Eternal Flame

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Eternal Flame Page 6

by Valerie Twombly

  “Sure, anything.”

  “I only live a block from here.”

  He held up his hand. “Say no more, I’d be happy to walk you home.” He stood and helped her to her feet. His arm snaked around her shoulders and pulled her close, bringing comfort and strength. She had no idea what she was going to tell him about what she saw. She’d figure it out later.

  Chapter Six

  Marcus pulled Cassie to his side while they walked home. It was easier with her close to scan for injuries. His cock liked the idea even better when pleasure sizzled across his skin. What a brutal wake-up call. She was dangerous to his wellbeing.

  When they reached the front door, she handed him her key. He slipped it into the lock and gave a push. His senses reached out, searching for anything out of the ordinary.

  Once positive of her safety, he held out his hand. “It’s fine.”

  She hesitated on the front step, wringing her hands. “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, but I’ll check the rest of the house if it will make you feel better.”

  She took his hand and stepped inside, pushing the door closed behind her. “I would feel better if you checked the other rooms. That is, if you don’t mind.”

  He gave her his best smile. “Not at all, you stay here. I’ll be right back. Then we talk.”

  She shook her head, relief washed over her face. He moved to the first room, which by coincidence happened to be her bedroom. His senses told him the house remained empty, but it made her feel better and he got to poke around.

  The room was painted a pale mint with deep green carpet. His eyes moved across the queen size sleigh bed, definitely sturdy enough for two. A handmade quilt covered it. Thank the gods it’s not all pink and frilly. He decided he better hurry before she became suspicious.

  Exiting, he stuck his head in the main bathroom before coming back to the living room. “All good,” he announced as he moved to the kitchen. There he found yellow walls with white washed wainscoting. A small table with two chairs sat by the window where both curtains and tablecloth were covered with matching ivory lace. In the center of the table sat a crystal vase filled with fresh-cut lavender. Images of garden herbs hung on the walls. He smiled, visions of her in this quaint kitchen cooking meals filled his imagination.

  Noticing the kettle on the stove, he called out. “Would you like some tea?”

  “I’d love some, thanks.”

  He grabbed the kettle, filled it with water then placed it on the burner. “Where do I find it?”

  “Cabinet over the stove.”

  He reached into the cabinet and chose chamomile. Next, he deduced the mugs would be in the cabinet by the sink. Good guess. He fumbled with the tea package, his large fingers having a hard time opening the foil wrapper. Tea wasn’t his forte; he always left that for his sister.

  While waiting for the water to boil, he reminded himself this was strictly business. After all, being a guardian meant he had to find out what happened to her, eliminate the threat then leave. Simple.

  The whistle of the kettle snapped him back to reality. He filled the cup and headed for the living room. “Here you are.” Setting the cup on the table in front of her.

  She tried to smile, her eyes wet with tears. His heart melted. How did she do that, and to a warrior of the gods, no less? He’d seen things no human could ever imagine. Lived eight hundred years, the last three hundred with a heart as cold as ice. He would not allow her to melt him now.

  “Thanks for bringing me home.”

  “You’re welcome. Want to tell me what happened?”

  Pools of emeralds gazed at him. “No. Yes…maybe.” Her eyes diverted to the cup of tea. “It’s late, and I’m sure you have someone at home wondering where you are.”

  He frowned; this woman was a mystery. She still felt unworthy of his attention. Why? “There’s no one waiting for me, and I have nowhere I need to be. Please, I’m concerned about you.”

  She let the air swoosh from her lungs in defeat. Her body tensed as she related the horror of what she’d seen. He listened, wondered how she managed to witness something so foreign to her and not go into complete hysterics. He gave her credit, not many humans would remain so calm.

  She cradled herself. “I suppose you think I’m a crazy woman. Giant wings and people vanishing.”

  “I don’t think you’re crazy, Cassie.”

  Her thick lashes fluttered. “How can you not?”

