The Enforcer

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The Enforcer Page 6

by C. D. Gorri

  “I’m coming,” he said and chanted a few special words.

  Words only a sorcerer would know. He held the pendant up to the matching head on the locked gate and waited. After a beat, the eyes of the pendant glowed bright green and silver together.

  Garren turned the pendant to face him and looked into the eyes of the Wolf. He was being sucked through what felt like a vacuum but was actually a portal. A heartbeat later, he was inside the sanctuary.

  Within seconds, Garren found her. Isabeau floated back to the ground, out of breath and damp with perspiration. He ran towards her.

  “Beau, are you alright? What happened? Are you alright?”

  “Praise the goddess, Garren you’re here! Almost as soon as you left, they came trying to knock down the doors! I had to drive them out. Those bastards! But there were so many! Oh fates! They know about Knox and they’re after him, Garren. We can’t let them get him,” she emphasized the last sentence by pounding her fist, sending sparks flying in the air.

  Chapter 29

  Red flames shot towards the gate and screams in a language not human were aimed at the entryway which again bulked up in size to defend itself as the huge creatures tested its boundaries.

  “He’s moved on to Ogres. Damn Hayden and his mercenaries! I recognize that voice. It’s Grygor! He’s Hayden’s right hand ogre. I knew that son of a bitch was up to something!” Garren growled.

  “The gate won’t let him in. I’ve seen to that, but what about Knox? He must be terrified. We’ve got to get to him, Garren.”

  Isabeau was panicking with worry over the boy, and Garren was feeling something strangely similar. He took her small, strong hand in his, and the two of them ran towards the clinic. By the time they got there, Garren noticed the she-wolf Artemis howling outside the clinic door.

  “Oh no! He’s gone, Garren. Artemis said Knox ran away. They might have him even now,” Isabeau collapsed on the floor. Tears rolled down her face and she wiped them with the back of her hands. Garren crouched next to her and offered her what comfort he could.

  “They don’t have him Beau or they wouldn’t still be trying to get in,” he breathed into her hair as he pulled her close.

  “Knox!! Knox!” She stood up and screamed into the night.

  Larger flames flared over the walls of her enchanted gate and Garren could see her magick was draining. They were using potions to counter her magick. Hayden again, damn him to hell.

  “You must focus, Beau. We can drive them off together.”

  He nodded and she did too. He recognized the fire as it returned into her emerald eyes. His soul rejoiced at the sight. His fierce lady fair was not about to fall apart. Not with him there to hold her together.

  “I am sorry I left-”

  “It’s alright. You’re back now and that is all that matters. Come on,” she reached for his hand and squeezed it in her, “Let’s find our boy and beat these bastards!”

  “Yes,” he returned and kissed her palm.

  Together they would make their stand.

  Chapter 30

  “I know what to do, Garren,” Isabeau bit her lip and nodded, “just open yourself up to me and give me some of your strength.”

  It was a huge ask. One she knew most magickal folk would not take lightly. Being a finite thing, magick was coveted in the known universe. Stores were granted, won, or inherited, but they were never ever taken for granted.

  “Anything you need, love.”

  He faced her palms up and she grasped his hands and looked skywards. Her heart soared with the knowledge he would give her what he had. All he had. As would she. Love swelled inside of her. She was ready to acknowledge that love, but not yet. First, she must find her charge.

  As she chanted, she watched Garren close his eyes. Then Isabeau felt an incredible surge of power pour out of him and into her. It swirled and rose up higher and higher, melding with hers until a bright silver flame nearly burst from her fingertips lighting up the night sky. Isabeau aimed it towards the heavens and lightning rained down on their enemies.

  Ogres and shadow creatures ran for miles as the lightning burned their eyes and flesh. Several feet above the ground, Isabeau and Garren gave one last great wave of power, then they descended back to the cool green grass.

