Unearthly World Christmas

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Unearthly World Christmas Page 7

by C. L. Scholey

  “Zargonnii trade. If a being thinks something is important they can usually find a horde of sheep to think so too,” Titus said.

  Zabbie wasn’t certain if she should be annoyed at that comment. “Money was our currency. We traded it for everything.”

  “What was it worth when Earth went to shit?” Cy asked. “When your females and children went hungry? I know for a fact the Tonan couldn’t care less about your currency. They transported wealthy and powerful people first to destroy them. Figuring if the head humans went the rest would follow. Many did. Many died over many years. Many shuttles were lost or shot down.”

  “It was a long time ago,” Zabbie said. She gazed at Braylon who was scowling. “Besides Earth dying brought the Tonan and Castians together, after centuries.”

  “The Zargonnii warriors as well have new allies as well as a special Tonan warrior in their midst,” Tempest added.

  Braylon gazed at his mother and offered her a small smile. Zabbie knew in his heart Braylon would have preferred being Castian. Perhaps it was why he and his shield fought so often. The strange shield wasn’t used to being rejected or battled with. Grey’s gift was both a blessing and a curse.

  “The food smells wonderful, and I admit I’m hungry,” Brave said and Zabbie had a suspicion the precocious child was causing an intervention. Brave was squished between Zell and Titus. “What is that?”

  “Mashed turnip, Dranos has had it before,” Tempest said. “He loves it. In fact everything here is something Dranos likes to eat. The corn on the cob is fresh and dripping with butter, no doubt the mashed potatoes are whipped with a little mayonnaise for taste. Turkey gravy looks to be slightly thick but he always did prefer it that way. Actually Zabbie, I think if it weren’t for the special Jell-O salad we’d have identical Christmas meals. Dranos must have had the salad at your place, and the coleslaw. It’s just shredded cabbage, salt, pepper and mayonnaise right?”

  “Yes my mother made it for every holiday, as well as minced pies,” Zabbie said. “The only surprise is the whole stuffed bird, he must have seen that in someone’s thoughts. So much food right in front of us. This is new. His powers are increasing at a faster rate.”

  “In his sleep?” Zell sounded suspicious. “Don’t you think it’s strange he is suddenly coming into a great deal of power fast?”

  “What if something is aiding him?” Tempest asked with terror in her tone. “The Gorgano tried to wipe us out. What if the Angano have decided they want Dranos?”

  “What if like a Castian, he’s reached the magic age where he gains his powers?” Cy said and pulled Tempest to him.

  That was something to think about, Zabbie pondered. What worried her more was what if his abilities were also a beacon? The Angano had been strangely silent for years. Zell and Ryker’s threat when they mere children might have kept the Angano at bay but if they could feel Dranos and his power they would know he could be a weapon. A vulnerable boy looking for something he had no clue about, out here and alone.

  Brave reached out and ripped a leg off the turkey.

  “Ew, Brave don’t eat that, you don’t know where it’s been,” Zell said.

  “Dranos has never hurt anyone. He’s not going to poison us, and I’m hungry. It smells so amazing.” Brave took a bite, chewed slowly with her eyes closed. “This is so good. Why hasn’t my mother made this for me?”

  “I don’t know. Maybe because we have adapted to Zargonnii culture and foods,” Zabbie said. “We all have replicators that have been programmed differently.”

  “Well, I want to try more.” Brave filled one of the plates that appeared with the table and using her fingers, began munching on everything offered. Zabbie shrugged and did the same. Ryker and Zell were hesitant but Zabbie knew the only problem her son was having was the whole bird looking dead and pitiful. She only ever served him cut replicated meats. Zell tried everything but the bird which made Zabbie smile. She understood the replicated meats were synthetic. Was her son a vegetarian? Or rather a synthetic-tarian?

  A familiar crunch made Zabbie cringe when Cy and Titus ate the bones of the bird and cobs of corn. Apparently liking what they were eating they reached for more. An entire fluffy roll was shoved into Titus’s mouth and he grabbed up another.

  “What’s this?” Cy asked.

  “Butter,” Titus answered. “Zabbie used to make it with Zell when he was younger. She was just showing Dranos how to. See, if you ask the replicator for whipping cream in a glass jar and shake the hell out of it, the substance turns to butter after a while. She usually adds salt too. Not a lot but a pinch or two.”

