Unearthly World Christmas

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Unearthly World Christmas Page 2

by C. L. Scholey

  “What of you, Ryker? Have you picked a mate?” Ryker and Zell spent most days together. The boys could morph onto both planets with a simple thought. Ryker had his black Castian shield up to his neck to stay warm. Under his shield he wore only hip hugging pants. The boy was big for his age, thoughtful, kind. He had a younger sister at home who seemed to be in possession of no strange skills except one: no matter where she was she knew how each member of her family fared. If Ryker was in trouble, his tiny sister would know and send out a distress mind image to all who cared for Ryker. Ryker adored her and vice versa.

  “I have a long time yet to go. Human females are cute and some are cuter than others but I don’t want to date yet, even though some of my friends are kinda dating. You know how it is.”

  Titus almost laughed out loud. He had no clue how it was. He had never had a date in his life before meeting Zabbie. Earth customs between the sexes was beyond different to his culture. The concept of eating dinner with a Zargonnii female was laughable. She would more than likely try to choke a male to death to initiate the Holiday.

  “I can guess what you mean, but no I don’t understand your ideas of saying you’re going out with a girl one moment then break up a day later, then go out with another and so on,” Titus said.

  “Me, too,” Zell said.

  Titus realized his son’s thinking was always more geared to the Zargonnii way except when it came to Brave.

  “I was wondering if your females might like to know what it is to Holiday with a Castian warrior…when I’m old enough,” Ryker said with a shrug. “They’re pretty cool.”

  Titus’s eyes widened. He’d never even entertained the idea. Their females were huge, covered in a fine layer of hair, some eight feet tall. They remained unclothed and were a formidable lot, their long white hair brushing the ground. Ryker was too young to Holiday but the idea held merit. With his battle skills the boy would prove to be dominant. The females might not mind. Ryker, when grown, could give a piece of his shield to his offspring. The shield would last for a male but would only protect a female until the age of five. The concept seemed unfair to the female child but like most things in nature it was a way to make certain their kind would procreate. A male Castian could shield any female under the age of twenty-one, keeping her safe and healing any hurts—a luring factor. Once mated, a female could be shielded by her mate and any other male relative.

  “I don’t know what our females would say. The idea of a Castian Zargonnii is mind provoking though. The choice is always theirs,” Titus said. “Before you could join a Holiday we would need to get word to the females. We don’t want all of them returning home in a panic. Everyone would be pissed.”

  “They welcome the idea,” Zell said. Titus knew the females adored Zell. He was the only male on the planet that could enter their area. “They also know it won’t happen for a long time. Females will only mate with a male who is completely grown. They want only the strongest offspring. The females want a son who can shield himself even though the male child must be given to his father. A Zargonnii with a Castian shield would be impressive. They will welcome any female born as they usually do.”

  “What of you, Ryker? Would you welcome a Zargonnii son? You would be expected to care for him.”

  “Well yes, I suppose. I would welcome my son.”

  “Could you give up your daughter?” Titus pressed. “A female Zargonnii would die of heartbreak if you took her daughter away.”

  Ryker pondered for a moment and Titus could see he hadn’t thought that part through. Why would he? The boy was a young teen, there was no reason to be thinking of children. A long talon finger stroked with care down his cheek.

  “I would have Zell ask only a female who will allow me to spend time with a daughter Holiday with me. I wouldn’t take her away unless her mother agreed to a trip when she was older. I have a sister so I think I could take care of a girl but maybe not when she’s a baby. Mom asked me to change a dirty diaper once, and my shield came up it was that gross. Mom just about died laughing. Girls are different; you have to be so careful around them. A girl belongs with her mother, but a father is equally important. My dad is, and I know you are too, Zell. It’s all good as long as I know and can see she’s safe and happy. Boy am I glad I’m too young to Holiday. My head hurts.” He glared at Zell. “If it weren’t for you making cow eyes at Brave, we’d still be tossing snowballs.”

  “How can I have cow eyes when I have Zargonnii eyes?” Zell sounded indignant.

  Ryker crossed his own eyes, made duck-smacking lips and both boys snickered. Zell gave him a playful shove.

