Eternal Flame

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Eternal Flame Page 8

by Valerie Twombly

  He strolled down the sidewalk. He was supposed to meet Aidyn and the others at the Coffee Grind, so he needed to hurry. Sensing no one around, he flashed from the neighborhood.

  He slipped in the back door and headed straight for the basement. Sam kept a special room down there where they could meet in private. Aidyn, Garin, Seth, and Sam were already huddled around the oak conference table. Several large monitors covered the wall with a couple of keyboards sitting on a long desk in front of them. At the helm sat Sam’s son Nathan. Marcus walked over and touched the boy on the back.

  “How’s it going?”

  Nathan threw him a big smile. “Everything is great, Mr. Dagotto, sir.”

  Marcus couldn’t help but let out a little chuckle. “Remind me to introduce you to Daniel sometime. Perhaps you can rub some of your manners off on him.”

  “I’d like that, sir.”

  “So tell me, what is all this?” he asked as he waved his hand in front of the large screens.

  Nathan’s face lit with excitement as he started to chatter endlessly. It seemed he was quite the geek when it came to technology. He’d been helping out by writing a program that would infect any computer that tried to hack into their system. Marcus was impressed that the boy showed so much talent at such a young age.

  “This is excellent work, Nathan. Something tells me that we’re going to be sending you to college at a very young age.”

  “Thank you, sir.”

  Lucan entered the room, and now they could get down to business. One by one, the five monitors lit up with faces of guardians stationed in other areas of the world. He took a seat as Aidyn began to speak.

  “I have some disturbing news. It seems Odage is plotting the demise of the human race.”

  Rumblings echoed throughout the conference room. “My lord,” Lucan spoke up. “How is he planning this? I mean how could he possibly?”

  Aidyn leaned against the table. “We have to assume he has help, but from where, I have no idea. We do know he’s been seen making a minion.”

  More rumblings and cursing followed, a voice called out from one of the monitors. “My lord, if I may be so bold. How did we acquire this information?”

  Marcus faced the warrior on the screen. “I was given this information from Zarek.”

  The room grew so quiet you could hear a mouse pissing on cotton. He knew their thoughts mirrored his. Some serious shit was coming down if a god handed out this kind of information.

  “Fuck,” Garin said.

  “There’s more.” Aidyn looked at Marcus who nodded in approval. “I believe the gods are trying to help us in a rather unorthodox way.” Aidyn paused. “They have given Marcus a mate, and she’s human.”


  Everyone turned to look at Seth who was usually so quiet. He cocked a brow. “Will she become one of us?”

  “I’ve acquired the knowledge. I’m just not sure I’m ready for a mate.”

  “Are you fucking nuts? I’ll take her if you decide you don’t want her,” a voice from the screen said.

  He clenched his fists, sorry the guardian wasn’t in the room. He would have enjoyed tearing his head off. He closed his eyes and exhaled. Who are you fucking kidding? There was no doubt he’d claim her; her essence was already ingrained in his soul, part of the air he breathed. He only hoped he didn’t fail her.

  Aidyn looked back at the wall of monitors. “Report anything unusual. In the meantime, I expect Odage’s head on my desk. You all know what needs to be done.” He turned away. “Lucan, I have a special assignment for you. Wait for me upstairs while I speak with Marcus.”

  “As you wish, my lord.”

  Once Lucan and the others were gone, Aidyn cast his gaze on Marcus. “Well?”

  “Against my better judgment, I am taking her on a date tonight.”

  Aidyn snorted. “You fret like an old woman. Many among us would gladly switch places with you.”

  His eyes narrowed. “So I’ve heard.”

  * * * *

  Cassie stood before the full-length mirror and twisted from side to side. She had emptied her closet and found nada then shopped with Jill. Finally, they settled on a simple black halter dress, liking how the material clung to her shape. She slipped on a pair of strappy, high-heeled, black sandals and gold hoop earrings. I’m as ready as I will ever be.

