The Diaries of Syra Bond

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The Diaries of Syra Bond Page 13

by Syra Bond

  As I descended further I felt the liquid warmth, an envelope of dark delight, spreading over my breasts and my nipples and my throat, until at last it reached my chin.

  I stopped descending and hung weightless. I was floating, filled with nothing but the sensations of my invisible skin as they flowed through my mind and came together in the warm joy blooming in my submerged pussy. I was let down a little more, and I felt a tension on the end of my vertical braid as Galen released me. I floated in the darkness, knowing the cords in my plaited hair were tied to the steel bar, suspending me from my scalp in a liquid so close in temperature to that of my body it was impossible to say where my flesh began or ended. And then darkness consumed me absolutely as the doors of the hatch closed above me.

  Almost at once I lost my sense of direction. In the sudden and complete blackness there was no up or down. My face was free of the water but I could not distinguish the liquid from the air. I did not know if I was spinning on the braid or whether I was held still by it. I thought about raising my arms away from my sides, but I could not quite determine where they were or how to move them. It was as though my body had disappeared.

  Then suddenly images began filling my mind, pictures flashing like lightening before me in the darkness, accompanied by disembodied yet stunningly intense feelings... I smelled a myriad of fragrant scents, tasted a variety of flavours, heard musical notes and touched a world of forms and textures. I was engulfed in blackness, enveloped in a warm, all-pervading void as my mind spilled over with images and sensations like a goblet being endlessly filled and forever overflowing...

  I saw Cleo, her wrists tightly manacled to the arms of the steel chair and her ankles enclosed by the heavy metal clamps. I saw her naked body sitting unnaturally upright in the chair and her startled, wide-eyed expression gazing into an imaginary distance, the shiny steel ball filling her mouth. A glimmer of perspiration glistened on the tops of her firm breasts and in her cleavage, a thin trickle like a distant sunlit river running down between the gentle mounds of her breasts and down her flat belly. I saw Eve kneeling, her buttocks pressed against her heels, between Cleo’s legs. I saw her hands reach up and cover the blonde girl’s delicate bosom as she pinched her nipples. I saw her long black hair draping across the top of Cleo’s thighs as she burrowed her face as far between them as she could, pressing her full mouth against the soft lips of her pussy. I saw her head rising and falling as she ran her tongue over Cleo’s pudenda, and I saw the bound girl’s eyes widen even more as the intimate tongue found the divinely warm centre of her slit. I saw she could not move, her restraints too tight, but she tensed as each lick of Eve’s tongue stoked the passionate heat rising within her. I watched her pupils dilating as the pet circled her clitoris with the probing tip of her tongue. I could see the tension in her firm young muscles as she fought to contain the rising wave of pleasure overwhelming her. Her toes strained and her calves tightened as she pulled against the unyielding clamps around her ankles. Then I saw her relax slightly as the pet moved her tongue back to the centre of her vulva, but as soon as the agile tip licked its way to the hot core of her pussy, I saw her body stiffen and then tremble as the paroxysm of an orgasm overtook her. I watched Eve increase the pressure on her nipples as she tensed beneath a long and drawn out climax. And as Cleo clenched around the steel ball stuffing her mouth, I bit down on my leather ball-gag. As her cheeks tightened so did mine, and when I saw the smoothness of her chest and throat flush pink as pleasure suffused her flesh, I felt the rush of warmth in my own invisible skin... followed by a convulsion of joy that seemed to emanate not from between my legs but from the very core of my being...

  I wanted to draw my knees up against my breasts and wrap my arms around them. I wanted Eve to lick my slit as I held it open and exposed for her, displaying myself to her, the flesh of my labia pulled tight by the tension of my bent legs. I wanted to feel her tongue prising into the smooth lips, poking between them, tasting my moisture before withdrawing to tease my clitoris, forcing me to come again, not allowing me to hold back but driving me on remorselessly...