  Gods, those lips looked ready for kissing. He fought the urge to pull her into his arms and touch her softness once again. He wanted to soothe her, learn every inch of her body. Make her scream his name. “New Orleans is full of the unexplained.” He waved a hand. “You know, demons, ghosts, vampires.”

  She laughed. “I believe in spirits. I’m a nurse, so I see death all the time, but I like to think my patients are going to a better place.”

  The gods gave him a healer? His people could use another healer. He shook the thought from his mind. Remember why you’re here. Damn, he’d have to probe her mind, access her memories. He rose from his chair and moved in next to her. He sensed her heart rate speed up when he touched her hand and gazed into her emerald eyes. His energy coursed into her body.

  “Listen to me, I need to access your memories.” Her eyes grew droopy, but she fought his enthrallment. He pushed harder until her eyes snapped closed.

  His eyes slid shut as he entered her mind, looking for the image he needed. This cost him a vast amount of power, but it needed to be done. When finished, he would remove the memory of tonight and bring her peace.

  Finally, the image he wanted came into view. He played it back in his mind. Holy Christ, it was Odage, and he’s created a minion. Marcus pulled back, deciding to leave the memory intact. He was unsure why he didn’t remove it. Perhaps he didn’t have the heart to change her.

  Restless, knowing it was Odage she saw, he wondered if she was safe. There would be no taking chances, he’d call Baal and have him watch over her until he could come back. Aidyn needed to be apprised of what was going on. He also wanted to talk to his sister. Maybe she had some more information on this mate business. Not that he needed to know, he was merely curious.

  His fingers reached for a lock of her hair, its silky texture caught on his callused finger. His lips pressed against her cheek; humans were so fragile. He still didn’t understand why Zarek chose her. What a fool to think she could ever love him. No, she’d run once she found out what he was, wouldn’t she? Dare he even hope this beautiful woman would stick by him?

  He sighed and released her mind, moving back to his chair. She wouldn’t remember his intrusion. Her eyes fluttered, and she stifled a yawn. He looked at the time. It was three a.m.

  “I’d better let you get some sleep. It’s late. Will you be okay?”

  She flashed a smile. Standing, she walked to him and gave him a hug. “Yes, I’ll be fine. Thank you again for everything. You’ve been so kind to put up with me.”

  Her scent drove him mad with desire. He fought to maintain control, knowing he’d have to force himself away from her or risk revealing what he was. After what she’d been though, it would push her over the edge.

  “You’re welcome. I enjoyed spending time with you. I’m only sorry the circumstances were not better.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a card. “Here’s my cell number. Call me if you need anything; I mean anything at all. If I don’t answer right away, please leave a message.”

  She reached out and took the card. “Dagatto Jets?”

  “I own a private, charter service.”

  “Oh, do you fly them or just own the planes?”

  He laughed, “I usually don’t pilot the clients, but I do love to fly when I have time. Maybe you’d like to go up sometime?”

  Her face lit up. “I’d like that.”

  He reached for the doorknob then turned back to face her. “I’ll be out-of-town for a day or two, but when I return, I’d like to stop in and check on you. Maybe we can g
o out for dinner?”

  Her cheeks went rosy. “That would be nice, yes.”

  He opened the door and stepped into the darkness. Once out of sight of the house, he pulled out his cell phone. Baal answered on the second ring.

  “I need a favor. I have a female I need guarded against Odage. Don’t let her out of your sight.” He rattled off the address then stabbed the ‘end call’ button on his phone.

  * * * *

  Cassie closed the door behind Marcus and leaned against it. The coolness seeped into her skin, helping dissipate the heat. Never in her life had a man affected her in such a way. When he pulled her close on the walk home, she felt at peace. Something that evaded her for many years, ever since John left her on their wedding day.

  Her mind raced back to that dreadful moment five years ago. She’d been clueless, mindlessly planning her wedding, never noticing the signs. John had become withdrawn, but she'd blamed it on wedding jitters. On the day that was to be the happiest of her life, she woke up to find a note from him. He’d left and gone back to California. Said he decided he wanted children of his own.