  A low rumble caught her attention, and she ran to the window. Her bottom jaw dropped. In the driveway sat a Shelby GT 500. Candy-apple red with silver metal flake that shimmered in the sun. She sucked in a breath when Marcus exited the car.

  As she opened the door, an ocean breeze wafted past. God, she loved his scent. He had tied back his dark-brown waves so they fell to the collar of the pale blue shirt he wore. The color made the gray in his eyes snap. Her gaze followed the buttons down the shirt to the black dress pants that hung nicely off his hips. Her pulse rate spiked.

  “These are for you.” He handed her a bouquet of roses. They were the purest white she had ever seen, with dark red edges, reminding her of crushed velvet.

  “I’ve never seen anything like them. They are beautiful, thank you.”

  Marcus grasped her hand, placing a kiss on her knuckles. “Not as beautiful as you.”

  Her cheeks grew hot. “Thank you.” She couldn’t remember the last time she felt so special. In many ways, he reminded her of an old world gentleman, yet a dark, dangerous air surrounded him. Like he hid something. “Let me put these in some water then we can go.”

  “Take your time, love.” He followed her to the kitchen.

  “So, nice car you have. What year?” Men loved their cars, and it seemed like a topic of discussion at the moment.

  “You like? Sixty-seven, she is one of many cars I own.”

  “It’s beautiful. How many cars do you own?”

  He laughed. “I am into cars like women are into shoes, addicted.”

  She laughed. His sense of humor put her at ease. She looked forward to getting to know him better. Hoped he didn’t turn out to be a loser.

  She carried the vase full of roses from the kitchen and placed them on the coffee table. Their aroma filled the air. “Where did you find these?”

  “I’m afraid that’s a secret.”

  “I understand, some kind of new hybrid, no doubt.”

  He flashed his white teeth. “Something like that.”

  “Okay, I’m ready if you are.”

  * * * *

  The drive to the restaurant proved quiet and uneventful. Marcus had chosen a seafood place on the edge of town, and with traffic being light, it had only taken twenty minutes to get there.

  He slipped the car into a spot close to the entrance then switched off the engine. He moved to the passenger’s side, opening the door so Cassie could exit.

  “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.” He placed his hand at the small of her back and escorted her to the door.

  She filled out her dress. The black fabric clung to her breasts, and the crisp air caused her nipples to pebble. His tongue darted from his mouth, aching to taste her. Her auburn hair was piled up on her head with a few wisps falling down her graceful neckline. Her oh-so-naked neck begged to be licked. His fangs ached and threatened to make an appearance. If he managed to get through this night without fucking up, it would truly be one of Zarek’s miracles.

  When they entered through the door, they were greeted by a friendly smile. “Mr. Dagotto, we have your usual table ready. Right this way.”

  They followed the host to the back of the restaurant. He noted every head turned to watch Cassie walk past. He glared and let his power spike at one in particular who stared at her well-rounded ass. The man had a look of surprise on his face after Marcus slapped him with a mild energy pulse.

  He sighed. Another rule broken, well, sort of. Never do intentional harm to a human unless they intend harm to others. Gray area. Besides, the man’s wife is sitting right there. His behavior harmed her. Not that his excuse would h
old up before Aidyn or Zarek, like he gave a rat's ass.

  When they reached the table, Marcus slid out a chair for Cassie then took the seat across from her.

  “What a view. The sunset is spectacular.”

  He smiled when he detected a twinkle in her green eyes. He’d hoped she would like this spot. It was his favorite, an intimate table in the corner with a view of the water. The sky was swathed in pastels as if the gods themselves had splashed paint across its canvas. He couldn’t remember ever seeing a more beautiful sight, other than the woman who sat across from him. He sent up a mental thank you and apology to Zarek.

  “Champagne?” He pulled a bottle from the bucket sitting on his left.

  “Oh, yes, please.”

  He poured two glasses, handed her one and raised his own. “A toast. May the guardians watch over those you love.” Their glasses clinked.

  “That was beautiful. I take it you believe in guardian angels?” she asked.

