Eternal Flame

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Eternal Flame Page 3

by Valerie Twombly

  The entire room advanced in one synchronized step. Over thirty imposing vampires, including a few females encircled the king. Marcus never doubted everyone would want to be in on the hunt. They all respected Aidyn. Many had known him since he was a babe. At the age of five hundred years, he was one of the youngest males here, certainly the youngest to lead them. However, on this day, he was also the most lethal among them.

  * * * *

  Cassie swung her feet over the edge of the bed and sucked in slow breaths. Sweat trickled between her breasts, tickling as it formed intricate patterns on her skin. These dreams were driving her crazy.

  She dropped her face in her hands. “What’s wrong with me?”

  It always started the same, with her lying in bed naked, sleeping. A man slipped in beside her and caressed her arm. He started at the shoulder and ended at her fingertips. His lips brushed a light kiss on hers then another until he suckled her lower lip. His tongue flicked out and demanded entrance, and she submitted, parted her lips, allowing their tongues to caress each other. The kiss deepened, became desperate until he pulled away and left her gasping for air.

  He traced his tongue down her neck and stopped at her shoulder, giving a playful nip before he proceeded to her left breast. Warm lips wrapped around her pink bud, pulled until it hardened. She arched her back.

  “Don’t stop,” she whimpered. He never listened; instead, his tongue glided down her belly until he reached her pelvic bone.

  Silver eyes flashed at her, and he smiled. “Cassie, my love, I will worship your body until you beg me to stop.” Stop? No, she’d never ask him to stop.

  At a pace that was sheer torture, he started to nibble down her thigh while reaching to insert a finger deep into her moistness. Her body shuddered with pleasure as her orgasm built. His tongue flicked out around her soft folds and lapped at her wetness.

  Her head thrashed side to side. Her body bucked wildly. It had been a long time since a man touched her, and no man had touched her like he did. Her body burned, and when she could take no more he inserted another finger and began sliding them in and out. His hands found her nipple and pinched the pink bud between his thumb and forefinger. She crashed over the edge, falling into an eternal flame of pleasure. Her screams filled the room. When her climax subsided, another took hold, sending her soaring. Tears rolled down her cheeks from the intensity. He was true to his word. She begged him to stop, not sure she could take anymore.

  When he pulled away he smiled, white fangs flash in the moonlight. “You are mine forever.” Then he sunk his incisors deep into her neck, taking heavy pulls of blood that sent her body crashing into another wave of ecstasy.

  She lifted her head, closed her eyes. “Men that handsome don’t exist.” Her active imagination still saw him. He was lean and muscular, every inch of him toned. His gray eyes were flecked with silver that flashed when aroused. Her fingers itched to slide through his dark brown waves. He was perfection, built only for her.

  She laughed. “How fucked up and lonely I must be. I need to stop reading all those paranormal romance novels. They’re showing up in my dreams.”

  Chapter Three

  Odage worked his way along Bourbon Street, the putrid stench of evil heavy in his nostrils. He held a fondness for New Orleans. The city crawled with immortals and was the perfect place to find out where the next slave auction would be held. In the meantime, he had other things on his to-do list.

  He sauntered into a local nightclub called Roxie’s. An upper class place where humans and immortals hung out. Of course, the humans had no idea who or what sat across the table from them. All immortals were able to take on human form, many actually preferred it. He stopped to survey his surroundings. He needed the right female for his little project.

  At the bar, he spied his prey. A petite female with long golden hair. Her black tank top clung to her breasts, making her nipples pebble against the fabric. Yes, I will enjoy torturing her.

  Odage approached her, flashing a white smile. “Is this seat taken?”

  “Um no, it’s yours if you want it,” the woman replied, smiling back.

  “Can I buy you a drink?” he asked as he sat down.

  “Perfect timing.” She lifted her near empty glass and downed its contents.

  He waved over the bartender. “Give the lovely lady here another glass of wine, and I will have a whiskey on the rocks.” He turned back to the female beside him, “My name is Brad,” he lied. “And you are?”