  She breathed deep as she recovered the strength she needed to move. Garren did the same, kneeling beside her protectively. And yes, they were safe, for now. All except for her young charge. Determined she stood up on shaky legs and looked at Garren. They would find him. She knew they would.

  Chapter 31

  “Beau we covered every inch of the clinic. He’s not in here, love. Maybe we should try the grounds and then the woods?” Garren offered her his arm and helped her out of the clinic’s storage closet that she had crawled into to see if the young Were was hiding inside.

  “Garren, I know he’s here somewhere. I can feel him.”

  “We’ve been searching all through the night. You’re exhausted.”

  “It’s been a whole day. I’m so worried.”

  “I know, love. I know,” his arms encircled her and Beau allowed herself to lean on him for just a bit. They were both covered in dirt and grime after the battle and the searching. Sweat, blood, and tears were nothing compared to the young boy she’d promised to keep safe.

  “Thank you for coming back, Garren. It means the world to me. I just can’t show you now, not until I find him. I hope you can understand,” her voice cracked, but her mate just held her tighter.

  “Shh, love, it’s okay. I’m sorry it took me so long to realize where I belonged,” he held her tenderly and kissed her on her mouth. He curbed the desire that instantly flared to life as this was not the time. But his heart reveled in the fact that there would be a time, later, when all was set to right. That was enough to keep him going forever.

  “I’m glad you did though,” she interrupted his thoughts, “I’m so glad you are home.”

  “I love you, Beau. You are my home,” he said.

  She buried her head in his shoulder and he dropped his face to her soft red curls. He breathed in her cinnamon scent and grunted. She was so strong, so good. And he would be loyal and devoted to her for all time. Garren had finally found a worthy cause and it was Beau, his lady fair, the other half of his soul.

  Suddenly, a flash of fur bounded into the clinic room and Garren swung around to protect Isabeau.

  “It’s alright, it’s Artemis,” she sniffed and wiped her eyes crouching beside the wolf.

  Chapter 32

  Beau, I found him, but he won’t come out. He doesn’t understand me yet. Artemis’s voice entered Isabeau’s head with the news she had been longing to hear. Knox was still inside the sanctuary. And he was safe. Thank the goddess!

  “Where? Show me Artemis!” Isabeau took off in the direction of the wolf with Garren in step right beside her.

  There, the she wolf pointed her long front paw at the mouth of a small cave under the pond.

  “Wait, he’s close to changing. He’s not going to be doing well. Beau, we need to get him inside the cell before night comes,” Garren said and approached the opening with his hand raised.

  Isabeau knew what he was doing. He was trying to calm the young Were so that they could get near him, but she was impatient to have her boy back. She refused to stay behind.

  “Knox? Knox, honey, it’s us. It’s Beau and Garren. I know you must be scared, sweetie, but we’re here now. You’ll be safe with me, with us,” she added the last bit on with a confident glance at Garren. He was her soulmate after all.

  “Beau? I don’t feel well.” The young Were’s voice was raspy and low.

  He slowly came out of the damp cave. There was fur in more places around his face and arms and he was hunched over, holding his stomach. Before he could reach her, the boy collapsed. Beau bit back a yell, but luckily, Garren caught him before he hit the stony ground.

  “Hurry, let’s get him to the house.”

  “The house? W
hy not the clinic?” Garren questioned her but took off in the direction of the main house.

  “I moved everything there last night while you slept. Oh, I didn’t leave the house, I was able to summon everything from the living room.” She said in response to his questioning look.

  “Well, I’m glad you didn’t leave the house, but Beau, have you considered the strength it would take to move all of that yourself? You hardly slept any either, you must be exhausted,” he looked really worried now.

  “I’m fine, really I am,” Beau hid a smile.

  “You are full of incredible power, Sorceress Rose, your heart and determination among your greatest, but you still need rest.”

  He looked so fierce, and yes sexy too, when he was worried. But Beau brushed those thoughts aside. Knox was her first priority just then.

  “Well, let’s hope it’s enough to get Knox through the night,” she said and opened the wards around the main house to let them inside.

