Mark Of A Scarred Warrior (Iron Dogz MC Book 5)

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Mark Of A Scarred Warrior (Iron Dogz MC Book 5) Page 35

by René Van Dalen

  “I didn’t know what he was! I swear I didn’t know!” Pesto shouted desperately. The lie was so obvious they could hear it in his voice. “I’m your brother, please, don’t hurt me. I’m your brother!”

  Scar laughed as did the rest of them.

  “All family bonds were cut the minute you conspired to have me murdered for my money. And you forget, I know you, Jimmy. I know when you lie. And you are lying right now.” With a move as quick as a snake striking Scar had his knife pressed against Pesto’s neck. The asshole’s eyes almost popped out of his skull and he panted in fright.

  “Hold him.” The order came through tightly clenched teeth and Wolf and Beast stepped up and grabbed hold of the writhing little traitor.

  That’s when the screaming and crying started. Scar became a cold and indifferent machine as he quickly and cleanly skinned Pesto’s big club tattoo from his back. When he was done he dropped the piece of skin on the floor at the feet of the passed out bastard, spat in his face and stepped back.

  Hawk tipped his head to the side and raised an eyebrow. It looked like they wouldn’t be blacking out tattoos after all. He felt the smile that wasn’t a real smile slide onto his face. He hadn’t let the dark side loose in a very long time. Tonight was the night he would truly let it free.

  “The rest of him is all yours, Prez.” Scar said as he moved back to his place against the wall. “I’m done with this piece of shit traitor.”

  With his hands clasped behind his back Hawk surveyed the bastard and smirked as blood flowed from the man’s back and pooled beneath his feet before it slowly dripped down the grate.

  “Wake him up.” Spider stepped up with a bucket of water. The cold water hitting his face had him spluttering awake and he immediately started moaning in pain and fear.

  “Which tattoo shall I do next?” He asked no one in particular before he started slicing.

  The dungeon was soon filled with screams as club tattoos were efficiently sliced from the writhing specimens hanging from the meat hooks. Blood pooled, creeped and ran into the grate as they worked. Finally it was done and Hawk stepped back. He was covered in blood and it felt fucking good. In fact, he hadn’t felt this good in a very long time.

  For months now they had been reacting to the shit being thrown at their club. Tonight they changed the trajectory. They would no longer be defending, they will be attacking.

  The Iron Dogz was ready and willing to deliver on their threat.

  “How do you want it done, Prez?” Beast growled as he punched a screaming asshole to silence.

  “Cut off their dicks, shove them down their throats and let them choke and bleed to death.” Hawk ordered as if he was ordering a take away from Mackie D’s.

  There was a moment of stunned silence before their prisoners reacted. The screaming reached a crescendo and then it tapered down until eventually all he could hear was the slow dripping of blood.

  The first part was done. It was time for the last part.

  “Bring the bastard in.” Hawk ordered without turning around, his eyes stayed on the corpses hanging in front of him.

  “I have rights. I demand you take me to a police station. You can’t do this! It’s against the law!” His panicked voice became louder as he came closer. Hawk knew the moment he saw the dead men because of the shocked gasp. “What did you do to them? What did you do? This is murder; you’ll get life in prison for this!” He shouted in outrage.

  A laugh burst from him as he turned but the mirth disappeared instantly. For some reason it felt as if his eyes were on fire as he stared at the man responsible for the loss of an unborn child.

  “Because of your obsession with Chris her unborn child lost his life. You have to pay for that life. You took a woman who doesn’t belong to you. In the process she was badly injured and right now she’s in hospital undergoing surgery. Her man wants this done so he can get back to her. So, let’s get to it.” Hawk looked at the piece of shit slave trader and motioned with his head. His men knew exactly what it meant. Within minutes he was strung up next to the dead men.

  “How do you like your companions for the night, Mr Jacobson?” Hawk tormented the fucker by kicking him towards a very dead Pesto.

  The stupid fuck screamed like a girl as he bumped into the bloody body.

  “Let me out of here! If you let me go I won’t say anything, I swear. Just let me go before you get into even deeper trouble. The police will come looking for me. You will be the first they’ll suspect. Let me go, right now.” He demanded in a high pitched shriek.

  “I suppose he didn’t get to hear the news about how he escaped the trap the pigs laid for him. No one will be looking for you here, motherfucker.” Beast growled in his face and the man reared back.

  “I need to get this done.” Scar suddenly said as he moved away from the wall he had been leaning against. “My woman needs me to be at her side.”

  Standing back Hawk waved him forward. Scar didn’t hesitate.

  “You ordered the corpses next to you to take my woman. She was badly hurt, so badly that she lost our baby boy. His life is a black mark on your soul. A mark you will wear for eternity.” Scar spoke very quietly and clearly. No anger or rage apparent in his voice, but his eyes was on fire with rage and hatred.

  They all expected him to pull his knife out. He didn’t. With his bare hands he grabbed the fuckers’ arm and with one violent twist he broke it. Leaving it twisted and hanging uselessly against his body. Isaiah’s scream of shock and pain was high and long.

