Razzle Dazzle

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Razzle Dazzle Page 8

by Morticia Knight

  A knock on his dressing room door interrupted his reverie.

  “What?” He tried not to sound as annoyed as he was. This was supposed to be his sacred one hour rest.

  “Hey, Roman, it’s me—Trixie.”

  Why doesn’t someone just get a gun and shoot me? It would be less painful.

  “Come in, my dear.”

  He didn’t bother to get up. She sauntered in, a white fox fur wrapped around her shoulders over a peacock blue sheath with some sort of elaborate beading. The dead animal was either a gift from one of her so-called pursuers, or part of her character’s wardrobe. In either case, Roman was certain she hadn’t purchased it herself.

  “Whatchya doin’?” She sat down on his chaise longue without being invited. Then she began to poke through a box of chocolates that one of his desperate admirers had sent him. “Ooh, caramel creams.”

  Roman sighed. It wasn’t as if he would ever eat them anyway. Terrible for his skin. “Do help yourself, my dear. To what do I owe this pleasure? Are our passionate love scenes not enough to satisfy you?”

  “Oh, Roman, you just take the cake. Listen, honey, you told me to tell ya if I heard anythin’ interestin’ about Jack, right?”

  “And he is still completely unaware that you are doing this for me?”

  “I told ya—my lips are positively sealed.”

  “Do go on.”

  “Well, Marvin just told me I could have the beginnin’ of next week off, cuz he’s gonna take Jack alone to some rock formations out in the desert to do the first scene where he discovers the map in Egypt.”

  “How nice of Marvin not to bother to tell his star of this development. I guess I was supposed to find out when I showed up on Monday and no one was fucking here.”

  Trixie was sucking chocolate off her fingers, having popped a candy in her mouth whilst Roman was speaking. “Oh no honey, don’t be upset. Marvin told me this mornin’ after we was…” She giggled. “What I mean is that he hadn’t had a chance to tell no one yet. Not even Jack. That’s why I came straight over so yous’d be the first to know.”

  “Don’t you mean the second? I suppose I shall have to add sucking the director’s cock to my repertoire in order to receive any timely information from now on.”

  “Now, Roman, don’t be crass.” She crossed her arms in front of her. “I’m just tryin ta help. Plus, you said I’d be invited to one a ya shindigs here soon. You ain’t had no parties in a while. Ya know, ya special ones.” She winked. “And I already told ya Jack’s favourite colour is purple. That counts for somethin’, don’t it?”

  Roman sighed. If she would just shut up for one minute, he could think.

  “Please, dear girl, have another chocolate.” He waved his hand in her general direction. Taking the bait, she popped another caramel in her mouth and smacked her lips. That wasn’t much better. He sat straight up in his chair as an idea jumped into his mind.

  It was time to make a firm commitment towards his future with Jack. Whilst Jack was out of town doing his location shoot, Roman would have one last hurrah. He would host one final orgy, and be done with it. Without telling anyone why, he would let everyone know that it was all over. That way, everything would be clear for his renewed pursuit of Jack. The last thing he needed was men showing up every night when he finally lured Jack into his bed.

  “You are absolutely correct, Trixie. It’s time I had another party, but we must be discreet as usual. I can count on you to help me get the word out, right?”

  “Ooh, yay!” She clapped her hands together like a little girl. “Should I run and tell Jack?”

  Roman surprised himself at how quickly he moved. He was typically more languid in motion—it helped add to his blasé demeanour. He forcefully grabbed Trixie by her upper arm.

  “Ow, Roman, whatchya doin’ that for?”

  “I want to make it exceedingly clear that Jack is to know nothing of this, understand?”

  “Yeah, I understand.”

  Trixie’s voice was pouty. He typically didn’t manhandle women, but he couldn’t take any chances with her. He didn’t trust her as much as he trusted Trixie’s fear of him, and what he could do to her career. He let her go, and settled back into his chair.

  “Now that we are of an accord, I want to go over the details of my plan. Tell the usual people, and spread the word that this is my final celebration. After this soirée, there will be no more.”