  It took you long enough. Artemis stood inside the door then proceeded to lead the way to the new clinic wing of the house.

  “How did she get in without you?” asked Garren as he followed the she wolf through a long dimly lit corridor.

  “Oh, Artemis has her own magick. Over here, lay him down. Knox?”

  The boy was unresponsive. His coloring was off and she knew it wouldn’t be long now.

  “How do you know so much about this?”

  “Knox’s parents of course. They taught me what I needed to know about Weres. Of course, we didn’t have much time, they knew the prophecy all too well.”

  “You’re a wonder, Sorceress Rose,” he said and the look he gave her nearly stole her breath. Knox coughed and both of them turned to the boy.

  “This isn’t good. Help me hook him up to a few monitors.”

  Once the two of them had the sensors firmly in place, Beau drew some blood and ran it through the centrifuge.

  “It seems his genes are mutating to accommodate for the transformation at a much more rapid pace than on any other Were I have seen or heard of.”

  “Will he survive?” Garren asked anxiously.

  She looked back into his silver eyes, but she had no answer for him. Isabeau bent over to check Knox’s pupils. She began feeling around his head and neck. She waived her hand and the monitors he was hooked up to started giving readings immediately.

  “Garren, will you go over the holding cell for me. It’s right through those doors. It’s almost complete, but I think we should add a bit more protection.”

  “Why?” He asked even as he started walking over to the enormous silver structure.

  “Well, it will need to hold us both, you see I’ll be going in there with him,” Isabeau was bent over her work as she spoke so she didn’t see the momentary look of horror cross Garren’s face.

  “No, Beau, I won’t let you do it,” he spun her to face him. The acidic scent of his fear seemed to smack her right in the face.

  “It’s not up to you.”

  “Beau, I care about you.”

  “And I care about you, but he’s my charge and I’ll do everything to help him. I’m not asking you for permission, Garren.”

  “That’s fine because you damn well can’t have it! It’s too dangerous.”

  “He’s just a boy! I won’t be in any danger!”

  “Just a boy! You know better than I do the strength and damage a newborn Were can do! He won’t be able to stop himself Beau! Did you think what that would do to him? If he hurt you, he’d be destroyed!” Garren’s fury masked something deeper, but Beau was too enraged to see past it.

  “But he’s not just any Were and you know it. He’ll be different!” She turned around and continued her examination of Knox.

  “Then why the cell?! If you truly believe he is the one from the prophecy, then he will be in control of himself, won’t he?”

  “It’s just a precaution, damn it. A precaution for him, not for me or the rest of the world. I thought you knew that. I won’t let Hayden or anyone else get to him.”

  “Neither will I, Beau, but I won’t let anyone have you either. His parents would have controlled him, they would have taught him to control himself, and you can’t do that Beau. You won’t know how.”

  “I will do my best,” she said a little insulted that he doubted her.

  “Your best might not be enough,” he ran a hand over his head, tangling his fingers in the dark hair she loved so much.


  “No. You can’t do this. Not now. Not when I just found you.” He grabbed her by the forearms so she would look at him.

  “Listen to me, Isabeau Rose, I love you. Do you hear me? I love you.”

  The second declaration was spoken softly, almost like a whisper. Isabeau looked into the clear silver eyes of the man, the sorcerer, she had grown to love with iridescent tears streaking her face. Blood roared in her ears and her heart pounded like a runaway train inside her chest.

  “I love you too.”

  Chapter 33

  Garren approached her slowly. Knox was fine for the moment. The boy’s breathing was steady and even and he lay quietly on the examination table.

  He needed this time with Beau before she made a decision that could break them. Running his rough fingers along her jaw, wiping away her tears with his thumb, he tilted her head and kissed her lightly, teasingly on her soft lips.

  His heart felt so full, so wholly encompassed by her that he was near to bursting. All his anger and fear dissipated at her avowal of love. She reached up in response to his soft kisses and claimed what was hers. Isabeau pulled him down hard by his raven black hair and kissed him with a soul searing intensity that he’d never felt.

