Cuffed to the Bad Boy Cop: A Stepbrother Romance

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Cuffed to the Bad Boy Cop: A Stepbrother Romance Page 2

by Lola Rivera

  I gasped in fright and tried to bolt upright but the damn cuff wrapped around my wrist made me jerk so hard my shoulder ached. The vibrator rolled down near my feet. The key to the cuffs bounced right off the bed. The fact that I was locked to a bed and couldn't free myself was scary enough, but that anxiety was eclipsed by the sight of Gage looming in the doorway of the bedroom.

  Oh, shit.

  For a long moment, we simply stared at one another. The loud groans and the slap of flesh against flesh from the porn flick echoed in the silence. My face burned with embarrassment at having been discovered like this. My mouth went dry. My pulse raced. My libido tanked.

  I was dead meat.

  Gage's angry expression morphed to something else, something altogether more mischievous—and dangerous. His gaze flicked to the TV screen and back to me. He smirked. "Well, well, well. That's quite a predicament you've gotten yourself into this time, Meg."

  I tugged on the cuff but it was futile. I wasn't getting out of this one. My voice abandoned me as Gage strode into the room with that confident swagger of his. His gaze jumped to the TV again. "This is one my favorites."

  A red flush crept along my neck and into my ears as humiliation gripped me. I couldn't believe I had been caught masturbating in my stepbrother’s bed while watching his porn. It was just too awful for words.

  He sat on the edge of the bed. I could feel his body heat and quickly pulled my legs together. Twisting my hips, I tried to get as far away from him as possible, as if increasing the distance between our bodies would lessen my humiliation.

  "Don't." One word, spoken so softly but so firmly I instantly stilled. His rough, callused hand caressed my calf. His intense gaze pinned me in place. "I think we need to talk."

  Chapter Two

  I gulped. "Yes, sir."

  His gaze narrowed. "Do you understand what that does to me, Meg? What it means to me when you call me Sir?"

  I had a pretty good idea. "I think so."

  "You understand what BDSM means? You understand how the lifestyle works?"

  I nodded. "I've been reading about it for a long time."

  He gestured over his shoulder. "And watching bondage and S&M porn?"

  My ears felt hot. I dropped my gaze. "Yes."

  "Don't be embarrassed." His hand swept up and down my lower leg in a comforting, reassuring way. "It's natural and normal to be curious. Some of us are made for this lifestyle. Some of us aren't."

  I dared to lift my gaze. "And you are?"

  He nodded. "I dabbled when I was younger like you. When I was serving in the Army, I became more confident in it. I met people who shared my interests. Now I belong to the local community." He studied me for a moment. "Is this curiosity or is this something else, Meg?"

  I swallowed hard. "Something else."

  He exhaled slowly. "I suspected. I just wasn't sure if it was my own desires clouding my judgment."

  I frowned in confusion. "Your…desires? For me?"

  He snorted in amusement. "You think you're the only one in this house with a forbidden crush?"

  My brain went all fuzzy. "Um…what?"

  “Darling, you can’t be that blind.” Gage shook his head. "You’ve had me twisted up in you since the night of your high school graduation.”

  My eyes widened at his frank admission. “Oh.”

  "I hadn't seen you in—what? Almost two years? You came skipping down those stairs at your mama’s house in that pink dress with your high heels in one hand and your graduation gown in the other and I couldn’t breathe. You weren't the skinny, annoying little brat I remembered. You were…different." He caressed my thigh now. "I felt confused. I wanted you—but you were just a kid.” His mouth slanted with wry amusement. “And you’re my sister.”

  I made a face. “Stepsister. We aren’t related. At all.”

  “Thank God for that,” he murmured, his hand gliding up my leg. “Do you remember that night? At the barbecue? I had to know so I invaded your personal space, and you dropped your gaze and started to breathe faster—and I knew." He gave my inner thigh a little pinch, and I gasped at the sharp bite of pain…and pleasure. “I knew you were just like me.”

  I swallowed nervously. “Why didn’t you say anything?”

  “You were eighteen years old, Megan. You needed to go out and experience the world.” He eyed me curiously. “Why didn’t you say anything?”

  “I thought you didn’t like me. You always went out of your way to avoid me.”

  “Because I wanted you so much it hurt,” he explained.

