Throttle Me (Men of Inked) (Volume 1)

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Throttle Me (Men of Inked) (Volume 1) Page 19

by Chelle Bliss

  She wrinkled her nose; she never liked to think of any of her children fighting, even Mikey. “Where were you?”

  “Neon Cowboy and we were on our way out after having a couple drinks.” I definitely didn’t want to share that I planned to kidnap my girlfriend. Sex wasn’t something I talked to my mother about and often, not even my father.

  “I told you I hate that damn bar. There’s nothing but trouble in those types of places. Haven’t you learned anything from Thomas?” She wasn’t mad, but I could see the fear in her eyes.

  “Yes, Ma. I have friends there, clients even, and I like it there. I’m not going to stop hanging out there because of the what-ifs.”

  “Is she okay, son?” She peeked over my shoulder, her eyes growing wide as she took in the sight of Suzy’s face.

  “Yeah, she’ll heal. Just waiting for the doctor to come and release her. I won’t be there Sunday, but I promise to be there next week.”

  “Sure, baby. Can I drop off food at least? That way you can spend time taking care of her without having to cook.”

  How could I say no to my mother? When she offered food it was the highest honor. She lived to cook and take care of her family. If I said no, it would be an enormous insult and there would be hell to pay.

  “Sure, Ma. I’d love if you’d stop by with some food.” I didn’t entirely mean that statement but I knew it would make her happy.

  “I’m going to go and let you two rest. I don’t want to wake her. I’ll call you later, Joseph.” She stood up and kissed my forehead. She was the only person in the world that I’d let treat me like a child. No matter how many times I told her I wasn’t, she just made it all the more unbearable smothering me with her love.

  “Okay, Ma. Thanks.”

  “I love you, Joseph. Take care of that one.”

  “Love you too, Ma.”

  She walked out of the room and I ran my fingers over the bruises on her face. They were brighter in color and more visible than they had been the night before. She began to stir at my touch and her eyes opened and the side crinkled from the smile on her face.

  “You stayed?”

  “Where else would I go, sugar?”

  She closed her eyes and made a sound like I don’t know as she smashed her face in my chest an inhaled. “Can we get out of here?” she asked.

  “I’ll go see if I can get the doctor to discharge you. Let me get up.”

  She winced as I helped her move out of my arms and climbed off the bed. “You’re going to spend all day in bed when I get you out of here.”

  “Ooo, that sounds so sexy.” She laughed and held her side.

  “Bad girl, you’re injured – rest only.” I was happy to see that her spirit didn’t vanish with the events of the attack. “Be right back or I’ll break you out of this joint.”

  I found a nurse sitting at a desk and pleaded with her to process the paperwork quicker than normal. “You can help her get dressed to speed up the process if you’d like, sir,” the nurse said as she typed on her keyboard.

  “Sure, we’ll be waiting, ma’am.” I returned to the room to find Suzy trying to climb out of bed. “What the hell are you doing?” I said, rushing to her side.

  “I needed to pee.” She looked up at me with a shy embarrassed smile.

  “I’ll help you, sugar. Then we got to get you dressed.”

  “Fine. I hate having to need help to walk, City. This is a little ridiculous.”

  “It’s what I’m here for. You’re mine and I’m going to take care of you this weekend. No arguments. Got it?” I waited for her reply before taking her hand.

  “Yes, sir. I’m yours for the weekend. I thought it would be a bit different, but,” she said without finishing the sentence and shrugged.

  “Makes two of us. Come on, sweetheart.” I helped her to the bathroom and then grabbed her clothes. I hit them a couple times to get the dirt off before she dressed.

  “I need a shower,” she said as she hobbled out of the bathroom.

  “I’ll help you as soon as we get you home.”

  “You’re the boss.”

  I liked the sound of those words coming out of her mouth. I wouldn’t take any lip from her this weekend. She’s mine.

