Razzle Dazzle

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Razzle Dazzle Page 5

by Morticia Knight

  All Jack could tell so far, since Roman had been attired in a very expensive looking white suit with waistcoat and long jacket, was that he was quite tall, likely over six feet, and that his hands were exquisite. They also had smooth, unmarked skin with groomed nails accentuating long, graceful fingers.

  Jack shivered.

  A stray thought of those fingers exploring and pleasuring his ass had sweat breaking out on his upper lip. It was wrong. He loved Nick, and he still intended to find him. If nothing else, he wanted to be ready and waiting if Nick came back.

  Roman sat surrounded by dozens of different shoes in varying colours and styles. An attendant laced one of many pairs Roman had tried on already. He slyly turned his head to look Jack’s way, and caught him staring, his trademark grin curling the corners of his mouth. Jack quickly grabbed a shoe on display and pretended he hadn’t been watching him the entire time.

  “My dear Jack, I need your opinion on these.”

  Jack set down the shoe he’d feigned interest in and moved closer to where Roman sat. Every time he got too close to Roman, his thoughts went in too many inappropriate directions. Meanderings such as how those hands would feel caressing his body. What those beautiful lips would be like pressed to his mouth. Whether his personal scent was sweet, spicy or musky. More than once he’d become hard, and had only managed not to humiliate himself by keeping his hands folded in front of him.

  “What do you think of these Oxfords?”

  They were a deep brown, with a different type of pebbled leather than Jack had ever seen before that comprised the tongue. This unusual material extended underneath the laces to the middle of the foot. A tooled design edged the two leathers, and a similar pattern graced the toe.

  “They’re real snazzy. I ain’t never seen bumpy leather like that before.”

  A deep-throated laugh came from Roman, and he covered his middle as if it hurt. Jack was sure he was being made fun of, and he didn’t like it. This time the heat that rose to his face was from embarrassment.

  “Jack, don’t, I’m so sorry. I’m not mocking you. I just find your naïveté so wonderful and refreshing. I absolutely deplore being around so many arrogant and self-aggrandising toadies. You are nothing like them.”

  Jack squirmed a little. He was sure Roman was trying to be complimentary to him, but he didn’t understand a lot of the words that he was using. That had been the case all day, and just added to the discomfort of being around him. Jack would be mortified if he were to leave his movie idol with the belief that he was just a stupid greenhorn. Roman certainly wouldn’t want such a rube to be in his big moving picture.

  “That’s okay.”

  “No it’s not. It’s very bad of me. I should be spanked for treating you so thoughtlessly. But instead, I shall buy you a pair of shoes.”

  Jack gasped. “Oh no. I couldn’t!”

  Roman waved his hand at him as if he were shooing him away.

  “Don’t be ridiculous. I want to. I have been taking up all of your time this afternoon, and then I hurt your feelings. What a monster you must think I am.”

  “Geez, Mr Pasquale, I don’t think you’re a monster. You’re the nicest, most wonderful, gorgeous…”

  Jack slapped a hand to his mouth.

  Roman settled back in the plush Victorian styled chair, and draped his arms over the rests. He crossed his long legs, the top one sporting the Oxford he had just put on, and gave Jack a secretive smile.

  “Please, do go on. I believe you left off at gorgeous. Am I correct?”

  “I have to go…”

  Jack stumbled around, trying to negotiate his way around the piles of merchandise that Roman had been considering, and that were now strewn about the floor. Jack’s upper arm was grabbed forcefully, but with care.

  Roman whispered into his ear, “Jack, please wait.”

  Jack could hear the heartfelt plea behind the words. He stopped, but wouldn’t look at Roman.

  “There is no need to feel ashamed.”

  Roman kept his voice low so that no one else could hear what he was telling Jack.

  “I seem to be an expert at frightening you off. I know I am a rogue, a scoundrel. But you mustn’t take my little utterances so to heart. I absolutely adore how sweet and sensitive you are. Be assured, I only think the best of you.”