  The bartender came back and set their drinks on the bar. Veronica picked up her glass and held it up high. “To a fun-filled night.”

  “Yes. To a fun-filled night,” he replied, touching his glass to hers. He downed his whiskey in one swig and slammed the glass on the bar. Alcohol didn’t affect him as it did humans, but it sure as hell tasted good. The woman beside him was already tipsy. A few more and he would have no problems slipping her out of the bar.

  She raised her brow. “Thirsty?”

  “It has been a long, difficult day.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that,” she cooed, rubbing his arm. “Maybe we should have another drink.” She downed her glass of wine. “Oh, I know, how about a shot?” She tapped her finger on her chin. “Hmm. I think sex on the beach will do nicely.”

  It was now Odage’s turn to raise a brow. “Sex on the beach? How about sex in a cave instead?” The thought of sand between his toes revolted him.

  She twisted a stand of her hair through her fingers. “Well, I’ve never heard of that, what’s in it?”

  He laughed. “I was referring to the real thing, not a cocktail.”

  “Ooh, sounds kinky. I think I’d like to give it a try, but can we have the cocktail first?” She stuck out her pink lip and gave a little pout.

  He flagged over the bartender and placed his order for four shots. One for him and three for her. He figured that should be about enough to push her over the edge. When the drinks arrived, he lifted his glass. “Bottoms up.”

  After she finished all three shots, she licked her lips. “Brad, you are one handsome man. I have never seen eyes as blue as yours.” She gave a hiccup and a giggle.

  “Why, Veronica, if I didn’t know better, I would say you were trying to pick me up.” Her scent confirmed her arousal.

  She let out another drunken giggle. “Well, I am silly. Unless, of course, you’re not interested.”

  “Oh, I am most interested.” He caressed her cheek. “Shall we leave then?”

  She stood and took his hand. “Let’s get out of here.”

  Odage steered her through the crowded bar toward the door. When they stepped out into the warm night air, he placed his arm around her shoulder and walked down Bourbon Street. It was Saturday night, and the crowds were thick. Leaning down, he began nuzzling her neck as he maneuvered her into a back alley. Oh, yes, she is getting hotter. He was confident her panties were now soaked.

  He would take her back to Romania, to his sanctum in the Carpathian Mountains. He had spent years building his elaborate home in the caverns. The caves were so far removed from civilization it would never be found. By the time anyone figured out what he had been up to, it would be too late.

  He closed his eyes and flashed.

  Veronica swayed. “Wow, I must have drunk more than I thought. I’m feeling a bit dizzy.”

  He gave a shrug of his shoulders. “It happens to humans when they travel this way.”

  “What? What are you talking about?” She gasped, and her jaw dropped. “Where the hell are we?” She spun around to stare behind her. “Wait, I thought we were just walking down the street.” She rubbed her forehead. “I don’t feel so well.”

  “You are a prisoner in my sanctum.”

  She took a step backward. “I don’t understand. What do you mean prisoner?”

  He caressed her cheek. “You will produce my first son, sia itov, my love.”

  She slapped his hand away. “Children? No fucking way. Look
, I think we should forget this whole thing. I just want to go home.”

  It appeared the alcohol was losing its effect. He grabbed her by the neck, his fingers wrapped tight. “You have a choice. Either you will stay here and procreate with me, or I will kill you and eat your entrails.”

  She licked her lips, tears stained her cheeks. She tried to kick at him, but he pinned her against the wall. “Choose!” He growled.

  She sobbed uncontrollably. “I…I want to live. Please don’t hurt me.”

  He grabbed her hair and pulled, nearly jerking her off her feet. “Oh but I will enjoy hurting you. It’s what I live for.”

  He stormed down the corridor; she kicked and screamed, and his cock grew hard. As they passed a side table, she grabbed an expensive vase and hit him over the head. He stopped momentarily to backhand her across the face, knocking her to the stone floor. “Fucking bitch! Try that again, and I will forget that I intended to let you live.” He pushed home his point by partially shifting into his dragon. “You know, dragons love raw meat.”