  Titus pondered. “A male child is important to his mother too. It would hurt a female if you took her son to live on a different planet for long periods of time. Our females sense their male children no matter where they are here. They love both sexes of their children, but show it in different ways.”

  Ryker laughed and tossed a handful of snow at Zell. “I could have my son here in seconds if his mother was distressed. Who knows, my kid, boy or girl, might even have my ability to take him or her places with the simple blink of an eye.”

  True. Titus chuckled. He should have remembered how sensitive and kind Ryker was. “Our females will adore you…but not for many years.”

  The teens were chucking snowballs at one another. Titus was hit in the head. He grabbed the head off a snowman and pelted Zell. Ryker was howling with laughter as Zell plucked wiggling small branches from his hair.

  “The hot chocolate is ready,” Zabbie called sticking just her head through the glass then ducking back inside.

  Titus and the boys shook the snow off, dried themselves with their heated eyes and went inside.

  * * * *

  “Auntie Zabbie, what’s kissmas?” Dranos asked.


  “Do people kiss all the time? A day of just kissing? Sounds kinda yucky.”

  Zabbie had to think hard for a moment. “I think you mean Christmas? I haven’t celebrated Christmas in a long time. How do you know the word? What made you ask?”

  “Um.” The boy was suddenly interested in his half-filled mug.

  “Dranos?” her tone was filled with annoyance.

  “It’s just cause both you and Braylon had the same word in your thoughts. I never heard the word except from humans. Braylon gets that word in his head every time he sees the first snowfall. You thought it too while making hot chocolate. I could search your thoughts but seeing you butt naked and kissing would be gross.”

  “Gee thanks.” She smirked at him.

  “Is Christmas a secret? When you think about it you seem, um, mom would use the word wistful. She taught me the meaning the other day when she was staring at the snow. Do you think she was thinking about this Christmas thing too? Braylon goes from wistful to sad to mad. Why?” Drano asked and slurped his chocolate. He fished out a marshmallow with his finger then sucked on it.

  “You never mentioned Christmas to me,” Titus said.

  “I’ve never heard the word,” Brave said.

  “Or me,” Ryker added.

  “What is Christmas, Mom?” Zell asked.

  Zabbie sighed seeing all the curious gazes and collected her thoughts. “Long ago on Earth we had a tradition. It was a holiday but not like when a Zargonnii has a Holiday. It’s hard to explain though I’m surprised Braylon hasn’t said something sooner. He is from Earth like your mother and me, Dranos.”

  “I know my brother was born on Earth, my mommy told me. She doesn’t talk much about her planet; it makes her sad. Mother thinks some Earth customs would be too confusing for the Zargonnii,” Dranos said. “Except Halloween. She thinks living here is kinda like having Halloween all year long. I wish I could read her mind but there’s something that blocks me. Same with father, except occasionally I catch a word here and there from him.”

  Zabbie had a thought. Zabbie was altered by the Gorgano whereas Tempest was altered in a strange way by the Angano. It was possible any pow
er Tempest possessed was passed on to Dranos. The Zargonnii had yet to learn the extent of Dranos’s powers. If they would continue to develop or if he was done. For now they watched, keeping a close eye on the child. No one had ever tested him. His powers appeared suddenly at times, and at other times he couldn’t repeat an action.

  “Dranos I want you to make me make you more hot chocolate.”


  “Just try, please?”

  “Mom, are you sure?” Zell asked. “He’s only five, and we don’t know all his strengths yet. Uncle Cy doesn’t want him pushed.”

  “I’ll be fine. Not a single child of a human female with powers has harmed a loved one.”

  “Yeah but Mom, Auntie Tempest came into contact with Angano blood. Any powers Dranos has will be from the enemy.”

  “You’re forgetting our powers come from the enemy too. Only a different enemy,” Zabbie reminded him.

  “Yeah but the Gorgano opened our minds, and we turned it against them. The Angano closed their minds to us. They think different. They are a stronger enemy,” Zell said. “We all know Dranos wouldn’t hurt anyone, but we also know the Angano would.”