  Jack relaxed, and Roman tentatively released his grip. Jack was sure Roman was testing to see if he would take off again. He was actually still considering it, but so many competing emotions swirled through him, and he wasn’t even sure he knew where he wanted to go.

  Jack looked hesitantly at Roman, and he appeared to have real remorse on his face. His brow was slightly pulled together, and Roman reminded Jack of his character in The Conquistador when he’d massacred several natives, one of them being a beautiful young girl. Was Roman acting, or did he really mean it?

  The feel of Roman’s hand on his arm from just a few moments before had been like an exquisite torture. Roman Pasquale had touched him. Not by accident, or in a teasing way, but he had grasped Jack’s arm to keep him from leaving. He had a squishy feeling in his stomach thinking about that, and wondered at what was really going on. It was next to impossible for him to believe that someone such as Roman could ever truly want him, but even if he did, Jack was sure it was just for sex. Trixie had told Jack all about Roman’s lavender romps that he held at his estate, so likely Jack was just another selection on Roman’s menu.

  “Jack, please sit down.”

  Roman indicated the matching chair next to his. Jack bent to pick up one of the boxes on the seat, but Roman blocked his reach, and gestured to the clerk.

  “Would you remove this please? And I need you to measure my friend’s foot. We need to get him fitted properly.”

  The clerk moved the box and hurried to get the measuring device. Jack positioned himself on the chair by sitting on the edge. He was still incredibly uncomfortable with the entire situation. Was this how Trixie had begun having sex with men to survive? They would buy her extravagant gifts? Had she been expected to reciprocate with the only thing that she owned that had value—her body?

  “Calm down. I don’t expect anything in return. I know that is what you are thinking. I am just trying to make up for how uncouth I have been this afternoon. Please accept them as an apology.”

  “You don’t have to…”

  Roman held up a hand to stop him. “Stop. I have heard enough. Any more protests, and I shall assume that you are trying to insult me.”

  Jack looked up at Roman who still stood next to him. “I would never do that, Mr Pasquale, never.”

  Roman took off his jacket, leaving just his waistcoat on over his fine white silk shirt. He draped the garment over the chair he had been seated in. As he bent to do that, his loose trousers pulled enticingly over his shapely ass. Through the thin material of Roman’s shirt, Jack could also see that while he wasn’t bulky, he did have some definition to his arms. That would explain why Roman had seemed so strong as he’d grabbed him. Overall, Roman was not a man to be trifled with. Jack was sure he’d likely be the victor in a physical altercation. Or in the bedroom.

  Roman sat next to Jack carefully, as if he were afraid of scaring away a wild bird. It was obvious to Jack that he was the cause of that. He hadn’t intended to act so shy and nervous around Roman, but then again, he hadn’t expected to be around him at all.

  “Also, my dear Jack, it’s Roman. Mr Pasquale coming from your tender lips makes me sound like some sort of old wrinkly banker. Not a pleasant image.”


  Jack’s voice seemed so small to him. But Roman filled the room with his very presence, and Jack couldn’t imagine how it could be any other way. All Jack could ever be was an insignificant adornment next to the greatness that was Roman Pasquale.

  “So let me tell you a bit about these different shoes. These Oxfords that I have on are in a Brogue style—that’s the tooled design here on the toe—and are made up of two leathers. T
he outer section is a soft calves’ leather, and this bumpy part—as you called it—is crocodile. I agree with you that they are quite exceptional looking, but the delicate skin from the calf combined with the tougher crocodile could create a problem for extended wear. Eventually, the weaker one will pull away from the stronger one. But, if you love them, I shall buy them anyway. I rarely wear a pair of shoes more than a few times.”

  It was so interesting to listen to Roman talk about everyday things like shoe design, and not just topics related to films. Jack had the rare opportunity to experience an ordinary day in the life of a screen idol, and for the first time since he’d seen Roman in the flesh, he wasn’t in a state of fear, but in awe.

  “Let’s look at what other selections they have here.”