  “But, Roman…”

  “Quiet woman, I need you to pay attention. Take notes if you must, but do not forget one word I tell you. In addition to that, I want you to find out exactly how Jack feels about me before then. I will be having my gathering Monday night when he is out of town, so you must find out before then. Any questions?”

  “Well, I already know Jack’s crazy about ya, that ain’t no secret.”

  Roman took a deep breath. “You have such an eloquent way of putting things. I need you to be more specific. In what way is he crazy about me? Does he dream of me nightly? Mention my name at every chance? Express his desire to have my cock up his ass? I need details.”

  “Okay, Roman, ya don’t have ta get so nasty about it.”

  “Please excuse me, my dear, but it’s just been a dreadful week for me. Here I am, pining away for the one I love above all others, and all he can think of is that brute who left him in tears.”

  Trixie patted Roman’s arm. “You are so right. I been tellin’ Jack ever since Nick left that he was no good for him. And here yous are, a great star, stuck on him, and he still wants some guy who ain’t there no more. I don’t get this whole love thing at all.”

  “So you see, Trixie, if you really do care about Jack’s well-being, you’ll help him out by sending him my way. I can take care of him better than that detestable boyfriend of his ever could.”

  “Ain’t that the truth, honey.”

  “Excellent. Then I can count on you to get as much out of him as you can by Monday evening?”

  “I will, Roman, I promise.”

  * * * *

  It was strange to Jack that he had the whole weekend off to relax and do whatever he wanted. He didn’t have to worry about whether he had enough money to go and enjoy himself. There was no one telling him what to do. The studio had sent a cheque over to his dressing room Friday morning for a thousand dollars. He’d almost fainted. Inside was a note explaining that they were giving him an advance on one week’s pay so that he could get any necessary items he might need to support his newly acquired star status. Trixie explained that the studio wanted its players to seem like they were born a star before they ever became ones. They were also pressuring both he and Trixie to make appearances around town on supposed dates. Since they already spent so much time going out together anyway, it wasn’t that big a deal. Except the types of places the bosses wanted them to be seen weren’t gin joints, but ritzy places where stars gathered, such as the Cocoanut Grove, Pacific Dining Car or Baron’s Long Ship Café in Venice.

  Jack decided to take the day to just lie on the floor, or sit on the balcony and read his romance movie magazines and scandal sheets. On Sunday, he thought about heading over to one of the little fruit and vegetable markets everyone talked about. They were only going to be up a little while longer, as fall was just arriving.

  Jack grabbed an orange from the bowl Trixie had on the little table in her small kitchen. He spread the magazines out over the pillows and peeled his snack, tossing the remnants on the side table next to the love seat. Trixie still hadn’t come home from the night before. She was probably over at one of her lover’s homes. Lately, it had been the director almost every night. Jack knew it was none of his business, but he was worried about her. It just seemed like she was doing too much too fast. He didn’t know enough about life—his own troubles confirmed that—to give her any better advice other than to be careful.

  He looked down at the publications he’d chosen. The majority of them featured brooding and sensual photographs of Roman on the cover. Salac
ious stories that hinted about a mysterious blonde or brunette woman being his current flame filled the pages. Jack snickered. Just because he’d decided that there could never be anything between him and Roman in real life, didn’t mean he couldn’t fantasise a little. His dreams certainly wouldn’t let him stop thinking of Roman.

  He sucked on an orange slice, and Trixie tumbled through the door.

  “Phew! What time is it? I fell asleep at Marvin’s and forgot to come home.” She burst into her musical laughter. “Hey, whatchya doin’?”

  She plopped down on the floor next to him.

  “You wanna slice?” asked Jack, handing one to her.

  “Thanks, honey. Ooh, look at all those sexy pictures a Roman. You can’t tell me you ain’t sweet on him. This is your girl Trixie here, you can tell me.”

  It was true. He had no one else he could confide in except her. It would be nice to be able to talk about some of his feelings, let things out. Jack smiled. “Yeah, I guess if things were different, I’d wanna be with him.”

  “Really? What is it about him that you like so much? I mean besides the whole gorgeous, rich and famous thing.”

  How did you explain an attraction? The heat that sparked between them at the slightest touch or a smouldering look?