  “I don’t think anyone has ever died getting a mug of hot chocolate. I’m pretty sure marshmallows are harmless under any condition.” Zabbie crouched to eye level and smiled at Dranos. “Try, for me, please?”

  Everyone watched with interest and some concern. Zabbie’s powers were strong. The test would be mind numbing if Dranos could make her do something. Zabbie cleared her thoughts and suddenly stood erect and stiff. She had no control over her body. She knew what she was doing, but was being compelled to do so. She was disturbed and intrigued and could feel Dranos all around her. For an instant she knew she could break his hold but would hurt him if she did. They were connected, inside one another’s thoughts. He was afraid and wary but tried his best.

  Zabbie had her own set of extraordinary powers after being changed by a Gorgano in numerous experiments. She went to the replicator and asked for a mug of warmed chocolate with an extra handful of marshmallows. Her words didn’t seem her own. She was watching her reactions as if outside of her body. The fine hairs on the nape of her neck stood tall. Her feet dragged of their own accord. She brought the mug to Dranos, sat down, and then was overcome with exhaustion for a moment as he released her mind.

  Dranos rubbed his temples with both hands. “Are you all right?” Zabbie asked with concern.

  “Yes, but that was weird. I didn’t know I could do that.”

  Brave and Ryker were clapping and smiling at the boy, who returned the smile shyly.

  “I want you to promise me you won’t do that unless we are in a controlled environment,” Titus commanded.

  “Of course, Uncle Titus.”

  Zell slapped Dranos on the back good-naturedly. “Looks like we’ll be seeing you at father’s work tomorrow.”

  “Braylon will have to spend time with me,” Dranos said, his happy face radiant. “Maybe he can tell me more about Christmas.”

  Zabbie sat silently wondering if Christmas was a good idea. It had been years. She thought Braylon didn’t speak of it because he was only three when he left Earth and even then the world had gone to hell. Zabbie never celebrated Christmas as a religious holiday but more a wonder of magic and miracles.

  Braylon and Tempest spent five years in seclusion before being rescued by Cy. They’d had the protection of Grey, a Tonan warrior, for a short time before he left to find them a safe place to live. Grey had been shot down on another planet and stranded. The replicator he gave them for a tiny cave they took shelter in malfunctioned forcing Tempest and her son into precarious and dangerous predicaments. With food vanishing on the planet, evil beasts dark as night, hyena-like, moved into their area searching for food, then out after finding little and then back again to stay. Almost all food on the planet was gone—except Tempest and Braylon. The beasts moved off only to stalk them mercilessly until finally cornering them. That was when Tempest and Braylon met Cy, the troubled banished Zargonnii warrior who saved their lives. The pair were close to starvation or death by thirst. They were lucky Cy came, having been shot down by an Angano, when he did.

  Braylon was a complicated teen. His Tonan shield was thrust upon him at age eight by the warrior named Grey. After Cy’s ship, once repaired, landed them on the planet where Grey was stranded, an evil creature called an Angano attacked Tempest and her son. The Tonan died protecting them and with his final breaths, passed his gray shield to Braylon. The shield didn’t always get along with Braylon, and they fought openly at times. Braylon already had enough trouble with emotions without entering the complicated teen years with his shield in tow.

  Zabbie gazed at Dranos. She knew he loved his brother with all his heart, and Zabbie knew Braylon loved Dranos. The Tonan part of him was aloof and could be cold. A Tonan, Huck, often helped Braylon as well as did the Castian leader Cobra. Cy loved his son and adopted son; he was proud of both.

  Children on the Zargonnii planet had toys made for them. They were happy. The only holiday they knew of was for adults only and occurred every two years. Tonight she would talk to Titus and maybe to Tempest in the morning. It wouldn’t hurt to decorate a tree; then again, the trees on the planet might have something to say about tinsel hanging from branches. She chuckled with the thought and tried to ignore the floating marshmallows headed for Dranos’s mug. A few plopped into her own mug and Dranos grinned at her. Ryker and Zell played musical chairs without the music, zapping themselves about while Brave giggled. Never a dull moment when the children are around.