  “It’s fun to make,” Zell said. “And when there’s a lot of us taking a turn it’s good camaraderie, a word a warrior likes to use. Like now. Sitting here with all of you for a good cause makes me feel useful. But it’s more than that.”

  “So this is Christmas?” Titus asked and waved a hand over the different foods that were fast disappearing.

  “Some of it and again not really. I know others who had fried bologna for Christmas, not all of this,” Zabbie said. “They were as happy.”

  Titus groaned. “So we’re back to yes but no? You have a really confusing holiday.”

  “Father is here,” Brave suddenly said with a bacon wrapped water chestnut at her lips. “As Braylon would say he’s not a happy camper.” She turned to Braylon. “What is an unhappy camper anyway?”

  “We are,” Braylon grouched.

  Brave sighed and filled a plate with the water chestnuts. “These are awesome. Maybe if I take some to daddy he won’t freak—too much. I won’t mention the nut part, just bacon wrapped food. Daddy loves bacon. Don’t worry if I suddenly…”

  Brave disappeared.

  Zell chuckled. “It’s fine, she’s with Citun. He’s overhead and so is Cobra.”

  “That fast?” Titus asked.

  “They might have had some help,” Zell said and nodded toward Ryker who smiled.

  Her son was shifting, or squirming and Zabbie knew exactly who had helped Citun. She wondered if Zell did it because he was worried for Brave or worried Citun would never let her go off with him again, perhaps both. She also knew Cobra would have wanted to be included. The space ships could monitor from the skies.

  “Well, I’m staying here,” Tempest said. “As soon as the storm lets up, I want to search again. I need my baby in my arms.”

  “He’s not a baby,” Braylon shouted.

  No one was as shocked as Braylon to hear that sentence. He went red and seemed uncomfortable.

  “No matter how old either of you get,” Tempest said. “You will both always be my babies.”

  “I’m not jealous, Mom. He doesn’t like being called a baby. I don’t say it enough, but I love Dranos. He’ll be fine out there, but he needs to come home. Earth is no place for us anymore. I remember the storms, the screams as we took off in the shuttle. The people, mostly men, beneath crying out waving their arms. Balls of fire and you holding me so tight I almost couldn’t breathe. Earth is dead. I wonder if it will stay dead.”

  “I think if given time, it might heal,” Tempest said. “I hope.”

  “Why don’t we all try to sleep?” Zabbie asked. She peeked at the opening mostly blocked by Cy and Titus’s broad backs. The wind was howling and as she closed her eyes slightly she imagined waking to white Christmases long past. As a child, she’d gaze out her living room window, hands pressed to the cold glass. The fake snow decorating around the edges her mother would tell her not to touch or it would fall into flakes on the carpet. Piles of snow were mounds near the roads, some with holes as they’d made snow forts often. Hills in the close distance enticed her. Knowing Santa would bring her the sleigh she had to have. Wishing every day was a snow day. The moon always seemed to sparkle that much brighter in winter months.

  The food was gone, and the table disappeared. Warm fluffy blankets appeared, no doubt courtesy of Citun. Zabbie curled into Titus’s arms as everyone settled. She and Zell could have zapped e
veryone to the ship overhead but all knew Tempest wasn’t leaving without her son. Zabbie hoped the storm would pass soon.

  Chapter Five

  When the dust settled Zabbie and Zell concentrated and the group, who stood in a circle, were taken to a different part of Earth, or so they thought. Rolling desolate hills were everywhere they turned. The sky was gray, the air stagnant. Titus was reminded of a planet he visited as a child with his father. There had been no life there either. Brave hadn’t returned to their group and Titus knew her protective father had decided his young daughter had enough adventure for now. Titus didn’t blame Citun. He was concerned for Zell who was male and a warrior and a powerhouse.

  “What is that?” Zell asked, cocking his head, as a large humped beast came into view.

  “It looks like a mutated horse,” Titus said. “Another Christmas novelty?”

  “It’s a camel,” Zabbie said her tone thoughtful. She walked to the beast with Titus close, and touched it. The beast didn’t flinch, it stood with quiet dignity. “This creature isn’t a hologram. Look into his eyes. He seems to be ancient.”