  Roman picked from the boxes that were the closest to him, not getting up from his chair. Jack had the sense that he was sticking close to his side.

  Roman held up a shiny black and white pair.

  “These are a nice wingtip. They would be right with a certain outfit, but I have to say…”

  He put those down then grabbed another pair from a different box.

  “…this black pair you could wear with many ensembles, and the art deco stitching is divine—quite unique. Do you care for them?”

  Jack hadn’t been paying much attention earlier, as he’d been concentrating more on Roman than on shoes, but now he could see the allure of the ones Roman held up. It was as though the designer had used this pair of footwear as an art canvas. They were beautiful.

  “Oh my, they’re nicer than anythin’ I ever seen.”

  “Excellent. Then you shall have them. Here comes the attendant. Let us get you fitted, and then I could really use a mint julep. I know an exclusive place we can go to after this that is not very far.”

  Jack wanted to protest, but kept his mouth shut. So far, speaking up hadn’t worked out so well for him. If he could just get through the rest of the day without saying anything else stupid, or doing something he didn’t want to do, he would be certain to never be alone with Roman Pasquale again.

  Roman insisted that Jack wear the shoes, and had the clerk put the other ones that had been pinching Jack’s toes in the box to take with him. They reached the counter, and when the salesman rang them up, Jack’s shoes alone were fifty dollars. Jack had to look away. All that kept running through his mind was that he and Nick had been paid fifty dollars to fuck each other in front of Charlie—the lawyer from Global—whilst Trixie had sucked Charlie’s cock.

  Hollywood was ever full of surprises.

  So far things had been going quite well in Roman’s opinion. They had experienced a rough beginning, but now that they were in the speakeasy with mint juleps in their hands, things seemed much better. Jack was wearing shoes that Roman had purchased for him, and finally seemed to be relaxing. He was not put off at all by Jack’s working class grammar. For Roman, it added to his unsullied persona, made him more real. Roman had tired a long while before of the pretentiousness of so many, whilst still bearing in mind that he was just as guilty.

  But the studios and fans expect it of me. It’s really only when I do radio interviews, throw elegant parties, or appear at premieres that it matters. I do have a reputation to maintain.

  He also desired to be as far removed from his dirt poor beginnings as possible. It wasn’t just the poverty that he longed to distance himself from, but the other events from that time. He swallowed the rest of his julep in one gulp, something he rarely did, as he tried to always maintain a genteel demeanour. They were in the darkest corner in the back of the room. Roman had guaranteed that with a ten dollar bill pressed into the hand of the host. He peeked over at Jack who watched the stage show with wide eyes, and sipped delicately at his drink. If things had progressed between them even a bit further, he would have grabbed the back of Jack’s head and thrust his tongue into Jack’s mouth. He could almost taste the sweet mint flavour of the cocktail that would be a part of Jack’s essence.

  Roman was uncomfortably hard, and already planning on who he would instruct Hector to bring to his estate that night that he could fuck until they were senseless. It was much too soon for Jack. When he finally took him, he wanted to make sure that Jack was ready to be taken completely. Roman wouldn’t tolerate Jack leaving him once he had claimed him. Once Roman had decided he wanted something, he never let it go.

  Roman leaned into Jack so that he could speak to him above the noise of the music. Jack started a bit as if he hadn’t expected Roman’s voice to be so near.

  “Are you enjoying yourself?”

  Jack set down the tall glass on the small round table. He nodded.

  “Very much, thank you.”

  Roman saw that Jack was fidgeting a little again. It was as though every time Jack became aware of Roman, he didn’t know what to do with himself.

  “I’m ordering another julep. Can I get you one?”

  “Oh no, I’m fine.”

  “Please, I insist. It will make you feel better.”

  Jack smiled faintly, and nodded again.

  Roman waved his hand, and a waiter appeared at his side immediately. He placed the order then scooted right next to Jack. He could see the young man being very careful to stare straight ahead.

