The Wandering Apprentice

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The Wandering Apprentice Page 16

by Matthew Mitchell

  Cracklecord looked up and smirked. "Cooled it down huh?" I handed her the copper.

  "Here Ott." Stain handed me the pouch. "Take these and clean the dirt off of them. Then bring them back and we will finish packing." He walked to his tent and started to move stuff to Tag's shell.

  "Mophor!" I called out as I moved towards the well. I pulled up a bucket of water.

  "Yeah!" Mophor came swinging out of the trees. He carried a small mesh basket on his back. It was half-full with nuts. He had been collecting them to add to our supplies. After him getting too tired carrying only a few at a time, I made him a lightweight basket to carry them in. He landed beside the well and took a deep drink. "What is going on?"

  "I have more rocks." I smiled.

  He groaned. "Again? I thought you were done with all that." He had kept me fed and watered the past three days.

  I smirked. "Well, I just have to clean these. No magic involved."

  He threw a nut at my head. "Not funny. You do not realize how boring it is to watch someone stare at rocks all day." He sat down and set the basket beside him. "So if you are not doing magic why call me?"

  I sat beside him and pulled the bucket closer to me. "I wanted some company."

  He looked at me. "That is fine. I am just going to sit here then." He leaned against the basket. "Clean your pebbles."

  I pulled the gems out and tumbled them into the bucket. The water became murky. I reached in and pulled out a large gem. It sparkled in the sunlight.

  Mophor sat up suddenly. "That does not look like any rock I have seen." He stared at the gem.

  I handed the gem to him. "What? You have never seen an emerald?" To be fair it was a large, dark green emerald.

  "You said rocks. Not gems." He rolled the gem over in his hand. "Is that bucket full of gems?"

  "Yes. Stain used a spell to call them from the earth." I started to pull out gems and clean them off. More rubies and emeralds appeared. In the mix were also some diamonds, sapphires, and others. The pouch filled up quickly with the clean gems. Mophor handed back the emerald.

  "Now I understand why mages have money." Mophor commented. "Are you done? I wanted to fill the basket up before we left."

  "Yeah, I am done. Thanks for helping with the nuts." I stood up and emptied the bucket out. He moved to the closest tree and climbed high into its branches. I could hear him moving deeper into the woods.

  I shook my head and walked over to Tag, where Stain stood. I held out the pouch. "All clean."

  "Keep it." Stain told me. My jaw dropped. He grinned at my expression. "Hand me one of the rubies though." He pulled a cut ruby out of his pocket. I dug one out of the pouch and handed it to him. "Now, I want you to charge both of these gems. Only these two gems. Do the cut ruby first." He held it out to me.

  I sighed and focused on the gem. Magic energy poured from me and into the gem. It filled up in a few seconds.

  "Good. You have that down really well." He took back the cut gem. "Now, do the raw ruby." He handed that one to me.

  I focused once again. This time it took longer to fill the ruby up with energy. I handed it back to him.

  "Did you notice it took longer and more energy to fill up the raw ruby?" Stain held up both gems. I looked at them with my mage sight. The raw gem held almost twice the energy.

  "Why does it do that?" I looked from one to the other.

  "When a gem is cut to look pretty pieces of the gem are removed. While it does not look like much it is usually enough that the gem is actually much smaller." He held the two gems side by side. "The raw gem has more crystal to hold the magic." He handed the raw gem back to me. "Now, here is what I want you to do. Keep the pouch of gems, but I want you to slowly charge each of the gems inside the pouch. That pouch will block mage sight from seeing the gems." I looked at the pouch and put the raw gem back in it. I could no longer see it's stored energy.

  I looked at Stain. "What causes it to block the energy?"

  "It is a material called silk. It blocks magical energy. But it is hard to find. Most mages need one. The charged gems can be used in place of personal energy." He pulled a matching pouch from an inner pocket. He opened it and a blast of light blocked my mage sight. I looked away from the pouch. My eyes watered. "You can look now." He had closed the pouch. "That pouch is yours, just do not lose it."