  I saw Galen pulling the pet away. I was not sure whether he was pulling her away from me or from Cleo, yet I distinctly felt the loss of her probing tongue and the absence of her full lips. And then Cleo began struggling frantically against her bonds. It was as if she was panicked by Eve’s loss and all the delights the other woman had filled her with. I empathised with the emptiness she was experiencing. Like her, I wanted to struggle against my bonds. I wanted to tug and thrash against the restraining manacles holding me down in the chair. I wanted to feel the pain in my wrists and ankles as I pulled wildly, with all my strength, against them. I imagined Galen loosening my bonds enough to let me wriggle free, and then I saw myself crawling around him on my hands and knees to throw myself, open-legged, in front of Eve. I lay on my back breathing through flared nostrils, my hands pressed against the insides of my thighs as I held my legs as far apart as possible. I wanted the pet to crouch between them and lap my shaved cunt, licking me as she drank my juices. I felt Galen step forward as his shadow fell across me, and I saw his open palm rise over Eve’s buttocks. I waited for him to spank her as I continued forcing my legs wide open, and when his hand swooped down and I heard her gasp in pain, I raised my hips and clamped my thighs around her head. Another smack on the pet’s upturned buttocks caused her to fall forward, and I felt a surge of extra pressure as her tongue pressed against my pussy. Another smack and its tip drove deep inside me. Every blow that followed, each one harder than the last, thrust her tongue deeper into my sex. Each blow that fell propelled her forward, gasping for breath as her tongue sank deeper into my juicing slit...

  Eventually Galen stopped spanking her, and I threw my head back in ecstasy as I watched him walking over to Cleo. I tried to turn on my side so I could crawl after him, but again my ankles were arrested and my wrists no longer free. I could feel Cleo’s heart thumping in her chest as he approached her, and my own heart pounded in empathy with her excitement. He reached down to the manacles at her ankles, and flicked them open. She stayed where she was for a moment, not moving, uncertain what he wanted, wondering what to do. But as soon as she did move he grabbed both her ankles and lifted them high, exposing her taut buttocks and her soft pink pussy lips squeezed between them. Then he closed his powerful grip around both her ankles with one hand while his other hovered before her eyes, and he waited until he saw enough terror in them to sweep it down.

  My ears filled with the sharp smacking sounds as his rigid palm came down repeatedly across her buttocks. She quivered beneath every blow and I imagined her pain, but more than that, I actually felt the sharp thrills of excitement accompanying every punishing slap. Each time his hand impacted with her quivering flesh, each time it smacked against her bottom cheeks, I felt the shock of it and the hot flow of painful joy, which culminated in an explosion of terrible rapture when the side of his hand caught the edges of her unprotected sex. I do not know how many blows he delivered, how long he held her ankles high above her head or how many times she climaxed, I only know that every blow created a wave of passion which threatened to drown me in a bottomless sea of pleasure...

  Cleo was gasping, panting like a dog as he took her ankles into both his hands again. He opened her legs wide, fully exposing her pussy. I felt her vulnerable nakedness and quivered at the thought of him displaying me like that. Eve stood behind him, wrapping her hands around his hips to slowly undo his belt. She pulled it away and opened his trousers, drawing the zipper down slowly. I wanted to be in her place. I wanted to push my hands into his clothes and touch his hard flesh. I wanted to hold the weight of his stiffening penis in my hands. I wanted to run my fingers along its silky length and caress every pulsating vein, every subtle, sensitive contour of his shaft, every inch of his fine skin.

  Cleo gasped as she saw the heavy cock in Eve’s hands. She fought with the manacles at her wrists, not in an effort to r
elease herself, but because she longed to climb on top of him and wrap herself around him, to take his erection and ride him until he climaxed deep inside her. I felt her jaw clenching around the steel ball in her mouth and felt her desperate need to be filled. Eve urged him forward, releasing her grip on his cock only when she was sure she had fed it firmly into the wet, clinging lips of Cleo’s sex. The girl’s eyes widened and she tossed her head back in ecstasy as Eve wrapped her arms around him and pressed her hands against his muscular stomach. I felt Cleo’s multiple orgasms blooming through her charged flesh as rapidly as gunfire, relentless shots of bliss bursting inside her, each one more intense than the last. I shuddered with every one of her climaxes and panted loudly as my master thrust into her faster and harder, lifting her off the seat while holding her up by the ankles so he could drive his erection even deeper into her slender body. I did not feel it when he came. It was too much for me. The heat inside me, the tightness and the strain all overcame me in one long shuddering paroxysm of joy...