  She’d been crushed. Her infertility had never been an issue in their relationship. They always talked about adopting, so many children needed their love.

  She spiraled into depression. Stayed in bed for days, not eating. Had it not been for Jill, she might have never pulled out of it. She’d sworn off men until now. Marcus did something to her, stirred a passion she’d thought burned out long ago. He’ll break my heart, I can’t live through that again.

  “Fool, you’re not really living now.” Cassie sighed. No, she wasn’t. She’d been numb for too long; perhaps it was time to live again.

  Exhausted, she headed for her room and fell into bed. Sleep overtook her as soon as her head hit the pillow.

  * * * *

  Marcus flashed back to New York. Here, he could open a gateway to Vandeldor without being seen. Rule four of the guardian’s manual, don’t draw attention to yourself. Fuck, if he had to count every time he'd broken a rule, well, he was sure he couldn’t count that high.

  Once there, he left Daniel with instructions. Contact all the Chosen worldwide and gather any information on missing humans and demons. Somewhere there had to be a connection between Odage and the slave trades.

  He flashed into Gwen’s living room. He’d talk to Aidyn after he saw his sister. “Gwen?”

  She poked her head out from the kitchen. “Marcus. I felt a disturbance and figured it was you. Come, I’m making tea.”

  He strolled into the kitchen, giving his sister a hug and a kiss on the cheek. He took a seat. and a grin formed on his face. On her table was ivory lace fabric with a crystal vase of fresh-cut lavender.

  “Seems you and someone else I know have similar taste,” he said nodding to the flowers.

  “Really? Who would that be?” she asked, placing two cups in front of him, pouring oolong tea into each one.


  “Who is…?” She gasped. “Marcus, you found her?” She took a seat across from him.

  “Yep, I found her in New Orleans, and now I have Baal watching her.” He rubbed his forehead; he should have fed again before he came back home. The memories he pulled from Cassie had cost him more than he thought.

  She frowned. “Why do you have Baal watching her? And what’s wrong with you?”

  He proceeded to fill her in on how he first met Cassie at a local club. He then told her about the fear he experienced before he found her shaking on a darkened street.

  He finished up with taking her memories and what she had seen. “So that is why I have Baal watching over her. I needed to return home, and I’m terrified to leave her without protection. I’m also weaker than I thought.”

  She sipped her tea and held out her wrist. “Take what you need, brother.”

  “Thanks, sis.” While vampire blood wasn’t as potent as human, it would suffice in a pinch. The gods meant for the guardians to consume their sacrifice from the mortals so had made human blood superior. While food nourished them, blood gave them life and durability. Without it, they grew as weak as the humans they protected.

  “Marcus, I’m so glad you have found her. The mating bond must be exceptionally strong for you to have felt her emotions so quickly.”

  He sealed the puncture. “Have you had any other visions?”

  “Yes, you must call on Zarek. He will give you the information you seek.”

  Violence flickered in his expression. “Why the fuck didn’t he give me that information when he decided to gift me with a mate?” He had to go into dragon territory to summon the god, and it pissed him off.

  “Why are you so angry? You have been blessed.”

  He cringed; no one understood. “Because I don’t want a damn mate!” His voice carried across the room.

  Gwen remained calm, her grace ever present. “Brother, you need to let go of Eliza. She would not want you to live like this. It’s been three hundred years, move on.”

  He gave her a leveled look. She was right, and deep in his heart he knew it. “I need to go, thanks for everything.” He stormed out the door.

  He left Gwen’s and made his way toward Aidyn’s home. He opened his mind and found the mental link to his king. Aidyn, I’m coming to see you. I have interesting news about Odage.

  Excellent, I also have some things I need to fill you in on.

  I’ll walk. I need time to think.

  I will be here when you arrive.

  He picked his way along the jagged rocks, following the lane higher up the cliff. Aidyn’s home sat at the top of an outcrop looking over the Lejir Sea. He stopped for a moment and looked beyond the rocks. Peace encompassed him, and he found his mind wandering to Cassie. Would she appreciate the serenity of this place the way he did? He thought about his pending visit to Zarek, still unsure if he wanted to make Cassie his mate. He’d go. At least some questions might get answered. What would he tell her? Oh by the way, I’m a vampire. Let me flash you to another realm. Yep, she’d fucking freak.

