first assault on Jackson’s lines, 170–75
inspection of front by, 164–65
west bank attack plan of, 181–83
Patterson, Daniel Todd, 109–12, 160
asks for reinforcements, 186
British west bank attack and, 200–201
career of, 109–10
plans Navy’s role in protection of New Orleans with Jackson, 111–12
postwar career of, 224–25
on USS Louisiana, 173
Pea Island (Ile aux Poix), 131–32, 133
Peddie, John, 140
Pensacola, Florida
British landing of forces in, 61
Jackson’s defeat of Spanish/British forces at, 81–85, 87–89
Philadelphia, USS, 109
Piere, Henry B., 84, 85
pirates. See Barataria privateers
Plain of Gentilly, 133, 145
Plauché, Jean Baptiste, 127
privateers. See Barataria privateers
Randolph, John, 17
Red Eagle. See Weatherford, William
Red Stick Creeks, 25, 30, 31–35, 39–47. See also Creek War
Reid, John, 20, 38, 82, 178, 209, 211, 223
Rennie, Robert, 194, 195–96
Ross, Robert
death of, 77–78, 93, 112–13
Washington, DC, captured and burned by, 65
Sea Horse, USS, 111, 115–16
secession, 87
Seminole Indians, 7, 223
Seven Years’ War, 56
Sevier, John, 28
Shawnee, 7
Shields, Thomas, 139
Smith, Harry, 191, 212
Sophie, HMS, 61, 67, 68, 71, 74–75, 108–9
Spencer, Robert, 140
“Star Spangled Banner, The” (Key), 79–80
steamboats, 230–31
Talladega, fighting at, 33–35
Tallushatchee, fighting at, 32–33
Tatum, Howell, 101
Tennant, HMS, 91–92, 108
Tennessee Volunteers (militia), 19–24
Armstrong orders disbanding and disarming of, 20–22
assembly and training of, 19–20
attack on Pensacola and, 82
Creek War and, 31–46
in final battle of New Orleans, 184
march home to Nashville and disbanding of, 22–24, 27
Thomas, John, 125
Thornton, William, 141–43, 183
first battle of New Orleans and, 152–53, 154
postwar career of, 226
west bank attack led by, 189–90, 199–201
Treaty of Fort Jackson, 47
Treaty of Ghent, 213–14
Treaty of Paris, 9
Ursuline nuns, 55–56, 125, 186–88, 210–11, 227
Villeré, Gabriel, 142, 143–44, 227
Villeré, Jacques, 104
Villeré plantation
British camp at, 142–44
Jackson’s combined land-sea assault at, 147–56
Virginia, 8
War Hawks, 8, 18
War of 1812
Baltimore, Battle of, 77–81, 93
British coastal assaults, 28
Canadian campaign in, 15–17, 27–28
causes of, 6–7
declaration of war, 5, 8
Fort Bowyer, attack on, 73–77
Ghent peace talks and, 58–60, 85–87, 136–38, 156–57
New Orleans and (See New Orleans, Battle of; New Orleans, Louisiana)
opposition to, 6, 8
as Second War of Independence, 17–18
significance of U.S. victory in, 218–20
Washington, capture and burning of, 64–67, 93
Washington, DC, 64–67
Bladensburg captured by British, 64–65
burning of, 65–67, 93
retreat from, 65
Washington, George, 232
Waterloo, Battle of, 226
Weatherford, William, 30, 34, 35, 39–40, 45–47, 226
Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, Duke of, 164, 226
Wilkinson, James, 22
York, Ontario, 27–28
You, Dominique, 179, 196–97
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Andrew Jackson and the Miracle of New Orleans Page 24