  Someday, he shall gaze into my eyes, and not want to look away.

  “What do you think of this club?”

  Jack turned to him, but angled his head back a little. Roman was sure it was because their lips would have been too tantalisingly close otherwise.

  “It’s very ritzy. But how come there ain’t no ladies except the ones dancin’ by the band?”

  Roman raised his eyebrows. He took a glance at the show area then noted their distance from it. “Ah yes. You see, my dear Jack, if we were seated a little closer, I imagine you would notice something unique about those ladies.”

  Jack frowned. “I don’t understand.”

  Roman sighed, but was careful to keep his tone from sounding mocking.

  “You know what a pansy club is, right?”

  “Sure. Father O’Malley told me about them.”

  It was Roman’s turn to frown.

  “I don’t think I care to know any more about that. But this club is one of those places. So those ladies you see dancing aren’t really ladies.”

  Jack turned to the entertainment and studied it for a few moments. He looked back at Roman, eyes wide. “Oh, I see.”

  The waiter brought their drinks, and soon both he and Jack had consumed those, and another round. It was getting later in the day, and the joint was filling with many more couples, threesomes and foursomes. It was much more subdued than the naughty gatherings Roman hosted, but it was still very open and carefree. Jack put a hand to his forehead.

  Roman sidled up to him, allowing his arm to rest against Jack’s shoulder. He took the hand Jack had raised to his head, and held it sandwiched between his. Jack trembled all over. Roman was certain that it had more to do with anticipation than actual fear this time. Since the young man hadn’t yanked his hand away, Roman went a step further.

  Roman nuzzled Jack’s hair, placing feathery kisses on the top of his head, then moving farther down until he reached his ear, sticking his tongue inside. Jack jumped as though he’d been stuck with a fire poker. Roman let go of him, but kept one arm behind Jack’s chair.

  “Mr Pasquale… Roman… I…”

  Jack was trying to push up from his seat, but Roman wouldn’t let the chair slide back, and Jack’s legs were trapped by the table.

  “Let me go. I have to leave!”

  Roman was startled at how vehemently Jack wanted to get away from him. He hadn’t meant to go so far, but at the same time, Jack had finally seemed so at ease. He never would have touched him had he known this would happen.

  “Jack. Stop. Let me explain. I’ve had too much to drink, forgive me. I was caught up in the moment, the playful atmosphere. I didn’t mean to upset you. I shall take you home right now.”

  Jack had a pained expression on his face, gripping the table’s edge with his hands.

  “I can get a taxi, I don’t mind.”

  “My dear Jack, I don’t want you to go away angry with me.”

  Jack turned to him at last. “I’m not angry, I’m just so confused.” Jack paused, looking down at his hands that still clutched the table. “It’s a long story. You’re very nice, I like you a lot, but I… I can’t talk about it right now.”

  Roman let go of the back of Jack’s chair, and the young man he wanted so desperately took the opportunity to head for the stairs leading out to the street. Roman moved quickly. He tossed some cash down and hurried after him. He had to laugh to himself. It was like the night of the party all over again, with him chasing after Jack. At least he knew who he was now, and was comforted by the knowledge that they would soon be working together. He mentally kicked himself for having behaved so rashly with the sensitive man. As much as he didn’t want to think about it, he knew from Trixie’s information that Jack had been hurt badly by the boyfriend quite recently.

  Jack was not someone whose affections could be trifled with, and no doubt would never toy with another’s. Which made Jack all the more appealing.

  Chapter Five

  “Where the hell ya been, Jack? Charlie’s been lookin’ for ya all day to have ya sign the contracts, and I thought ya’d been hit by a trolley or somethin’ and was lyin’ dead in the streets. Oh my God, look at those spiffy new shoes ya got there! Those musta set ya back quite a few clams. Spendin’ your new earnin’s already, huh? Well shit, Jack, ya gotta sign the contract first! Where ya been? Oh, Jesus, I can smell the hooch all over ya. Did ya go to the Silver Star without me?”


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