  He unfolded his napkin and placed it in his lap. “I have it on good authority that they do exist.” He looked around the room then leaned forward. “Who knows, there could be one here now.” He gave her a wink.

  She laughed. “I like the way you think, it’s refreshing.”

  He decided the sound of her laughter, the way her eyes shone and her cheeks turned a rosy pink was exactly what his heart needed. What he’d been missing for so many years. A layer of ice melted in his soul to be replaced by her fire.

  * * * *

  “That was one of the best dinners I’ve had in…well, forever,” Cassie laughed.

  “I’m glad you enjoyed it. Now for some dancing.”

  She couldn’t remember the last time she’d had so much fun, and the evening was still young. They’d decided after a dinner of lobster to head over to Roxie’s for a few drinks.

  She looked over at Marcus as he maneuvered through traffic, wondering when the other shoe would drop. She’d never met anyone so handsome, or considerate, or who made her laugh as much as he did. It almost seemed too perfect. Had her guardian finally thought she deserved happiness? Her mind raced back to John. It had been five years since her wedding day, the day her heart had been left in tatters. Five years since a man had touched her or entered her body. She shivered.

  “Are you cold?”

  “No.” Anything but cold, she was burning alive and blamed the man in the driver’s seat.

  He managed to find a parking space close by so they didn’t have far to walk. When she stepped out of the car, he offered his arm. She swallowed a groan, his bicep like concrete, hard and unforgiving. He flashed her a wicked smile as they strolled down the street toward Roxie’s.

  Entering the club, they made their way to the bar and found a couple of empty stools. Memories flooded her mind as she remembered the night they'd first met. Never once did she anticipate coming back here with him.

  “What would you like to drink?”

  “Beer would be great, thanks,” Cassie said.

  Marcus waived the bartender over and ordered two beers.

  “So I had to talk about myself at dinner, now it’s your turn. Do you have any family?”

  “Like you, my parents are dead. There are only my younger sister Gwen and myself,” Marcus replied.

  “I’m sorry to hear that. It’s hard losing your parents. Are you and your sister close?”

  “Yes, we are.”

  The band started the next song, one of her favorites. Al Green’s ‘Let’s Stay Together’. She looked up to see Marcus standing next to her, holding out his hand.

  “Would you care to dance?”

  “I’d love to.”

  Slipping her hand into his as they walked to the dance floor, his right hand slid to her waist and pulled her in close. She gasped when their bodies made contact and swore electricity ran between them. There was something about this man who eased her worries, made her feel like nothing could harm her. She looked into his eyes, something dark lurked in their depths. What was it? I’m probably going to find out he has a wife.

  No wife, my love, only you.

  “Did you say something?” She looked up into his eyes.


  “Must have been the music.”

  Chapter Nine

  Odage moved from the bed where he left the female asleep. He had business to discuss with Sidara. He quietly slipped on jeans and a shirt then left the room.

  On his way out, he beckoned one of his minions. “Make sure the female is gone before I get back. I don’t care what you do with her.” She was not worthy enough to carry his spawn, so he would not be taking her back to Romania. No doubt his minions would have fun with her before they killed her.

  He debated on whether to walk or flash directly to the mansion where Sidara resided. Since he certainly wasn’t in the mood to deal with the drunken crowds of Bourbon Street, he flashed.

  The grounds moaned with black magic. No one dared come close to the old mansion. The town’s people believed the house haunted. He walked to the front door, not bothering to knock before slipping inside. The old house was still lit by candles and kerosene lanterns, lending to its mysterious effect. Heavy tapestries covered the walls, and thick Persian carpets adorned the floors.


  The voodoo priestess stepped through a doorway at the top of the ornate staircase. “Odage, to what do I owe the pleasure of your company?” she asked, gliding down the stairs.

  When she reached the bottom, she held out her hand. Odage grasped it and placed a kiss on her knuckles. “You are lovely as ever, my dear.” Her raven tresses hung in thick curls to her waist, and her cocoa skin enhanced by the red dress she wore.

