Mafia Lullaby: A Dark Captive Romance

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Mafia Lullaby: A Dark Captive Romance Page 8

by Alta Hensley

  “Daddy…” She sighed. “I don’t think the doctor wants you to do this.”

  He stilled. “Are you questioning me, Ariana?” he challenged

  Another groan. “No, Daddy.”

  “Good. Now spread your legs a little so I can get to your clit. Your pussy is already so wet it’s dripping onto my bed. You’re making a mess.” He tried to chide her, but his own arousal was getting in the way. He needed to fuck her soon. He couldn’t wait much longer before taking her completely, but doing that would start the final stages of her training. Which would put her closer to being adopted.

  No. He’d wait.

  After wiggling the vibrator beneath her and getting it directly below her clit, he flipped the power on. A soft hum played from between her legs.

  “That’s good. Just a few more minutes like this, Ariana.” He began to fuck her asshole harder with the thermometer. “Do you want to wiggle? Does your little clit want to rub against the toy?” he asked.

  “Mmhhmm,” she answered while nodding.

  “Go ahead. I need to record your reactions, so you just do what feels good.” He grinned at the back of her head. It was a deception, and one he would never allow from her.

  Slowly, as moments ticked by, she began to thrust her hips toward the vibrator. Her cheeks tightened as she ground her pelvic bone into the bed, seeking out more of the vibrations. He slipped a clean finger into her pussy, curling it and thrusting in time with the thermometer in her ass.

  She let out a loud moan and began to wiggle harder.

  “That’s a good girl,” he crooned, continuing to administer all the sensations he could thrust at her.

  Harder and faster, he plowed his finger into her pussy.

  “Oh…oh…Daddy! Daddy! DADDY!” she screamed as her orgasm tore through her body, and she bucked against the vibrations.

  “Such a good girl!” He laughed with joy, as he slowed his ministrations.

  He removed his finger from her pussy and pulled the vibrator out from beneath her, flicking it off and tossing it onto the towel.

  “Let’s check your temperature then.” He slid the thermometer from her ass and dropped it onto the towel. “Perfect.” he announced, glancing up at her. “Ariana?” He brushed her hair from her face.


  His little girl had come so hard, she’d exhausted herself.

  He cleared away the toys, washed his hands, then settled her in the bed properly. While she slept, he slipped into the shower to take care of the immediate issue of his hard fucking cock. He could simply go to the upper floors of the House and make use of the House girls kept to play in the playroom on a regular basis.

  But they weren’t Ariana.

  And if he couldn’t have her, his hand would have to do.

  One of Ariana’s favorite pastimes before being stolen from her life and planted in the House was a long soak in a hot bath. But it seemed the House would take away that pleasure as well.

  Nanny Maria had woken Ariana up from her nap in Costello’s bed. Surprised to find herself fully dressed again and tucked beneath the heavy covers of his bed, Ariana blinked herself awake to find the sweet smile of Maria looming over her.

  Within minutes, she’d been brought to the community bathroom where she found several large oval bathtubs. Each of the four was big enough for three girls.

  As they all sat naked in the oversized tub, full to the brim with bubbles, Ariana did everything she could to not look annoyed. Watching these fully-grown women sit naked, surrounded by toys as their breasts bobbed above the water, almost made her want to laugh at the absurdity of the situation.

  Maria had moved on to washing Ariana’s hair. Ariana liked Maria as she didn’t talk down to her. Six-year-olds were not stupid. They were young and liked to play, but they weren’t stupid. So, Maria would tell them all about the planets and the stars, pointing constellations out through the window at night after their bedtime story.

  “Maria?” Ariana asked as the shampoo was worked into her scalp.

  “Yeah, hon?”

  Ariana sighed, unsure if she should proceed, but the curiosity ate at her. “What happens when we get adopted?”

  Courtney stopped splashing around with Shelby and both turned their attention for the answer.