  A burst of brightness made me flinch and I knew the hatch above me was opening. I remained perfectly still. Even the sudden illumination was not enough to move my weightless body. I felt the braid on top of my head being released, and gradually I became aware of hands beneath my armpits again. They lifted me slowly and it was like being levitated. I did not feel the pressure of hands on me or the weight of my body beneath them. I felt as if I was floating upwards, light as a cloud. I was being returned to normality, removed from the fluid realm liberating so many passions within me, and I was stunned to realise all the vivid pleasures that had overcome me in the dark had only been fantasies, a confusion of dreams and desires released by my isolation and sensory deprivation.

  Galen laid me on the floor and loosened the cords holding the ball-gag in my mouth. I felt it move against my tongue, but like the world of fantasy that had possessed me, I did not want to let it go and I hung on to it for a while, licking and biting it gently. Finally he opened my mouth with his fingers and prised it out from between my teeth. I felt a deep sense of loss and moaned pitifully.

  ‘Syra, my pet, do not worry, you will have it back again soon.’

  I lay there panting, unable to close my jaws for a few moments, hoping he would gag me again, hoping I would never have to speak again, hoping he would lower me back into the darkness and let all the erotic dreams begin afresh and last forever.

  I did not want to lie on solid ground warm and satisfied. I wanted to return to the dark void that had freed so many sensations from inside me and generated so much imaginative intensity in my mind.

  I rolled slowly over onto my back and stared up at the white ceiling. The braid was still there, I could feel the tension of it against my scalp, and I kept my arms at my sides. I was lying naked on my back in his presence. He could do whatever he wanted to me, and the mere thought sent a fresh ripple of excitement through my blood.

  I felt I could do anything, too. No pleasure was beyond my reach, no passion beyond my capacity. I wanted to test myself against everything. I felt fearless and emancipated. It was as though my life had begun anew.

  I let my head loll to one side. Eve was crouching naked against the wall, her hair tangled around her face and the tip of her tongue licking her lips. I stared longingly at the dark pubic hair between her legs and at the pink flesh beneath it.

  I rolled onto my other side and saw my reflection in the lower drawers of the chrome cupboard. I looked pale and drawn.

  ‘Galen...’ I whispered.

  ‘You may take your hands away from your sides now,’ he instructed, and I fully realised at last that my freedom relied entirely upon him.

  Chapter 10

  This time he seemed almost pleased with what I had written. He crossed out the word cunt wherever he found it, but strangely enough this did not seem like an admonishment, but rather like a routine action not threatening further punishment. I felt gratified when he nodded in agreement at something I had written, even though I did not know what it was. He stopped reading and thought about something, nodding his head slowly all the time as he pondered my statements. I thought of asking him what had caught his interest, and if he wanted to discuss it with me, but then I felt a surge of shame at even having such a thought.

  When he finished reading, he told me I had done well and a wave of satisfaction washed over me, warming my skin and evoking a delectable ache between my thighs. It was the first time since I’d arrived that I felt this way. I did not know if I should tell him about it. I was not entirely sure what was expected of me and whether this feeling was a good thing, a step in the right direction, or not. I decided to say nothing, but the feeling did not go away, and as I crawled up onto his lap for my spanking, I could not get it out of my mind that although each of the smacks stinging my bottom was a punishment, it was also a reward.