  “It’s real,” Zell confirmed. “It’s warm, its heart is beating. I think you’re right, Mom. It’s at least two thousand years old. How is that even possible? What kind of magic or miracle is this?”

  “This is amazing,” Titus said. “Where did it come from? I wonder what other animals survived on Earth.”

  “I don’t think it did,” Zabbie said. “A camel can’t live that long. Look, there are three. Three camels for three wise men.”

  “You actually had wise men on your planet?” Titus asked. “And three of them?”

  Zabbie punched him in the arm. “What if Dranos made these come to life? What if he can create humans?”

  “If he can, he can un-create them,” Tempest said.

  “Well, that just made my hair stand on end,” Zabbie said.

  The camels began to vanish. “Maybe this power only lasts a short time,” Tempest said.

  “What if he can create warriors during battle?” Titus was excited by this thought. “He could create his own army.”

  “What if the warriors have conscious thought and then slip away?” Zabbie said. “That would be a huge cause for concern. The way we think of sanctioned beings would need to change. Creating life is a big responsibility. Dranos is creating things like a child would. Things he no longer wants to play with are gone. When he grows older, it will suddenly occur to him the things he makes might want to stay living.”

  They moved forward along a green strip of grass that was growing in front of them and slowly disappearing behind them. They heard a loud bray and saw a donkey. It faded as they moved toward it. Tempest picked up a decorated bag and showed them gold. Another two containers held frankincense and myrrh. They also slipped from her fingers, disappearing.

  “Rocks, smelly stuff and slippery liquid are considered gifts?” Titus asked.

  “They were items with meaning. Gifts for the babe,” Tempest said.

  “What kind of baby needed this stuff?” Cy asked.

  “An important one for many. I think Dranos is searching for what he thinks Christmas is, a hand-held concept, something he can understand with pictures and things,” Tempest said. “He would be as confused as you, Titus and Cy. When it doesn’t seem right, he moves on to the next thought in his mind. With all those Earth females his jumbled ideas must be filled with many thoughts. These animals and items have no meaning to a Zargonnii male.”

  “That is why we shouldn’t entertain the idea of something we know nothing about,” Titus said.

  “Well, aren’t you the hypocrite,” Zabbie stated. “Human females were introduced and I’m certain you’ve been sorry ever since.”

  “That’s different, a culture shock for sure because they went from pets to mates, females have a place. They are real, you can touch them. What part of Christmas do you touch?” Titus grumbled.

  “It’s more how Christmas touches you,” Zabbie said.

  “Crap. There’s the fat dude in the red suit again. Santa…what the heck kind of name is that? If he touches me I’ll belt him. Really, what is up with that? Creepy. Why does a jolly old man who gives gifts need such long talons? He’d rip a child apart.”

  Zabbie sighed. “It’s Santa Claus, not Santa’s claws.”

  “What’s with the belly flipping in all directions?” Cy asked.

  “It’s apparently Dranos’s idea of a bowl full of jelly,” Tempest said. “I’ll admit it’s awfully disturbing. Crazy ass belly idea of Zumba. My poor boy.”

  Zabbie squealed and Tempest jumped into Cy’s arms as hundreds of mice scurried by. Titus’s eyes glowed to heat a path in front of him the mice avoided. His normally unshakable mate was a puddle of nerves as she clung to his back. Titus remembered a planet filled with things like these once that he had been hired to exterminate. He thought they were cute. Apparently the females didn’t share his sentiment.

  Tempest growled then shouted into the air. “It’s not even a mouse—as in not even one. Dranos, you and I are going to be having a long talk my son about poetry.”

  “Poor Dranos,” Braylon said shaking his head and chuckling at his mother who slipped to the ground as a last baby mouse scurried past. “From the looks of that Santa he must be super confused. I dreamed of Christmas while mom and I were stuck alone on that planet. I wished every year Santa would come and save us. I finally stopped wishing and got angry until I didn’t care and realized he wasn’t real anyway. We came close to freezing and starving. Then we’re almost eaten. If Cy hadn’t come we would be dead. No one would have cared.”

  Tempest took her son by the shoulders. “I’m sorry Earth died. I’m sorry our ship crashed. I’m sorry we were trapped for so long. I’m sorry you stopped believing. Santa was a gift we as parents gave our children. He’s not just the man in the red suit but the idea of magic, miracles, and dreams. If you don’t believe, then you simply don’t, but if you do believe you have nothing to lose. It’s like saying you can do something or you can’t, you never know if you don’t even try. We were rescued.”