  “Well… Besides his looks, he just has this powerful feeling to him. Like he would take charge of everything, of me. I like that.” Jack felt his cheeks flush a little. He shouldn’t be embarrassed in front of Trixie of all people. “He’s also very smart and classy, and he knows a lot about fashion and artistic things. And he’s really nice in his own way. Sorta like Nick was. It’s strange—they both can be so mean, so rough, but then they get soft with me, and it makes me feel special.” Jack put his head down. He was too self-conscious to look at her face.

  “Geez, Jack. You got it bad. Why don’t ya just give the poor guy a chance?”

  “Huh. He said somethin’ similar to me this past week.”

  “Ya see. It must be the fates or somethin’.

  “I don’t know. It hasn’t even been a month since Nick…”

  “Stop, Jack. I don’t want to be mean either, but this whole Nick this, Nick that thing is gonna make you crazy. I know I’m pretty close myself just hearin’ about it all the time. Think about it. What if Nick don’t never come back? What if he’s havin’ his weddin’ day with that girl back in Philly right now, huh? And here you are sayin’ no to the greatest screen star the world has ever known. I know for a fact that Roman’s lost without you.” Trixie grabbed another orange slice from his hand.

  Jack stared at the remaining pieces. Was he being stupid? “Gosh, now I feel bad. I mean, he never did anythin’ bad to me, he was so considerate to me that first day. He helped at the lunch meeting…”

  “He bought you swanky shoes.”

  “And he’s been awful sorry for everythin’ that happened with us. And there was that thing he said about his heart.”

  “What’s wrong with his heart?”

  “I don’t know if I should say. It was sorta personal.”

  Trixie punched his arm. “Shit, Jack. Don’t leave out the best parts.”

  “Well, I guess I can tell you. Just don’t say nothin’ to him. I don’t want him to think I kiss and tell.”

  Trixie gasped. “You kissed him?”

  Jack laughed. “No. It’s an expression. Like the liver thing you said to me.”

  “I know that.” She stuck her tongue out and blew him a raspberry. “Never mind. Tell me this personal thing. I won’t say nothin’.”

  “Well,” Jack said shyly, “he said I’d captivated his heart.”

  This time Trixie gasped louder, and her hands flew to her mouth. “Oh my God, Jack. He ain’t kiddin’ with you. I ain’t never heard him say that about nobody.”

  Jack hung his head. “You don’t know that. Maybe he said it to someone without you knowin’. Like he did with me.”

  “Listen to me, Jack Stone. It’s not just me. No one’s never heard Roman say nothin’ ‘bout nobody like that before. As a matter of fact, he’s usually sayin’ the opposite, how he don’t want no guy all stuck on him and that he don’t ever feel that way about no one. You must be special.”

  “Aw, I don’t know, Trixie. It was just a nice thing to say. Although…”

  Trixie grabbed his arm. “Although what? Don’t leave me hangin’ here sweetie.”

  Jack squirmed a little. “He also said he hoped that I would give him the chance one day to prove that it wasn’t just a sex thing for him.”

  “Shit, Jack. You gotta give this poor guy a break. Just think how bad you felt when Nick turned away from you. You wouldn’t want to do that to someone else, would you?”

  Jack’s heart clutched. The last thing he would ever want to do is to cause anyone the type of pain he’d felt after Nick left. “Geez, Trixie. I never thought of it like that. I guess I was only thinkin’ of myself. I guess I was the one not bein’ very nice.”

  Trixie placed her hand gently on his arm. “Don’t kick yourself too bad, honey. Things can still turn around with him. I promise you he ain’t interested in no one else.”

  “Oh no.”

  “What now, Jack?”

  “It’s just that I gotta go to the desert with the crew on Monday, so I won’t get to see Roman until Wednesday. I don’t wanna leave things like this until then. Maybe I should get a driver to bring me back Monday night so I can talk to him.”

  Trixie began coughing and choking on the orange slice she was eating.

  “Geez, Trixie, you want some water?”

  “No, no, I’m fine.” She fanned herself as if it would help her recover. “But that’s a really bad idea Jack.”