  “We’ve talked about this.” Maria picked up the cup of clear water and tilted Ariana’s chin back. “Your forever daddy will adopt you and take you to his home. Then you’ll be his little girl forever,” she said cheerfully as she poured the water through Ariana’s soapy hair.

  “But…I mean…will we still have a nanny to take care of us? Will we still get story time and snack time and have a dayroom filled with toys?” Ariana squeezed her eyes shut as some of the water trickled down her face.

  “Well.” Maria put the cup down and squeezed Ariana’s hair between her hands. “It depends on your daddy. Some Daddies give you all those things, and others want to take care of you themselves.”

  “Like your daddy, Ariana. He likes to give you all his attention,” Courtney said with some jealousy.

  Did Costello give her more attention than the other girls received from their daddies?

  “No, he doesn’t,” Ariana snapped. “He didn’t see me for two whole days!” The young attitude was coming easier and easier as the days went on. She closed her eyes and took a steady breath. She would not give in to this place.

  “But today he took you for private playtime. And then he kept you until bath time. Daddies don’t do that,” Shelby pointed out in a soft voice. “I don’t think the Daddies who adopt us will be like that. I think they’ll be more like the Daddies in the playroom.” She lowered her gaze to the bubbles floating in front of her.

  “I wouldn’t worry too much about it, girls,” Maria said, wiping her hands on a hand towel she had draped over the tub. “Whatever happens, I’m sure you’ll be fine.”

  Maria didn’t make eye contact when she gave her little token of hope. Her lips thinned out into a straight line, too. Ariana had a feeling that what was going to happen to them was worse than what they’d already been made to endure. Because in the House, the Daddies trained them to do whatever the Daddies wanted, but they weren’t cruel. It was their job to shape the girls for sale, but whoever bought them had no reason not to treat them however he wanted—good or bad.

  And from the bruises on Shelby’s arms and neck, Ariana had a good feeling she knew what was really in store for them.

  “All right, little girls. Ariana, Mae, and Shelby it’s time for your enema. Everyone else, out of the tubs and get ready for bed. Your daddies will be along to collect you shortly,” Nancy announced with a harsh clap of her hands.

  An enema?

  The other girls whined, but Ariana could only stare up at Nancy with dread filling her. She’d never endured something like that, not even in the privacy of her own home. There was no way she could handle such humiliation at the hands of Nancy.

  “Okay. Let’s go,” Nancy said, clapping her hands faster. “Line up like good girls. I would hate to have to report bad behavior to your daddies.”

  With that threat, all of the girls grudgingly got out of the baths, wrapped themselves up in their terry cloth towels. The other girls filed out of the community bathroom and into the dressing area with Maria while Mae, Shelby and Ariana dragged their feet getting in line. Ariana did her best to not mutter profanities under her breath. Nancy was always looking for reasons to send a girl to the corner or get a girl in trouble with her daddy. Ariana would do her damndest not to give her the satisfaction. There was very little she could control in this House, but whether or not Nancy got her into trouble was one of them. And she would not give that beast of a woman any more power than she already had.

  “Assume the position, Ariana.” Nancy filled the enema bag and changed the medium-sized nozzle as she issued the command.

  Ariana crossed her arms and pouted, not sure she could bring herself to do so.

  “Come now. We don’t have
all day.”

  “I don’t know what you mean,” Ariana argued, clutching the towel tightly around her damp body.

  “Ariana…I will not ask again without a consequence to follow,” Nancy simply responded.

  Ariana looked around at the other women. They were on their hands and knees on the bench before them.

  “Climb up here?” Ariana pointed to the empty spot beside Shelby on the bench. Mae and Shelby’s naked asses were already being prepared for the nozzles by the two night nannies who took over for Maria and Nancy.

  “Obviously, Ariana. Now get up there.”

  Ariana’s gaze came in contact with the large bag of liquid that would be emptied into her bowels and froze. She couldn’t do this. She wouldn’t.

