Jewel the Midnight Pony

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Jewel the Midnight Pony Page 3

by Poppy Shire

  Sophie twisted her fingers in Jewel’s mane. “But Jewel’s my pony—he’d go best with me there to help.”

  Jewel whinnied, nudging the constable with his nose.

  The blacksmith laughed, and Mr. Joy shook his head, smiling. “Anyone would think that pony understands exactly what we’re saying!” he said. “Well, all right, then. As long as I’m there to keep an eye on things, you should be safe. Let’s go and see Lady Amelia right now, and tell her she can go to the ball after all.”

  Sophie grinned and gave Jewel a big hug. They were going to catch Galloping Jim!

  Chapter Seven

  Constable Joy mounted his sturdy brown and white horse. They led Sophie and Jewel straight to Grey Manor, Lady Amelia’s enormous house.

  Lady Amelia was in the stable yard, stroking the lame pony. Lady Amelia was very beautiful, a bit younger than Sophie’s mom, with curly brown hair piled high on her head. Her red silk dress was so long that it would have trailed on the ground if she hadn’t had it looped up over one arm. Sophie could see that she was wearing delicate little red shoes with flowers embroidered on them, but she had wooden sandals strapped on underneath to keep them clean.

  Next to Lady Amelia was an older lady who had a very annoyed expression on her face. She was waving a fan and complaining loudly. “Amelia, dear, must we stay here much longer? The smell is simply dreadful. I feel quite ill,” she grumbled.

  But Lady Amelia was too worried about her lame pony to listen. “Poor Blackberry,” she said, reaching over the stable door to rub the pony’s nose. “He does look sorry for himself.” She turned around and saw Sophie and Mr. Joy leading their ponies across the cobbled yard. “Hello, Mr. Joy. Have you heard about our accident?”

  Mr. Joy took off his hat and bowed. “Good day, my lady. Actually, yes. I’ve come with a plan to help you go to the ball,” he said.

  “Really?” Lady Amelia looked interested. “Is this young lady going to help as well? It’s so nice to see somebody in sensible clothes—this dress is completely unsuitable for the stable yard.” Lady Amelia beamed at Sophie, but the old lady looked horrified.

  “Shocking!” she muttered. “A girl in breeches! Whatever next?”

  “This is Sophie,” said Mr. Joy. “She’s the one who’s come up with the plan. My lady, we think we can catch Galloping Jim. But we need your help, too.”

  Lady Amelia clapped her hands. “How exciting!”

  Mr. Joy explained how Jewel was going to take the place of the lame pony and Sophie was going to drive the coach so they could catch Galloping Jim red-handed.

  “What a brilliant idea!” said Lady Amelia.

  The older lady was so shocked that she stopped fanning herself. “Amelia, you can’t agree to this dreadful plan! You and this little scrap of a girl, laying a trap for a murderous robber? What nonsense, she’s far too young! Oh, I think I’m going to faint….” She swayed, her eyes half closed, but she stood up straight again when it was obvious that no one was going to run over and catch her.

  “She loves making a fuss, doesn’t she?” Jewel muttered to Sophie. Sophie had to swallow a giggle.

  “You simply can’t, Amelia. I won’t allow it.” The older lady shut her fan with a snap.

  “But, Cousin Flora, we must!” Lady Amelia insisted. “How would you feel if one of your friends was held up by that rogue? And imagine how exciting it will be to tell everyone! You will be a heroine!” She winked at Sophie.

  “Oh, do you really think so?” gasped Cousin Flora.

  “Of course!” said Mr. Joy.

  “We must go and get ready,” said Lady Amelia. She led Cousin Flora away before she could change her mind.

  Mr. Joy rubbed his hands together. “Well done, Sophie! You stay here, and I’ll go and get my eldest boy, Luke. We’ll need a strong lad to make sure we can hold Galloping Jim once we catch him.”

  He got back onto his horse, and Sophie watched them trot out of the stable yard. Jewel nudged her. “Come on, Sophie! You need to find something to wear so you look like a coachman.”

  Looking around the yard, she spotted a big black coat with gold braid around the sleeves, and a three-cornered hat hanging on a hook behind a door. “Do you think I could borrow those?” she asked.

  Jewel nodded. “They must belong to the injured coachman,” he said. “I’m sure he won’t mind.”

  Sophie put them on, rolling up the big sleeves and tipping the hat forward to hide her face. “What do you think?”