  We sat in silence as the recognition of our mutual attraction hung in the air between us.

  Feeling pathetic but unable to let my jealousy go, I asked, “Did you sleep with Lisa tonight?”

  He unleashed a snorting laugh. “No, sugar, I didn’t sleep with Lisa. I didn’t kiss her either. I took her out for dinner. I took her home. That’s it.” He drew a shape on my thigh. I thought it might have been his initials. “I wanted to come home and sit with you on the couch. That’s all I could think about tonight. That I’d be happier sitting right next to you doing absolutely nothing. I just wanted to be close to you.”

  I smiled timidly at that admission.

  “But then I came home and I could hear you yelling my name and I thought the worst.” He scowled. “I thought for sure someone had broken in here to kill you.”

  “Sorry,” I apologized. “I didn’t mean to worry you like that.” Dropping my gaze, I admitted, “I didn’t realize I was that loud.”

  Gage inhaled a long, loud breath. "I suppose there's nothing to do now but get on with it."

  My gaze jumped to his face. "Get on with it?"

  “Yes.” He bent down to retrieve the handcuff key. He reached over me, his woodsy scent enveloping me, and unlocked the empty cuff hooked to the headboard slat. My heart dropped as I realized he was letting me go.

  But when he snatched my bare wrist and lifted it overhead, my eyes widened in shock. "What are you doing?"

  "What do you think I'm doing?" He looped the cuff chain through the slats and fastened the metal cuff around my other wrist. Arms overhead, I truly was restrained now. I shivered as his big hand swept along the gentle slope of my bare belly. "You're the one who trespassed. Now I'm going to make you pay."

  "P-pay?" I could barely squeak out the word. I had a really bad feeling about this.

  "Yep." He rose from the bed and started to undress. My panic fled as I lusted after every inch of flesh he revealed. The man was all lean muscle. I raked my hungry gaze up and down his six-foot-one frame. I was surprised by the tattoos on his chest and upper arms. He always wore a shirt around the house so I had never caught a glimpse of them until now. I noticed the scars, some pink and others pearly white, marring his skin. War hadn't been kind to him. Neither had his S.W.A.T. career.

  When I got my first peek at his dick, I nearly fainted. It was huge and thick, the crown ruddy and darker than the rest of him. At ease with nakedness and sexuality, he stroked his cock, sliding his fisted hand from the tip to the base and back again as he leered at me with that predatory gaze. Realizing I was his prey, I experienced a pulse of uncertainty. Gage was obviously a man with more experience than me. My confidence faltered. What if I disappointed him?

  Gathering my courage, I licked my lips as Gage climbed onto the bed. I had to tell him. "Um, Gage, there's something you should know."

  He brushed his hand over my bare thigh and gave it a slight squeeze. "You're on birth control?"

  "What?" I was momentarily thrown by the question. "Yes. They put me on it when I was fifteen."

  He frowned as his big hand rubbed my belly. "They?"

  "My doctor and my mom," I clarified. "To help with my cysts."

  His eyes darkened with concern. “Are you in pain now?"

  I shook my head. "I haven't had any issues with them since I started the pills. Really, I'm fine."

  His expression relaxed. "Good. I don't want you to be in pain."

  "But you just said you were going to punish me," I pointed out.

  He laughed darkly. "Punishing you can mean a lot of things, Meg. It might mean a spanking or nipple clamps with weights or maybe even a cane across that tight little ass of yours." He cupped my breast and brushed his thumb over the nipple. I trembled under his touch. "Or, maybe, it means I'm going to make you come until you're sobbing and begging me to stop."

  I held my breath at the low warning tone. My nervous gaze met his and I could see that's what I had to endure. "Oh, God."

  He chuckled and lowered his lips to my breast. His tongue circled my nipple, lightly at first and then with a little more pressure. He sucked the dusky brown nub between his lips. I gasped at the sharp sensation of having my breast suckled. A rumbling chuckle escaped his throat. "I see we like that."

  "Yes." I had gone breathless. His mouth encircled my other nipple. He sucked hard and my shoulders arched up off the bed. "Oh, please."

  "Please, what?" His pale green eyes flashed with something that I innately recognized.

  I swallowed hard. "Please, Sir."

  He smiled and petted my side. "Good girl, Meg."