  She gave a wicked laugh. “And you are still the smooth talker, I see.” She sashayed toward the sitting room. “Come, have a drink with me,” she commanded while pouring brandy into a snifter.

  He followed in a blinding heat. “I would love a drink.”

  Sidara poured another snifter and handed him the glass. “Now, what can I do for the handsome dragon? Hmm?” She traced a red nail down the plunging neckline of her gown.

  Odage licked his lips, the thought of tasting her fruit made his head spin. Business first then pleasure. “I need a spell, one that will hide my presence from the vampires.”

  “Really? Sounds like the dragon is up to some naughty business. I have something that will help you.” She glided over to an old wooden cupboard, spoke softly under her breath then opened the door. Reaching in, she retrieved a black silk pouch. “Yes, this will do. Follow me.” She strolled back toward the kitchen.

  She proceeded to empty the bag’s contents into a pot of boiling water. Odage wrinkled his nose when a foul stench filled the air.

  “What is that?”

  Sidara threw him a wicked smile. “You don’t really want to know what’s in it before you drink it, do you?”

  “Drink that?” He was momentarily offended that she expected him to drink something that smelled so vile. He quickly remembered he needed Sidara on his side. Piss her off and who knew what she’d do to him. “It will keep me hidden?”

  Sidara poured the boiling contents through a sieve then into a mug. “Yes, for twenty-four hours, you will be hidden. You could walk into the king’s home, and he would never track you. This along with your ability to cloak should give you complete invisibility. Now drink.”

  He grabbed the offending cup and downed its contents in one gulp. The taste far worse than the aroma. He took a deep breath to keep from retching. She had been right. He held no desire to know what the drink consisted of.

  “How long before it takes effect?”

  “Maybe an hour. Is there anything else I can do for you while you’re here?”

  Odage considered for a moment. “Yes, now that you mention it. I need to find a particular amulet. Can you locate it for me if I show you the other half?”

  Sidara pushed her chin in the air. “I’m afraid you need a memory ghoul for that task. Oroumea might
be able to help you, for a price.”

  Ah yes, why had he not thought of Oroumea? “Thank you, how much do I owe you?” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a shiny diamond, at least five karats in weight. “This enough?”

  Sidara eyed the piece he held, traipsing closer. She reached out and snatched it from his grasp. “I always love doing business with you, Odage.” Then in one swift movement, her lips touched his, her body pressed against him. There would be time to seek Oroumea later, right now he might as well enjoy the woman unzipping his pants.

  * * * *

  “Marcus, I had a terrific time tonight. I can’t remember the last time I laughed so much,” she said as they exited the club.

  He put his arm around her shoulder and pulled her close. “I’m happy to hear that. I must admit I haven’t had this much fun myself in…a very long time.” He planted a kiss on the top of her head. Spiced honey caressed his senses and went straight to his groin. Christ, I wish I could tell you all about us and the bond we share. Somehow, he had to get her home and then walk away. She wasn’t ready for him yet.

  Her body grew stiff, and she turned her head to look behind them. He flared out his senses but picked up nothing unusual. “What’s wrong, love?”

  “I feel like we’re being watched.” She snuggled into his chest. “I’m sure it’s my overactive imagination.”

  He squeezed her tighter as if to reassure her safety then reached for his link to the king. Aidyn!


  I sense nothing, but Cassie feels like we are being watched.

  Then we should trust her instinct. Lucan and I are right behind you. We’ll check it out.

  Thank you.

  Marcus ushered her down the street and toward the car.

  * * * *


  Yes, my lord, I am across the street.

  Follow them. Something tells me to trust Marcus’s female.

  Aidyn slid into the darkness, his senses flared. Something wasn’t right, evil crawled across his skin, but he couldn’t place it. Lucan, do you sense it?

  I sense two minions, but nothing more.

  No, there is someone else. He brushed off the evil that touched him. He continued to follow Marcus, keeping to the shadows.


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