Heir of Dragmoore- The Veiled Haven

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Heir of Dragmoore- The Veiled Haven Page 17

by Jennifer Ann Schlag

  Getting a closer look at her, he is captivated by her dark-brown eyes that have a ring of blue around them. They are quite unusual. Taking into consideration what he has encountered thus far, he is eager to hear Maria’s tale. However, Maria is not one to talk about her past.

  Only Captain Buckman knows of her tragic past.

  “That girl with the dragon. Unless you’re looking at Captain Buckman or that druid in a lustful way.”

  “Definitely not. You know, the men.”

  Buckman comes back out of his cabin with Talen following and Kip holding on tight to her leg. “Maria, stop your flirting and let’s away.”

  “Aye, Captain Buckman.” She winks at Remy.

  Buckman gets behind the helm. “Raise the sails. There be a fine wind today.”

  “There’s going to be a storm that we can’t outrun,” Maria says.

  “You afraid to get a little wet, my angel?”

  “I am not an angel.”

  Buckman laughs as he turns the wheel.

  The Seraphina leaves the dock. Talen walks from one side of the ship to the next, unsure which side offers the best view. Remy meets her in between and holds her steady. They laugh as he joins in with going back and forth. Kip stands in the middle watching them.

  Buckman has prepared a grand feast for all of the passengers in his cabin. Due to a short load of passengers, he is able to have them all attend without anyone bumping into each other. Sitting around the captain’s dining table, everyone is taking in the music being played by two of the crewmen. They are very talented with the violin. There is a savory roasted chicken with spiced vegetables, and strong wine. The captain has always been a wine drinker where his crew would rather partake in whiskey. Maria sits at the right side of the captain and sips on her ale. Talen sits on his left. Kip is gnawing on pieces of raw meat. Deegus is seated at the opposite end of the table with Remy being the head of the table on that end. It’s a disappointment to both Talen and Maria to have Remy so far from them. Though neither knows of the other’s reason for it.

  Talen takes a look around at the other passengers. It’s mostly women who are snobbish and care only for what adventures and treasures await them when they arrive at the South Port and then move onto their final destinations. The three men are handsome with a wildness in their eyes. Maybe it’s the libations that have them enthralled with the idea of being at sea for a few days, or maybe it’s because they have so many women around them.

  “I’d introduce you all to each other but for the life of me I can’t remember some of your names,” Buckman says.

  Everyone laughs except for one gentleman.

  “I’m sure you can introduce each other to each other.” The captain is definitely feeling a little drunk.

  “If you’ll excuse me, I need some air,” Talen says. She gets up and right away every man stands. She’s never had a man stand for her when she’s leaving the room. She smiles then makes her way to the stairs.

  Remy watches her leave. The words Maria said come back to him. She suspects there is something going on between him and Talen. She may be onto something. He definitely doesn’t look at her with a friendly stare.

  “It would be rude to talk about someone, especially a lady behind her back. Tell me, though, what do you fine gentlemen think of that lady who just left?” The captain rushes food into his mouth then guzzles down some wine.

  “She is quite exasperating,” Deegus says.

  “Leave it to a druid to be cryptic,” one of the gentlemen says.

  Deegus shoots the stranger a devious look. The stranger responds with a similar look.

  The captain laughs into his glass.

  Remy smiles, knowing how exasperating Talen can be.

  “I think she is not very pretty. I don’t see much to get excited about. It’s doubtful she’ll find any suitable matches,” Maria says.

  The captain lets out a hearty laugh. “You are too severe on your own sex.”

  Remy glares at Maria with contempt. “If you knew her you wouldn’t say such things.”

  “Forgive me. You must be very fond of her.”

  “He’s a fine gentleman, standing up for the lady.” Buckman takes down the rest of his wine bottle.

  Remy pushes off from the table and goes up the stairs.

  Buckman rubs his chin in contemplation.

  Remy finds Talen looking out at the open sea. She can still see the North Port behind them. They haven’t gone far at all. Her stomach is feeling a bit queasy but she isn’t going to let him see it.