  Just as he left, I opened my mouth to ask him if I could carry on using the word cunt, but the words did not come out. My confidence had not grown that much. When I picked up the fresh paper to start again, I saw he had written at the top of the page, You may use the word cunt, but you must continue always to sit up straight while you are working and when you are waiting for me to return. I was so excited I could not wait to get started again. I took the paper to the centre of the room and sat on the floor with my back perfectly straight, and began writing.

  I woke up and struggled to open my eyes. When my heavy lids finally lifted, I could see nothing except light. I tried to sit up, but found I could scarcely move my body it ached so much. I was surprised by the touch of a hand on my naked shoulder, and I turned my head so quickly it made me dizzy. It was Galen touching me.

  ‘You have done well, Syra my pet. Eve, and especially Cleo, have not benefited from the treatment in quite the way you have. Though I can forgive Cleo, for she is very young and has had little preparation.’

  His words made me feel proud and I stretched my stiff limbs with the languid satisfaction of a cat.

  ‘Yes, you have done better than both of them,’ he concluded. ‘My floatation tank obviously suits you. Here, come and sit with me on the balcony.’

  I accepted his extended hand, and completely naked, allowed him to lead me out onto the balcony.

  ‘Does the exposure still frighten you?’ he asked me, looking towards the unprotected edge.

  I gazed down into the small square below us. I felt entirely different than the first time I stood there. ‘No, not in the slightest,’ I stated with absolute certainty.

  It was that magical time just before sunset and nightfall when the world is hushed and suspended in the mysterious moment of crossing over. We sat on chairs near the edge of the balcony. I stretched my legs forward, tightening my buttocks and lifting my hips to more fully expose my shaved pussy to the world. Galen drew himself up close to me and pointed out the young woman I had seen before with the two men. She was sitting opposite the taxi driver, talking to him across a small table. She leaned forward on her elbows, and when she laughed her bright red lip-gloss glistened in the golden light of a small lamp on the table between them, accentuating the fullness of her lips and highlighting her white teeth and well defined cheekbones. Her face radiated youthful spirit and her curvaceous body exuded desirability. She sat back in her chair and tossed her long dark hair over one bare shoulder. Then she suddenly looked up at me and smiled in a casual, matter of fact way.

  I shrunk back a little, embarrassed and startled.

  ‘Do not worry, Syra, my shy little pet, she cannot see you,’ Galen assured me. ‘She is smiling because she is pleased.’

  ‘What about?’

  ‘She is pleased because tomorrow she will have plenty of money to spend. Can’t you see she is agreeing to a deal, settling on a price for her favours?’

  The girl stretched forward again and held up four fingers. The taxi driver nodded slowly and they shook hands. Her white tee
th shone in the lamplight as she opened her mouth in a wide, becoming smile. Then they both got up and he led her into the alley where I had watched her before with the two young men. His cab was parked there. The girl leaned back against the front of the bonnet, placing her hands behind her and running her fingers across the smooth metallic surface. She ran her palms across the metal as if relishing its cool firmness. The amber glow of a streetlight just barely reached her, picking out sharply defined shadows in the pleats of her short tartan skirt and highlighting her nipples as they poked stiffly against the thin white material of her blouse. The honey-coloured light shone on her smooth legs and shimmered on the bright metal buckles of her highly polished black shoes, making it look as though she was perched on two dazzling stars.

  The driver placed his hands on her hips and she squirmed beneath his touch. I saw the glint of the thin metal clasp holding a narrow leather belt around the waist of her skirt. The buckle was pulled tightly up to the last hole on the belt and the remaining length, hanging down loosely, accentuated the appeal of her narrow waist. As I watched I felt a sudden shock inside me, as though I had tripped and was falling into a dream... I felt confused and for a moment forgot where I was... I could not be sure if I was sitting on the balcony or if I was standing in the alley... I was that young woman and the driver’s hands were resting on my hips... I could feel against the outspread fingers of my hands the smooth metal of the vehicle’s shiny bonnet... I shivered, blinked and the moment passed, but it left behind in me a shaky and profound feeling of anxiety.


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