  When Ariana refused to budge, Nancy added, “Your daddy will give you a severe whipping if you don’t obey this minute. Would you like me to have him do so with his belt? Assume the position or a belt it shall be.” Nancy’s tone darkened into a nasty tidal wave of authority.

  Ariana was wise enough to know that unless she assumed the position and succumbed to the enema, a good belt lashing would be next. Costello made it perfectly clear he would not tolerate an inch of disobedience from her. And if he had to be called in by one of the nannies to deal with her, he made sure she took an even harder lashing. She was already on shaky ground with him. She feared he had serious suspicions about her, and after giving the wrong answers that afternoon, she shouldn’t risk getting him upset.

  With a heavy sigh, she dropped her towel to the ground. With a scowl on her face, she climbed up onto the long wooden bench on her elbows and knees and tilted her bottom higher in the air. Without hesitation, Nancy shoved the nozzle into her asshole with not nearly enough lube. Ariana squealed as the penetration spread her puckered hole. She was still sensitive from Costello’s ministrations only a few short hours earlier.

  Surely, he wouldn’t have asked them to do this to her after what they’d done in his room during snack time. This had to be a mistake.

  Tears filled her eyes. He wouldn’t do this to her.

  “That’s a good girl. Now stay still.” Nancy patted her ass.

  The warm water ran into her body, filling her beyond a comfortable limit. She groaned slightly as the bag emptied inside her and cramping began. Nancy reached around and massaged her lower abdomen while the fluid settled into her depths. She was getting too much enjoyment out of this. Ariana made note of the sadistic grin on Nancy’s lips. The woman was practically drooling with joy.

  “Stay just like this for fifteen minutes. It would have only been ten, but you decided to give me a hard time.” Nancy swatted Ariana’s ass and moved on to check Shelby.

  Ariana simply nodded and focused on holding the fluid inside. The pressure built beyond what she thought she could endure, but she kept her eyes closed tightly and fought through the cramps. Beside her, she could hear whimpering, moaning and whining. Shelby and Mae were having a hard time, too. The Lullaby apparently didn’t make this easier on them either.

  Fisting her hands until her fingernails dug into her palms, Ariana let a tear slip down her cheek.

  How could she ever survive this place long enough to find a way out?

  Costello downed three fingers of brandy and pinched the bridge of his nose. Ariana had to be hiding the truth from him. She’d reacted too easily to his ministrations earlier. She clearly remembered her past, and the Lullaby should have wiped that all away. A foggy memory at best.

  He would need to address it, and soon. But the moment he did, there would be no turning back.

  If he did this, what the temptation pulling at him suggested, he could lose his place in the Romero family. And men didn’t just walk away from Frank Romero.

  A forceful knock on his door interrupted his pour of a second glass.

  “Come in,” he called, dropping the top back onto the crystal decanter. He’d sought out the refuge of his suite to get away from all the noise of the House, but it seemed he couldn’t get far enough away. How he missed having his own apartment in the city, away from all this bullshit. The next year could not pass fast enough. He wanted out of this damn House and back to street work. It was harder, and deadlier work. But at least it wasn’t as fucked up as the House.

  He’d rather kill a man. Torture him even. Anything over what he was forced to do to these women. He was just about as maxed out as one could get.

  Yes, he was raised to be cold.



  But even the Devil himself had his limits.

  Nancy entered the room, a scowl frozen on her already sour face.

  “What is it?” he demanded when she continued to glare at him from the doorway.

  “Ariana has misbehaved,” she announced.

  Fucking hell. Couldn’t the woman get through a simple bath without causing trouble?

  “What did she do?” he asked, putting his glass down and folding his arms over his chest. If he was going to have to deal with her, he couldn’t do so with a clouded head.

  “She would not comply with getting onto the enema table until I promised her you would be notified. She can’t be allowed to disobey when given such an easy order.” Nancy folded her hands in front of her. The woman could easily be mistaken for the evil witch of the west if only her skin had a greener complexion.