  "Thank you Stain." The pouch was very nice. Probably nicer than much of what I had. "So I just charge the gems?"

  "Yes. Charge them and use them if you find yourself in a situation where you need a boost of energy." He motioned to the tents. "Time to get packing."

  We spent the rest of the morning packing up the campsite. By lunchtime everything had been packed and loaded onto Tag. We put together some food and sat around the fire pit.

  "Well, by tonight we will be in Haver's Town. I am hoping to get a few items and plan on introducing Ott to a few mages who live there. There is also a possibility of meeting up with a friend of mine." Stain explained our plans. "Cracklecord, I believe that where we are staying they welcome salamanders. Mophor, most people will consider you a pet. I would ask that you behave in that manner. Help look out for Ott and keep an eye out for trouble. Ott, this is your first time in such a large city, listen to anything we tell you. Things work a little differently than they did in Sunnydale." He stood up. "Let's get going."

  Haver's Town

  My first view of Haver's Town was one of dust and movement. Then I realized that what I could see was the livestock area. The livestock area was full of pens that teemed with animals of all shapes and sizes. As we walked down the road I looked beyond the livestock area and froze. The city sprawled at the bottom of a natural basin surrounded by a large wall. Two rivers flowed through the basin and joined just on the other side of the town. This larger river moved sluggishly through a canyon that split the basin. The town was composed of many compounds, much like Sunnydale. However, here there were hundreds of the compounds. Towards the center of the city there were taller buildings that I did not recognize. A group of large, single story buildings lined the river banks. Docks thrust out into the river. Dust and smoke hung over the town.

  "There is Haver's Town." Stain paused and pointed. "A town built for one purpose, trade." His voice sounded a little disapproving. "Our destination is the Tired Fool. It is the only compound that is painted different colors." He pointed down and to the left. Most of the compounds were earth colored or painted a single color. Often white. But this compound looked like someone could not decide what color to use, each surface a different color. "It is run by one of my friends. He knows what and who I am, but will not reveal or discuss it. While we are here we are traveling healers." He grinned. "Let's get Ott down there and overwhelmed." He moved down the path.

  I had been standing there frozen, taking in all the sights. I followed Stain down the path. Mophor leapt from Tag's back to my shoulder, so light that it barely bothered me. "I need to ride with you from now on. I will keep the pickpockets from getting you and most people would expect a pet like me to need to be on his masters shoulder or in a cage." His tail wrapped around my ribs.

  "Pickpockets?" I had heard of them but did not fully understand what they did, just that I needed to avoid them.

  He sighed. "They are people, usually kids, who try to remove items, like money, from someone else's pockets. Thieves."

  Cracklecord spoke up. "They are usually just trying to get enough money to survive. However some do it for the challenge."

  I looked back at Tag. "What about all the stuff on your back Tag?" If someone was willing to try my pockets the packshell's back was no challenge.

  Stain looked back at me. "The city guards will make sure we travel safely to the inn." He glanced back. "Cracklecord, can you explain about the city. A pet answering questions will raise a lot of attention we do not want."

  Mophor and I looked at each other. We had forgotten about that. Cracklecord looked at me. "Sure Stain."

  The next hour was filled with her
explaining about the city and it's rhythms. The city guards that maintained the peace. The thieves who lurked in the dark. She elaborated on many things. She stopped when the city gates came into view.

  "There is our way in." Stain pointed. A line of wagons, packshells, and people wove into the gate. "Since we traveled later in the day the line's not as long." We lined up behind a man with a wagon full of tubers. "There are farmers, miners, trappers, amongst others from the surrounding areas that bring items to Haver's Town to sell. A large market place is open each day where many of these items can be found. The market is an area of constant change, different merchants each day. However, there are also shops that are always there. All of this is found in the Market District. It closes at dark and opens at dawn." Stain took over explaining about the town as the line moved through the gate.

  I noticed a group of armed men standing on the other side of the gate. A cluster of them would go with some merchants into the town. Others were returning to the group.

