he breathes, upper lip twitching. “You don’t tell me what the fuck to do.”

  Before I can even breathe again, Ace is out the door, slamming it shut behind him. I blink rapidly, batting the tears away. I swallow hard and pace around my living room, thinking of a way to stop him. I’m sure he’s not going to make any stops. He’ll go straight to the guy, probably beat him to death if I don’t do anything.

  My eyes travel over to the telephone, and I remember Bianca punching her number in when she came to visit. “Bianca,” I whisper, dashing for the phone. I haven’t seen her lately, but I have to call her. She’s probably the only one that really knows how to get Ace under control.

  She’s hiding something.

  She knows something.

  I fucking know it.

  I also know exactly who this Peter Bridges is. I know what he’s capable of, and I know he’d do anything to drag me down. He hated that I recruited Jonah. He hated that he no longer had a best friend in the stupid-ass watch business of his. It wasn’t my fucking fault that Jonah wanted to make his life better.

  Well, technically, I did put the idea in his head, but I didn’t force him into it. I let him keep his options open, which I normally don’t do.

  But this fuck, Peter… I will find him. Now that I’ve thought about it—put it all together—I know he’s the one that probably hired Stella. The mere thought of all he knows makes my skin crawl. He knows too fucking much, and now he has to pay for it.

  If he knows Baker had a way in my place, I’m sure he knows a lot more. A lot more that I’m sure he’s eager to tell London once he gets the opportunity. But I’ll never let that opportunity arrive.

  My only question is how much did he tell her? What all does she know? From what I can tell, it seems like she knows nothing. Then again, she’s good as hell at pretending nothing’s wrong.

  Suddenly, I feel like everyone is against me. This one guy just ruined all my plans for the day. He ruined my mood… my night. Just when I thought I could trust someone…

  As I clutch the wheel, staring ahead at the mall entrance, I think of exactly how I’ll drag his snitching-ass out of there without causing a scene. I could just pull out my gun and shoot him through his fucking skull, but there’ll be too many witnesses, and I have way too much shit on the line right now.

  It’s not surprising that while I’m thinking of ways to torture him, I see him walking to the mall, checking his watch. He’s walking slow, glancing around. What the hell is he doing? What is he waiting for?

  He stops to take a seat on the bench,
observing his surroundings. I look around as well, trying to figure out who the hell he’s waiting for. Then I see her.

  Miss fucking Baker walking in her high-ass heels and grey suit.

  I was right, and she obviously didn’t get the message. She’s been snooping again. She’s here to tell him something… and I’m going to find out.

  Just as I pull out my gun and grab the door handle, there’s a bang on my window. I turn quickly, lifting my gun and pointing it to my left with a heavy frown. Bianca squints her eyes at me and says, “Drop the gun you fucking idiot,” with a bored sigh.

  Swallowing thickly, I lower my gun and roll the window down. “The fuck are you doing here?” I ask, looking ahead. Peter is no longer sitting on the bench. He’s walking inside with Baker.

  I finally look at Bianca, and she folds her arms, frowning down at me. “London told me you were coming to off somebody.”

  “Never said I was gonna kill him.”

  She gives me a look full of doubt. “Shut the hell up, Ace. You have a short fuse. Plus, she told me everything… about the guy. Even who he is and what he said to her.”

  My eyes expand. I can’t believe she told Bianca of all people. The girl with the biggest mouth on the damn planet. “What did he say to her? When did they meet?”

  “Nah uh.” She shakes her head. “No. First you’ll put that damn gun away, go back to your place, and calm the hell down. Before I tell you anything, you have to promise me that you won’t try and come back for him.”

  I grimace at her. “I’m not promising shit.”

  “Then I won’t tell you shit.” She gives a hard “humph.”

  Inhaling, I shake my head, disbelieving the situation I’m in. It’s not usual for Bianca to have things go her way when it comes to me, but I need answers. I need to know what this Peter fuck said to London, so right now, I have no choice.

  After I put my gun away, I lift my hands in the air and force a smile, as if innocent. “Happy?”

  “Nope. Promise me. She wanted me to make you promise.”

  “Bianca, I’m not promising you or her anything. I don’t like him, and she doesn’t know him. I swear, if he told her some shit that I don’t like—”

  I’m not even allowed to finish what I have to say. Bianca turns on her heels and marches away, arms still folded.

  Fuck! “Wait, Bianca! Shit!” I climb out the car. She stops in the middle of the parking lot, turning my way with her head tilted and her eyes wide.


  I sigh, running my hand down my face. “Fine. Damn. I fucking promise.”

  A quick smile appears on her lips, and she takes a few steps back. “See, wasn’t so hard. Meet you at your place!”

  I watch as she weaves her way through a few parked cars, and when she disappears, I climb back in the driver’s seat. Banging the wheel, the horn goes off once, and a few people look my way, but I don’t give a shit.

  I want to kill this Peter guy. So bad.

  Right now, I hate that I’m a man of my word. Otherwise, I would’ve stormed in that fucking mall and put a cap in his fucking head, along with Stella’s, just to prove that I don’t fuck around.

  Whatever he said, I’ll figure it out. I know Bianca, and she’ll tell me everything London said. And when I find out, I will come for him again and I will get him to speak, one way or another. Even if that means breaking my promise.


  As I’m heading up the elevator to get to my condo, I give Tye a call. I need eyes on Peter and Baker. From what I understand, Tye is still on the lookout for Miss Baker and whatever she’s up to, but now that I’ve found out who she’s working for, I know exactly how to go about it.

  I tell him which mall he’s at, what he was wearing, and what store he works for.

  “And make sure you follow him. Everywhere. Even home,” I mutter into the phone.