  She screamed then fainted. He bent down and picked her limp body off the floor. Tossing her over his shoulder, he continued to his destination.

  Once inside his bedchamber, he threw her to the bed. He proceeded to tie her wrists to the bedpost, ripped her tank top to shreds then moved down to her jeans. Once she was totally nude, he spread her legs and tied them to the corners of the bed. He stepped back and surveyed his work. Her lily-white skin made a delightful contrast against the black silk sheets. He eyed her pink slit and licked his lips.

  “Wake up, my little pet.” He placed his palm on her chest, forcing his energy into her. Her eyes flew open. Terror danced in her pupils, his cock throbbed. He thrived on terror, was addicted to it like a drug addict. He remembered the terror in Queen Daria’s eyes while he drained her. His body shivered as a surge of power coursed through him.

  “Did you know, Veronica, that I killed the strongest vampire in the world?” He removed his jeans, letting his enormous erection spring free. “I took her power and made it my own.” He kneeled on the bed between her legs.

  “P-please don’t hurt me,” she begged.

  “Yes, my pet.” He wrapped his hand around his large erection and stroked. “Beg me. You have no idea what that does to me. You should be honored, for I have chosen you to live in my world.” Claws sprung from his fingertips as his cock inched closer to her. Not even the gods could thwart his plans now.

  * * * *

  When he’d finished with Veronica, he dragged her to one of the cells he had constructed on the lower level. The room held all the comforts a woman needed. Two sets of bunk beds and a bathroom. Once his minions were in place, they could care for her and any other females who were brought in.

  Once she was placed in her cage, he slammed the door then headed to the wine cellar. His hands rubbed together while searching for the bottle of Merlot. He pulled the cork and poured two glasses, the heady scent tickled his nose. Fangs extended, and he bit into his wrist. He watched as the crimson liquid splattered into the wine and made ripples in the dark liquid. Taking a sip, the taste of oak coated his tongue. Dragon blood was toxic, but in small doses, it kept the victim in a drugged stupor. After three drops, the wound healed.

  When he arrived back at the cell, he shoved the glass through the bars. “Drink.”

  “No.” Defiance filled her voice.

  He snarled and opened the cell door, letting it slam shut behind him. His large frame towered as he backed her into a corner. After what he had done, she still meant to defy him?

  “You will do as I ask or suffer the consequences. Your stay here can be comfortable, or I can make every moment you’re awake a hellish nightmare.” He lowered his head until they were nose to nose. “Which. Will. It. Be?”

  She closed her eyes and tried to flatten herself against the wall. “P-please let me go. I swear I’ll never repeat what happened here.”

  A clawed hand snaked up to her throat and pressed her against the cold stone. “It seems you wish to do things the hard way?” He asked, grinding his erection into her pelvis.

  She shivered and cast her eyes down in submission. “No, I’ll drink it.”

  “Good girl,” he cooed, releasing her. He handed off the glass and watched while she sniffed then took a small sip. A look of surprise danced across her face. “Wine?”

  “Yes, now drink it all, and I will leave you.”

  It appeared she needed no more encouragement. Bringing the glass to her lips, she downed its contents in one gulp and handed it back to him.

  He snatched the glass from her shaky hand and left the room. It was time for him to attend the demon auction.

  * * * *

  Marcus sensed distress when he noticed Aidyn and Lucan in a conversation on the other side of the room. The king looked tense. He waived Marcus over.

  “I have a special assignment for you.”

  “Whatever, you name it.”

  “Lucan has reports of Odage in New Orleans.”

  He raised a brow. “Interesting.”

  “Indeed. A human woman departed with him and has not been seen since. Her family has reported her missing.”

  Even more disturbing. Unfortunately, his gut told him there was more to this than they could begin to imagine. “Do you suppose this has any link to the human slaves we’ve heard about?”

