Her Guardians - A Paranormal Reverse Harem Romance

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Her Guardians - A Paranormal Reverse Harem Romance Page 2

by Phoenix, Piper

  There had been several times I’d almost just walked right up to her and introduced myself, but I’d always chickened out. She didn’t talk to us, and talking to her hadn’t been part of my job description .

  Thankfully all that had changed. I’d get to be around Eve, as often as she liked. And I’d be there even when she didn’t know I was, doing everything I could to keep her safe and protected .

  “How much longer?” Lorne asked. I’d almost forgotten she was still on the phone with me .

  “GPS says ten minutes, but I’m not sure it’s factoring in all the freakish traffic .”

  She growled her frustration. “Get to her .”

  “I will. She’ll be OK,” I said, and the phone made a quiet beep before the screen faded to black. She’d hung up. I stepped on the gas. “I won’t let anything happened to her. I can’t .”

  I wouldn’t want to find out what would happen to me if anything happened on my watch. Hell, I wouldn’t even want to find out what would happen if it wasn’t my watch .

  I was just a regular guy, and Lorne was the most powerful witch on the planet. I didn’t know a single person that would want to mess with her. Although, someone always was trying to take something from her. Which is why I supposed she was careful with Eve .

  But it never ended very good for whoever was making the bold attempt. Never .

  It was weird how I ended up working for Lorne. I’d never imagined after I finished high school and started looking for work, I’d be employed by a witch .

  I figured I’d end up fixing cars or delivering pizzas. Working for Lorne hadn’t been on my radar, but it was far better than anything I had imagined for myself .

  She’d first found me drunk in an alley. I’d gotten into another bar fight. Usually, I won the fights I typically picked, but on that particular night, it had been two on one. I guess I’d been looking for trouble because that was one of the few fights I’d lost .

  I had still been pretty wasted when Lorne glided up to me. She had looked as though she was floating on air. I remembered thinking she was an angel coming to take me away .

  Instead, she told me she’d heard rumors about a strong human and was curious if it was me. It was a strange night to ask me about my strength because I’d felt dreadfully defeated… I’d been ready to give up .

  I had laughed awkwardly at all of her questions. Yeah, I’d worked out every day of my life, but to be approached in the middle of the night by a floating woman asking about my strength had been, well, bizarre to say the least .

  She’d introduced herself and told me she was a witch. Of course, I hadn’t believed her, and when demonstrated what she could do, I thought maybe I was a lot drunker than I had thought. Or maybe that I was dead .

  She gave me her card and told me to call her in the morning if I was still interested in working for her. I asked how much it paid and she laughed .

  “More than you can imagine,” she’d said .

  “Lady I can imagine a hell of a lot .”

  I smiled at the memory. She told me to call and that we’d negotiate when I was feeling up to it .

  After several days, when I was pretty sure I hadn’t dreamed the whole thing, I pulled out the card and called her. It was the smartest thing I’d ever done in my entire life .

  That was several years ago, but I’d never regretted my decision. Not even for a second .

  Knowing about both worlds had been a real eye-opener at first. It was surprising all the things that went on that the regulars, like myself, were absolutely clueless about. People just didn’t notice .

  I was happy working for Lorne, and she seemed happy to have me too. There had been countless raises and bonuses galore. Instead of being passed out in an alley, barely getting by, I was someone that was respected around the temple. It felt good to be useful, and I was proud of what I did every day .

  Although, I was pretty nervous that if I didn’t get to Eve and get there quick, I was going to be up shit creek without a paddle .

  Her daughter had no idea I even existed, and if I didn’t get to her quickly, maybe I would eventually cease to exist .

  “Learn to fucking drive, asshole!” I shouted at the windshield as I passed a car. The driver, a gray-haired old lady, looked at me with a big goofy smile on her face. She waved her gnarled up hand at me. “Oooook .”