  He was complete in her arms. His soul was now whole with her. Only her. Forever her. He power surged forward, and his rushed to meet it. Twirling and dancing, wrapping around the two of them. Isabeau and Garren were truly soulmates. She his lady fair, and he her knight of old. He would always put her first. Always.

  “Ahhh!” Knox’s scream tore them apart. Isabeau let go of her hold on Garren and ran to hold the young Were as he doubled over in pain.

  “You must get him inside the cell now, Beau,” Garren said pushing his fear aside. As he finished his sentence, a thunderous crash sounded overhead. He felt her wards weakening as whatever was out there continued to rain magick on them.

  “They’re back and this time it sounds like they might break through,” Isabeau looked up and saw cracks coming through the very walls of her home.

  Whoever Hayden had sent this time was much stronger than shadow creatures and ogres. A lot of magick was being used. Garren gritted his teeth. He was going to kill anyone who dared touch what was his. And right then he’d claimed Beau and Knox as his.

  “No one should be able to get this far Garren, it’s dark this magick.”

  “It’s Hayden. He’s here. Let’s hurry,” Garren lifted the boy and approached the cell.

  Chapter 34

  “You need to leave, Garren. You’re an Enforcer. You’ll be punished for taking sides against the Council,” Isabeau stopped in her tracks and faced him.

  She’d never felt so conflicted. Her loyalties were to her charge, but she loved Garren with all her heart, He was her soulmate. Her other half. She didn’t want him to leave but she couldn’t let him suffer for her either.

  “This is no ruling of the Council. This is a madman’s work. Besides there are ways to get around the Code to which I am bound by magick. If, you are mine Beau, I mean truly mine as I know I am yours, say the words and we’ll be bound together with ties no one can break, for always,” he stood perfectly still awaiting her decision.

  Isabeau’s breath seemed stuck in her throat. Then without a doubt marring her mind, she took the hand he held out to her, grasping it firmly. This was it. She knew in her heart that Garren was hers. Now was the time to announce it before all the powers that be.

  One soul, two beings. She was more than willing to
take this step with him. To unite them forever. Yes, she was willing to risk it all for him and for their love.

  “Ab initio ad infinitum, from the beginning to the end,” he said it first, and she repeated the oath.

  Silver and green orbs circled their wrists. She had no need to ask if he was sure. Awareness and soul deep certainty flowed from him into her. Isabeau’s heart skipped a beat, but she held firm and waited until the small ceremony that would forever change both their lives was complete.

  “I love you, Sorceress Rose,” Garren said and lifted her hand to his lips, “My lady fair for always.”

  A broad smile cut across his handsome face and she felt her body tremble in response. He was incredible. And he was hers now. Truly hers.

  A huge explosion, larger than the last one, brought her back to reality. They needed to get Knox to safety. He was the key to the future of all on the planet. Magickal beings and humans alike.

  “Place him inside now, Beau, but you can’t go too. Not yet. I’ll need your help to hold the wards strong around us. Your magick won’t let me in on my own. I swear I’ll fight at your side, where I belong, until the end, my love.”

  Isabeau shuddered, she was torn in pieces. She needed to protect Knox, but there were her animals to think of as well, and of course, there was Garren. She could not have found the other half of her soul to simply allow him to perish before her eyes. She was not that helpless.

  This was not how it was supposed to end. She narrowed her eyes, ready to transport them all someplace safe and praying to the goddess that her wards would protect the animals she held so dear.

  No Beau, you cannot leave them. Trust the Enforcer and put the boy inside the cell, but not alone. Put me in with me, Artemis growled.

  The sound low beneath the war being waged against them. Beau stared at the she wolf in awe. How could she not have seen it before? Artemis was magickal in her own right. A she-wolf whose lineage went back almost as far as Beau’s. Surely, she could keep the young Were from harming himself inside the cell.


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