  “Got it, boss.”

  I hang up, sliding my phone into my pocket. When the elevator chimes, I march out and head for my door, whipping out my keys.

  Surprisingly the door is already unlocked. I step inside, spotting Bianca sitting on the sofa, her feet on the coffee table. Gerrick is standing in the kitchen with a bottle of water in hand.

  “Why’d you let her in?” I ask him, dropping my keys on the banister.

  “Oh, hush,” Bianca says. “I’m here. And you’re glad. I’m sure you missed me.” She flashes a smile at me.

  I ignore her, walking to the empty side of the sofa. “I don’t have time for games, Bianca. Tell me what you know.”

  She rolls her eyes, groaning. “Oh, you don’t have time for games, but you have time to roll around in bed with London?” She quirks an eyebrow.

  As much as I want to react, I keep my face even.

  “Don’t worry,” she breathes. “She didn’t tell me. I figured it out. You left your cuff links on her kitchen floor. Interesting.”

  “Just…” I sigh, running my fingers down my face. I’m on the verge of strangling the answers out of her. She’s lucky she’s family. “Just tell me what she told you.”

  “I thought it’d be better if she told you.” She glances at me then stands to her feet. Just as she does, I hear the toilet flush, and I frown, glancing to my left. Water runs briefly, shuts off, and then London steps around the corner. She forces a smile at me through full, glossed lips. She looks completely different from this morning. Not that she looked bad earlier, but now… she looks fucking delectable. Black stilettos with a lacey purple and black sundress. Her hair has been curled. How the hell did she tidy up so fast? I was only gone for about an hour and a half.

  I pull myself together, though. I can’t afford to drool down her exposed cleavage right now. She may know something, and she just might be using sex as a way of getting even more answers out of me. Funny, ‘cause I’m doing the same damn thing.

  “Well, you two chat it up. I’ll be back later to check on things.” Bianca twists on her heels, giving London a quick wink as she trots toward the door.

  “Wait,” I call, standing. “Where the hell are going? And where have you been?”

  She taps her chin, head tilted. “I’ve been… busy, Ace. Isn’t that what always you say?” She grins then says, “Chow!” before shutting the door behind her.

  Drawing in a deep breath, I sit back down on the sofa without so much as a glance in London’s direction. Right now, I’m pissed at her. She lied to me… and I hate that I’m even upset because I’ve been lying to her since Jonah died. This whole situation is fucked up, and it’s getting out of hand. It’s taking a lot longer to get what I need than I thought it would.

  “Are you gonna ask me what he said?” she questions, voice light as her heels click against the floor.

  I keep my gaze down. I can’t look at her. She looks too damn good. Instead, I look at Gerrick and give him a quick nod. He nods back and walks to the front door, opening and then closing it behind him.

  “Ace?” she calls, stepping closer to me.

  “What, London?”

  “He didn’t tell me anything… not about Jonah. He just said that instead of Jonah being dead, it should be you.”

  I huff a laugh, folding my fingers. “Well I don’t control death. Sorry.”

  The room stills, the air growing thicker by the second. Finally, after a pause so uncomfortable I almost can’t stand it, she says, “I don’t blame you anymore, Ace.”

  “I know you don’t.”

  “How?” she asks.

  “’Cause you wouldn’t be fucking me every night if you did. That’s why.” I look up. I’m being a dick now, but what the fuck do I care? While spending time with her, I realize I’ve become a little soft. Soft? That’s not me. And she won’t get me to change. No matter how gentle she is, or how caring she is. It doesn’t matter if she makes me feel like a real man, or even if her pussy is like crack to me—an addiction. This won’t fucking last. Whatever the hell this is going on between us won’t last, especially if she finds ou
t the truth.

  I see the anger boiling in her eyes. Her cheeks have tinted red, her fists clenched. “You know what else he said about you?” she asks, breathing heavily.


  “That you’re a fucking monster. A money-hungry fiend that only cares about himself. You’re a selfish fucking jerk, Ace.”

  I shrug, which obviously pisses her off more because she does something I don’t see coming. Her hand comes across my cheek, and a loud slap echoes off the wall. My head turns just an inch, my face stings from the blow, but I don’t make a move.

  The real Ace would’ve strangled her. I would’ve fucking killed her. But this Ace sitting here, the one that doesn’t know how he feels about this girl, isn’t sure what to do.

  “You’re a fucking jerk, you know that?” Her voice is thick. When I look up to meet her eyes, she’s already on the verge of tears. I hop to my feet, and she stares at my cheek. It’s probably red. She’s staring at it, a horrified expression her face.

  “What do you want me to tell you?” I ask, taking a step toward her. She takes two back. “Huh? That I won’t hurt him? That I’ll just ignore the fuck that put Miss Baker up to snooping on me?”

  Her lips part, her curls flopping. “He did that?” she asks, her voice shaky.

  “Yeah.” I nod, continuing my walk in her direction. She continues stepping back, eyes wide.

  “Ace, I had no clue. He didn’t tell me that.”

  “But he was going to…” I watch as her back hits the wall. She gasps, glancing over her shoulder and then at me again. “When were you going to meet him? Get answers?”

  “I don’t know,” she breathes. “I was skeptical. And afraid of what he was going to say.”

  “You know who he is?” I ask.


  “He’s a lying, manipulative bitch. He swore him and Jonah were best friends. As long as Jonah and I worked together, he never said a word about him. He hates me because he feels like I took his friend away. Truth is, I don’t control what people do, and I definitely didn’t control Jonah.” I sigh. “This Peter guy… he was only trying to get to you because he knows something he shouldn’t…”


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