  “An arm for an arm. Fair, don’t you think?” Scar said almost conversationally. Reaching for his knife he very efficiently sliced Isaiah’s legs in the exact location of Chris’s injuries. Scar took a step back and watched the blood dripping onto the already blood covered cement.

  In the same quiet voice he ordered the man to tell them everything he knew about the trafficking ring he worked for. And no fucking surprise, the asshole started singing like a fucking canary. Obviously he thought if he talked he would walk out of there. He thought wrong.

  And that’s when it got bad, really fucking bad.

  Looking at the man sobbing and blubbering unintelligibly with his head tilted to the side Scar smiled. It wasn’t a good smile. Not at all.

  “A son for a son.” He said very, very quietly.

  They all thought he was going to cut the bastards’ dick off. Were prepared for it.

  He didn’t. He gutted the bastard then calmly slid his bloodied knife into the back of his jeans. They watched in shock as he stuck his hands inside the body and pulled out Jacobson’s intestines, leaving them hanging from his body in a bloody mass. The poor bastard screamed in agony as he stared in shock at the inside of him now hanging on the outside. More than one man was gagging at the smell, but not Scar. He once again reached for his knife and made a shallow cut over the femoral artery, not deep enough to slice through it, but deep enough to have blood streaming freely. Then he stood there absolutely unaffected by the man’s screams and pleas and watched the bastard while he slowly bled to death. When the light finally disappeared from his eyes Scar gave a deep sigh of satisfaction before he stepped back.

  Without saying a word he turned and walked out the door.

  A heavy stunned silence hung in the air after his departure.

  “Fuck me, no wonder he’s one of Crow’s murder.” Spider said in an awed voice.

  “Get this cleaned up. I want them to disappear, wiped from the face of the earth as if they never existed.” Hawk met the eyes of his men as they nodded and gave a nod in return.

  Walking out of the dungeon he undressed and dropped his clothes in the waiting drum on top of Scar’s. He walked through the silent clubhouse streaked with blood and stark naked and climbed the stairs to his room where his old lady was waiting. She had wanted to be in on dealing with the traitors and Jacobson, but not this time.

  This time it had been club business and needed to be taken care of by him a
nd his brothers. There were plenty of other targets they would be feeding to the Crow.

  Three days later

  Sitting behind his desk with his arms crossed over his chest he watched the men settling down with narrowed eyes. They were rattled after the news of Scar and Chris’s loss. They might be rattled but rage and a need for vengeance still ran through all of them. It wasn’t enough that the crazy fuck who had snatched her had been dealt with along with the traitors to their club. They needed more.

  And they were about to be given the opportunity.

  “Settle the fuck down, we have shit to get done.” He finally lost his patience at the continuing mutters.

  Turning to Kid he tipped his chin, giving him the signal to go ahead.

  Kid didn’t hesitate.

  “Jane has reached out to my mother. She pumped her for info on Flash. My mother couldn’t give her anything because she doesn’t know anything. After the call she started asking me probing questions and I threw her a bone. She grabbed it with both fucking hands and passed it on.”

  Ziggy swiped and typed on the tablet on his lap and pulled a disgusted face.

  “What now?” Hawk frowned.

  “He’s rotting, maggots and pieces falling off and dripping all over the place. It’s fucking gross.” He slid the tablet across the desk.

  One look and Hawk pulled a face as well. “Fuck.”

  He shoved the tablet back towards Ziggy.

  “Right, it looks like he’s about ready to be found. But not before we have our hands on Jane. How do you want to play this, brother?” He asked Kid.

  Kid had picked up the tablet and was looking at it with absolutely no expression on his face and then the most evil look he had ever seen crossed his best friends’ face.

  “I’m inviting her to the house. For a meet.” Kid set the tablet down on the desk and gently moved it over to Ziggy. “We’ll be waiting. When she arrives, which she will, we take her and take care of her men. We bring her in and give her to the Crow.”

  Hawk was about to speak when Kid shook his head and continued lay it out.

  “We need what she has in her head, Boss. She’s been inside the Harrison Syndicate for fucking years and is about to marry into that family. This is our only opportunity to grab her and get the information we need. We’re always reacting to their attacks. It’s about time we took the fight to them instead of them bringing it to us.”

  Sitting forward Hawk speared Kid with his eyes and held him there. “Are you sure you can live with what will happen, brother? There isn’t one of us who is going to think less of you if you step away.”

  Kid jumped up and started pacing.

  “There’s shit about my childhood none of you know. Shit that Flash and her did to make my life a living hell outside of the club. It’s time to return that hell to its origin. We’ve taken care of Flash. It’s time to end the bitch’s reign of hate as well.”

  A deathly silence hung in the office as they watched Kid while he paced. Hawk suddenly realised there were parts of Kid’s life he knew nothing about. Things that his friend had kept to himself.

  But now was not the time to find out what that was.

  “Right. Set it up.” Looking at the other officers he got their nods before continuing. “Kid will run point on this one. We will follow his plan. Ziggy, keep an eye on the house and the garage while Kid sets up the meet. We don’t want her arriving too early.”

  He turned to his best friend.