  Chapter Two

  Cy and Titus stood side by side watching the youngsters interact. Hand to hand combat was over and it was time to test further strength and most importantly mental capabilities. Titus was anxious to see what Dranos could do. Braylon and Ryker had their shields up. Ryker was a few inches taller than Braylon but Braylon had the power of his two-thousand-year-old shield. If Ryker wasn’t in possession of his vanishing ability, Braylon would be the stronger of the two. Zell was motionless staring at a huge chunk of roundish metal. Using his mind, he picked up the metal and tossed it to Ryker. The teen caught it and sent it to Braylon. All three looked at Dranos.

  “Are you up to this?” Braylon asked with a mix of sarcasm and concern.

  “Don’t throw it at him, son,” Cy advised. “Let him try and take it from your arms.”

  Braylon nodded. Dranos lifted his arms, screwed his face into a mask of concentration, then screamed as the metal went flying at him, fast. He tossed his arms up defensively and dropped to the ground with his butt in the air. When he peeked he could see the metal chunk floating inches from his face and he looked at Zell who was grinning.

  “Nappy time,” Braylon called out.

  “I’m not a baby,” Dranos shouted, fists balled, and the metal went flying at Braylon, then slammed into his chest sending him flying.

  Braylon groaned as he lay spread eagle and tossed the metal from him as Dranos raced to him screaming he was sorry. Braylon glared at Zell. “Thanks for your help.”

  “You’re not hurt.” Titus thought his son sounded annoyed.

  Braylon shrugged off his brother who was trying to aid him to his feet, still crying out he was sorry. He then shoved Dranos back onto his behind.

  “You can’t lift me you little powerless hairy freak. I weigh too much.”

  Dranos’s head dipped until his chin almost touched his chest. “I was only trying to help.”

  “If you try and lift me you’ll hurt yourself. That’s not a barb but the truth.” Braylon dropped his shield and offered Dranos his hand and helped the boy to stand.

  “Dranos why don’t you toss the metal to Zell?” Titus said.

  Dranos concentrated, his little lips pressed into a fine line, the metal began shaking. The huge chunk went flying into the air, zipping back and forth, spinning, straight up, then dropping down. Everyone was ducking, hands and arms covering heads weaving
back and forth as Dranos struggled to maintain a grip on his ability.

  “Stay still, you hunk a garbage,” Dranos demanded.

  He began to chase after the wayward metal, arms flailing, while the boys laughed. Cy held a hand to his face and groaned. Dranos jumped and landed on the metal which spun, tossing him in circles as a wild bronco, his hair flying in all directions, until he went flying off to land on his behind. His fury and frustration was apparent, but Titus couldn’t help laughing behind his own hands. He cast a glance at Cy who was smiling at his young son’s antics.

  “You stupid chunk of crap,” Dranos bellowed struggling to his feet. “I’ll show ya.”

  Dranos lifted both hands, palms pressing forward into the air. He growled, his face a mask of outraged red. Tempest chose that moment to enter the special area. The metal was gaining mobility in intensity, whirling in a crazy fashion. Tempest cried out when the huge metal piece flew in her direction, and Dranos screamed for his mother. The boy who was red faced, was now a ghastly pale, mouth and eyes wide in his terror. He screamed again. The metal turned to water and crashed over Tempest, soaking her. Cy ran to his mate who was gasping and coughing, knocked to her knees with the intensity of the blow.

  “Are you all right?” Cy helped her up.

  “Well, I’m water logged.” She sneezed and gazed over at Zell. “Excessive, but thank you.”

  “I didn’t do that,” Zell sounded perplexed. “I sent a thought to stop it in mid-flight but it turned to water first.”

  All looked at Dranos who flung himself into his mother’s arms. “I was thinking of all the tears I would cry if I killed you, Mommy.”

  “Since you practically drowned me in a lake that’s a lot of crying,” Tempest said and lifted her youngest into her arms. “And this is salt water.”

  Titus and Zell strode over. Cy dried his mate with the heat from his glowing red gaze and placed his hands on her shoulders. “What are you doing here? You know this area can be dangerous. You could have been killed.”


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