  Then, in a shocking move, he pinched my nipple. I gasped and tried to twist free. "Ow!"

  "Hush." His order came softly with just the slightest tinge of harshness. I quieted instantly. "How many times have you come into my room, Meg?"

  I tried to look away but his other hand grasped my chin and forced my gaze to meet his. "Seven or eight," I admitted.

  “And how many times have you gone through my personal things in the closet?”

  “Seven or eight,” I admitted quietly. “But finding your dirty movies was an accident! I swear.”


  “But I found your stash and I got really hot and…well…you know."

  He released my nipple and soothed the hurt with his tongue. "Some nights, I'd crawl into bed and all I could smell was you. Your shampoo. Your perfume. I thought I was going crazy."

  "No, Sir." I shook my head. "It was me."

  "You are such a dirty girl." His lips ghosted across my navel. "Who would have thought such a brilliant wannabe scientist could be such a little cock tease?" He laughed as I gasped at being called a tease. "They're right, you know. It's always the smart, quiet ones you have to watch.

  I couldn't help myself. I smiled at his remark. It was true, I guess. I was smarter than your average person. I didn't get a full ride to one of the best science programs in the country by being pretty. I had worked my ass off.

  And I was a naughty girl. I had done some awfully dirty things in this bed of Gage's. Tonight, I was going to do even more dirty things but this time with him.

  His hand tapped my knee. "Open your thighs for me, Meg."

  I hesitated. "Um, Sir, that thing I was going to tell you earlier. You probably want to know what is right now before this goes any further."

  He held my gaze. "All right."

  "I've never…well…you know."

  His gaze narrowed. "Never what, Meg? Been restrained and fucked?"

  "Well…no. Not exactly.”

  He sat back in surprise. "Are you trying to tell me you're a virgin?"

  I gulped and nodded. "In the most technical sense? Yes."

  His eyebrows quirked and his lips twitched. "What the hell does that mean?"

  "My mind is far from virginal. Obviously." I shook my cuffed wrists. "It's my body that's never been touched."

  Looking as if he were trying to process this new and unexpected piece of information, he seemed suddenly indecisive. With a soft caress of my bare skin, he finally said, “If you want to leave, tell me now, Meg. We don't have to do this. Not tonight."

  I gulped. My belly wobbled with panic and excitement. "I want it to be you."

  He grinned and climbed over me, his hard chest touching mine. He claimed my mouth in the gentlest kiss and left me dizzy with lust when he broke away finally. His serious gaze bore into mine. "Pick a color."


  "A color. Pick one."

  "Oh. Um. Blue?"

  "That's your safe word, kitten. You say blue and we'll stop."

  "Forever?" I had to know. I was willing to brave anything to be with him.

  He smiled. "Just to reassess the situation."

  "Oh. Okay."

  Chuckling, he kissed his way down my body. I trembled as his soft lips danced across my skin. He paid special attention to my breasts. He traced my nipples with his tongue, the velvety tip gliding over my puckered skin. He sucked long and slow until my toes curled into the mattress and my hips rose off the bed. My nipples ached and throbbed when he was done with them.

  He dragged his lips side to side across my belly as his mouth moved even lower. I swallowed hard as his strong hands gripped my inner thighs and shoved them wide apart. He slid down onto his stomach and placed his mouth just inches from my pussy. He gazed up at me, his eyes all liquid and smoke, and grinned. "You're going to enjoy this."

  I whimpered. He had a gleam in his eye that scared me. He would probably be gentle at first but I had a feeling I was really in for it tonight.

  "Look at this sweet, pink pussy." He used his thumbs to hold me open for his study. "So wet and hot." A fingertip swirled in the nectar leaking from my core. "Can't wait to get my cock into this tight, virgin cunt." His fingertip moved to my clit and circled it slowly. "But first…"

  I gasped as his tongue touched my clit. It was unlike anything I had ever imagined or experienced. I don't know what I had really been expecting. Maybe something wetter or softer, I guess. Instead, his tongue was firm and broad as it lapped at the pink pearl there. It felt incredible, and I never wanted him to stop.