  Aidyn balled his fists. “I wish I had the answers. I have an unpleasant feeling I can’t shake. I feel like the devil himself is shadowing behind me, waiting to strike.”

  “I know what you mean. I’ll tell Garin and Seth to get ready. We can leave in the morning.”

  “I want you to go see Daniel first. He has all the information you need.”

  “You’re not coming with us?” He fondled the dagger attached to his thigh. His fingers itched to throw it at something. Still edgy from his earlier visit with Gwen.

  “No. I’m going to meet with Caleb. I want to see if he can offer any information.”

  He wondered how Caleb would react. He liked the Draki, had fought alongside him in the Demonic war. “Be careful, he is loyal to Odage. Make sure you have someone with you.”

  Aidyn gave a wicked grin. “I will have Lucan with me.”

  He was pleased with the king’s choice. Lucan, a commanding officer and warrior of the darkness, had the ability to bend shadows to his will. Scared the hell out of the rest of the warriors.

  “I’m relieved to hear he will remain here with you.”

  “Marcus, you’re like an old woman. Don’t worry about me. I can take care of myself. What really troubles you anyway?” He motioned for Marcus to sit.

  How to answer that, lots of shit troubled him. Hell, he could write a book on the subject, but now, there was one thing on his mind. “May I speak freely?”

  “You and I go back many centuries, and you have always been there for me when I needed you.” Aidyn leaned forward and propped his elbows on his thighs. “I am and will forever remain your friend before I am your king. Never feel you have to ask permission to say what needs to be said.” He clasped Marcus’s shoulder. “I trust you with my life.” He reclined back in his chair and waited.

  “I understand the burden you carry is difficult. Please know that I’m here for you.” Marcus glanced around the room.” We are all here for you. There’s not a warrior in this room who wouldn’t gladly step in front of a blade and take a deathblow for you.”

  The king’s brows rose to his hairline. “I know what’s in their hearts, but why do you feel the need to tell me?”

  “Because I know you.” He leaned back in the chair, arms crossed over his broad chest. “You would shove us out of the way to save our asses and take the damn blade yourself.” He gave the king a hard stare. “You can no longer do that, you are the last one left to lead us.”

  Aidyn set his shoulders. It would now be a test of wills. “Perhaps I will get lucky and find a mate as you have. A woman to soothe my soul and warm my bed.”

  He pursed his lips. “Seems you’ve talked to my sister.”

  “Nope,” Aidyn shook his head. “You forgot I know all.” An evil grin curled across his lips.

  “You’re jacked up on power.”

  “I feel as if I have been plugged into an electrical socket, I will admit. This new power has me a bit…tense. I hope I don’t fry someone by mistake.” He lowered his voice to a whisper. “You’ve been around longer than me. Has this ever happened before? A human mate, I mean?”

  He tried to think back as far as he could remember. “Nope. If it has, it was way before my time. As far as I know, there has never been a lack of females, not like we have now.”

  Aidyn scowled. “Indeed.” He stood and slapped Marcus on the back. “Well, my friend, I have work to do. Make sure you stay in touch. And remember, a mate is a blessing, not a burden.”

  He wasn’t inclined to agree with his king. Perhaps for Aidyn, a mate would be a blessing but not for him. He was too fucked up in the head, and his heart had long ago grown cold. There was neither room nor time for anyone else. Besides, why hadn’t the gods blessed Aidyn? After all, he needed an heir. Marcus’s dream of children died with Eliza.

  Chapter Four

  Marcus flashed back home to collect a few things before heading to the human realm. He pulled down a duffel bag from the closet shelf and tossed in some jeans and T-shirts. Next was the Glock, a few daggers, and some throwing stars, which were carefully placed on top of the clothes.

  “Now where did I put my amulet?” Every warrior carried the amulet of Khonsu, the Egyptian god of the moon. It allowed them to open a gateway from Vandeldor to the human realm but only when daylight burned here at home, which meant darkness on the other side. A sort of safety precaution the gods had built in to keep the guardians from accidentally showing up in broad daylight and creating a scene.


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