  “I’m sorry for leaving dinner like that.”

  “I don’t like crowds either.”

  “Is Kip okay?”

  “He is stuffing his face. He’ll become a fat dragon and he’ll never be able to fly.”

  She laughs. He laughs but stops right away when he catches the sunset shining against her face. She has one hand wrapped around a rope and the other gripping the side of the ship. He places his one hand close to hers. Feeling a bit awkward, he puts both of his hands on the ship. Breathing in the salty air, his stomach begins to feel queasy.

  “I think that Maria fancies you.”

  He turns around and puts his back against the side of the ship. “You think so?”

  Talen lets go of the ship and hangs onto the rope. “There’s no harm in having a bit of fun before we reach the South Port.”

  A gentleman comes up onto the deck from the captain’s cabin. He tucks his cloak around him and pulls the hood closer around his face. He gives one look over at Talen and Remy, then goes down the other staircase that leads to the crew’s quarters. Talen swears that she saw the man look at her like he means her harm. If she tells Remy he may go interrogating the poor guy, and if it is nothing, he’ll make a fool of himself. Not that she cares if he makes a fool of himself. She cares if he somehow gets himself killed. She can’t quite put her finger on why she cares if he dies. She’d be rid of him for good.

  Remy is about to say something, to make a move on Talen, when one of the crewmen comes over to them. “The sea might get a bit rough since there is a storm coming. Best to take cover.”

  Talen goes back down into the captain’s cabin. Remy looks out at the sunset. “I can’t believe she thinks that I want Maria.”

  “What?” the crewman asks.

  “That woman that was just here. She thinks Maria fancies me.”

  “Maria fancies any man. Especially a good-looking man. Trust me, you don’t want to be getting involved with her.”

  The crewman climbs up to check the masts.

  Thankfully the captain’s feast has ended. All those who want sleep have gone to their beds. All those who want more drink have gone down to the crews’ quarters. Talen pulls the silk blanket up to her chin. The ship is rocking a bit as thunder growls and lightning streaks across the portholes. Waves are crashing hard against the ship and she can hear the captain yelling out orders to his crew. Remy is in the bunk above her. These beds are much more spacious than the ones found in the crews’ quarters. They are still stacked one by one to save space but they are offer more privacy with curtains covering the outer part of the bed. All their personal belongings are kept inside the captain’s bedroom’s closet.

  Kip is sleeping next to Talen but she has to find a way to get him to sleep on the floor. He’s too big and he likes to kick at her side if he’s dreaming. Deegus is sleeping in the bunk next to them.

  Remy can’t sleep. It’s not because of the storm. He hangs over with his head peeking through the curtains. “Talen, you awake?”


  “When do you think we’ll receive word about Dragmoore?”

  “When the Marksman sends word. I can’t read minds.”

  “Are you okay down there by yourself?”

  “I have Kip with me.”

  “Right.” He lies back on the bed.

  “Remy,” she whispers.

  “Yeah?” He hangs far over and then falls to the floor. “What is it?”
/>   “I feel like it is better that no one on this ship knows your name or mine.”

  “I agree.”

  “Can we trust Deegus not to tell?”

  “I’ll slit that druid’s throat if he tries to.”

  “Don’t be silly.” She grabs Remy’s hand. Somehow she feels safer holding onto it. “Sit with me for a few minutes.” He gulps hard then sits down next to her. Luckily for him that Kip is lying on the other side. “Are you nervous sitting this close to me?”

  “A little. You’re so unpredictable.”

  A big wave crashes into the side of the ship that Talen and Remy are on. It almost sends Remy off the bed. Talen grabs onto him to prevent him from falling. The ship rocks to the left, sending him on top of her. Kip wakes up. Sees Remy on top of Talen. Growls come. He snorts and the air fills with burning embers.

  “Kip, it was an accident.”

  “Yeah, the ship threw me this way.” Remy gets off her. “I better go back up.” He climbs back to his bunk. His face is flushed.