  He groaned with encouragement and gripped my inner thighs a bit tighter. His tongue fluttered over my clit. A shuddery sensation invaded my lower belly. I had been so close to coming earlier while watching the porn flick so it wasn’t taking me very long to get hot again. That wicked tongue of Gage's flicked even faster. My thighs tensed. My toes curled. The heat in my lower belly flared.

  I came hard. Pure bliss exploded in my core. My body shook as I writhed atop the mattress. "Gage! Gage! Ah!"

  He groaned loudly and shifted on the bed. His hands forced my thighs even wider. I cried out as he attacked my clit with his tongue. He seemed intent on forcing me into a second, even more powerful orgasm.

  And he succeeded.

  I shrieked as I came. Wave after wave of pleasure crashed over me and took my breath away. I saw stars as I fought to breathe, fought to think. My whole body was consumed by the wild sensations Gage evoked with his mouth.

  "Breathe, Meg."

  His short, gruff order broke through the haze of pleasure. I dragged a shuddery breath into my lungs and trembled with aftershocks. He kissed my inner thighs and massaged my lower belly as I came down from the heights of ecstasy. I moaned when he started to explore me with his fingers. He traced my dewy folds and dipped a finger just inside me.

  "I've dreamed about this," he admitted, his voice low and soft. "You've been tormenting me, Meg. I haven't been with a woman since before you came into my house." He sighed against my pussy, his hot breath buffeting my skin "I kept going on these dates, kept hoping one of those women would tempt me, but it was always you. I didn't want what I could have. I wanted what I shouldn't want. I wanted you."

  His confession startled me. All along, I had thought he was just being a bastard because he wasn't getting lucky. It hadn't occurred to me that he was simply choosing to be celibate because of me or that he was struggling with the same forbidden attraction. He was overbearing and overprotective because he wanted me. Me.

  His tongue returned to my clit. The swollen bud was so sensitive. Every lick translated to sharp, brief pangs in my core. He seemed to understand and let his tongue glide between my labia. It dipped even lower and penetrated my virgin channel. I gasped at the wickedness of it. His tongue thrust in and out of me. His nose bumped my clit and stimulated the li
ttle pink pearl.

  I didn't think it was possible to get aroused so quickly again but apparently Gage knew things about my body that I didn't. He tongue-fucked me in a leisurely way, sliding it in and out so slowly it was almost a torture. He moved his head side to side so the tip of his nose rubbed my clit. It was too much and not enough, all at once.

  "Have you ever had anything in your pussy, Meg?" His question caught me off guard. The tip of his finger circled my clit, keeping me aroused and on edge. "Your fingers? A dildo? A vibrator?"

  "My fingers," I admitted, my cheeks pink with embarrassment. Talking about something so private and taboo left me flushed.

  "But nothing else?"

  I shook my head. "The toys in the online catalog scared me. I decided I'd wait for the real thing."

  "Well, you’re going to get the real thing tonight, sugar."

  I smiled at his use of a pet name and sucked in a quick breath of surprise as his thick finger penetrated me. It felt so unlike my own thinner, shorter fingers. He thrust it inside me at a gentle, easy pace and then added a second finger. I winced at the slight burn and stretch. He took his time with me and waited until I had relaxed to move. The slick heat seeping from my core reduced the friction between us. Soon, it started to feel really, really good.

  Lifting my head, I watched him between my open thighs. The sight of this incredible man feasting on me was too much. When he looked right back at me, I noticed that mischievous gleam in his eyes. He was really going to make me pay for trespassing.

  "Oh!" He pulled my clit between his lips and fluttered his tongue over the bud. I almost died right there. Those fingers inside my pussy started to thrust hard and fast. I was so wet that I could hear them sliding in and out of me. It was simultaneous obscene and incredibly erotic.

  Behind Gage, the porn flick still played. The woman was getting plowed now, her ass stretched around the officer's massive tool. In my mind, I was the one bent over the table and it was Gage's fat dick buried in my ass. That image was all it took to send me over the edge again.

  I came hard against Gage's mouth. He sucked on my clit a few times and then curled his fingers inside my channel until he bumped a spot that made me shriek. He thrust his fingers inside me even faster now, his fingertips rubbing that spot until I exploded in orgasm again. He tongued my clit with quick flicks until another orgasm, this one sharp and almost painful gripped me. He drew out my climax with his tongue and fingers until I panted and sagged against the bed.


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