  As I passed the next car, I turned and looked at the driver. Another old lady. And the third was yet another old lady. They were all quite possibly the same old lady in each car .

  “Fucking spells,” I said tempted to swerve my car into her, but if I was wrong, that could cause problems getting to Eve. The third old lady smiled and waved in the same manner as the other, but this one accelerated and switched into my lane. “Very funny .”

  I turned on my phone and called Lorne. She wasn’t going to be happy. In fact, it was only going to make her worry more .

  “Yes? Do you have her?” she asked, speaking quickly. “You don’t. I can tell .”

  “That’s right, I don’t. I just thought you should know that every single car on the road is being driven by an old lady. Quite possibly the same old lady in each and every car I’ve driven by .”

  “This is bad,” she said, as I was forced to slam on my brakes .

  I hit the steering wheel again. “Jesus Christ !”

  “Nothing he can do for you,” she said quickly. “How far are you? Can you get out and run ?”

  “No. I’m still on the highway. Anything you can do to stop these old bags ?”

  “I’ll see what I can do. Keep going and get to her, Roman. I’m depending on you .”

  As if that hadn’t already been weighing on my mind. I opened my mouth to say something, but my phone had already shut off .

  God dammit .



  M y mom always talked about bad people. The kind that were jealous and wanted what we had, but I hadn’t believed they were out there. I thought they were just stories to keep me from leaving .

  She said they wanted her for all her power, which was why she rarely left the temple… our home. My mom told me that one day, they’d want mine too. She told me that maybe I’d be in more danger because I was also smart and beautiful, but those were just things mothers said to their daughters .

  I never felt smart or powerful. I always thought I was kind of shy, and awkward. Most of the time I felt as though I was failing my mom because I wasn’t that great at magic .

  In fact, I was terrible with magic. My spells failed and fizzled, no matter how charged I was .

  The footsteps behind me were getting louder. I consider breaking out into a run, but I could see my apartment building. It wasn’t far. I only had to make it another block .

  For all I knew, I wasn’t even being followed. I was probably just being paranoid .

  A streetlight overhead lit the sidewalk a pale yellow, and when I stepped under its golden illumination, for a split-second, I felt safer. That was until I saw the shadow come up behind me .

  I held in my gasp. Whoever was behind was close… too close. I couldn’t help myself from moving faster. I didn’t care if I had to run to make it to my apartment. My heart was racing… I had to make it .

  Perhaps my mom had been right. Maybe there really were people out there that wanted me .

  When someone stepped out of the shadows in front me, I screamed. It was a trap. There wasn’t anywhere I could go. My hands flailed wildly as I tried to injure them .

  The person stepped back and lowered their gaze to look into my eyes. His eyebrows were squished together as he tapped his index finger over his lips .

  “Shhh!” he said holding out his arms. “It’s OK now. It’s just you and me .”

  I looked over my shoulder, but there wasn’t anyone behind me. My eyes bugged out when I turned back to look at the man standing in front of me .

  “Is that supposed to make me feel better?” I squeaked .

  The man wasn’t much tal
ler than me, but his shoulders were much wider. His eyes were such a bright blue, they twinkled like the stars in the sky .

  “I’m not going to hurt you,” he said gently patting the air in front of me with his palms .

  “Who are you?” I said between sharp, panicked breaths. “What do you want from me ?”

  He looked me up and down as if he was trying to make sure I was all in one piece. “Come. Let’s get you out of the street .”

  I held my ground and crossed my arms. When he saw I wasn’t moving, he shook his head .

  “Before he comes back with others. Let’s get out of here,” he said gesturing towards my apartment as though he already knew where I lived .

  There was a loud bang from somewhere behind me, and my body jolted up toward the sky. I let out a small squeak and stepped closer to the man standing in front of me .

  “God dammit,” I mumbled placing my hand against my chest. “I’m so paranoid .”

  “You should be,” he said looking behind us .

  “Nice. Thanks. That’s a big help .”