  "Those are the city guard. They are the ones that will make sure Tag makes it to the Tired Fool safely." Stain scratched Tag's head. We finally arrived at the gate. "Stain, traveling healer. Ott, my apprentice. Pat, dragonet. Cracklecord, salamander. Lemur and packshell." He quickly rattled off this information to the clerk at the gate.

  The clerk wrote all this down and asked, "Where are your accommodations?" He looked up and waited.

  Stain replied, "The Tired Fool. We also need an escort for our packshell." He pointed at Tag.

  The clerk replied. "Of course, will six guards be enough?" He motioned to a man in a uniform, although this man's uniform was more elaborate than the other men. "Captain, could you get six of your men to escort the good healer."

  The captain looked at Stain. He grinned. "I will go with him and take five men." He walked over to the group of guards and brought back six men. "Tamp will take my place while I stretch my legs." He pointed at one of the men.

  The clerk simply waved us away and started asking the man behind us who he was and where he was staying. The captain and five of the men surrounded Tag and we started into the city. We entered what could only be the Market District, full of shops, open air booths, wagons full of food items, and people selling wares from baskets. The noise was a little overwhelming. The crowd made room for us, especially for the guards. We slowly made our way through the District and through another gate. This one only had two guards. The captain nodded to the two men. We crossed into a slightly less noisy area.

  "What district is this?" I asked Stain.

  He looked over his shoulder and smiled. "This is the Hospitality District. All the inns, bars, restaurants, and entertainments are in this area. No selling is allowed on the streets, therefore it is calmer." He continued walking. The walls of compounds flowed past as we moved deeper into the district. A bright blue wall appeared around the next bend, the Tired Fool. A dark yellow gate divided the blue wall. Stain walked up to the gate and yanked on the bell beside it. We waited a minute and then heard the gate unlock. It swung open to reveal a short boy.

  "Aiy! What is going on here?" The boy asked Stain.

  Stain grinned, "We will be staying here tonight, tell your master that Stain is outside." The boy disappeared into the door inside the gate. He shortly returned and opened the gate wide.

  "Well, let us get you settled." He walked away from us, assuming we would follow. We entered the inn's courtyard. There were stalls surrounding the entire courtyard, each stall had a room that overlooked the courtyard. Each window had a different colored curtain moving in the breeze. The color variety continued on every surface. I failed to see any one color repeated. "Here you go. This is the last spot we have." The boy pointed at a stall and room that were in the back corner of the courtyard. "My master said to come see him before too long." He pointed out a few other boys. "Tell them what you need for your packshell and they will take care of you." He suddenly ran back to the gate.

  The captain motioned to Stain. "If I may have a few words with you?" He dismissed his men back to the city gate and walked with us to the stall. Tag backed into the stall carefully. I could hear his mummer, "It gets smaller every time we visit." I smiled.

  The stall had a double trough that was within reach of Tag's head. One side held water, the other was empty. Stairs climbed the back wall. Otherwise it was empty.

  "Ott, go grab some of the boys and have them unload Tag. Do one section at a time. There are four rooms upstairs. Put your stuff in the front left room, mine in the front right room, and everything else in the small room at the top of the stairs." He walked over to the captain. "We are going into the common room to meet the inn keep and to talk. Meet me there as soon as you are done." He walked off leaving me with my chores.

  I looked around and saw three boys waiting for me.

  "We heard what your master said, we will take care of it. Just point out what is whose and we will get it up there." The biggest boy seemed full of confidence. He walked up to Tag and scratched behind his head.

  I smiled and pointed out the organization on Tag's back. The boys quickly moved all the items from Tag to the room upstairs. Pat and Cracklecord went upstairs and I followed. Tag had settled down and seemed to be asleep. I reached the top of the stairs. A small common space was there. The majority of our stuff was stacked on shelves in a room at the top of the stairs. An empty room was opposite the storage room. Two doors branched from the common space. I opened the one on the right. One boy was busy putting Stain's bags, boxes, and baskets onto shelves there. He paused when I looked in then continued working quietly. I closed the door and opened my door. The other two boys were putting my items on their own shelves. The one in charge was explaining how to stack, load, and arrange my items so that I could access any of it if I needed.