  “Are you okay?” Talen asks as she pets Kip’s head.

  “I’m fine. I am sorry. I wasn’t trying anything, I swear it.”

  She starts laughing uncontrollably. “I doubt you would know where to start.”

  He doesn’t find that funny. He turns to the side. The lightning is getting intense. He shuts his eyes tightly.

  Morning comes and Talen can’t wait to see the ocean with not a land mass in sight. She comes up onto the deck and finds all the passengers had the same idea as her. She finds a spot to stand. The captain is walking around talking to random passengers. He makes his way over to her.

  “Enjoying my ship?”

  “Love it.”

  “And your dragon?”

  “He’s still asleep.”

  “I don’t normally ask my passengers where their destination lies, but with you I am curious. You travel with a druid, a dragon, that young man. Where are you going?”

  “I’m afraid you’ll have to stay curious.”

  “Your friend Deegus was very adamant about not giving me your names. Are you two in danger?”

  “No. We… eloped without saying a word to anyone. We want to keep ourselves unknown until we can decide what to do next.”

  “An elopement? You and that handsome fella you came on board with?”

  “Yes. Obviously not Deegus.”

  “Well, I am a captain. I can marry you.”

  “No, no. We’d want to get married in… in the Glistenberry Forest.”

  Buckman’s eyebrows shoot up. It’s almost as if he has sparkles in his pretty sea-green eyes. “That’s a beautiful forest. Permit me to marry you there? We will be docked in the South Port for at least a week. I have already received my manifest for the return trip and I assure you a week is enough time to get you two married and then be on my way.”

  “I will have to talk it over with my beloved.”

  Talen has really got herself into something now. She finds Remy talking with Maria. She seems to be teaching him how to steer. Her long, tanned fingers are wrapped around his pasty hands which are wrapped around the dark-cherry wheel. Talen swears it’s not jealousy she feels. Something more terrifying: Abandonment.

  Talen storms across the deck and back down into the captain’s cabin to wake up Kip. She shoves the silk blanket around, messes up the silk sheets, and Kip wakes up in a panic.

  “Unbelievable. I knew we should have killed that prince. Or I should have let you fry him.”

  What has he done now?

  “Kip, I have a terrible feeling.”

  The dragon shakes off the lingering sleep and puts his two front paws up onto her shoulders. She hugs him and wishes he could stay a baby. One day she won’t be able to hold him like this or have him in her bed.

  “I have a feeling that we are going to be alone. That Deegus and Remy will abandon us.”

  I will be there with you the whole way. I’ll never leave you.

  “I love you, Kip. I’ve never loved an animal like this before. I’ve never felt bonded to an animal before.”

  Suddenly Kip’s smile turns upside down.

  “What is it? Do you have a bad feeling?”

  Talen, I think we may have to discuss something soon. I overheard my parents speak of it once, and when I asked about it, they warned me about the pain it brings. So of course I didn’t ask again.

  “If you are having a hard time with it, let it out. If you can’t, then I will wait until you’re ready to tell me.”

  I may have to tell you sooner than I thought. I didn’t think you felt the way you did. What you just said confirmed it.

  One of the passengers comes down. Kip jumps under the blanket.

  “Oh, sorry,” the gentleman says.

  “Wait a minute.” She goes after him. “I saw you on deck last night. You were giving me an odd look.”

  “Not at all.” He turns away from her.

  Talen goes up top. The man is gone. Kip comes around her and sniffs at the air. He isn’t the biggest fan of the sea air.

  Remy is being difficult with Maria.

  “Come on, what is your name?” Maria asks as she chases him around on deck.

  “Why do you want to know?”

  “Why are you keeping it a secret?”

  She catches him. She purposely flashes her gorgeous eyes under the sunlight.

  “Fine. My name is… Marksman.”

  “The Marksman? That can’t be your name.”

  “It is.”

  Talen can’t believe he just said that name. Of all the names to choose from and he chooses that one.

  “Can’t be true. I know the Marksman intimately.”

  Talen shakes her head. Should have known he’d be well-known everywhere.