  “Yes, by Cy, not Santa.”

  “How do you know in theory your father isn’t a virtual Santa Claus?” was Tempest’s cheeky remark.

  “Hey, I look nothing like that guy and you’d never catch me in an outfit like that,” Cy said. “He’s a beacon for an enemy. Hey, aim at the fat dude in the red. Can’t miss him.”

  Tempest smiled. “Look what we got in return. We have Cy, a new home, and Dranos. We just have to find your little brother and soon.”

  “Now what?” Titus asked as the man in the red suit vanished and was replaced.

  Before them appeared mountains that moved and swayed as an eerie tune played. Titus was wide-eyed. Dancing hills?

  “Um,” Tempest said.

  “Your son just discovered one of my favorite movies, it would appear the hills are actually alive with the sound of music,” Zabbie said, sounding annoyed. “I’ll never un-see that.”

  Tempest burst out laughing. The mountains twirled away.

  “And you say living with us is like Halloween,” Titus scoffed. “Our hills stay put.”

  “Geez,” Zell shouted and exploded a creepy-looking shrieking ghost in chains.

  “Sorry, sweetheart,” Zabbie muttered. “Another of my favorite Christmas movies.”

  Little children dressed in beautiful gowns and suits appeared with their backs to them. As the children turned all gasped.

  “Uh, what is that supposed to mean?” Ryker whispered.

  All of the children had vacant eyes with tape over their mouths. Everything behind them was pitch dark, then stunningly bright.

  “Okay I’ll take a stab at this,” Zabbie said. “This is Dranos’ disturbing version of Silent Night.”

  “I’m sure glad I can’t read your mind, Mother. This is crazy land. My human background makes me a little wary. I can’t imagine what other Zargonnii children would think. I’
m surprised Earth kids didn’t sleep under their beds.”

  “That’s where the boogeyman was,” Braylon said in a creepy voice waving his talons.

  “I’m telling you they were movies, and Christmas songs,” Zabbie insisted. “The boogeyman is the least of our worries.”

  Titus, Cy, and Zell went into battle mode as red tin soldiers came at them fast with long swords.

  “What the hell, Zabbie?” Titus yelled.

  “Sorry, I think it’s The Nutcracker.”

  Titus dropped his hands to his balls for a second. He scowled at Zabbie. “We are definitely going to talk about this one at home.”

  The soldiers disappeared as Titus growled. The sound of jingle bells were ringing and huge boulders appeared. Tempest giggled and put a quick hand to her mouth. She was smiling when she lowered it.

  “The Jingle Bell Rock,” Tempest said and Zabbie groaned nodding her head. “Oh come on.” Tempest grinned. “That was a little funny.”

  The sky overhead suddenly went pitch black and no one moved. Little white streaks of light snaked through the sky. Explosions of a multitude of color lit up their world. Again white lights shot into the air. Titus frowned. To him it seemed sperm were having orgasms.

  “I haven’t seen fireworks in years,” Zabbie said, her tone wistful.

  Titus heaved a sigh of relief. Zabbie had explained their custom of these lights. The vision would be innocent for Dranos. The sky was breathtaking. When the explosions stopped a lingering of smoke was in the air. Everything settled as the sky returned to dull gray.

  “I think we’re getting close,” Zell said.

  “Why?” Zabbie asked.

  “He’s right,” Tempest whispered.

  “No one move,” Titus ordered.

  “Do something,” Tempest whimpered.

  An Angano was talking to Dranos. A deadly enemy, and only inches from the tiny boy. A being that could kill the child with a thought. A creature who stood almost nine feet tall. The skeletal structure was visible and fine skin showed blood and heart pulsing. Other organs were clearly outlined. The only weapon was its mind. An extremely powerful mind. Long wings were tucked back. Dranos was dwarfed by the tall gangly creature. No sound came to their ears but they could see Dranos nodding. The child showed no fear. Titus didn’t blame the boy, after all he’d been privy to some scary ideas. Even the Santa Claus was creepier in Titus’s opinion. The Angano gazed over at the search party with dark sunken eyes. There was a face but not a single facial expression to hint at its mood. The being was crouched but its feet were off the ground, floating. It wore no apparel.


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