  "Wow. I cannot believe how fast that was." I moved to the table by the window. It would be a nice work surface if I needed it. And knowing Stain I would.

  "Well, that is our job." The oldest boy approached me and sat down. "Name is Jek. I am in charge of the courtyard. These are two of my boys. We are the ones who make sure everyone has what they need." He motioned the younger boy over. "This here is Lop. He will be your boy during your stay. If you need anything he will be the one to take care of you. He will also make sure your packshell is taken care of." The younger boy grinned. "He has the ability of beast speech so he can do that job much better." Jek waved the younger boy away. He looked at me, his expression suddenly very mature. "Not the first time 'Healer' Stain has stayed with us." His tone pointed out he knew more about Stain than most. "If you or him need anything that perhaps Lop does not need to know about, you find me. Lop will know where I am most times. He does not know what Stain is. I do." With that shocking bit of information Jek stood and walked out. The rooms grew quiet. I could see Cracklecord and Pat curled up in the common room. I walked out and looked at them.

  "Want to go to the Inn's common room?" I wasn't sure if they were too tired or not.

  "No. I am fine here." This from Pat. "I am going to settle in your bed in a few minutes."

  "I am going to get a fire going. That hearth looks lovely to me." Cracklecord stretched. "The young Lop has already provided fuel for me to use." She promptly started rearranging the coals.

  "Well, I will be with Stain if you need anything." I walked down the stairs. Mophor held on tightly. I remembered what he said about heights. "Do you want to stay here Mophor?" I stopped midway down the stairs.

  He whispered in my ear. "No, I am going with you. Also do not forget what Jek said about Lop, he has beast speech. He will understand anything we say." With that warning he settled down on my shoulder.

  I reached the bottom of the stairs and checked on Tag. Lop had provided Tag with an assortment of tubers and greens. The water looked fresh.

  Tag looked up and said, "The young fellow is very curious. Think before answering him." He went back to his food. I thought of what he said and scratched his head. "Thanks Tag."

p; I looked around and saw a door across the courtyard. It was the one beside the gate. That looked like the common room. I walked across the courtyard, noticing that all the stalls were occupied. Some had packshells, all smaller than Tag. Some had other animals: donkeys, horses, just to name a few. Some only had a small cart, much like a person would pull. I reached the door and pulled it open. A cool, dark draft flowed out of the doorway. I walked into that darkness to look for my master.


  The Inn's common room was dark and cool. My eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness.

  "He is over in the corner." Mophor spoke into my ear.

  I looked into the far corner of the room. Tables surrounded by chairs and benches lay between me and my master. As I made my way to where Stain sat I looked around. The room held over ten tables of various sizes and shapes. A long bar ran down the side of the room, opposite of the door. A large hearth was set into the corner to the right of the door. It sat there, cold and unlit. The light came from windows covered in paper, torches mounted to the walls, and some candles sitting on each table. When I was about half-way across the room Stain looked up.

  "Ott, good. You are just in time to meet someone." He motioned me to the seat across from him. "Captain MaPaine, this is my apprentice, Ott. Ott, this is Captain MaPaine. He is the head of the guard in Haver's Town. He is also a King's Man." This last was spoken quietly.

  "Nice to meet you Ott." The captain looked at me closely. "Bow work mainly, but also experienced with the axe and stave." He spoke this like fact.

  "What?" I had no idea what he was talking about.

  "The good captain here is the foremost expert on weapons." Stain pointed out. "He can identify what weapon someone uses just by looking at them. He also can teach, use, and defend against almost any weapon."

  "Fair enough Stain." MaPaine seemed embarrassed. "So, you want me to work with him?"

  "Yes. I plan on being here for the next week. If you could fit him in for a few lessons to teach him some basics I would appreciate it." Stain took a drink. "Ott, MaPaine will work with you on sword work. It is a skill that you need to develop. He will determine the type of sword you need and how to wield it."


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