  “I didn’t request her to have an enema,” he pointed out. The cleansing of the girl’s ass was at his discretion. If, and when, he wanted to use her back hole, he would request it. But he hadn’t.

  “She’s been here a full week,” she retorted.

  Costello’s back muscles pulled into a knot. “I’m aware of how long she’s been here. But I still hadn’t required her to have an enema. Who decided for me?” He lowered his chin, his expression communicating his displeasure.

  Nancy’s shoulders dropped a fraction. Cousin to Frank or not, she was not to overstep her authority. The Daddies were given full control over their girls.

  “I did.”

  “And now she’s gotten herself into trouble, and you expect me to go in there and discipline her for disobeying you? Even though you were just as wrong to disobey the House rules?” He continued to keep his glare focused on her.

  A light pink tint touched her cheeks.

  “I did tell her,” she said quietly but lowered her gaze from his.

  “Yes. I see that.” He snorted. He would have to follow through. Letting Ariana think she didn’t have to obey the nannies or anyone else in the House would only serve to get her into more trouble later.

  Unless he did the unthinkable and kept her for himself.

  “Where is she?”

  “She’s still in the community bathroom. She has five more minutes left, I believe,” she said briskly. “You have to punish her, Costello. She can’t go unchecked.”

  Costello marched up to Nancy, towering over her by half a head. He let the silence build for a long stretch.

  “I’m aware of my duties,” he said in a harsh tone. “I think it’s you who’ve forgotten the rules around here. I don’t want you near her tomorrow. Do you understand?”

  Her gaze snapped up to his.

  “I’m on duty—”

  “Maria can handle anything Ariana needs,” he stated flatly, then brushed past her.

  Ariana had a few more minutes left before she would be allowed to rush to the bathroom to relieve herself. Normally, he would administer the punishment while she held the fluid, but this wasn’t a normal situation.

  She never should have been put in the position to begin with. He should have been able to explain to her what was to happen. Instead, she’d been thrown into the deep end without a life preserver.

  All of which he shouldn’t give a damn about. She’d disobeyed. It should be simple. But nothing since he’d laid eyes on the girl was simple anymore.

  When he arrived in the community washroom, Meggy, one of the night nannies was standing beside Ariana with the nozzle in hand. S
helby and Mae were already making their way back out from the toilets, their towels wrapped tightly around their bodies.

  “You girls go on into the dressing rooms. Your daddies will be down shortly.” The nanny sent them on their way. They scurried together past him to the adjoining room.

  “I’ll take care of this. You can go help the other girls. Ariana will be with me the rest of the evening.” He jerked his head toward the door, and Meggy nodded.

  “Of course.” She hurried from the room as though her ass were about to be lit on fire, too. The night nannies, not having dealt with the Daddies as often, were skittish around most of them.

  “Please.” Ariana turned her bright red face in his direction. Tears streaked her cheeks. He could pound Nancy into the ground with one blow with all the anger coursing through his body at seeing his girl so humiliated and beaten down.

  “You disobeyed your nanny,” he said, gripping the nozzle.

  “I’m sorry. I just didn’t understand what she wanted. I was confused. Surprised,” she explained.

  “Still.” He began to ease the nozzle from her ass, being careful to watch for her muscles to clench before removing it fully. If she had an accident right there, she would be shattered. “Hold as best you can, Ariana. Let’s get you to the toilet.” He touched her arm, helping her from the bench.

  “I can go on my own.” She pulled gently from his grasp. “Please.” Tear-filled eyes met his gaze.

  He was a complete fucking asshole. How many girls had he put through this? He’d always consoled himself with the fact they didn’t know better. But seeing the embarrassment in her expression, he knew for certain.

  She knew exactly what was going on. Lullaby was not working on her mind.

  “Okay, go on. I’ll be right here.” He nodded, and she took off to the bathroom, her hands pressing against her asscheeks, as if that would help.

  He picked up her discarded towel on the floor and dropped it on the bench. The door to the bathroom opened and Frank Romero walked in, Nancy right behind him.

  Fucking hell.



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