  Mouth Watering Goodness

  I settled in my bed, thankful to be home, and watched City as he undressed. I’d never been with a man that I couldn’t stop staring at. I wanted the image etched in my brain. His muscular build and firm chest flexed as he took off his pants. The tattoos on his torso and arms moved and I was mesmerized as if watching a movie. I ached to tug on the bar that hung from his nipple, salivated to taste his flesh, and shivered at the thought of him inside me.

  He kicked his pants in the air and caught them. “Don’t look at me like that, sugar.” His shaft bobbed catching my attention, my mouth suddenly felt dry.

  I blinked and looked at his face, “Like what? I was just thinking about how skilled you are at catching your pants,” I giggled.

  “You just looked at my dick in a way that makes me want to jam it down your throat.” He grinned at me and even though my face hurt, I wanted nothing more than for him to do that to me. “Not today, sugar.”

  “Tomorrow?” I raised my eyebrows hoping that I could entice him or at least get a promise of something before the weekend ended.

  “We’ll see. I decide when and how. What can I get you?”

  “Your cock.” I knew when I said ‘dirty’ words that he couldn’t resist me. If he continued to deny me I sure as hell wouldn’t make it easy on him.

  He rubbed his face and muttered something I couldn’t quite make out. “Want something to drink or eat?”

  He stood there, buck-naked and mouth wateringly delicious, and waited for my answer. How could I think of water when his beautiful body was on full display? I shook my head and patted the mattress with a crooked smile.

  “Tomorrow, sugar.”

  A pout hung on my lips, but inside I was happy to at least get a concession. “Good enough. I don’t have anything in the fridge, City. I didn’t think I’d be here much this weekend.” Admitting to an Italian man that you lack even the staples in your pantry isn’t easy.

  “My mother wants to drop off food later. Are you okay with that?”

  “Really?” My mother had never brought me food even when I had the flu. I always fended for myself even if it meant crawling to the kitchen to grab a glass of water. His mother, a woman I’d never met, would bring me food, and I had a twinge of jealousy. What would it have been like to grow up in a house like his?

  “I can call her anytime and she’ll drop something off. You just say the word.”

  “Word, word, word! Does your mom use Ragu like mine?” My mother never cooked from scratch. As a child I thought Chef Boyardee was the bees-knees until I grew up and realized it was closer to vomit in a can.

  City laughed and his smile made my chest ache. “Don’t even mention the word Ragu to her. She’ll have a mental breakdown.”

  “Good to know,” I said. “Remind me to never cook for her, okay?”

  City grabbed his phone as he crawled in bed. “Hey, Ma. Suzy’s going to rest for a bit, but we’d love for you to drop by with some food.” I could hear her talking on the phone and it reminded me of Charlie Brown’s teacher. I couldn’t make out the words, but I heard a garbled voice as I put my head on his chest. I played with the piercing which earned me a stern look. “I’ll text you her address. Thanks, Ma.”

  He put the phone down and stared at me, but I just smiled. “What?” I asked innocently.

  “You must’ve hit your head harder than I thought.”

  “Maybe.” I kissed his nipple, tugging on the hoop with my lips. He inhaled sharply as I bit down.

  “Sugar, not now. I’m trying to be real good here and you’re not in any shape right now to do the things to you I want. Later, when you’ve rested and had something to eat, I’ll give you more than you can handle… if I feel you’re up to it.”

bsp; “Party killer,” I said, as I laid my head back down in the crook of his arm.

  “Be a good girl and sleep.” His fingertips trailed down my back, leaving a wake of warmth against my skin. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the feel of his hands on me even if it wasn’t the way I wanted.

  I don’t know how long I slept, but when I woke up, I was alone in the bed. His side was still warm. My muscles rebelled and ached as I stretched. “Damn,” I whispered, wanting to move without pain.

  The doorbell rang and my heart started to pound – his mother. I didn’t look presentable and my face had to be a mess. I stared at it in horror this morning at the hospital. This wasn’t the way I wanted to meet his mom.

  I could hear them talking in the kitchen. The door cracked open and I turned my head praying it was City. “Hey, sugar, ma’s here. Do you want to meet her?”

  “I look like crap, City. I can’t have her see me like this.”