  “Perfect,” Jewel declared. “No one will know you’re a girl!”

  Sophie waited all afternoon at Grey Manor. The stable boy offered to share his lunch with her, but Sophie was too nervous to eat. Instead, she brushed Jewel until his coat shone like polished coal. The other carriage pony, Shadow, was exactly the same size and color as Jewel, but he didn’t have a white diamond on his forehead.

  When it started to get dark, Sophie and the stable boy harnessed the ponies to Lady Amelia’s carriage. Jewel whispered instructions to Sophie so that she knew how to buckle the leather straps into place. Then they took the carriage around to the front of the house to wait for Lady Amelia and Cousin Flora.

  When the two ladies appeared at the top of the steps, Sophie could see why they had needed all afternoon to get ready. Lady Amelia was wearing a magnificent white dress embroidered with flowers made from tiny pearls and silver thread that twinkled as she moved. Her hair was swirled on her head so that it stood up like a tower, and ropes of pearls were woven through it to match the flowers on her dress. Two silver feathers were held in her hair by a diamond clasp. Sophie thought she looked like something out of a fairy tale!

  “Good luck, Sophie!” Lady Amelia called before climbing into the coach. Cousin Flora followed her, tucking her rustling lilac skirt around her legs as she sat on the padded velvet seat.

  Mr. Joy and Luke ran up the drive just in time, looking rather red faced and breathless. They clambered into the coach and crouched on the floor so that no one could see them. Sophie giggled when she heard Cousin Flora grumbling about sharing a coach with the men. She stroked Jewel’s mane, and Shadow’s, too, so he didn’t feel left out. Feeling very proud, she climbed up to her seat and picked up the reins.

  “Let’s go!” Sophie slapped the reins lightly on the ponies’ backs, and the coach moved forward with a jerk. Sophie gasped with excitement as the wind tugged at her hair.

  They were off to catch Galloping Jim!

  Chapter Eight

  Sophie loved driving Lady Amelia’s carriage! Jewel was brilliant at calling instructions to her, telling her when to pull on the reins and when to send the ponies forward at a brisk canter.

  Soon they reached the heath. Sophie spotted the tree where she had first seen Galloping Jim’s poster, and her heart began to beat faster. She knew the crossroads weren’t far ahead.

  As they passed the tree with the poster, Jewel whinnied, “Slow down, Sophie! We’re almost there!”

  Sophie pulled on the reins, and the ponies slowed to a trot. Suddenly, Galloping Jim shot out in front of them on a tall black horse. He stopped the horse so sharply that it reared up, its front hooves striking the air. “Stand and deliver!” he shouted.

  Sophie’s heart leaped into her mouth. She could tell Jewel was frightened, too, because his ears were pinned back and his tail swished.

  Sophie felt the coach rock beneath her. Mr. Joy and Luke were creeping out of the other door to grab Galloping Jim! She had to distract him so he didn’t spot them. Jewel snorted loudly and scraped his hoof on the ground to cover the noise of the coach springs creaking. Sophie was very proud of him.

  “Don’t hurt us!” she shouted as gruffly as she could.

  Galloping Jim threw back his head and roared with laughter. He dismounted and looped his horse’s reins over a nearby branch. Then he approached the door of the coach. “Hand over your jewels!” he ordered.

  Lady Amelia leaned out of the coach window. She gasped and covered her eyes as Galloping J
im came up. Sophie guessed she was distracting the robber’s attention from Mr. Joy and Luke as well. She knew Lady Amelia was much braver than she seemed to be right now.

  “Help! Robbers!” Cousin Flora shrieked.

  Suddenly there was a scuffling noise, and Mr. Joy and Luke dashed around the coach behind Galloping Jim. He let out a shout, but Mr. Joy threw a sack over his head before he could run away. The robber kicked and struggled as Luke tied a rope around his arms. He was caught!

  Sophie hopped down from the coachman’s box and opened the coach door with a bow. “Lady Amelia, we have a guest for you!”

  Mr. Joy and Luke heaved Galloping Jim onto the floor of the coach. He lay in a heap, wriggling and muttering.

  Lady Amelia beamed. “Excellent! I’ve always thought this coach could do with a footstool. Don’t you agree, Cousin Flora?”

  “Oh yes,” said Cousin Flora, looking much braver now that Galloping Jim was tied up. And both ladies placed their dainty dancing shoes on the robber’s back!