  He looked into my eyes and smiled. It was like he was looking at me for the first time .

  “Sorry. I just know there are people out there that would prey on a pretty woman like yourself. All alone at night… walking the streets,” he looked behind us again. “Animals,” he shouted almost as if he was talking to someone specifically .

  I narrowed my eyes at him, but his smile didn’t fade. He stuck out his hand, and I apprehensively shook it .

  “I’m Gage,” he said flashing me a brilliant smile that changed his whole appearance, or maybe I just hadn’t noticed at first in my panicked state. He was out of this world gorgeous, so much so that my heart felt as though it had actually skipped a beat .

  “I’m Eve,” I said looking at the sidewalk in front of me .

  “Nice to meet you, Eve,” he said gesturing towards the apartment buildings. “One of these yours ?”

  Was he just guessing ?

  I nodded and pointed at the tall one with a steeple-like roof. It was definitely one of the older buildings in town, but the inside had been remodeled recently. I never asked, but I was pretty sure my mom had owned the building. The less I knew about it, the more independent I could pretend I was .

  “Good,” he said flashing his perfect smile again .

  We took about ten more steps in silence when someone ran across the street and stepped between Gage and I. It happened so fast I couldn’t react. I just stood there .

  “Back off, man,” he said giving Gage a slight shove away from me .

  When he regained his balance, it looked as though Gage was about to get into a fist fight with the guy. He held his hands up and widened his stance .

  “Do you know this punk?” Gage asked not taking his eyes off of the guy .

  I shook my head. I glanced at the door of my apartment building that seemed to be calling to me. It wasn’t that far… maybe I could run .

  “No,” I said taking a step away from them .

  The unknown guy stepped forward again keeping himself between Gage and me. “It doesn’t matter who I am, it matters who you are, and I don’t have a freaking clue as to who you might be .”

  Why would it matter if this stranger knew Gage ?

  Gage looked just as confused as I felt. “Are you drunk or something, man ?”

  “No,” the stranger said cocking his head to the side as he turned back to me. He let out a small chuckle. “I’m her guardian .”

  “Guardian, huh? Doesn’t seem like you’re very good at your job. She was being stalked, where were you?” Gage asked with a smirk. He curled his fingers into a tight fist. The veins in his hand made spiderweb lines as they popped out. “Guardian… pfft !”

  “That’s right,” the stranger said straightening his spine as if it were a title he was quite proud of .

  My shoulders slumped as I instantly realized what was going on. I didn’t know him, but I also had absolutely no doubt that Lorne had sent him to watch over me .

  “If you guys could both just calm down, I’m sure we can figure this all out. Then I can go back inside and be done with all of this. It’s been quite a long day,” I said crossing my arms .

  They both stared each other down for another moment before relaxing slightly and turning towards me. The way they looked at me was odd. It was as if they were waiting for my order on how to proceed .

  “Oh for Pete’s sake,” I grumbled, wondering what my mom had told them. “OK,” I said pointing at Gage, “so this is my new friend Gage, but who are you exactly ?”

  “I’m Roman. Lorne sent me,” he said bowing his head slightly. God dammit. I was right. I didn’t even want to know what she’d told him about me. Clearly part of it had something to do with not being able to take care of myself .

  Roman held up his wrist and showed me the symbol on his wrist. It was a marking I’d seen before and had known quite well. The curly figure-eight like marking was just like the one on my wrist .

  Gage looked at him and rolled his eyes .

  “Well, it looks as though I’m home safe and sound, so you both can be on your merry way then,” I said with a barely noticeably curtsy. At least I hoped it was because there was no taking it back .

  I waved awkwardly and took a step towards my building .

  “Wait,” Roman said, putting his hand on Gage’s shoulder. “We haven’t seen his mark. I know everyone working for your mother, and I’ve never seen, what was your name again? Gabe ?”


  “Before.” Roman crossed his arms .