  He sat down next to me. “Sugar, she was at the hospital this morning. She’s seen your face. She’s not going to stare at you.”

  I sighed. “You didn’t tell me.”

  “Sorry. Come on, just a quick hello. She made you lasagna.” He brushed the hair away from my face, following the curve of my cheek.

  I’d do anything this man asked me to. A smile, touch, or kiss and I was totally and utterly his. “Let me get dressed and I’ll come out.”

  Meeting parents always scared me to death and it meant a step deeper into a relationship. His mother obviously loved her son enough to bring us food and I wanted to at least thank her for her kindness.

  I looked into the mirror, touched the stitching on my lip with my tongue, noticing the irony taste of blood. There was no need to bother with makeup. I couldn’t look any worse than I did and if she liked me now then I’d knocked her socks off when she’d see me at my best. Dressed in my favorite hoodie and sweats, I walked out to meet Mrs. Gallo.

  “There she is,” City said, standing from the couch with a smile plastered on his face.

  Mrs. Gallo stood up and turned around. Her face was lit up and she looked like the mom I always wanted. She had long wavy brown hair, big brown eyes, and a kind smile. “Suzy, it’s so nice to finally meet you,” she said as she wrapped her arms around me. “I’m sorry for how we’re meeting, sweetheart. How are you feeling?”

  “Thank you, Mrs. Gallo, I’m feeling much better.” I moved to sit next to City and grabbed his hand. “Thank you for making me lasagna. It’s one of my favorites.”

  “My pleasure. Food always helps make everything better,” she said.

  “Italian motto,” City muttered and I laughed.

  “I’m going to get going now and leave you two kids to enjoy your food. I just wanted to say hello. Is there anything else I can do before I leave?”

  “No, ma’am, you’ve done more than I can ask for.”

  “Mrs. G or Maria, please. You need anything just have Joseph call me.”

  “Joseph,” I laughed. It sounded so serious and fit him well.

  “Watch it,” he said in a playful tone and squeezed my hand.

  We all stood and hugged his mother goodbye. We walked to the door and watched her leave. I pictured her climbing into a minivan even though she didn’t have small children. I never pegged her for a woman that drove a Mercedes. I dreamed of a new Honda and knew it would be a budget killer… maybe someday.

  “Your mom is great,” I said as I wrapped my arm around his waist.

  “She can be, but she’s a pit-bull when you cross her, just ask my father,” he said. “Want some lasagna?”

  “What’s for dessert?” I asked as he closed the door.

  “Anything you want, sugar.”

  “You know what I want,” I said.

  “Are you up to it?”

  “Question is, big boy, are you up to it?” I wanted him and I figured that if I challenged his manhood, he’d finally cave. All men are the same in that regard.

  He laughed. “Don’t ask questions if you can’t handle hearing the answer. Eat your food and I’ll show you how up to it I am, sugar.”

  He placed a giant piece of lasagna with cheese oozing out in front of me. My stomach growled at the smell and the feeling of hunger finally registered. I cut into the slice and watched all the insides squish onto my plate. The hot lasagna spread across my tongue and I wanted to moan from the taste.

  “That good, huh?” City asked as he scooped a chunk in his mouth.

  “What? Did I?”

  “Yep, you moaned, sugar.”

  My face became heated. “Well, I’m used to Stouffer’s lasagna. This is amazing, City. You don’t know how lucky you were to grow up on this type of home cooking.” I slid the fork across my tongue and slowly chewed, letting all the flavors dance on my tongue.

  “I never thought about it.” His fork stopped near his mouth as he looked at me with piercing eyes. “Suzy, you keep making noises like that and I won’t let you finish the next bite.” He set the fork on his plate and leaned back.

  “I need my fuel to get better.” I placed another sliver in my mouth, closed my eyes, and made a small sound in the back of my throat.

  “You have thirty seconds to finish what’s in front of you before I take your ass in the bedroom and give you something to really moan about.” He crossed his arms over his chest and looked at his watch.