  “You will select two men to work this with you before we take her down. You’re not doing this on your own. Understood?”

  Kid nodded. “I got you, Prez. I’ll take Wolf and Spook as my crew.”

  “Good. It will be fucking good to finally put this shit behind us.”

  Tapping his fist on his desk he dismissed his men. He sat there for a while before he got up and went home. His old lady would be home early today and he didn’t want her nosing around the garages. Not yet anyway.

  He wasn’t ready to reveal her surprise just yet.



  He was finding it damned difficult to treat his mother with the courtesy he had since she had apologised to him. An apology he grudgingly accepted. It was fucked up, he knew, but it was just the way he felt.

  As a mother she had failed him.

  She failed to protect him from his father. Failed to keep his secrets. Failed to love the lost and lonely little boy he had been. How many times had he gone to her, beaten and bloody, and she had turned him away without taking care of his hurts and with words he will never forget.

  Stop acting like a baby. You’re a boy. You need to start acting like one. Don’t give your father a reason to punish you and he won’t.

  The fucker never needed a reason to hurt him. In fact he relished torturing his own son.

  And she was failing him yet again. She knew what Jane had done to him, to Hawk, to DC, to Ice and River, to the club, and still she protected her.

  By not turning her in to the club she was allowing Jane to continue ruining lives. He wondered if Essie knew that her precious Jane sold women and children as sex slaves. If she did, how did she look herself in the mirror every day? How did she live with that knowledge?

  Walking out to his bike he came to a decision. Once they had Jane locked in a cell he was going to confront his mother with the truth and watch her reaction.

  Then he will know. Know if she was rotten to the core like her husband and daughter.

  And if she was retribution would be swift.

  Swift and final.

  A few days later

  The odour of decomposition hung like an almost visible haze in the kitchen. Kid had opened the back door, but that was as far as they had gone. None of them had stepped foot inside. They would have to, soon. But not until the prospect came back with the fucking gasmasks they had left in the cage. They had misjudged the spread of the stink.

  Shaking his head Kid gave an evil chuckle. “Can’t fucking wait to see how the bitch and her pussies handle the shit in there.”

  “Fuck you Kid. I can’t fucking handle that smell and I’m no damned pussy.” Wolf growled.

  Kid just raised his eyebrows and smirked. “You know we’re going to have to burn our clothes after we’re done in there don’t you? That stink is going to cling to everything we’re wearing and I don’t know if it can be washed out.”

  “I’ll just throw that pink shit the bitches keep in the laundry on my clothes. If it fucks it up so what, my jeans are faded to shit anyway.” Spook said with a shrug and the others laughed and nodded.

  “We’ll leave our kuttes with the prospect out here and only put them back on once we’re all nice and clean and fresh.” Buzz joked with a grin.

  All the joking stopped the minute the prospect arrived with the box of masks. They exchanged their kuttes for a mask and settled them in place.

  With a nod Kid indicated they all had to get to their assigned positions.

  They had been in position for about five minutes when he heard the cage pulling into the driveway.


  They waited silently, listening as she unlocked the front door and walked inside. The smell didn’t hit her at first because it hung mainly in the kitchen and passage. The men with her were taken out silently before they stepped further into the house. She was so far up her own ass she didn’t even notice.

  “Dad!” She sounded impatient and just a tiny bit condescending.

  Kid waited until the stench of decay hit her.

  He watched as she reared back, her eyes going wide. “Daddy!”

  The impatience and condescension had turned into fear as she called out to a dead man.

  Her calls to their father had him chuckling quietly as he watched her slowly inching towards the partly open door to the garage. With one hand clasped over her nose she slowly creeped over, reached out with her free hand and slowly pulled the door op
en. Peeking through she gave a horror filled moan. As her mouth opened in a soundless scream Kid moved up right behind her.

  Slapping a gloved hand over her nose and mouth he slung his arm around her body and pinned her arms against her sides. He held her as she struggled furiously, trying to kick him and failing. Wolf plunged the syringe in her neck and he held her until she stopped struggling. The moment she no longer struggled and was a dead weight in his arms he dropped her. He saw the shock in some of his brothers’ eyes but he didn’t give a shit.

  They would learn soon enough that evil ran through her veins instead of blood.

  Calling the prospects he had the bitch carted out of the house, through the back yard, and into the yard of the house at the back. A van stood waiting and they loaded her and drove away.

  The next step was letting the pigs ‘discover’ the rotting piece of shit in the garage.

  Easy. An anonymous call, placed after they had left, complaining about a horrible smell took care of that little detail.

  A few hours later

  He leant against the wall in the Crow’s playpen and watched the woman strapped to the chair without feeling a thing. She was a traitor to her family, to the club and to her own sex. What was about to happen to her was well deserved.

  All the officers and lieutenants were present and they watched silently as she slowly came back to the land of the living.

  He smirked when he saw the horror and shock in her eyes when she saw Laney and Brandi chained to the wall. The sluts had been stripped down to their panties so the scars on their bodies were front and centre.

  Their cuts had healed and the ink was embedded deep in their skins. Very little remained of their personalities, they were like well-behaved little zombies as they stood meekly against the wall.


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