  “Because…Roman has to leave town. Actually, he’s already left, and won’t be back until it’s time to shoot on Wednesday morning, so you’ll just have to wait. But I’m sure he’ll be thrilled.”

  “If you think that’s okay.”

  “It’ll be fine, honey. Say, why don’t I get changed outta these glad rags, and we head on down to the beach today? This could be our last chance before it gets too cold.”

  “Sure, that sounds swell. But I don’t want to go to the Santa Monica pier.”

  Trixie gave him a puzzled look.

  Jack sighed. “Nick and I…”

  “Never mind. I don’t wanna know. We’ll go to Venice.”

  Jack wiped his sticky hands on his jeans. It was the first time in several days that he hadn’t been dressed to the nines. He gathered up his magazines and got up to get himself ready to go to the beach. He set the pile down on the love seat, then brushed the orange peels into his hand. A stunning picture of Roman was on the cover of the top publication. His eyes seemed to stare right into Jack’s. His heart thumped as he imagined what his next meeting with Roman might be like. What it would be like to be held in his strong arms and to give in to his demands. His erection pressed painfully against the restrictive denim. He couldn’t think that way. He still needed to be certain that Roman didn’t just want to use him for sex.

  Chapter Eight

  He had on one of his most exquisite sets of pyjamas for the evening’s gathering—a deep red silk over which he wore a black satin smoking jacket. He had paid hundreds of dollars just for the hand embroidery of Chinese dragons in fine gold threads. At the same time, he had ordered another set of loungewear that he was saving for his first night with Jack. It was made of a lavender silk so fine that it was sheer. A custom made thong in a deep purple was to be worn underneath. Over that, he would wear a solid gold satin smoking jacket. If Jack thought of him as the king of Hollywood, he would dress the part.

  He was expecting Trixie to arrive soon—if she knew what was good for her. It was almost eleven o’clock at night. The festivities didn’t generally begin until midnight, but he wanted to catch her before she was too far gone from drink and joy powder to make any sense.

  There was a gentle tapping at his door that he recogn
ised as being from Hector. His valet understood everything about him, and knew little details such as Roman’s dislike for loud or sudden noises. Many times Hector was able to discern when he should retreat, or alternately intervene, when Roman was engaged in various situations.

  “Yes, Hector. What is it?”

  His servant opened the door slightly and peeked his head in.

  “Miss Fox has arrived.”

  “How quaint. When there is a sex and drugs party she is mysteriously able to arrive on time. Send her up.”

  Within a few minutes, he could hear Trixie giggling as she stumbled up his marble stairs. If she knocked over his Chiparus bronze that rested on a marble pillar outside of his bedroom door, it would take all of his strength not to do something horrible to her.

  “Roman! I know you’re here somewhere. I forget which room. I’m lucky I remember anythin’ from the last time I was up here.” She broke into peals of laughter.

  After rolling his eyes to get it out of his system, he opened the door and gestured for her to come to his room.

  Oh Lord.

  He wasn’t sure what the outfit was that she was supposed to be wearing, but she would be impossible to lose in a crowd. It was a bright yellow beaded monstrosity that was very sheer—and very short. Ostrich feathers completely engulfed her, and Roman was having a difficult time discerning if they were part of, or an addition, to her ensemble. She looked like a big sparkling chicken.

  “My dear Trixie, do come in. I see you have gone out of your way to dress up for this evening.”

  “Aw, Roman, ya always got such sweet things to say to a lady. But I had to go all out if this is gonna be your last romp.” She mugged a sad face. “If it weren’t for my sweetie Jack, I would talk ya out of it. But he’s been so sad over the whole Nick thing…”

  “Must I keep hearing that name? It grates on my nerves.”

  “Sorry. But ya know what I mean. It would destroy Jack if ya were havin’ other guys over all the time and orgies and stuff. He don’t go for that. He’s very traditional, ya know? And I wanna help yous two get together, but I love Jack, and I wanna make sure you’re gonna do right by him. Unlike N… Ya know, the other guy.” She said the last few words with her hand at the side of her mouth, as though she were telling him something secretly.


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