  I shoveled the food in my mouth. I felt torn in this moment, but the lasagna could always be reheated.

  “Fifteen.” He smiled at me and I felt everything in my body convulse and scream to be touched. I chewed like a maniac.


  “Wait!” I held up my hand. “I need something to drink,” I said as I hopped off the high top café chair.

  “I got something for you to wash that down with, sugar. Time’s up.”

  “Slower, Suzette,” City said in my ear as he rocked in and out of me. “It’s not a marathon. I want to savor being inside you.”

  “I’ve just missed you. Missed this.”

  “We have the rest of the weekend. I don’t want to hurt you. Slow.” He grabbed my hips and held me still as he slowed his pace. I wanted to scream and claw him, but I knew it wouldn’t help to fight him.

  He rested his forehead against mine as he encased my body and assaulted my sense. This was more than just sex. He expressed his feelings and I felt them seep into my body. I stared in his eyes as he stared into mine before he kissed my lips. The pain of the kiss didn’t stop me from returning it with fervor.

  My fingers dug into his shoulders as I felt them flex under my touch. Each thrust brought me closer to the release I craved. His breathing grew harsh as he curled his arms under my body, tilting my hips.

  My hands rested on his hips, unable to reach his ass, as I felt them relax and constrict with each thrust. I wish I had a mirror to watch his ass and back as he moved with my body. I squeezed the soft skin and hard muscle as the orgasm tore through my body. It was stronger than anything I had felt before. My toes curled and my muscles clenched around him as his pace quickened before he slammed into me one last time, reaching his own bliss.

  He nuzzled my neck and kissed the soft skin, making a trail to my lips. “I don’t know what I would’ve done if something happened to you, sugar.”

  I ran my fingers through his hair and pulled his face to mine forcing his eyes to see me. “I’m fine Joey, you saved me.” I kissed him and didn’t give him a chance to respond. He flipped us over and I straddled his body before breaking the kiss.

  “No more fantasies that don’t involve me by your side, but I still want to make them come true.”

  “I’m looking forward to it.” I smiled against his chest as I kissed the skin over his heart. I listened to his heart thud in his chest. I had never felt so content with any person let alone a man.

  City spent the rest of the weekend helping me. Even though it started rocky, it ended with me feeling more loved and adored than I ever had. I couldn’t deny my feelings for
him any longer. My checklist no longer mattered. He showed me that he would take care of me and treat me in the way I always wanted. My doubts about if he was the ‘one’ had vanished and were replaced by a fate that had been sealed where we began.

  Hot for Teacher

  “Yes, sir, how can I help you?” the older lady at the reception desk asked. She leaned forward and rested her head on her hands.

  I gave her my devilish grin and a wink. “I’m here to see Ms. McCarthy, ma’am.”

  “Oh please, call me Kathy.” She batted her eyelashes. “You’re here to see Suzy?” She looked surprised and her voice ended on a screechy high note. Her eyes no longer looked at my face, but traveled down my arms.

  “Yes, I’m here to see Suzy, Kathy.” I arched my eyebrow as she soaked me in, undressing me with her eyes. She looked like a nice enough lady, but I didn’t like how she said Suzy’s name and I certainly didn’t particularly enjoy the fantasy she must be having in her head. I cleared my throat, needing to pull her out of her lust-induced haze.

  She blushed as she started fumbling with papers at her desk. She asked me for my identification and to sign the visitor’s log. The school day had ended, but a few students milled around the receptionist area. I could feel their eyes on me. I wanted to laugh, but didn’t want to be a total asshole.

  Kathy gave me directions to Suzy’s classroom in the next building. I needed to make sure she was okay on her first day back to work since the attack. I’m sure she had to explain the injuries to her face over and over again. People could be fucking merciless.

  I checked the sign on door and it read “101 – Mrs. McCarthy’s Class”. The large classroom had tables set up in neat rows and cabinets lining the opposite wall. There was no chalkboard in the room like there had been when I was a kid, but a dry erase board hung on the wall. Math problems that made my fucking head spin were written on the shiny white surface.


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