  When he reached the top, he spotted Aidyn sitting, watching the sunset over the sea. He crossed the patio and took a seat next to his king.

  “Seth has already filled me in on the details he uncovered about Odage,” Aidyn said.

  “Good. Have you spoken with Caleb?”

  “Yes, it didn’t go well. As a matter of fact, he will be joining us shortly, along with Garin and Seth.”

  “What happened?” Marcus asked.

  Aidyn remained indifferent, sitting in his wicker chair, staring at the water. “He’s pissed that I accused his leader of murder. Needless to say, we are treading on extremely thin ice here.”

  Marcus shifted in his seat. War with the Draki would not be good. The dragons were the most powerful of the faction. “What’s your stand on this?”

  The king turned his head and pierced him with cold eyes. “I will kill Odage, as soon as I can find him.” Changing the mood, he smiled and said, “Now tell me, who is this Cassie?”

  Damn, he’d found out. Marcus again relayed the story about meeting her but, more important, the memories he recovered from her that proved Odage was up to something. A disturbance in the air announced the arrival of Garin and Seth, followed by Caleb.

  Aidyn rose from his seat. “Excellent, everyone’s here. Let’s go to my office.”

  The five men strolled into the house. Once everyone was in the room and seated at the large conference table, Aidyn spoke, “Caleb, Seth has come back with some information on Odage.”

  Caleb swung his head around, pinning his brown eyes on Seth. “Do you know where he is?”

  “No. But I do know that he took a woman from New Orleans,” Seth answered.

  Caleb’s eyes narrowed, and he leaned in toward Seth. Clearly, he meant to intimidate the vampire. “And you know this how?”

  Seth moved closer, letting the dragon know he would not be terrorized. “There was a witness who saw her leave with Odage. I took his
memories and saw him myself.”

  Caleb snorted. “So he found a whore to spend the night with. That doesn’t make him guilty of kidnapping.”

  “There’s more,” Marcus said. “The woman I was with saw a man fitting Odage’s description turn a bum into a minion.”

  Caleb threw his head back and laughed. “Odage doesn’t have that kind of power. Your female is mistaken.”

  Aidyn stood, slamming his palms on the table. He leaned toward Caleb with a sneer on his face. “Then where is he? You are either hiding him, or you don’t have a fucking clue where the murdering bastard is.”

  Caleb shot up from his chair and moved in so close he was nose to nose with the vampire king. The warriors placed a hand on their weapons but didn’t make a move. “I do not have to answer to you— vampire.”

  Aidyn hissed. His fangs elongated, and his muscles rippled with anger. “Your leader must answer to murder charges according to our laws.”

  Caleb pounded his fists on the table. “Fuck your laws, and fuck you! I will declare war if you do not cease this action against Odage.”

  Marcus stiffened as did Garin and Seth. Things were going to hell fast, and it looked like it was going to get nasty. All three warriors were ready to pounce at any moment should the threat against their king become real. Marcus linked with Garin and Seth. Stay focused, men. Don’t attack unless I give the order.

  Aidyn clenched his fists. “You are second in command, Caleb. You can only declare war if your ruler is missing. You have no idea where he is or…maybe you do, and you’re in this together.”

  Shit, this might be the gem that breaks the dragon's back. Marcus stood. My lord, please, step away from Caleb.

  Caleb’s eyes glistened with anger. “You now accuse me of murdering your queen? The dragons withdraw their alignment with you, Aidyn. From this point forward, we are enemies.” Caleb vanished.

  Aidyn murmured under his breath. “So be it.”

  Marcus released the grip on his dagger and let out a breath. This entire scene burned him. Caleb had once been a trusted friend and a fierce warrior, one who would not be easily taken. He understood defending his leader, hell, he’d do the same for Aidyn no matter what the king was accused of.


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