  I looked at Gage raising my eyebrow. Maybe he was just a regular. Maybe he was still unmarked. There were people out there that would help another person if they saw they were in trouble .

  “Let’s see it,” Roman insisted .

  Gage raised both wrists, but they were completely free of any markings. He smiled that sexy smirk of his when Roman huffed a heavy breath of air .

  “I knew it! What are you? I can tell you aren’t completely regular,” Roman said turning his nose up slightly. “I can smell it on you .”

  Gage ran his hand through his hair and almost looked as if he was annoyed. That he thought Roman’s questions were a waste of time .

  “I used to work under Marcus Riddle, but I recently decided it was time to move on to something else,” Gage said. “I’d imagine that’s what your keen nose is picking up on .”

  “Who do you work for now?” I asked keeping my voice calm. I probably wouldn’t recognize the name… if he gave one. I’d heard of Marcus, in fact, he was my uncle, but I hadn’t ever met him. I knew nothing about him which was probably one of the many things my mom wished I would have paid better attention to .

  I didn’t know who was who, unlike her. She knew everything about everyone .

  “Currently unattached, hence the lack of a mark,” Gage said raising his eyebrows. “Is this Lorne person you mentioned hiring ?”

  I shook my head and then shrugged my shoulders. Who was I to stop him from getting work ?

  Roman mumbled something to him, but I couldn’t make out what he’d said. It was something that made Gage grin, but his eyes weren’t smiling. Not even a little .

  “You should probably get inside now,” Roman said only taking his eyes off of Gage for a second .

  “Yeah, glad I could help you get back safe and sound,” Gage said. “Unlike your guardian that wasn’t even here to, what’s it called? Oh yeah, guard you .”

  Roman’s shoulders raised up, and he brushed at his nose. He exhaled and shoved Gage back with both hands .

  “Whoa, OK, we don’t need that,” I said, and Roman took a step back .

  Roman drew in a deep breath before coming closer. He grabbed my hand and slipped a folded up piece of paper against my palm .

  “If you need me, for anything, call, and I’ll be there,” he said. “Good night, Eve .”

  Yep. He knew my name. There was no way he was lying about wor
king for my mom. I indeed had a guardian and there probably wasn’t anything I could do about it. Ugh .

  “Good night,” I said glancing at the card before tucking it into the back pocket of my jeans .

  Roman didn’t move, and neither did Gage. I was pretty sure neither of them, would go away until I stepped inside my apartment building. In fact, they’d probably wait outside until they saw the lights go on inside my actual apartment .

  “Good night, Gage,” I said walking up to the door. I put my key in the lock and opened the door. “I’m glad you were there .”

  “I’m glad I could be of service,” he said. “I hope it won’t be the last time I see you. In fact, I think I’m going to pay this Lorne a visit. See what she has in the way of job openings .”

  I sucked in a deep breath and stepped inside my apartment building. When the door closed with a heavy thunk, I was able to breathe normally again .

  I closed my eyes and let my body relax, but when I took a step forward an arm wrapped around my body and held me tightly. My eyes bugged out, and I opened my mouth to call out for help, he slapped down his hand to muffle my scream .



  I raised my arm up and flung it backward trying to elbow whoever it was behind me as hard as I could. When I made contact, they released a sharp cough .

  “God dammit,” he said trying to catch his breath. “She sent me! She said you’d be home .”

  I turned and saw a man standing there with a hand on the wall for support. He was holding a set of keys .

  After I blinked several times, I realized the man trying to catch his breath was someone I’d seen before. One of my mom’s men from the temple .

  “Oh shit, I’m so sorry!” I said placing my hand on his shoulder. “You took me by surprise I’ll have you know. What are you doing here anyway? And why would you grab me like that? It spooked me .”

  “Your mom sent me. She said you needed to pull. She also said you’d be OK with me stopping by like this, but clearly you are not. Your mother gave me the keys,” he said sounding somewhat defensive. He winced as he straightened himself .


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