  With Remy put on the spot he has to think quickly. He can’t very well say that he is the Marksman’s son. He is only a few years younger than the Marksman. “I am the Marksman’s brother.”

  Maria inspects him carefully. He has been checked out before by many women but Maria’s examination of him seems more intrusive. “You are a Dragmoore?”


  “Oh, I see it now. But you’re not his brother. You are the son of Tully Dragmoore?”

  “Yes.” He doesn’t catch it right away.

  Talen overheard that. “Desmond’s last name is Dragmoore? He is related to Remy?”

  Maria looks Remy over again. “You have a little bit of Desmond’s mysterious and inviting eyes. I think I enjoy looking into your eyes more.”

  “You’re telling me that Desmond’s last name is Dragmoore? Who is his father?”

  “Yes. That’s what we are talking about. Your relation to him. You just said that your father’s name is Tully. Desmond’s father’s name is Hestin. That would be your uncle. He used to rule the city of Dragmoore until your father dethroned him because he went mad.”

  Remy feels lightheaded. He’s going to tumble over the side of the ship any second. The pieces of a puzzle he didn’t know about it are coming together.

  “Your name is Remy. Prince Remy.” Maria bows. He wobbles. She steadies him out. “Forgive me, are you feeling well?”

  “It’s just… we don’t talk about my uncle’s condition.”

  “Oh, no, of course not. Please forgive me.”

  “And don’t call me Prince Remy, just Remy will do.”

  Maria flashes her pearly smile against that perfectly tanned skin. It makes Talen’s blood boil in disgust. Maria and Remy are becoming close through storytelling. Apparently, Maria has loads of stories to tell about Desmond. No surprise there. Talen debates if she should tell Maria that she is practically engaged to Remy. Kip zooms past her. His safety is paramount so Talen feels that she, Remy, and Deegus should be more concerned with Kip. Deegus hasn’t been seen since the dinner. And Remy, he is dazzled by the exotic looking Maria.

  As night approaches and the moon takes its place in the sky, Talen comes out to say her hello. She waves at the moon. I
t’s large and bright tonight. It casts a grim light upon the water. Under the moonlight she sees rainbow colored fish swimming at the surface. She looks around the deck and finds herself alone. Until a male passenger joins her.

  “Hi,” he says.

  “Hi,” she says.

  “What’s your name?”

  She recognizes him as the guy from before who came down into the captain’s cabin. “It’s you again. You stalking me?”

  “No. But we do have a limited amount of space to walk around so I am bound to bump into you more than once.”

  “My name is Talen.”

  “I know a fella whose daughter shares that name. Who is your father?”

  “Why don’t you tell me?”

  He laughs. “Okay. Gavin Dragniss.

  “That is my father.”

  “My name is Logan Drinjon. I used to be a Hunter.”

  “Used to be? Hunters don’t quit.”

  “When you find your destiny lies elsewhere, you do.”

  “Where did your destiny lie?”

  “In the Veiled Haven.”

  Before Talen can ask him about it, Remy interrupts them. “There you are. Been looking for you.”

  “Did you grow tired of your woman already?”

  Logan looks on confused. Did he assume that she was single?

  “Come now, you are the only one for me.” Remy puts his arm around Talen and kisses her cheek.

  “Surely you can do better than that for the woman who is the only one for you?” Talen balls her fists up as she walks away and goes down into the captain’s cabin. She is prepared to spend the rest of the journey down here if she can avoid seeing Remy.

  “Are you and Talen a couple?”

  “Yes. We are engaged.”

  “She doesn’t act like a woman engaged. And if you are, then why were you entertaining another woman?”

  “I didn’t realize that I was. I was learning about sailing. I have to go to make things right between me and my wife to be.”

  “Let her know that I am available, should she find herself not engaged.”

  Remy makes a low grunt as he goes down after Talen. “Talen?”

  Talen is lying on her designated bed. She turns her face away from him.

  Remy climbs up into the bed above her. “Nothing happened between me and Maria.”


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