  “That’s a job well done,” said Mr. Joy, climbing into the coach. “Luke, you ride Galloping Jim’s horse back to the forge. Sophie, let’s get this villain under lock and key!”

  Sophie pushed back her three-cornered hat and threw her arms around Jewel’s neck. “You were so brave! And you were wonderful, too, Shadow!”

  She jumped back onto the coachman’s box and clicked her tongue to send the ponies forward. They’d caught Galloping Jim! Lucy wouldn’t have to live with her horrid uncle anymore!

  Lucy was waiting in the village square when they returned, wrapped in a warm cloak and holding a lantern. She looked amazed when she saw Sophie driving Lady Amelia’s coach. When Mr. Joy dragged out his struggling prisoner, she gasped. “Uncle Jim!”

  “He tried to hold up the coach,” Sophie explained. “I know you didn’t want me to tell Mr. Joy, but I had to!”

  Lucy nodded sadly. “I know you did.”

  “Where will you go?” Sophie asked.

  Lucy shrugged. “I don’t know. I don’t have any other relatives. Perhaps I’ll have to go to the poorhouse.”

  Sophie wasn’t sure what the poorhouse was, but it sounded horrible. Her heart sank. Had she and Jewel just made things worse for Lucy? Jewel blew softly in her ear and Sophie patted him, feeling tears prick in her eyes.

  “Nonsense!” Mr. Joy came back from locking Lucy’s uncle in a shed at the back of his cottage. “You can move in with us, Lucy. Mrs. Joy and I have always wanted a daughter.”

  Lucy’s face lit up. “Really? Thank you so much!”

  Sophie felt very pleased for her. Now Lucy would never be lonely again. And even better, she wouldn’t have to rob any more coaches or look after her horrid uncle.

  Lady Amelia leaned out of her carriage. “Congratulations, Sophie! You and your brave pony should be very proud of yourselves.” She opened her little beaded purse. “Here, take this.” She handed Sophie a shining golden coin. “Well done, my dear.”

  Sophie blushed and stroked Jewel, who snorted and tossed his head. “I can feel the magic tugging us back to the carousel,” he said. “Quick, you need to unharness me.” Sophie undid the straps and led him out from between the shafts of the carriage. His saddle was still at Grey Manor, so she climbed on bareback, leaning down to give Lucy one last hug good-bye.

  “Will you come back one day?” Lucy called as she trotted away.

  “I hope so!” Sophie called back. “Good-bye! Good-bye, everyone!”

  She hung on tight as Jewel cantered out of the village. He didn’t slow down even when the dark, shadowy woods loomed around them. Sophie smiled as she remembered how nervous he’d been at the start of their journey. As she reached down to give him a pat, the misty shadows seemed to draw closer and change color.

  Now Sophie and Jewel were galloping through a silvery-pink cloud of sparkles. Sophie felt Jewel’s gallop steady into a gentle rise and fall. The mist cleared, and Sophie found she was gripping a twisty golden pole. Jewel’s shining coat was black paint again, and she was sitting on a wooden saddle. She could see her parents and Molly waving to her as the Magic Pony Carousel slowed down. The adventure was over.

  Sophie dismounted, and went to stroke Jewel’s nose one last time. As she opened her fingers, she saw a glint of gold. It was Lady Amelia’s golden coin!

  Sophie clutched it tight and put her face close to Jewel’s wooden ear. “I’ll never forget you, ever!” she whispered happily.


  With special thanks to Holly Skeet

  About the Author

  POPPY SHIRE lives in the English countryside. She loves ponies—and writing about ponies—more than anything else in the world. Every time she goes to a fair, she looks for a Magic Pony Carousel! Unfortunately she hasn’t found one yet.

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  Cover art © 2008 by Ron Berg

  Cover design by Sasha Illingworth


  MAGIC PONY CAROUSEL #4: JEWEL THE MIDNIGHT PONY. Text copyright © 2008 by Working Partners Limited. Illustrations copyright © 2008 by Ron Berg. All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. By payment of the required fees, you have been granted the non-exclusive, non-transferable right to access and read the text of this e-book on-screen. No part of this text may be reproduced, transmitted, down-loaded, decompiled, reverse engineered, or stored in or introduced into any information storage and retrieval system, in any form or by any means, whether electronic or mechanical, now known or hereinafter invented, without the express written permission of HarperCollins e-books.

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